
Showing posts from August, 2014

Properties in java - can we have comma-separated keys with single value? -

I have to do multiple keys (> 1) for the same value in a property file in my Java application. An easy way to define each key in each file in the property file and the value of all these keys increases the maintenance of the asset file from this perspective. On the other hand (which I think can happen in a smart way) defines a key separated by commas with values ​​in a row eg key1, key2, key3 = value does not support outside of this box. Has anyone done similar work before? I did google but found nothing. - Manish I'm not aware of the existing solution, but it is applicable To be simple enough: string key = "key1, key2, key3", val = "value"; Maps & lt; String, string & gt; Map = new hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; (); (For string: key.split (",")) map.put (k, val); Println (map); - Active Index is not being persisted in jQuery accordion change event -

I have an aspx page and on that page I have the hidden input field and id of paneIndex. , When I load the page, the alert 1 indicates a pointer which is correct on the first load, but for example if I open 3, then Alert 1 still shows whether I am doing something wrong? In a Custom.js file, I have the following code: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("Accordion ('active' 1 , Narrow: true, autohite: wrong, change: function (event, UI) {var activeIndex = $ ("# accordion") .adrian ('option', 'active'); $ ("# pence index"). (ActiveIndex); // Alert (activeindex);}});}); In my server side button click, I have the following code: string active index = request. Farm ["pandex"]; string script = string C. Format (@ "& lt; script type =" "text / javascript" "> index = {0}; "; active index;); if (! ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered ("JSScript")) ClientScript.Regis...

c++ - How do you read a segfault kernel log message -

This can be a very simple question, I'm trying to debug an application that has the following default error MyApp [8048000 + 24000] at kern.log kernel: myapp [15514]: 794ef0 at segfault ip 080513b sp 794ef0 error 6 Here are my questions: Is there a document that what are the difference error numbers on segfault, in this example this error is 6, but I've seen the error 4 , 5 Information > > Until I was able to compile symbols, and when I do a x 0x8048000 + 24000 , then it gives a symbol, is it the right way to do it? My assumptions are so far as follows: sp = stack pointer? ip = command prompt at = ???? myapp [8048000 + 24000] = Icons address? When the report points to a program, there is no shared library Get better, debug-instrument build, and reproduce the problem as a debugger such as GDB. If it is a shared library In the [NNNNNNN + YYYY] section, it is NNNNNN where the library Was loaded. Subtract it from the instr...

c++ - Best way to parse HTML in Qt? -

How do I completely parse the "html" properties on a page with "H" HAL tags, Qt I do not know in terms of performance that I will use builtin QtWebKit, but I think that in the It should catch all "bad" HTMLs something like this: class MyPageLoader: public QObject {Q_OBJECT public: MyPageLoader (); Zero load page (constrained & amp;;); Public slot: Answer to zero (boole); Private: QWebView * m_view; }; MyPageLoader :: MyPageLoader () {m_view = New QWebView (); Connect (m_view, signal (loadfinished (boole)), this, slot (northfin (boole))); } Zero MyPageLoader :: loadPage (const qurl and url) {m_view-> Load (URL); } Zero MyPageLoader :: replyFinished (bool ok) {QWebElementCollection elements = m_view-> Page () - & gt; Mainframe () - & gt; FindAllElements ("a"); Foreign Currency (QWebElement E, Element) {// Process Element}} to use the class MyPageLoader loader; Loader.loadPage ("") ...

matlab - modem.oqpskmod for BER -

Hello anyone can see that the modem How to use Oqpskmod BER Thanks! h = modem.oqpskmod y = command (h, value); G = modem.oqpskdemod (h) z = demodulate (g, y) Assume that I have an array that is only called a value in 1S and 0S. My question is how do I calculate BAR? That is, if my code above is correct. Based on this, you just need to calculate the number of incorrect bits and bit error rates (BER) value is an unequal input signal and there is an output signal after the z modulation and demodulation, then you can calculate it like this: BER = Sum (logical (value (-) (z) ()) / number (value); Edit: I modify the above code after running in two codes: If z There are values ​​other than 0 and 1. If there is a different size than z value (i.e. line vector vs column vector). I do not know if you are likely to come in both of these situations anytime, but better than sorry is safer. ;)

Android - Enabling and Disabling Bluetooth - SDK 3 (OS 1.5) - programatically? -

I wrote the code to activate and disable programs such as WiFi, Ringer mode, Airplane mode. All the things you will see in the Power Toggle widget. On Bluetooth I did not know what I did. It appears that there is no Bluetooth manager class in the SDK level 3 (OS 1.5), if any of the best source examples are pinpoint that Bluetooth is enabled and disabled, running 2.0 (Droid) / 2.1 (Nexus) Will also be compatible with users? I found some partial examples in my Google searches. I could not really run away. Thank you! There are very good examples of this and you need to start Bluetooth and get sockets Teaches the basic essence of You should probably read the whole story, but only Bluetooth to see a quick starter on the "Startings" section "

php - Change widget's CSS class names for different category pages in WordPress -

I want to change the class names of sidebar widgets on each separate category page of WordPress and I find out the best way to do this Functions in functions.php with all the conditions must be created and returned the required class names. I again called the function in the list tags of register_sidebar function. if {function_exists ('register_sidebar')) {register_sidebar (array ('before_widget' => class = "sidebar module" & gt; ', after_widget' = & Lt; / li & gt; & lt ;! - End module - & gt; ',' before_title '= & gt; & lt; h2 class = "moduleTitle"' .set_widget_title_color (). '& Gt; ',' after_title '= & gt;' ',)); } Function set_widget_title_color (if (is_category ('technology')) {$ color = "catNavColor1_active"}} Otherwise (is_category ('Gadgets')) {$ color = "catNavColor2_active";} Otherwise (is_category ('social...

iphone - How can I get a custom sound to play with an Apple Push Notification? -

I am trying to get a custom sound to play when my apple push notification is distributed. Displays popup messages, and badges are also updated, but I always get the default iPhone Sound playback instead of my custom sound. Here I am sending JSON data: {"aps": {"sound": "sound caf", "badge": 2, "alert ":" Successfully registered device "}} My sound caf file is at the top level of my Xcode project, and it definitely appears in the resulting .app (as the Finder Has been confirmed by 'View Package Contents' in). The sound file moves fine on my Mac initially I tried. CAF, .m4r and. Wow files, but no one will play. I have also tried to use one of the CF files from a sample project (which I am quite convinced that I should work, but believe that I have not tried myself), but that too not working. Define Accepted Encoding and File Formats (.wav, .aiff or .caf). I have tried very little sound files as well as ...

PostgreSQL: How to execute an insert trigger without delaying insert response? -

Does anybody know how to set up an insert trigger, when someone to insert one from my application, the data Joins and gives postgres returns before the end of the trigger? The question is: Why do you need it? The trigger should be faster if you need to do some complex, then write the trigger that sends information to some daemon which is a complex part - for example using the LISTEN / NOTIFY feature of PostGreSQL

c++ - Draw World Map [WGS84] with OpenGL in a wide Range -

I want to create a map, which contains 256x256 pixel tiles ( lot of them) Cover an large area. Changes to changing latitude (from the world) x. Y (map) produces very large values. Accuracy with these big values ​​and so on, if I go too far from 0/0 point, I have the impurity of several pixels between the texture of two tiles located next to each other (like 2E8 | 0 and 2E8 -1 | 0). How can I fix these dirty unwanted grid appeals? Float is used to attract the current failed implementation priorities (this should not be a difference, since all tiles are stuck in both coordinate directions for multiples of 256). Note: I have tried to use glTranslate to all D for offset but the accuracy of the double is also not enough, or it is not the cause of glitches. Actually, I recently implemented the implementation of the launch of the entire planet from land to land. Exact is run in the same problem In fact, what you have to do is create a new position structure that splits th...

XPath element which contains an attribute and whose parent's parent contains another attribute -

This is my first post and since I have seen very good answers, I thought I would try it. / P> I'm trying to use XPath to get the specific element in an HTML document. This is an example based on Google web pages: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; XPath Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Name of the form = 'F' & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input name = 'q' type = "text" /> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Using the above example (which is simplified for the purposes of asking for help), I would like to be able to find the input element whose name is 'q' and its ancestor named 5. Along with who is th...

SQL Server Group By which counts occurrences of a score -

This can be a bit difficult to explain, but there are two columns in my SQL Server database that I have simplified ... Item ID itemName Vote count score Vote itemID However, I would like to create a SQL query that finds 2 items with the lowest score. It will be as easy as you think you want to do this ... Select items based on order items from ASC; However, the customer has added the following complexity. When 2 or more items have the same number, then the maximum number of votes will be given above if 2 or more items have the same digits and the same number is 10/10 votes, Then this item will rank above another 9 to 10 votes and so on, below the number of 0/10 votes, if everything else is the same. In this way, the challenge is that if all these criteria are to be ranked by these criteria then take 2 below. I have tried to make groups, collect and combine all the "sub-queries". Explanation Average score for any item is deposited in the it...

productivity - What effects has working in rotating shifts on programming teams? -

I work in a bank, and the boss now wants that we, the programming team, work on rotating changes . She wants that we sometimes work from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and sometimes work from 11.30 hrs to 7.30 hrs. He says that we will do more useful things in this way, because he has worked with teams, Em> he just knows that anybody in the team wants to make this change, But we do not know how to reject this new rule effectively. I was trying to find out some empirical (or nearly) proofs of how the ongoing changes influenced the performance of the programming teams and I could not. I had read something about revising the changes, but not at all about programming teams about it. Do you know any research about walking around the programming teams? Do you have any experience in this kind of work? Edit: Other teams of the company, such as the Database Administrator Team, Help Desk Team, Communication Team or Network Administrator Team are already working on shifting, Do not like it but ...

c# - Communicating with Microsoft Dynamics GP Database and Project DataBase -

I am coding in c # I have a Microsoft Dynamics GP hosted on a server and my database is second Hosted on server. I would like that GP database takes value from some table and synchronizes it with my database Which is the best option? Data Transmission Service (DTS)? You can write directly to SQL status or you can use DTS if you make any business rules There is no need to change. If you, however, are going through any kind of verification or making changes to the database to be applied to certain business rules, then you should use the eConnect or Web service module. Hope it helps.

javascript - IE smoothing a map pan when dragging -

I have tried to reduce the display of the map application using javascript. onmouseem But in IE it seems that I initially implemented a dragging pane onmousedown Onmousemove Actually sluggish and it appears that when you move the cursor faster, the map is not updated until you move on. I changed my code to use native IE events ondragstart ondrag ondragend The performance was better while using these events, but it seems that I can not set the mouse cursor using standard CSS properties. I can only determine the cursor for some predefined people I do not want. So my question is how can I either simplify the drag in IE using the first set of events or how can I set a custom cursor using native events. Edit: Code sample The code is very simple even when I remove the argument to load the new tiles ( I.e. only being transferred to the container) it is still crappy below the pan function: // "This" indicates all the tile layers related to the o...

Deleting branches in git causes gitk to go wild -

I decided to remove some branches from my own (personal project) repository, which would be master After confirming on #git, the remaining branches are not really necessary. However, as a result of gitk, the history of my repository has been completely screwed. There is no merger at all points, and I only had 5 additional branches. Is this normal? Is there a fix for this? Have you tried to reload your display? Sometimes gitk gets a bit confusing, but it should be left and restarted, or reload ( file > reload , or Ctrl - F5 ) can help to recreate history in a more favorable fashion. Edit : Now when I see the repository, then I can see what's going on. It seems that you have done some development on the master, while working in some branches too. When you were doing this, you have sometimes merged the gurus in the branches of those branches; gitk commits to the list displayed, hence it requires a linear sequence of commits is. Wheneve...

java - Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer, ActiveMQ and message redelivery -

If I use to get JMS messages, I do not get JMMS message again, even if I Accept for session to In the case of the Runtime Exposure within onMessage () of my JavaBan, the message is not accepted. JM Provider (), this queue Remains in the form of pending but it is never again, which I feel that does not call spring anytime to session.recover () , according to which it is necessary to redistribute It is necessary to be. Any button can give me an indication how I can configure DefaultMessageListenerContainer to call session.recover () in the case of runtime exceptions Am I Best regards, You indicate that Accept the session you are using 2 which is the session. CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE The following statement is taken directly from: "CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE": Automatic message acceptance after successful listeners execution; Therefore the problem is not with Spring DML and it is a sessions session throwing exception. There is the ability to call the recorder...

Build graph-oriented visual editor on jquery -

We need to create a JavaScript-based visual editor (on jQuery) that should edit some graph-presentation models. Institutions should be presented as nodes and the properties are nodes (or / and their properties) should be linked to other nodes. Nodes should be dragable. Are there any tutorials and jQuery plugins that can reduce the development? Thank you. UPD: Probably can be implemented with dragable nodes The main problem of JQueryUI is to help implement the link. UPD2: It looks as if someone fixes a problem but does it in a very inventive way and has nothing related to jQuery. Funny thing ... we have just implemented a jQuery plugin Whose purpose is to reduce the implementation of graph editors. However, it has not been officially published yet. (We use SVG on the way - we had to do it, it was a semester project). You can try it (any IE support (SVG, as mentioned), and the type of beta). You can drag the nodes from the shape box to the canvas. To drag connectors,...

iphone - Get the full list of feed url patterns? -

I have seen some similar questions on stack overflow and searched Google, but a satisfactory answer could not be found. I am making an application that is shown in the data table. Now when I select a line, it is now necessary that if it comes to a page where I expect to see the feed, I am trying to find the URL through, but I'm not sure that this will give me the best results and I will lose some more cases, so I need help in two ways: what A better way of doing it? Or is these matters full (meaning, do I need to check more cases)? - (BOOL) checkForTheFeed: (NSString *) address {if ([address hasfix: @ "/ feed /"]) Yes return; If ([knowPrint: @ "feed: //"]) Return yes; If ([address limitoffstring: @ "= RSS"]. Location! = NSNotFound) Yes; If ([address limitoffstring: @ ".arse"]. Location! = NSNotFound) Yes come back; If ([know: suffix: @ "/ rss /"]) return yes; If ([address limitoffstring: @ "/ feeds."]. Locat...

sql - Zend Framework zend_db_select ORDER -

$ select- & gt; जहां ('मैच (टेक्स्ट, फोन, फोन 2, ईमेल, ईमेल 2, www, गाडी , Augums, स्काइप) के खिलाफ (?) ', $ Search_string); $ Select- & gt; ऑर्डर ('मैच (टेक्स्ट, फोन, फोन 2, ईमेल, ई-मेल 2, www, गडी, एगम्स, स्काइप) के खिलाफ (?) डीईएससी', $ खोज); त्रुटि हो रही है: संदेश: SQLSTATE [HY093]: अमान्य पैरामीटर संख्या: कोई पैरामीटर बाध्य नहीं थे समस्या के साथ लाइन में लगता है $ Select-> आदेश। यह परिणामों में प्रासंगिकता के लिए है यह कैसे ज़ेंड फ्रेमवर्क में दिखना चाहिए? और खोज में कुछ समस्या है कुछ शब्द खोजते हैं और कुछ नहीं। यह ऐसा क्यों काम कर रहा है? : Z धन्यवाद मुझे लगता है कि आपको अपना चयन बयान बदलने की आवश्यकता है मैच के खिलाफ मैच के क्रम से और फील्ड सूची में स्थानांतरित किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए SELECT * mytable WHERE मैच से ( पाठ, फोन, फ़ोन 2) के खिलाफ ('कुछ') आदेश के अनुसार मैच (टेक्स्ट, फोन, फ़ोन 2) ('कुछ'); आपके पास SELECT mytable होगा। *, मैच (पाठ, फोन, फ़ोन 2) के खिलाफ ('कुछ') प्रासंगिकता के रूप म...

java - How to properly declare in a JSF page that an object is present in the sesion object with a given type? -

I have a legacy JSF 1.0 application (do not use JSP, not turning) which I have to write from the mileage to Eclipse 3.5 EE, and I get many errors from code like the following: & lt; F: visual locale = "# {foo.connection.langLocale}" & gt; The problem is that "foo" is explicitly inserted from the Java code into the session object, and is not injected with JSF or similar, the Eclipse JavaEE believes Is that "foo" is undefined and its mark is an appropriate way of telling EEPLIPS JAV EE as an error that "FU" is perfectly fine, is placed in session object, and how Fu? either declare it in faces-config.xml , or display Disable JSP / JSF Verification in this one . You can do this through window > preferences > the web > JavaServerFaces tool > validation And JSP files > validation simply uncheck those checkmarks at the top if necessary, you can configure them less strictly.

javascript - Retrieve coords for google map -

I have this data ... 45 ° 25'02.98 "10 ° 11'30.3 9", latitude and longitude GLTLNG To pass? You can use this formula lat = 45 + (25/60) + (2.98 / 3600) LNG = 10 + (11/60) + (30.2 9/3600)

metrics - SLOC for Java projects -

I need a free tool to count SLOC on a Java project. I only need the following metric: SLOC Number of comment rows Alternatively javadoc metrics or preferably , the Maven plugin 100% Java, I do not like something like Saigwin Have you considered using (which are Sonar-Squid, which are some flaws and Java 1.5 instead of JavaNCSS Or 1.6 projects are not working well)? This is like your report: Sonar does much more than just collecting the SLOC, maybe whatever you want.

WPF TextBox.Text with MultiBinding -

मेरे पास डिफॉल्ट टेम्पलेट में एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स के साथ कस्टम कंट्रोल है I कस्टम नियंत्रण में इन 2 निर्भरता गुण हैं (अन्य के बीच में): चयनित वैल्यू, नलटेक्स्ट (पाठ्य पाठ में दिखाई देने के लिए टेक्स्ट, जब कुछ भी नहीं चुना जाता है और मूल्य प्रदान किया जाता है) मैं चाहता हूं जैसे पाठ बॉक्स को सेट करें। NullText के साथ पाठ मान जब SelectedValue नल है और NullText शून्य नहीं है। & lt; TextBox.Text & gt; & Lt; मल्टिबाइंड कनवर्टर = "{स्टेटिक रिसोर्स मायकोनवर}" & gt; & Lt; बाध्यकारी रिलेटिव सोर्स = "टेम्प्लेटेड पेरेंट" पथ = "चयनित वैल्यू" / & gt; & Lt; बाध्यकारी रिलेटिव सोर्स = "टेम्प्लेटेड पेरेंट" पथ = "नलटेक्स्ट" / & gt; & Lt; / MultiBinding & gt; & LT; /TextBox.Text> मुझे एक IMultiValueConverter मिला है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyConverter: IMultiValueConverter {} इस XAML परिभाषा के साथ मैं 'प्रकार के पास एक सार्वजनिक टाइपकॉन्टर क्लास नहीं है' अपवाद आप इसे कैसे हल करेंगे, ...

.net - How do you get the group name of a regex? -

मेरे पास एक regex था, जैसे: (? & Lt; one-1 & gt; बिल्ली) | (? & Lt; दो-2 & gt; कुत्ता) | (? & Lt; तीन-3 & gt; माउस) | (? & Lt; चार -4 & gt; मछली) जब मैंने कोशिश की इस पैटर्न को एक। नेट ऐप में उपयोग करें, यह विफल हुआ, क्योंकि समूह का नाम इसमें '-' था अतः, एक वैकल्पिक हल के रूप में, मैंने दो regexes का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की, सबसे पहला: (? & Lt; ए & gt; बिल्ली) | (? & Lt; Be & gt; dog) | (? & Lt; C & gt; माउस) | (? & Lt; डी & gt; मछली) उन मूल मामलों से मेल खाएगा जिन्हें मैं नियंत्रित कर सकता समूह नामों में देख रहा था। और फिर , मैं इस तरह से एक में उस regex से सही मिलान समूह नाम का उपयोग करने का इरादा: (? & Lt; ए & gt; एक -1) | (? & Lt; बी & gt; दो -2) | (? & Lt; C & gt; तीन-3) | (? & Lt; डी & gt; चौ -4) मैं ऐसा करूँगा जो इस पद्धति से मेल खाती है और यह निर्धारित करने के लिए कि समूह नाम बराबर थे। मुझे पता है कि यह थोड़ा जटिल है। निम्नलिखित की तर्ज पर कुछ ह...

c - How to set the modification time of a file programmatically? -

How do I set a file's revision in Windows? struct _utimebuf t; Div class = "text-post" itemprop = "text"> T.tma = 1265140799; // Like the 1999 t.tmm = 1265140799; _outime (FN, & amp; t); By using Win32 functions, it can be set up using. FILE_BASIC_INFO b; B Creattion Time Quadpart = 1265140799; B.LastAccessTime.QuadPart = 1265140799; B.LastWriteTime.QuadPart = 1265140799; B Change time .QuadPart = 1265140799; B.FileAttributes = GetFileAttributes (fn); SetFileInformationByHandle (H, FileBasicInfo, & amp; B, Size (B));

mysql - WHERE clause causing table to omit LEFT JOIN rule -

I'm essentially trying to modify the stored procedure. Modified stored procedure: Start process sp1 (d1 date, d2 date, customer int (10)) date date declared; Floating table made Fu (D date not zero, zodiac INT (10) DEFAULT 0); Set D = D1; While D & lt; = D2 into Fu (D) values ​​(D); Set d = date_add (d, interval 1 day); End time; SELECT SUM (p.Amount), foo Foo to Foo LEFT JOIN ItemTracker_dbo.Payment ON foo.d = p.Datetime WHERE p.ClientId = ClientId GROUP by foo.d; DROP floating table foo; End process Note: WHERE clause ... p.ClientId = client I was trying to understand my mind That's why it was sacrificing zero. The WHERE p.ClientId = client process on deletion returned to zero ... Why were the blank lines removed? is? I have a misunderstanding that absolutely is a LEFT JOIN . How can I go about filtering SUM (p.Amount) only the amount for the results WHERE clientId = customer Returns it if you enter all the conditions in the LEFT JOIN ...

google play - Android market URLs -

For my newly released application, I use the following URL to get it in the Android Market. When I click on this URL I am forwarded well to the market application on my application page, this work is fine. But with the PC with a standard browser, I did not get the 404 error ! Why? Any thoughts? The Android Market is not available on a standard web browser, Only on one handset Market application specifies that it wants to abduct the market link from the browser. See how it is applied to see the element in the intent filter.

C# How do I create code to set a form back to default properties, with a button click event? -

Using the Visual C # 2008 Express Edition, I'm trying to set a button on my form to set the form back to the default property, size, backcolor, etc. ... does anyone have an example of how I do this? The easiest way to do so is to create a new example of the form and close the old one . This is the main form of your app, the program requires little surgery when it is closed. Start by opening Program.c and edit it so that it looks like this: Fixed class program {[STAThread] static zero main () {Application.EnableVisualStyles (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (wrong); AppContext = New ApplicationContext (); AppContext.MainForm = New Form 1 (); Application.Run (AppContext); } Public Fixed AppContext AppContext; } ApplicationContext variable now controls the life of the app instead of Form1 example. You can recreate the form with this type of code with the form: Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Form1 frm = new Form1 (); Frm.Star...

programming languages - convert string to list in Standard ML -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास स्ट्रिंग वैल्यू है, जिसकी मान इस तरह है: "[(1,2,3), (2,3), (6,8)]" - & gt; स्ट्रिंग लेकिन मैं इन मानों को इस तरह से int प्रकार में रखना चाहता हूं: [(1,2,3), (2,3), (6,8)] - & gt; (इंट सूची) की सूची मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? क्या कोई फ़ंक्शन है जो मेरी सहायता कर सकता है? या मुझे इसे स्वयं करना है? यह समस्या पूरी तरह से संयुक्तरित करने वालों के लिए उपयुक्त है, जो आप कर सकते हैं यदि आप अंतर्निहित विचारों को समझना चाहते हैं, तो ग्राहम हटन के पेपर को पढ़ें। यदि आप मानक एमएल में आई / ओ को कार्यान्वित करने के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं, तो इन में से परामर्श करें। यदि आप चाहते हैं कि कोई आपके लिए कोड लिख सके, तो आप शायद गलत वेब साइट तक पहुंच गए हों।

objective c - Animating a font size change in a UITableView -

Simple small app for educational purposes, this is a simple utfewewish and I want to adjust the users to get the UILDER Be able to use Font size as needed Now I work to change the font, but when the view is updated, that is, when I drag the table view up or down to reveal other cells. I would like the font change to be reflected immediately, Because the user might transfer to the UILder, here is the code that I have worked in half way: - (UITableViewCell *) Table view: (UITableView *) TableView CellForUrendAppath: (NSINXPath *) IndexPath {Static NSSTING * SimpleTeleidEdifier = @ "Simple Stylide Identifier"; UITableViewCell * cell = [TableView deView Re-Eligible CellWithIdentifier: SimpleTableIdentifier]; If (cell == zero) cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectZero reuseIdentifier: SimpleTableIdentifier] autorelease]; NSUnitor Row = [index line]; Cell.text = [List Data ItemAntindex: Line]; UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "star.png"]; C...

java - What is a good name for class which creates factories? (FooFactoryFactory sounds silly imo) -

I do not remember that it is a similar pattern, but I have a class (factory method pattern) to create Other sections on the basis of Enum Parameters (Abstract Factory Pattern): Public category FooFactoryFactory {public FooFactory createFactory (FooFactoryType type) {Switch (type) {Case AFoo: New AFooFactory come back has gone); break; Case BFoo: New BFooFactory Return (); break; Default: throw a new runtime up ("..."); }}} Public Interface FooFactory {Foo createFoo (); FooItem createFooItem (); P> P> Perhaps, FooFactoryCreator? (Consider this name during writing this question). IMHO is good, how do you feel? fontcracker FooFactoryProvider But you can rename your factories, say, look at Builders javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory , which That processes the DocumentBuilder examples, which in turn see the document s DocumentBuilderFactory example, another option arises An abstract FooFactory a method (with parameter...

iphone - dispatch events to parent views -

I have a View Controller that has a button, when pressed, I have this action: - (IBAction) addTooltip {if (Self Tollipip == blue) {NSArray * nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: @ "Tooltip" owner: Self-choice: zero]; Self.tooltip = [nib object atxaxx: 0]; Self.tooltip.frame = CGRectMake (20, 190, 260, 200); } [Self.view addSubview: tooltip]; } I have other 2 buttons in this nib but I want to capture my work in my ViewController. Is this possible? Or what is the best way to do this? Tooltip is a type of tooltip, so there is a class for AI. In tooltip nibb, you can set your view controller to Nib's owner and view controller Button can wire the action. Edit: In the interface builder, you can set the category of "Owner of file" Owner's own ViewController In order to do this in the custom class, click on "File owner" in the document window (⌘0) in the IB, In Identity Inspector (⌘4), set the class to your custom class (Just...

escaping - Getting correct string length in Python for strings with ANSI color codes -

I got some Python code that will print a set of automatic data in a column format, with appropriate readability ASCII escake action sequence to paint different pieces of data I finally put each line in the form of a list, each item is columned with spacepad so that each line always has the same length in the same column. Unfortunately, when I actually print it, all the columns do not line up. I suspect it has to do with the ASCII escape sequences - because len function does not seem to recognize these: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = '\ x1b [1m0.0 \ x1b [0m' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Lane (A) 11> gt; & Gt; Print a 0.0 , and whenever every column has the same length according to the lane , then when printed on the screen, they are not exactly the same length. There was no way to save some hackery with regular expression (which I did not rather have it) to avoid the string and to figure out what printed length then the space pad I have to do it approp...

How do I use Ajax and Jquery to pull information off a PHP database, and populate elements with that information? -

I'm tweaking a website so employees are easy to edit products. Now, someone has to enter DB and prices have to be changed, and then someone has to change the physical HTML of the website. So I am writing code which pulls all the products from DB, and displays them on a page that can be edited. I think it would be best to do everything with Ajax. ("GET", URL, true); AjaxRequest.send (zero); The problem is, I know about processing Ajax requests using only one URL (using POST, GET, etc). I need help in writing code for pulling information about DB, and displaying it. The table name is the products within the column ID, stock, SHORTNAME, description, PRICE and shipping. In HTML, I have a div setup: I want to set it so that I can click on a button, AJAX pulls all information from PRODUCT, and creates .productName div I If the user clicks on .productName , then it will proceed to appear .productDesc . Question: How can I ask DB by us...

Android: Best way/library to write an app that simply gets/sets your Facebook status, sends Facebook messages, and requests friends? -

I have an Android Facebook-Connect library in my emulator and I am able to set my status with Facebook API. Setup is, however, I do not know where to go from there? Should I use the key of the session that this library allows me to receive and create some Facebook API calls? I have not even found any code examples to see what the correct syntax is. Am I better using another library? I tried Fibrate with limited luck (I received "Server error 104 - wrong signature") Thanks for any help. You must include your AP key and session key to make your call for the Facebook service Besides, I'm pretty sure that does not support sending Facebook-connected messages for mobile or requesting friends. This is the reason why when you want to do these things with the native FB app, it actually opens the mobile FB site in the browser.

python - How can I render a Django template that has UTF8 characters in it? -

I am trying to send a Django email with UTF-8 characters in the template, in particular: Unicodecode Error: 'utf8' can not decode byte codex 147 in codec 147: unexpected code byte While attempting to write a special "î" character in symbolic terms (that is the character in that place.) Here to create an email body A. My code is: template = loader.get_template ('French_thank_you.html') Mac Roman encoding using the editor. Open the template, save it as UTF-8, and it should work properly.

c# - LINQ to SQL stored procedures with multiple results in Visual Studio 2008 -

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and I have created a stored procedure that selects two different result sets is. I drag the stored proc to a linq on the sql dbml datacontext class, so that the visual studio can be made the following code in the CS file: [Function (name = "dbo.List_MultiSelect")] Public IsingleResult & lt; DataAccessLayer.DataEntities.List_MultiSelectResult & gt; Select List_Multi () {IExecuteResult Results = this.ExecuteMethodCall (this, (MethodInfo) (MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod ()))); Return ((IslingelSalt & lt; DataAccessless.DataIntees. Select Listslitti & gt;) (Results Returning)); } Should not the designer generate the code to use IMultipleResults? Or do I have to hand over that code? Using a ISingleResult using the designer you expect when using SqlMetal That will generate IMultipleResult otherwise, yes, you have to jump in it and trigger it directly. There will be an easy way to use SQLMetal, which will generate the code...

WCF Rest kit is showing my internal server names in the /help page -

I have a simple WCF race service using the latest MS balance preview kit. Everything works well, the site works as expected but when I'm going to my / help page, it is being shown - Urememplate; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; {Ping} Method & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; Response format & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; XML - Response schema & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; ; & Nbsp; Example of a response nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; Why help instead of showing my internal server name?

osx - Is fprintf thread safe on OS X? -

क्या ओएस एक्स पर fprintf धागा सुरक्षित है? यदि हां, तो यह दस्तावेज कहाँ है? यह एक अच्छा सवाल था, हालांकि समान प्रश्न यहां पूछे गए हैं कई बार। मुझे OSX पहलू में दिलचस्पी थी क्योंकि मैं उस सिस्टम पर गति बढ़ाने के लिए खुद को उठाने की कोशिश कर रहा था (शायद आपको OSX टैग जोड़ना चाहिए) मैं THINK fprintf () ओएसएक्स पर धागा सुरक्षित है। इसके लिए मेरा पहला कारण यह है कि डार्विन लोगों ने उस दिशा में जा रहे थे, जैसा कि पुरानी-विद्यालय वैश्विक 'गलत' को छोड़ने के लिए अपनी पसंद के आधार के रूप में कार्य गलत () के पक्ष में। प्रलेखन के लिए, बस '/usr/include/errno.h' का पालन करें इसके बिना, कोई भी लाइब्रेरी सामान थ्रेड सुरक्षित नहीं होगा। फिर भी, errno () फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग fprintf () के बारे में कुछ भी नहीं सिद्ध करता है यह सिर्फ एक शुरुआत है मुझे यकीन है कि कम से कम एक ऐसी परिस्थिति के बारे में हर कोई जानता है जहां ऐप्पल ने एक अच्छा विचार के साथ नहीं किया था। एक और कारण जो मुझे 'फ्रेड-सुरक्षा' में विश्वास करता है fprintf (), जो है को 'असली चीज़' माना जाना चा...

How to find class of bound method during class construction in Python 3.1? -

I want to write a decorator that enables other parties to see the class; The problem I am describing is independent of that extension, however. The code looks roughly like this: def CLASS_WHERE_METHOD_IS_DEFINED (method): ??? DF FOOBAR (PRINT): PRINT (CLASS_WHERE_METHOD_IS_DEFINED) SECTION X: @ FOBOR DEFF (self, X): return x ** 2 My problem is that very moment That decorator, forums () , to see the method, it is not yet callable; Instead, it can be found to see its unbound version, that it can be solved by using another decorator on that class, which should be taken care of what should be done for the bound method. The next thing I will try to do is to set the method of decoration with only one attribute when it goes through the decorator, and then use a metacalls to do a class decorator or post processing. If I find that work, then I do not have to solve this puzzle, which still makes the puzzle: Anyone, in the above code, CLASS_WHERE_METHOD_IS_DEFINED so that The decor...

Convert short to byte[] in Java -

How do I change a short (2 bytes) for a byte array in Java? , Such as small x = 233; Byte [] rate = new byte [2]; ... Something like this should be, but not sure. ((0xFF & lt; 8 & amp; nbsp; & amp; x) & gt; & Gt; 0; Edit: In addition to this, you can use it: java.nio.ByteOrder.nativeOrder (); The following code is taken from the to know if the original bit order is big or small: Byte (array / offset) Byte array bit bit int Byte array to float Long-byte array double byte array and vice versa. ret [0] = (byte) (x and 0xff); Rate [1] = (byte) ((x> 8) & amp; 0xff);

actionscript 3 - How to use radius style in Flex plot charting -

When I use radius property in the Flex plot chart, this is a warning that the radius has been disliked, Please use the radius style document about this warning How do I use the radius style? Thank you. A good approach will be to experiment with some different ways ... such as Adobe's live docs For example, you could try: chart.setStyle ('radius', 5); Create your project and see what happens ...

prototypejs - Prototype or JQuery change the value of a hidden field? -

I am having some problems with the prototype changing the value of a hidden field. Function: function remove_fields (link) {$ (link) .next ('input [type = hidden]'). Value = ''; Hide $ (link) .up ("OPEN_HOURS.");). } If I comment on $ (link) .next ('input [type = hidden]'). Value = '' ;; Hides the work. I get an error by trying to set the value: $ (link) .next ("input [type = hidden]") is undefined Here's my HTML around the function call: & lt; Div class = "monday" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "open_hours" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Label = "location_monday" & gt; Monday & lt; / Label & gt; Open: 06:29 PM - OFF: 04:21 PM & lt; A href = "#" onclick = "remove_fields (this); returnback;" & Gt; Remove & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "hidden alternative" id = "location_...

php - symfony error 500 instead 404 at production -

My Symphony project is on production when there is no action to exist, instead of throwing 500 errors instead of 404. In the atmosphere of God, this error shows 404 (actually a debug of 404 error says that action was not found). I use custom 404 templates according to the manual. It seems that the error is in your custom 404 action, do you provide code for your 404 action And how have you defined your custom 404 in your setting 40.80?

linq to sql - LINQ2SQL to DataTable -

What is the easiest way to copy a LINQ2 Adionet Datatebl SQL table? Here's a blog post on an extension method which I think you want to do: Code by Keith Elder /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// It will take anything which implements the Icolung interface and /// converts it into a dataset. /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Example & gt; Data Set Converter from the /// collection = new archiveDataSet & lt; Letter [] & gt; (Letters); /// Dataset DS = Converter Creditsdata (); /// & lt; / Example & gt; /// & lt; Typename name = "t" & gt; & Lt; / Typermum & gt; Public category archiveDataDataset & lt; T & gt; Where t: system Compiler Election (T _collection; public Sngrhtoddetaset (T-List) {_collection = list;} private Snpttiinfo [] _propertyCollection = null; private Snpttiinfo [] property compilation {receive (if (_proprti collection == null) {_propertyCollection = GetPropertyCollection (); } return...

eclipse - GWT Maven and web.xml -

I am using the GWT Maven plugin from Codehaus with M2eclipse. My web Where does the XML file end? Is not Maven making it to copy / war directory? I can not see it there or should the Jetity do it automatically src / main / webapp / WEB-INF /? This is the section related to my pom.xml. & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven War Plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.0.2 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; WarSourceDirectory & gt; War & lt; / WarSourceDirectory & gt; & Lt; WebXml & gt; Src / home / webapp / web-INF / web.xml & lt; / WebXml & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt; I believe web.xml (and src / main target / gt; - & lt; version & gt; during normal maven life cycle (for example, when you run mvn install ) ; / .). If you are r...

zend framework - Zend_ProgressBar: is there a good example / tutorial on how to use it? -

I am trying to use Zend_ProgressBar in my project (using MVC in Zend Framework). Unfortunately, I can not find a complete example on how to use it. There are only a few code snippets in the Zend programmer's reference guide, which are not enough for me. Actually, I do not know that some controllers and some action in associated scenes How Zend_ProgressBar is included with. Is anyone aware of the Python example or the Tutorial of the Zend Application that uses Zend_ProgressBar? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I have created some demos for this matter, which can not be sufficient for documents:

javascript - Are an element's dimensions readable immediately upon adding it to the DOM tree? -

Suppose i dynamically create a div using document.createElement , some internal Add text, and want to set its height and width I can see that before adding DOP to the DOM tree, there are properties like offsetWidth and offsetHyight 0 Expected I. Once the program is added to the paste, can I expect those properties to be "ready" immediately? Or is there an atmosphere where there might be delay in charging / Reflow and later? textDiv = document createElement ("div"); TextDiv.innerHTML = "Some dynamic build string"; Console.log (textDiv.offsetWidth); // 0 document.body.appendChild (textDiv); Console.log (textDiv.offsetWidth); // Fine? I think the answer will be something like this "JavaScript translator is single-threaded and the re-color / reflu event started by append child is part of that thread and continuing the next statement Ends before "... but can anyone see my understanding? There's a lot I'm looking for but it...

android - Is there any way to receive a notification when the user powers off the device? -

I should know that when the user closes his phone, is there a spread (or similar) that indicates that when The user's phone stops? You can use the broadcast that is broadcast when the phone is broadcasted : The app will not normally need to handle it, as the foreground activity will also be paused. In other words, if you properly respond to all lifecycle incidents for your activity, there is no need to use it unless you actually have something related to closing Do not want to be specific. In the API, the code was introduced; in other words, level 4, it will only send phones with Android 1.6 or later . You will trap the transmission with one. This will look something like this: Close the public class The receiver expands Broadcast receivers {@ Override Public Zero recipient (References Context, intent of intent) {// insert code}} You will need an entry like this in your manifest: & lt ; Receiver Android: name = ". ShutdownReceiver" & ...

Sharepoint 2007 - Finding out where a view is used -

I'm a MOSS 2007 novice and am trying to figure out where it is used. I have a large list and I have to think two different points in that list. I have inherited the site collection, and currently have three ideas, two of them are named almost equally now I want to know whether I can safely remove one of those scenes. So the question is: Is there any way to find all references to a scene? I will gladly provide additional information! "The first part of my problem is that I want to know which web part using this "The second part is that I have a set of ideas made from the list, and I must know that some web part is using some of those scenes" A web Part does not directly use a scene The current view of the Web Part is based on a view, but if you see If you change or delete others, then Web Part still shows your list / library first, in this way, if you want to remove your thoughts, then all Web Parts will continue to work. What you probably should ...

java - Which Way of List Initialize Is Better -

I was thinking, is the method of initializing the list better? Public Sector Main {Private Final List & lt; String & gt; L = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); {L.add ("a"); L.add ("b"); L.add ("c"); }} public class main {Private Final List & lt; String & gt; L = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; () {{L.add ("a"); L.add ("b"); L.add ("c"); }}; } Former, since this is not an anonymous class;

computer science - Understanding Neural Network Backpropagation -

अपडेट: इस मुद्दे का बेहतर निर्धारण। मैं backpropagation algorithm को समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ एक उदाहरण के रूप में एक XOR तंत्रिका नेटवर्क। इस मामले में 2 इनपुट न्यूरॉन्स + 1 पूर्वाग्रह, छिपे हुए परत + 1 पूर्वाग्रह में 2 न्यूरॉन्स और 1 आउटपुट न्यूरॉन हैं। एबीए एक्सओआर बी 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 मैं उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। थोड़ा और पढ़ने के बाद मुझे पता चला है कि आउटपुट इकाई की त्रुटि छुपा परतों के लिए प्रचारित है ... शुरू में यह भ्रमित था, क्योंकि जब आप तंत्रिका नेटवर्क के इनपुट परत पर जाते हैं, तो प्रत्येक न्यूरॉन को छिपे हुए परत में न्यूरॉन्स दोनों से एक त्रुटि समायोजन मिलता है। विशेष रूप से, जिस तरह से त्रुटि वितरित की जाती है, उसे पहले समझना मुश्किल है। चरण 1 इनपुट के प्रत्येक आवृत्ति के लिए आउटपुट की गणना करें। चरण 2 आउटपुट न्यूरॉन (ओं) के बीच त्रुटि की गणना (हमारे मामले में केवल एक है) और लक्ष्य मान (एस): चरण 3 हम से त्रुटि का उपयोग करते हैं प्रत्येक छिपी इकाई के लिए त्रुटि की गणना करने के लिए चरण 2: 'वजन केएच' छिपे हुए यूनिट एच और आउटपुट...

iphone - mobile application analytics -

Hi all, So we all know "pinch media" - "spyware" software;) I'm looking for some really cool analytics software for my iphone application. Pinch media, I know, it looks really great, but we all know, the reputation of this piece of software is very bad. I would like to know that I can use it or if my app is one of this spyware application, then for users (this is not really, I know but the user can think that This is when I use it). What are some options? Other programs, with the same good analysis? I found Edmab and Motley Dot, but the pinchy media / nervousness is the best ATM. is a good PDF that compares the main iPhone / iPod Touch analytics providers / Div>

editing - How to search across a directory of files in vim? -

विम में मेरे लिए एक सामान्य प्रोग्रामिंग कार्य है: : s / some pattern / कुछ काम करें n # अगले प्रविष्टि पाता है कुछ काम करें n # अगले प्रविष्टि को पाता है ... अब, s / .... केवल वर्तमान फ़ाइल में खोज करता है। क्या ऐसा कोई तरीका है, मैं यह कर सकता हूं, लेकिन फाइलों की एक निर्देशिका पर खोज करूँ? pwd के उपनिर्देशों में सभी फ़ाइलों पर "/ /" कहें जो कि .cpp के .hpp में समाप्त होता है ? धन्यवाद! आप बस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: या खोज टूल के एकदम पूर्ण एकीकरण के लिए, का उपयोग करें। विम में बॉक्स के बाहर उपलब्ध क्या है का अच्छा दस्तावेज प्राप्त करने के लिए बस : help grep टाइप करें। का उपयोग करना: grep foo *।? पीपी को आप क्या करना चाहिए। यह, जैसे कि आप : बनाते हैं का उपयोग करते हैं, जैसे ही मिलते-जुलते घटनाओं पर कूदने के लिए सक्षम होंगे।

GWT Stock Watcher - Polling not Push? -

In GWT stock watch tutorial it voted the server for every new data every 4 seconds. Is this standard method works GWT or is it possible to use a push type technique, so what if the new event is called the client code on the server? This is the standard way GWT works. The incubator has a page.

.net - Resizing image programmatically in C# -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं प्रोग्राम को एक छवि को सी # में कैसे बदल सकता हूँ, ताकि इसे किसी विनम्र नियंत्रण में फिट किया जा सके? एक चित्र बॉक्स में स्केलिंग: वर्ग ImageHandling {सार्वजनिक स्थिर आयत GetScaledRectangle (छवि इमेज, आयत थंबरकाट) {if (img.Width & lt; thumbRect.Width & amp; amp; और img.Height & lt ; ThumbRect.Height) नया आयत (thumbRect.X + ((thumbRect.Width - img.Width) / 2), thumbRect.Y + ((thumbRect.Height - img.Height) / 2), आईएमजी वाईडथ, आईएमजी लौटें ।ऊंचाई); Int sourceWidth = img.Width; Int sourceHeight = img.Height; फ्लोट एनपरेंट = 0; नाव nPercentW = 0; नाव nPercentH = 0; NPercentW = ((फ्लोट) अंगूठे का संदर्भ दें। वाइड / (फ्लोट) स्रोतव्यूथ); NPercentH = ((फ्लोट) thumbRect.Height / (फ्लोट) स्रोत हैइट); यदि (nPercentH & lt; nPercentW) nPercent = nPercentH; अन्य nPercent = nPercentW; Int destWidth = (int) (sourceWidth * nPercent); Int devHeight = (int) (sourceHeight * nPercent); अगर (destWidth.Equals (0)) destWidth = 1; यदि (destHeight.Equals (0...

python - Using if-condition to check filename -

I am making a real mistake in Python, but can not figure out what it is filename = "file1" if name == 'file1' print1 I am getting an invalid syntax error What's the name ?? Do you define it elsewhere? I instead consider "filename", so if "name" is then filename = "file1" If defined, then the problem is actually "if" at the end of the line ":".

pdf - Problems with formdata send via Adobe Reader to a php-script -

मैंने एडोब्स लाइफकाइकल के साथ एक पीडीएफ बनाया है और एक फॉर्मेट को एक php-script में भेजने के लिए कुछ रूप और एक बटन जोड़ा है। Serveride पर मैं पोस्टडेटा को पकड़ लेता हूं और उन्हें डेटाबेस में संग्रहीत करता हूं। अब तक कोई समस्या नहीं है, लेकिन एडोब रीडर अब एक त्रुटि के बारे में शिकायत करता है कि पाठ / html प्रकार की सामग्री के साथ क्या होता है। यहां जर्मन में त्रुटि संदेश है: बेइम सेडेंन ईस्ट एफ़ फ़ेलर अफ़्ग्रेटेन। इन्हॉल्ट डेस टाइप्स टेक्स्ट / html कन्नी निक्ट वर्करबीटेट वर्डेन। और अंग्रेज़ी में: सबमिट प्रक्रिया के दौरान एक त्रुटि हुई। टाइप टेक्स्ट / html की सामग्री को संसाधित नहीं किया जा सकता। क्या मुझे पीएचपी-स्क्रिप्ट के आउटपुट में कुछ डेटा लिखना है ताकि रीएड को कभी भी कुछ भी ठीक समझा जाए? एक अन्य समाधान एक संदेश के साथ आवेदन / vnd.fdf के साथ जवाब है। जावा कोड पर निम्नलिखित का एक नमूना है, जिसमें एक्रोबैट रीडर पर एक संदेश वापस भेजने के लिए एफडीएफ है। स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ताअगेंट = request.getHeader ("उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट"); अगर (userAgent.toUpperCase ()। ...

c# - How do I paint the same area with different set of controls? -

मैं Winforms / C # .NET। का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ ToolStrip मेरे पास अलग बटन हैं, प्रत्येक को हमें एक अलग पेज पर ले जाना चाहिए (मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं इसके लिए किस शब्द का उपयोग करना चाहिए।) मैं इसे स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करने में असमर्थ हूं निकटता से संबंधित सॉफ़्टवेयर जो कि मुझे क्या चाहिए, चित्रित करता है, स्केलरर यहां छवि को देखता है: चयन पर, प्रत्येक टैब / बटन / (आइडन नहीं पता कि यह वास्तव में क्या है) बाईं तरफ साइक्लेनर, रजिस्ट्री के विकल्पों से , कार्य, विकल्प लाल सीमा परिवर्तन की सामग्री। यह वही है जो मैं चाहता हूँ भी, मैं इस तरह की नज़र कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? मेरा समाधान थोड़ा अधिक जटिल है, लेकिन बनाता है एक अच्छा प्रभाव प्रत्येक पृष्ठ को आप UserControl से प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं और उसके सभी नियंत्रणों को उस पर रखें मेरे "टैब्स" वास्तव में एक मालिक को तैयार किया गया था ListView टाइल मोड में मालिक ड्राइंग के साथ मैंने ListView पर प्रभाव से एक अच्छा माउस प्राप्त किया। जब ListView परिवर्तनों पर चयन, उचित पृष्ठ दिखाएं।

Accessing an array of HTML input text boxes using jQuery or plain Javascript -

I am looking for a form that has a dynamic number of input text boxes. I would like to add each text box as part of an array (it simplifies the loop for me in theory, especially when I do not know the number of text fields which will eventually exist). HTML code would like something like this: & lt; P & gt; Field 1: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "field [1]" id = "field [1]" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Field 2: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "field [2]" id = "field [2]" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Field 3: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "field [3]" id = "field [3]" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Field 4: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "field [4]" id = "field [4]" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Field 5: & lt; Input type = ...

c# - Gridview Refresh Problem -

I have a gridview in an page, and get data by binding it into a SQL Server table, I Use C # and stored procedure in SQL Server to store data. Everything works fine, except when I delete several rows using the stored procedure, gridview still shows the old data. In fact, I have some text boxes that can enter user data and ASP buttons, As soon as the user clicks on the button, I call the stored procedure and delete the data behind the code. How can I reload / refresh the page? After removing rows? Thank you in advance Control if you are using a data source (You have provided a dormitory property), to call you Grid.DataBind () . If you use the grid's datasource property, you must reload the data source from that database and DataBind () .

html - Keep an SVG Object static while scrolling -

In my web application, I am generating a SVG file containing a "header" which I In the form, the user scrolls down the image. I can think of two ways to accomplish this, but I am looking for any other bright ideas. I have two ideas: Generate two different SVGs, have a "header" and have one content, and then they are given two different HTML & lt; Div & gt; element, which allows less scrolling. I do not like this idea because I have to make two separate documents. Use EMCAscript only in SVG and give it to & lt; Find a way to float g & gt; I like the header at the top of the page, because whenever SVG is seen it should work, but I'm not sure how to complete it and appreciate any signal or example. I have an example of the first case: footer {background: url (images / grasspat.svgz); Height: 64px; Width: 100%; Status: fixed; Left: 0; Correct: 0; Top: Auto; Bottom: 0; } In the second case, which will definitely require ...

visual studio - How to set a breakpoint on a method within the .net framework -

I: Want to set a breakpoint on a static method so that I'm setting up the synchronization context. Although I can not set a breakpoint in a method, I do not have a source code. It should be easy !, But when I try to set a breakpoint method from the breakpoint window, this method recognizes.) debug, windows, click on breakpoint, click on new, break on function, System.Threading Enter SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext , and click OK. This will give you a warning, which you should ignore. I tried to do it, and it works. Edited by Ian Ringgaur I had to turn off the "Enable my code only" setting in the debugging configuration. Start Visual Studio 2008 and bring the Tools> Options> Debugging> Normal If you are running under Visual Basic Profiles, then you must select "Show all other settings" option before continuing. The lower left box of the dialog must be checked (other profiles will not have this option). Set the f...