iphone - How can I get a custom sound to play with an Apple Push Notification? -

I am trying to get a custom sound to play when my apple push notification is distributed. Displays popup messages, and badges are also updated, but I always get the default iPhone Sound playback instead of my custom sound.

Here I am sending JSON data:

{"aps": {"sound": "sound caf", "badge": 2, "alert ":" Successfully registered device "}}

My sound caf file is at the top level of my Xcode project, and it definitely appears in the resulting .app (as the Finder Has been confirmed by 'View Package Contents' in).

The sound file moves fine on my Mac initially I tried. CAF, .m4r and. Wow files, but no one will play. I have also tried to use one of the CF files from a sample project (which I am quite convinced that I should work, but believe that I have not tried myself), but that too not working.

Define Accepted Encoding and File Formats (.wav, .aiff or .caf).

I have tried very little sound files as well as for a long time (to ensure that I am under 30 documents).

Has anyone given any other hints / suggestions to try me?

Was updating the version, but I did not extend the "bundle version", so iTunes was not making new applications on the phone.

To ensure that your updated application is being copied, see the iTunes status message carefully, it should say:

On 'Device' Updating the application - Installing the 'Application'

In doubt, simply remove the existing app from the device.
