c# - Assigning pointer to a CLR type to void* using unsafe? -
To assign a signal to an indicator in a code, enter void *
The way? Unsecured
var bar = 1; Var foo = new Foo (); Unsafe {Zero * p1 = & amp; times; Zero * p2 = & amp; Foo;
Or it is possible using only C ++ / CLI:
System :: text :: stringbilder ^ sb = gcnew system:: text :: StringBuilder (); Zero * P1 = & amp; SB;
It can not find any way to work in C #
< According to P
Any of the following can be an indicator type:
- sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint,
- Any indicator type.
- Any user-defined structure type that contains only unmanaged type of fields.
There is no way to create an indicator for an example of a class (like pointer for an example of the system .ext.StringBuilder
), Although you can create an indicator for a class member in the fixed
context like the following code:
class test {constant integer x; Int y; Unsafe Static Zero F (int * p) {* p = 1; } Static zero major () {test t = new test (); Int [] A = new int [10]; Unsafe {fixed (int * p = & amp; nbsp; & amp; x); f (p); Fixed (int * p = & amp; nbsp;) F (P); // Indicator to a certain category member (integer * p = & amp; [0]) f (p); Fixed (int * p = a) F (p); }}}
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