sharepoint - How do I know the default batch file directory? -
I am creating a batch file for SharePoint deployment. I will batch solution installation and configuration, create a web application and create Restore the .dat
file to a web app.
Instead of the hard code solution path and .dat
, I want to know whether this root
Therefore, if I move this folder elsewhere, then I will not need to update the path.
Is there any word in the batch command, which can say where I am (batch file directory)? Batch Script Sample:
@SET STSADM = "c: \ Program Files \ General Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Web Server Extensions \ 12 \ bin \ stsadm "Echo Copy Solution Files ...% STSADM% - o Compilation -Filename SmilingGot. SharePoint Web Purses RSS.WSSP% STSADM% -o deplusolution -name SmileGot. SharePoint Webports -lovegac derivatives -latentureral% STSADM% -o Employment -Filennum ReturnoffsSmartPartive1_3.vsp% STSADM% -o deploysolution -name ReturnoffsSmartPartv 1_3.wsp -immediate -allowgacdeployment -allcontenturls Learning pitch application making echo ...% STSADM % -o unextendvs -url http: // server: 70% STSADM% -o restoration -URL http: // server: 70 -filename 2010.02.03.dat -overwrite IISRESET PAUSE
Thank you.
As far as I understand, and it will run with Edit: Actually explains this idea. % ~ p0 your What are you looking for For example, if you run
resonance% ~ p0 pause
c: \ temp
, this output "C: \ temp".
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