Sidebar Gadget to Login to website and retrieve information? -
I'm learning how to make gadgets and simple gadgets all understand.
How will I create a gadget that logs into a website and retrieves the details of that user (so it imitates a lot of user logging and showing basic information?)
(like the Facebook gadget that shows any message, "Pokes", etc. etc. ....
What many sites like Facebook offer is an API ( a documentation p rogram I nterface, and a developer network full of documentation that can be used to access the detailed information provided by the site or on the site. For a comprehensive list of sites that provide APIs, see.
To receive sensitive user data, from Facebook, eBay and most other sites Require that you sub Ogkrta give instructions to sign on your site to get the token, add to your application, authorize it to access the restricted API calls to the user.
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