flash - Actionscript on change handlers -
I have been changed by JavaScript using a text box (dynamic) whose value is set variable method
Actually now I am stuck in recognizing the flash app when the text box value has changed, onKeyUp etc. Does not seem to work.
The code below works if the user types in the box, but if it changes via JS then this does not take effect, not by populizing my variable. Should the listener use me?
someListener = new object (); SomeListener.onKeyUp = function () {var stationname = stationbox; Var test = "station:" + StationName; Trace; _global.StationNameGlobal = Stationbox; Outputct = "test"; } Key.Dalal (some listener); Instead of waging direct data inside the text box instead to root your JavaScript call
An internal functional function that will replace / attach both data and synchronize the program with your on-change function synchronously. For example, if you have a flash movie and give an object and embed the same ID example:
& lt; Object id = "myMovie" CLASSID = "clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH = "230" HEIGHT = "50" Kodebas = "download. Macromedia.com/ pub / Shockwave / cabs / flash / swflash .cab # version = 7,0,0,0 "& gt; & Lt; PARAM name = "movie" VALUE = "some .swf" & gt; & Lt; Ultimate NAME = "PLAY" VALUE = "true" & gt; & Lt; Param NAME = "LOOP" VALUE = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Param NAME = "QUALITY" VALUE = "high" & gt; & Lt; Ultimate NAME = "MENU" VALUE = "False" & gt; & Lt; Ultimate NAME = "WMODE" VALUE = "Transparent" & gt; & Lt; Embed id = "Maimovi" wmode = "transparent" SRC = "some.swf" WIDTH = "230" HEIGHT = "50" PLAY = "true" LOOP = "false" quality = "high" menu = "false" TYPE = "application / x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE = "www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" & gt; & Lt; / Embed & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt;
Then you can change the variables inside can trigger Ankriptkript function and flash using a simple javascript like:
function Priwartnthyfild ( Incoming text) {var controlMovie = document .My movie; Moderated Motor .Set Variable ("_RootMay TextureIncentants", Incoming Text); }
Now you can easily add the listener to the variable, in the example given above, 'myTextAreaConents' are waiting for changes.
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