windows - %x was unexpected at this time. batch script -

  @echo for off / f "tokens = 1,2 delims =", "% x (my CSV ) Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it fails with the following error: (If% M% LSS% x set M = %% x) Max X value =% M%  < / Pre> 

 % x was unexpected at this time.  

The problem is that you use % m% loop inside a (before any iteration). In other words, before the execution, before the closing bracket and the entire loop is read and evaluated. Therefore, % m% will always be its initial value even if you are actually setting it in the loop.

For example, this example should be given:

  Set Val = 7 in% i (1) (set val = 99 echo% wal%) resonance% Val%  

resulting in unexpected (something):

  7 99  

Just because in the first echo statement < Code>% val% is interpreted (i.e., the whole code before that, before anybody is running) loop is interpreted.

In which m is forced to set Should be the first %% x using setlocal command and ! M! instead of % m% Time will be delayed to evaluate m

Additionally, do not do anything initially with m and it should be % x < When compelling to be / code>, is nothing will ensure that the first value of % x x is loaded into m .

  @echo off setlocal enableextensions enabled extension set m = to / f "to CAN = 1,2 DELAYED = "," %% x (my.csv) (if "! M! "==" "Set M = %% x if! M! Lss %% x set m = %% x) Using the above code with Max X value!!!!!!  my.csv  Do: 

    Your sample data in one more comment, as expected for Max X value = 10  

, and

  422,34 464,55 455, 65 421,88  

You get:

  Maximum X value = 464  


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