
Showing posts from July, 2015

.net - Securing Large Downloads Using C# and IIS 7 -

Here's the setup: 1 web server to which the C # app runs 1 TBD software running the file server in the past I used to save files on the file server to lighttpd and Mod_secdownload is used, and it worked well (IIS). The method of doing this using a combination of IIS and C # Net all my other servers are running that combo, and if I can do this for the file server, then it will make things easier, the files that are being hosted are big, I have to make a file app Examples of people using a small app, have read in the file, and manually create HTP responses. It works, but since I'm working with files of 500+ MB size, this is slow as a hack. And I have potentially 300 users who hit the box at a time, request the files. It is not good. So, can anyone see a way around this? I am trying to create another transparent system, and if all my servers are running the same software / hardware, then it will make my life much easier thanks to any advice given by you! What...

ruby - Rspec: Is there a problem with rspec-rails when initializing a controller class with super(args)? -

I am using RS for a while and for some reason a controller named Reference Controller is getting errors . The error says that I must specify the name of the administrator either by using it: MyController do or Describe 'aoeuoeu' to Controller_name: My I have tried both variations: Describe the references and describe the 'refs controller' Controller_name: Reference but I have an error for both of them Meets! What could be wrong with any idea? Burn Edit : Due to the nature of the solution, I've changed the title again and the relevant code. Here's the wrong code: # reference-controller.rb class reference editor & lt; and error: 1) 'Reference Controller GET Index should take the criteria for a company and return the references' Feldial controller glasses should know how the controller is being specified, you can tell that to the controller () to describe: Describe the MyController or the description of th...

android - DialogPreference shouldn't close if no option selected -

I have a DialogPreference and I when "right", "to avoid the user from turning off by pressing Cancel" Edit: Edit: Whenever I have made a dialogue, then try to reach the right button to disable it. But I could not make it: ( to make a tweak where define a custom dialog be your own button (right click and off) implements public square YourClass OnClickListener {private button DialogButton ;. private dialog dialogue; public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {super .onCreate (savedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.MainLayout); / * your code ... * / DialogButton = (button) findViewById (; DialogButton.setOnClickListener (this);} public void onCli ck (View v) {switch (v. getId ()) {case LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from (YourClass.this); final scene inflay = inflater.inflate (R.layout.DialogLayout, (ViewGroup ) FindViewById (; TextView YourTextView = (text view) i...

database - how to parse a lot of PDFs -

I have a ton of PDFs that I want to be able to parse the sentence-by-sentence. Is there a tool for converting PDF to mysql for MySQL (or some other database system), and then reading sentences at a time? Is there any other tool to do this? I imagined loading all the PDFs in one DB, and then the fastest way would be to read but I really do not know ... then put it in DB.

c# - Find all intersecting data, not just the unique values -

I thought that I understood the difference , but it turns out that I was wrong. list & lt; Int & gt; List1 = New list & lt; Int & gt; () {1, 2, 3, 2, 3}; & Lt; Integer & gt; List2 = New list & lt; Int & gt; () {2, 3, 4, 3, 4}; List 1 Intrigue (list2) = & gt; 2,3 // But what do I need: // = & gt; 2,3,2,3,2,3,3 I can understand in a way: var intersected = list1. Intercaster (list2 ); Var list3 = New list & lt; Int & gt; (); List3.AddRange (list1.Where (I => intersected.Contains (I))); List3.AddRange (list2.Where (I => intersected.Contains (I))); Is LINQ an easy way to achieve this? I need to tell that I do not care which order in which the results are given. 2,2, 2, 3, 3, 3 will also be perfectly alright. The problem is that I am using it on a large collection, so I need efficiency. We are talking about items, not ints intits were just for easy examples, but I know that it will make a difference. Let's see...

django - How do I dynamically exclude a non-model field from the admin? -

I have added a custom field to a model farm for use in admin: Category MyModel (models.Model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 64) ... etc ... Class MyModelAdminForm (forms.ModelForm): dynamicfield = forms.IntegerField () def __init __ (auto, * args, ** Kwargs): Super (MyModelAdminForm, itself) .__ init __ (* Args, ** kwargs) If 'example' in kwargs: # Dynamic field from away form, somehow? Diff Save (self, * ElGs, ** quoraj): Do something with #Dynamics Super Super (MimeodelAdminForm, Self). Saving (* Args, ** Quad) Category Meta: Model = MyMold Category MyModelAdmin (admin.ModelAdmin): Form = MyModelAdminForm (MyModel, MyModelAdmin) Initial Object Build Is required to collect additional data during Therefore, it should only appear when a new object is being created (check 'Instance'). The problem I'm experiencing is moving the field while editing an existing object I have tried: self-field ['dynamic field'] Widget = ...

visual studio - Creating Reports using VS 2008 -

How do I create a report (RDL file) using VS 2008? I created one and made an RDLC file that I can not do. Publish Reporting Server I do not want to convert the rdlc file into a rdl file. RDL (server-based) reports need to be included in Studio 2008, you: Installing Professional Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) components from SQL Server 2008 (or possibly 2005) Reporting a new in VS 2008 Create project ( file -> new -> project , then business intelligence projects select report server project ) Add your reporting project to at least one report, design it in visuals in BIDS Studio (right-click on the report folder in your Solution Explorer) Click on and select Add new report ) Report that report (or those reports) on a Reporting Services 2008 server Insert (either directly within Visual Studio, posted to on its report project T using , or by other means)

How to use an array value from php to javascript? -

It was always a question for me how I can use the array values ​​in JavaScript, whereas that ARF is used to get my php script For example, read some values ​​from a file and use it in JavaScript. What is the plan to do this? You can use the function to safely return JSON objects, which you can use directly in javascript: / P> & lt ;? Php $ phpArray = array ("foo", "bar", "baz"); // .... .... & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var JSERE = & lt;? Echo json_encode ($ phpArray); ? & Gt ;; & Lt; / Script & gt; Output: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var JSirere = ["EFU", "Bar", "Falcon"]; & Lt; / Script & gt;

ruby on rails - Capistrano configuration -

I have some problems with the variable scope with the multistage module of capistrano-ext mani. I currently, Config / deploy / staging.rb . Set the settings ["domain"]: user, settings [set]: set [set]: Set the [[set]: [Set] [Setting ["domain"] [Setting: "config / deploy.yml" Setting: "user"] role: ap, domains role: web, domains role: db, domains,: set = "set", "set", "set" & Gt; True My config / deploy / production.rb file is similar. It does not look very dry ideally, I think everything should be in the deploy.rb file. If there is a variable set with the current step, then everything will be really clear. Update: I got a solution. I set this function to deployed rb : def set_settings (parameters) parameters. K, v | Set k.to_sym, v if end exists? : Domain role: app, domain role: web, domain role: db, domain,: primary = & gt; Right end end Then my staging.rb file bus set_settings (YAM...

jQuery :visible is true while executing hiding animations -

I know that it's going to behave like this, but when I'm trying to determine visibility, one element while doing this I'm in the process of hiding (or showing that when I'm animated 'true' is inverted, it shows.) Then how can I use jQuery to determine I see that an element is visible, with the warning that the element is currently visible, but itself Micro hidden (current behavior to hide the process) and is considered the visible elements in the process of looking themselves (current behavior)? The problem is worse than the fact that for testing: jQuery is visible in events, so there is no direct code path where element is shown / where visibility check is required. Therefore, I just can not pass the animation status between all the functions. There are some code to clarify this problem: & lt; Html xmlns = "http: //" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = ...

visual c++ - how to sent, keyboard message mirror to edit1 control -

gMsgHook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD_LL, GetMsgHookProc, ghInstDll, 0); ...... । extern "सी" HOOK_DLL_API LRESULT कॉलबैक GetMsgHookProc (पूर्णांक nCode, wParam wParam, lParam lParam) {अगर (nCode & LT; 0) {CallNextHookEx (gMsgHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT * डीएल = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *) wParam; अगर (nCode & gt; = HC_ACTION) {// hEdit1 // does not को टाइपिंग काम SendMessage को संदेश दर्पण (hEdit1, wParam, wParam, lParam); } वापसी CallNextHookEx (gMsgHook, ncode, wParam, lParam); } अपने कोड स्निपेट में कई त्रुटियाँ हैं। सबसे पहले, हुक को पारित करने वाला KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT lParam में है, नहीं wParam। डब्लूपीएआरएम में खिड़की संदेश है। दूसरा, आप lParam को संपादन नियंत्रण के रूप में पास करते हैं। आपको उपयुक्त lParam (WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, आदि के लिए दस्तावेज़ीकरण देखें) का निर्माण करने की आवश्यकता है। तीसरा, आप wParam को हुक प्रोक (जो संदेश है) के रूप में पुनर्रचित कुंजीपटल संदेश के लिए wParam के रूप में पास करें । - यह आभासी कुंजी कोड है... - TagLib# Windows distribution? Or another good ID3 reader? -

I write a quick program to get the file organization of my MP3 files back in sync with the information in my ID3 tags I want to ... I tried to get the Windows Media Format SDK, but when I go to install it, it says that it can only run on WinXP. I found that someone here TagLib # suggests, which really liked the code examples. It seems that the official site has gone, and other links have also been found on the hosting of Novell's servers. Does anyone know that I still use Windows for C # / VB.NET Where can I get a Distro of TagLib #? Or another good ID Tag Reader? You can download source and DLL here: You can view Latest version

Flex XML dynamic type -

I have an application that receives dynamic XML data from the server XML structure is dynamic and tags / attributes are named Can not be predicted. Any line item can be hardcoded data is coming back from a database (imagine columns and rows), and the data type is known on server side. The following is just one example, only shows the structure of how data comes back. & lt; Dataset & gt; & Lt; Line & gt; & Lt; First name value = "Chris" type = "string" /> & Lt; LastName value = "MacDonald" type = "string" /> & Lt; Age value = "24" type = "integer" /> & Lt; / Row & gt; & Lt; Line & gt; & Lt; First name value = "bob" type = "string" /> & Lt; LastName value = "boron" type = "string" /> & Lt; Age value = "43" type = "integer" /> & Lt; / Row & gt; & Lt; / Dataset & gt; I'...

iphone - switch between multi viewcontroller's view -

I have a project that has a root view controller and multiple sub-view controller. I call in the original view controller and switch between 2 sub-views as the code: // root view in front of all the visual subviewcontrollers'view Controller controller [vViewController2.view removeFromSuperview]; [Insert Self.viewSeview: Index on vViewController1.view: 0]; In this mode the sub-scene / visual controller will be unloaded in memory, when it loads later, it will prompt the viewDidload's event. But I like the sub-view controller when it loads and when it is switched, it stores in memory instead of unloading it from memory. If this is done, then I have to increase the value of atInexex. When Welcome to any comment Thanks Interweave P> The standard solution, i.e. UINavigationController or UITabBarController , based on the hierarchy of your thoughts Consider using - these standard classes will work a lot for you.

Object[] to Class[] in Java -

Is there an built-in Java 6 method (perhaps in lung or reflection?) To perform: Private Sector [] Match Type (Last Object [] Objects) {Last Class [] Type = New Orbit [objects.length]; For (int i = 0; i objects lamps; i ++) {type [i] = objects [i] .getClass (); } Return type; } Which object takes the array and gives an array containing the type of each element? No, there is no built-in facility for this in Javanese. Not too heavy a burden, of course, it is easily unit-tested and only a few lines. If you really want something, then you do not write yourself, the party library will do it for you (for example, Apache Commons Lang's classUtils , CGLIB's ReflectUtils ), so if you have one of these, you can use them.

VB6 app hangs for a while on Windows Server 2008 sp1 -

I have a problem with our VB6 app. This is an old system with many forms running on our customers terminal server. One customer has a problem and they have two Windows Server 2008 (32 bit), I do not know about anyone else with the same problem Other customers have XP, Win7, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 (64bit) . I have not got another Windows Server 2008 (32 bit) yet. The problem is that the parent's form is unresponsive for 1-4 minutes by clicking the OK button in a small subform and closing it. This is most of the time but I have not found a pattern. When you click on the OK button, it makes small SQL INSERT through ODBC in the Access database. Subform has been removed after this. Subforms include a text box and a button. There is no problem with large subforms with more control. I have tried logging, but the time between the start of the click event and the return to the main form and return to the main form is less than 10 seconds, the mainfrom is hanging...

ibm midrange - Primary and full procedural files in RPG -

What is the difference between primary and complete procedural files defined in RPG? A primary file uses the RPG logic cycle to read through your data. A complete procedure file is where your argument controls access to your data records. The complete procedural files are by far the most commonly used use. In fact, I do not think I have ever written a program that uses logic cycle from school. I see seldom in the wild. The RPG logic cycle works roughly like this: Read a record in primary Level brake calculation specs Move from field to field in your RPG program Glasses calculating the detail level Back in the beginning After the last record is read, the LR indicator is set and the calculation of breaking the level is executed and then the program ends. / P>

sql server - How to reduce 'number of executions' in MS SQL Execution Plan -

Does anyone know that to reduce the "number of executions" you execute SQL queries in MS SQL Can the server see the plan? We have a query that slows down on a production server (others are fine). While examining the execution plan, we see that one of the first steps is a package index scan. On a well-running server, this scan is executed once. On slow run, it is executed 4 times. We read here () that you should try to reduce it, but we can not find any suggestions on how to do this. Both servers run the same version of Windows (2003) and SQL Server (2000). Any help would be appreciated. Is the DB schema really the same? If so, try updating statistics and defraging your indexes and tables.

deployment - HOWTO: Migrate SharePoint site from one farm to another? -

has been developed under the I have posted on the site has developed a machine I site WSS 3.0 Custom list , features , templates , styles code> etc. I do not have to create a deployment package (set) that I can give my client would know about stsadm but using my pass production machine. Is there a way that I can package all the dependencies in a file (installation file) and run on the server, which will include all the dependencies (including site content)? I tried to use it all went well when the export site always fail import with the following message: [2/2/2010 3: 43:25 pm]: Start time: 2/2/2010 3:43:25 PM [2/2/2010 3:43:25 PM] : progress: Getting started Import [2010/02/02 03:43:42]: FatalError: No (Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportRequirementsManager.VerifyWebTemplate on Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportRequirementsManager.Validate SPRequirementObject reqObj) with the LCID 1033. Could Get WebTemplate # 75805 Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.S...

c# - How do I insert an array entry at initialisation time? -

Looking at an array of strings, how do I create another array on which another entry was inserted in the initial time? For example. I want to do something like this: var newArrayOfStrings = new string [] {"insert entry", another arrayoffring} (I know I can count and then it I can copy, but I think it is possible to do it at the initial time.) No, No one will need to copy special syntax in a way: var newArrayOfStrings = new [] {"insert entry"} .concrack (second arrowoff Settings) .toArray (); Display-wise, this can be lower than the array. Copy but the syntax is cleaner.

python - How to receive uploaded file from the inlined form in django? -

I am trying to create a "cool" image uploading interface in the django admin panel. The problem is that I am using inline interface to upload image instances, but I am using jQuery Ajax form to upload images, so I need to create another form to upload . And now Django Scene Function can not get request.FILES from this form because I created it without using django.forms And can not be specified in the visual function that is required to be used. So I can not override the standard view function for the inline interface and this form can not be made using django.forms . Then this code does not appear to be working: My form: & lt; Form id = "uploadform" enctype = "multipart / form-data" method = "post" action = "upload_pictures /" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "upload" / & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; M...

compiler errors - Problem compiling simple C++ progam -

I found this simple C ++ [I think] the program was provided to check the maximum size int Which can be archived: #include & lt; Limits.h & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; Zero main (int argc, char * argv []) {cout & lt; & Lt; "INT_MAX" & lt; & Lt; INT_MAX & lt; & Lt; Andal; Cout & lt; & Lt; "INT_MAX +1 =" & lt; & Lt; INT_MAX + 1 & lt; & Lt; Andal; Cout & lt; & Lt; "INT_MAX -1 =" & lt; & Lt; INT_MAX - 1 & lt; & Lt; Andal; Cout & lt; & Lt; "INT_MAX / INT_MAX" & lt; & Lt; INT_MAX / INT_MAX & lt; & Lt; Andal; Cout & lt; & Lt; "(INT_MAX +1) / INT_MAX" & lt; & Lt; (INT_MAX +1) / INT_MAX & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "(INT_MAX -1) / INT_MAX" & lt; & Lt; (INT_MAX-1) / INT_MAX & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "INT_MAX / (INT_MAX +1)" & lt; ...

c++ - static Member access linker problems -

जीएफ कोई getInstance विधि के साथ एक एकल वर्ग है वर्ग gph {सार्वजनिक: स्थिर शून्य newfun (); स्थिर शून्य newfun1 (); //..// निजी: जीएफ (); }; इस वर्ग को एक स्थैतिक पुस्तकालय में बनाया जाता है अब मेरे पास एक Dll है जहां से मुझे स्थिर फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है। तो वर्ग ए डीएलएल का एक हिस्सा है मेरे पास एक सी ++ सदस्य कार्य है void A :: fun () {gph :: newfun (); // एक स्थिर फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करना: लिंकर त्रुटियां देता है} दूसरी तरफ अगर मैं मज़ेदार () को स्थिर बना देता हूं तो मुझे कोई लिंकर त्रुटियां नहीं देतीं I लेकिन मैं मज़ेदार () को स्थैतिक के रूप में नहीं बनाना चाहता / चाहती हूं लिंक्ड लाइब्रेरीज़, इसलिए यह उत्तर लागू नहीं हो सकता है, लेकिन समस्या में आपको सूचित कर सकता है। इसलिए उस आधार पर और जो मैं अभी देख रहा हूं, मेरा पहला विचार यह देखना होगा कि आप जिस डीएलएल का निर्माण कर रहे हैं, आपने स्थैतिक पुस्तकालय को शामिल किया है। एक अनसुलझे प्रतीक आमतौर पर इसका अर्थ है कि या तो हस्ताक्षर मेल नहीं खाता है या आप आवश्यक पुस्तकालय शामिल नहीं कर रहे हैं यह संकल...

actionscript 3 - Flex Tile that expands as items are added to it -

& lt; mx: टाइल चौड़ाई = "100%" height = "20" & gt; & Lt; mx: बटन लेबल = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; mx: बटन लेबल = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; mx: बटन लेबल = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; mx: बटन लेबल = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; mx: बटन लेबल = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; mx: बटन लेबल = "बीटीएन" / & gt; & Lt; / mx: टाइल & gt; उपरोक्त टाइल की ऊंचाई 20 है। जब मैं इसे 50 नए बटन जोड़ता हूं, तो एक ऊर्ध्वाधर स्क्रॉलबार जोड़ा जाता है। मैं इसे कैसे स्क्रॉलबार नहीं दिखा सकता, लेकिन इसे गतिशील रूप से ऊंचाई में बदल सकता हूं ताकि सभी जोड़ा आइटम हमेशा दिखाए जा सकें। किण्डा जैसे "विस्तार" टाइल फ्लेक्स दस्तावेज़ीकरण के अनुसार, टाइल-कंटेनर की ऊंचाई गतिशील रूप से सेट की जाती है: टाइल कंटेनर की डिफ़ॉल्ट ऊंचाई (टाइल सेल की डिफ़ॉल्ट ऊंचाई) एक्स (बच्चों की संख्या का गोलाकार वर्गमूल) के बराबर है, साथ ही बच्चों और किसी भी पैडिंग के बीच कोई अंतर। मुझे लगता है कि चौड़ा...

javascript - Is it possible to send special character in parameter values in url path? -

I have a URL link "Change", a pop-up window will open when the user clicks the link. During that time, some parameters of values ​​were also sent to the URL. Some parameter values ​​include special characters ('eg: & amp; name = D'LOREY & amp; lname = VALENTINE) if the value is full of characters, then it is working fine, but when throwing a javascript error, Special characters in Please help in solving this problem Thanks in advance. use encodeurIComponent for your name and value, your parameter is IE Supported in all mainstream desktop browsers, returning to 5.5. If you need to support IE5, then what you need to do with escape , as mentioned elsewhere is not correct.

MySQL 1064 error, works in command line and phpMyAdmin; not in app -

This is my query: Select from to (* select * 3956 * 2 * ASIN (SQRT (power (SIN (RADIANS (45.52,00,077 - lat) / 2), 2) Storage controller (RADIANS (45.52,00,077) * Storage controller (RADIANS (lat) ) * Electricity (SIN (RADIANS (-122.6 9, 42014 - LNG) / 2), 2))) distance as distance from distance, route SCCH) as the P group by the route, distance by the limit of ACC Order Order 10 It works fine on the command line and PHPMyAdmin. I have been using my Javascript to connect to MySQL via backend, and the request is returning a 1064. error. Here is the encoding DBSlayer string request:? {% 22SQL% 22:% 22select% 20 *% 20from% 20% 28select% 20 *,% 203,956% 20 *% 202% 20 *% 20ASIN% 28SQRT% 28POWER% 28SIN% 28RADIANS% 2845.5200077% 20% 20lat% 29 /% 202% 29,% 202% 29% 20 +% 20COS% 28RADIANS% 2,845.52,00,077% 29% 29% 20 *% 20COS% 28RADIANS% 28lat% 29% 29% 20 *% 20POWER% 28SIN% 28RADIANS% 28-122.6942014% 20% 20lng% 29/2% 29,2% 29% 29% 20% 20distance% 20from% 20% 60stops% to 60% 20ord...

matlab - modem.oqpskmod - converting array of different values to array of 1s and 0s -

नमस्कार मैं matlab में निम्नलिखित कर रहा था values ​​= [0; 1; 0 ; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0]; % में केवल 0 एस और 1 एस एच = मॉडेम। ओकक्स्केमोड हो सकते हैं; Y = कमांड (एच, मान); जी = मॉडेम। ओक्सास्कडमॉड (एच); Z = डिमोड्यूट (जी, वाई); बीईआर = योग (तार्किक (मूल्य (:) - z (:))) / अंक (मान); % Gnovice करने के लिए धन्यवाद! बीएआर की गणना करने से पहले, क्या आपको लगता है कि सरणी ज़रेब को 1 एस और 0 के सरणी में परिवर्तित करना है ... उदाहरण के लिए, मेरा z में 3 एस और 0 एस हो सकते हैं, फिर क्या मुझे सभी नंबरों को 0 से 1 से बड़ा और सभी 0 अपरिवर्तित परिवर्तित करना है। तो अंत में मुझे बीईआर के लिए सही तुलना मिलती है? यह इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि आप कैसे चाहते हैं इनपुट और आउटपुट की तुलना करें बीईआर की गणना करने के लिए एक त्रुटि के रूप में इनपुट और आउटपुट के बीच कोई अंतर गिनेंगे इसलिए, एक आउटपुट के लिए 3 का एक मान और इनपुट के लिए एक एक्टिव 1 को अलग के रूप में गिना जाता है। यदि आप किसी अन्य तरीके से बीईआर की गणना करना चाहते हैं, तो यहां एक जोड़े हैं अधिक विकल्प जो आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं इनमें से प्... - Dataset manually put into the viewstate of a Web UserControl not kept after postback -

I have created a web user control that is placed on the page at design time. Its purpose is to pop up with the grid of objects that the user has chosen so I have got a gridview on it. And in this code usercontrol: as the public property datatable () data. If you do not get the datalet (viewtest ("_ selectGridDataTable")) see VistaStast ("_grigreddatable") or return nothing if Setting the End Gadget (ByVal value as Data.DataTable) ViewState ("_ConnectGridDataTable") = Value and set end and property So when the user clicks on a button on the page, I put it in the code on the page: SelectGrid2.DataTable = GetContacts () .Tables (0) SelectGrid2.Show () And it works fine. Grid pop up (using jQuery) and grid is shown. The problem is, when the user clicks the "OK" button on the user controller, the viewstate ("_giftgrid data") is always nothing and I can not get it because it is in the viewer ..?!? So what does the mean of view...

Rails compatible .NET xml serialization -

I am writing an ASP.NET MVC2 site with the rest overpoint. I want to consume this service with ActiveResource in a Rail web application. So far, I have established a route setup in ASP.NET MVC which matches the ActiveResource conventions. But where I'm having trouble, that data is with D-serial which sends ActiveResource to REST service. It seems that the rail XML array is very different from the NAT (but I am not able to document these conventions anywhere). For example, with a .NET class like this: public class person {public string first_name {get; Set; } Public string last_name {get; Set; } Public Bull Active {get; Set; }} Here are some differences: As root net & lt; Person> Rails & lt; Person> .NET adds a namespace, while the rail does not Sorts the .NET properties such as & lt; First_name> Rails & lt; Firstname> As the .NET Serial Bull & lt; Active> Rails & lt; No. 4 does not seem to be the cause of any problem, bu...

MySQL - Counting rows and left join problem -

मेरे पास 2 टेबल, अभियान और अभियान_कोड हैं: अभियान: id, partner_id, status अभियान_codes: आईडी, कोड, स्थिति मुझे सभी अभियानों के लिए सभी अभियान_codes की गणना करना है, जहां अभियान_codes.status 0 के बराबर या अभियान के लिए कोई अभियान_कोड रिकॉर्ड नहीं हैं। मेरे पास निम्न एसक्यूएल है, लेकिन ज़ाहिर है कि WHERE स्टेटमेंट उन अभियानों को हटा देता है जिनके प्रचार अभियान में कोई संबंधित रिकॉर्ड नहीं है (मैं उन अभियानों को शून्य अभियान_codes के साथ भी चाहता हूं) SELECT c आईडी के रूप में अभियान_आईडी, COUNT (सीसीआईडी) एएस कोडकैब से अभियान सी LEFT JOIN campaign_codes सीसी cc.campaign_id = WHERE c.partner_id = 4 और cc.status = 0 GROUP द्वारा मैं कुछ पसंद करता हूं: SELECT AS अभियान_आईडी, COUNT (सीसीआईडी) एएस कोडकैब से अभियान सी LEFT JOIN अभियानकोड सीसी पर cc.campaign_id = और cc.status = 0 - इस खंड को WHERE में रखने से, प्रभावी रूप से यह एक अंतर्निहित ज्वाइन हो जाता है जहां c.partner_id = 4 ग्रुप द्वारा और को जोड़ना खंड में स्थानांतरित करना सफल होने या...

singleton - Allow to login only one user at time -

There may be multiple operators in a client in our system, however "desire" from the client is an account of a company, though This can be a mutual operator assigned to the company. The client wants to prepare us a solution that only one operator from the company can log in to the system at the same time. How can I get it? "I am using WPF application and written in the server WCF, though it But in what situation when a user has opened an application and is inactive for 30 minutes? " This system is going to be a single user, so I Recommend to you when a user logs in, start a counter thread. When the counter reaches 30 minutes, write to DB the value that the user has expired and other users are free to login. Obviously, you should do the same thing when you explicitly log out the user.

jquery - Shape tween in javascript -

Is there a way between the shape in JavaScript? Canvas may be used ... If you are doing graphics on the HTML5 canvas element So you want to check the library there is one, but you will probably find it helpful. Processing. Js. HTML5 canvas elements to attract shapes and manipulate images. Uses. The code is light weight, easy to learn and creates an ideal tool for viewing statistics, creating user interfaces and developing web based games. / Html>

Limiting resource usage for debugging an application on linux -

I have a C / C + + application that only crashes under heavy loads I usually get memory leaks and profiling Use valgrind and gprof to debug issues Failure rate is about 100 in one million runs. Is it consistent, instead of regenerating the traffic for my application, can I ignore the available resources for debug builds of any kind of application running within Valgrind? ultimatum should be used to set a strict limit on some resources

sql - Access - Merge two databases with identical structure -

I would like to write a query that will merge two Access 2000 databases into one. Each has 35 tables with the same field and mostly unique data will be the same "primary key" in some rows, in which case the row should always be preferred on the database from A database A. I use quotes around "primary key" because the database is generated without any keys or relationships. For example: Database A, Table 1 col1 col2 frank red debbie blue database b, table 1 col1 col2 heli orange debbie pink and I want the result: col1 col2 Frank Red Harry orange debbie blue These databases are generated and downloaded by non-SQL-savvy users, so I want to give them just one query to copy and pasteObviously they have to start by importing or adding a db [other] to them. I feel like I have to create a third table with the combined result query and then the second two have to be removed. Ideally, though, it will only add rows of database A to database B (overr... - Help with a regular expression to validate a series of n email addresses seperated by semicolons -

I am using an web form RegularExpressionValidator to ensure a text Control to validate the area in it is a series of different email addresses by semicolons. What is the proper regex for this task? I think this will do one thing: ^ ([A- Za-J 0-9 ._% + -] + @ [AZA-J 0-9 .-] + \ [A-Za-z] {2,4} (| $ $)) + [A-Za-z] {2,4} : Valid Email (to) (| $$) : Either semicolon or end of string (...) + : Repeat all once or twice Be sure that you are using case-insensitive matching In addition, this pattern does not allow white space between the email or the beginning or end of the string. - Why they created a timeout -

If you add it to web.config, then if a page passes through a long process, the client does not expire Exceptions will be & lt; HttpRuntime maxRequestLength = "1024000" Execution Time = "36000" /> They are ending time for a purpose, what is this?, I have to create a website with two pages Have tried I wait for 5 minutes in default1.aspx. The request of another page does not affect it. Thanks not 100% sure that I follow you, but The purpose of an ending period is to ensure that no customer will wait for indefinable time for the reaction which he does not come, it is a part of working in a stainless environment and a parcel.

multithreading - How to create a basic Java Server? -

Basically I want a basic Java server that can be connected to a lot of people and when connected clients (already Only coded in the obiege) -a) Sends data to it, sends it back to everyone sent it back. I am a real Java novice and I do not need Java for future to do anything, but this is so much that I want to get it out as soon as possible rather than learn Java from scratch Want to So if someone has some source code for this or maybe a tutorial, then it will be appreciated. thanks :) Ozzie A simple "knock knock" server here Courtesy: Import *; Import * *; Public class KnockKnockServer {Public Static Zero Main (string [] args throws IOException {ServerSocket serverSocket = null; {ServerSocket = new ServerSocket (4444); } Hold (IOException e) {System.err.println ("Could not listen on port: 4444."); System.exit (1); } Socket client socket = empty; {ClientSocket = serverSocket.accept (); } Hold (IOException e) {System.err.println (... - Cruise Control.NET email does not contain error details -

I have configured an email notification when the CC.NET build fails. But the email contains only the failed project names, error codes, and errors / warnings. There is no complete path to the project, file path and exception message. All these information are coming correctly on the web dash board. I compare xls files in xls files in server and web dishboard folders and found that they are exactly the same. Are you included in the email publisher's configuration: Description = " True ": & lt; Email contains detail = "TRUE" ... & gt; See for details.

Can I use a different Eclipse Formatter Profile for on-open and on-save? -

I love the eclipse feature which allows to apply the format profile to save, but what if my favorite relationship Is the style "different" project different? When I open a file and when I save it, what is a way to implement a format profile? I think there will be complications when debugging, but it may be that some cool algorithm plugin has solved this problem. I can hope, right? Not for my knowledge of Java sources. In particular, the first saved revision, again the processing style will return to the second formatter profile, so the reading experience will be revised. Compulsory re-inclusion will be required when the project / source opens for Plus, as the debug notifications will be stored correctly. The only type of formatting that I know is for non-compiled files, such as XML ones. Oxygen is with XM. Document format and indent on open operation When checked, format and indent on open operation will open the document before opening in the edito...

c++ - glGetTexImage() doesnt work properly on ATI cards? fails when miplevel > 0 -

I use that function to get my texture from graphics card, but for some reason this is something on some cards If the miplevel> 0 image here is IM to get the image: glGetTexImage (GL_TEXTURE_2D, miplevel, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); Here is the code that I use to check what method to use mipmapping: ext = (char *) glGetString ( GL_EXTENSIONS); If (strstr (ext, "SGIS_generate_mipmap") == faucet) {// Usage gluBuild2DMipmaps ()} Other {// Usage GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP} So far it has worked properly, so It is called ATI Radeon 9550 / X1050 Series High Mobility Radeon HD 3470 GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP is supported for those ATI cards below. ATI Radeon X700 ATI Radeon HD4870 ATI Radeon HD 3450 At this time I Am taking miplevel 0 and generate mipmap by your code. Is there a better solution for this? In addition to this, glagarer (0) returns 0 for all cards, so there is no error. It just does not work, maybe a driver problem? I'm still looking for b...

c# - assembly naming conventions -

Assume that you have a namespace that is in your company for more than one project in the format of "MyCompany.Core" Useful, do you have an assembly name similar or use just "core" standard .NET naming conventions, the assembly names are: Choose the name of your assembly DLL, which is the major part of the functionality Obtained suggest such is not consistent with the names of the names of the names of the System.Data assembly and DLLs, but is appropriate to follow the namespace name assemblies name. Consider giving the DLL name as per the following pattern: & lt; Company & gt; & Lt; Component & gt; .dll Where & lt; Component & gt; There are more than one or more separate sections in . For example, Contoso WebControls.dll.

Is there a better way to include() a PHP loop that depends on a varying MySQL query? -

I have a large PHP loop that I am reusing on many pages of my site in many places. I usually use one () to set that PHP loop, where it is necessary, but in the PHP loop, a MySQL query is used in which the variable for different instances of it (different filters And different borders) are required to change I PHP Loop & lt ;? Php $ results = mysql_query ("Select * Columnname DESC, Other column names DESC LIMIT 6", $ connection from database name); If (! $ Result) {dead ("database query failed"); }? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php while ($ variable = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {---- execute this loop ----}; ? & Gt; I was still remembered using & lt; ? & Gt; Everything was going well until I removed the actual MySQL query of the file contained in it and it was placed before each instance PHP (so I asked for each frequency of the query Could control the variable). Now, the MySQL query and the included PHP loop do not look like this, and I ...

authorization - Some questions about OAuth and Android -

I started reading Oath in the morning; Need suggestions (link et al.) That will help answer the following questions: 1. 1. How to implement 3 nautical certification using OAuth on Android devices? Is there a library that helps in the above? 2. What does it mean when someone says: "The site / service supports ABC OAuth"? Thank you! To know your first question, you should be able to use any Java OAIT on Android Library, here is a link to a tutorial that uses a library to develop a consumer app on Android: Particularly pay a custom URI scheme with your application ( I.e. myapp: //) Note that you can use this URI scheme When sending Oath CallbackPay parameters that allow your users to easily go through 3-leg workflow (Basically you will get a request token from the SP, which will direct your user to authorize the SAP Token, then SP will redirect your user using a custom URI scheme). Now for your second question: When a person says that a site or service supports...

c - capturing empty output returned from commandline and display some message if its empty -

The script " " allows me to print something in my window when there is no return It means verification, when no output is returned from the script. is nothing in it, it's just an empty file that does not return anything when executed. I'm testing with an empty sh file (why can not I show that exact script). Whatever I want to print is some message like "Configure something" via C. I checked the buffer line (check in the module below) "\ n", "\ r", "\ 0", NULL .. I do not know I am calling the module as execute_command ("sh") This is mine Module char * execute_command (char * command) {FILE * fpipe; Four lines [1024] = ""; // four * line = (four *) maulok (1024 * size (four)); Int i = 0; If (fpipe = (FILE *) popen (command, "r")) {// If the pipip is the tap membrane ("problem with pipe"); exit (1);} while (fgets (line, Size line, fpipe) {// ...

c# - Cacheing - Proper Usage -

I am creating a web application and there is a problem with my caching. In my application, a large amount of data which I want to try to call from SQL database and I need information all the time. I have tried to use caching in the following ways: public static list & lt; DAL.EntityClasses.AccountsEntity & gt; Account {if (HTCTTEXTICT.Catch ["account"] == blank) {HTTPPTCXTC. Cant. ("Account", Load Units (), Empty, Datetime. Now Edwers (4), System Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } Return (List & lt; DAL.EntityClasses.AccountsEntity & gt;) HttpContext.Current.Cache ["Account"]; }} The problem is that it appears that like I am adding item to the cache, the same items that I have already cashed are removed. Thanks Large amount of data.

python - jquery autocomplete tagging -

Can anyone tell me how to use auto-complete tagging in a Djgoone template? I have done this in the Django address interface but I am confused about how to do this in a template. Thank you in advance I have this code in my template: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# tags1"). Autocomplete ("/ taglookup /", {width: 320, multiple: true, multipleSeparator: ""});} And on my this urlparttern is on tuple, it can be based on something you want to wipe ideas and URLs! ('R' ^ taglookup / $ ',' twine.twineapp.views.tag_lookup ') And the tag_postup view has been applied to me at my def tag_lookup (requested): # default usage The list result = [] If request.method == "GET": If request .GET.has_key (u'q '): VA Lue = request.GET [u'q'] # if LAN (value)> 2: TI = Tag.objects.filter (name__startswith = value.lower ()) = Return [] for x in ti] HttpResponse ('\ n'....

Force Source Insight to recognize a new macro -

It is possible to create user-defined macros in source insights. According to the source insight: Macros are saved in a text file with an .EM extension. Files are added to your project, or in any project project signals path, or in the base project. Once the macro file is part of the project, the macro functions in the file are available as user-level commands in the key assignment or menu assignment dialog box. While working on a project, I downloaded a macro file from source insight, and saved it from the .em extension in the base project. However, when I opened the key assignment dialog, it does not appear. Then I used to synchronize the files in my project, but the macro still did not show up. I rebuilt my project, and the macro was still not visible. How can you get source insight to recognize a new macro? You are on the right track with synchronizing your project files as source insights: If you create a new macro command function in a macro file, then you m...

PHP - Create simple animated GIF from two JPEG images? -

Does anyone know if it is possible to generate an animated GIF from two different JPEG files, one image for a second? Displaying and second, and so on ..? Any advice appreciated. Thank you. It is not possible to use standard GD functions that are packed before PHP. There is one for it. I have never used it myself, but it is used by many other packages. Alternatively, if you are using PHP using a library or command line, then use it with ImageMagick, this is not a problem. (from IM manual)

java - jetty configuration: what is "lowThreads"? -

I am writing a JT configuration file, and I can not find information about thread pooling parameters. My target is to tune the jetty for performance, and I would like to understand what the "Low thread" item for Threadpool object means. So far, I've found that it is used, and it tells the server that But this is not straightforward. What does "low on the thread" mean and what are the consequences of JT's behavior? (I am using Jetty 6.1.2) on resources There is a threshold for determining if the thread pool is low (if queue connection> low threads) that will cause the JetT to apply the following ResourceMaxIdleTime

I want generate INSERT which include my Primary Key (not generated) by NHibernate. How to map Id column for this? -

मेरे पास तालिका ग्राहक है जहां CUSTOMER_ID प्राथमिक कुंजी है। तालिका बनाएँ तालिका [ग्राहक] ([CUSTOMER_ID] [इंट] नहीं है, [START_DATE] [varchar (30)] नहीं, CONSTRAINT [PK_CUSTOMER] प्राथमिक कुंजी क्लास्टर ([CUSTOMER_ID] एएससी ..... मानचित्रण सार्वजनिक वर्ग CustomerMap: आईडी (एक्स = & gt; x.CustomerID, "CUSTOMER_ID"); मानचित्र (x = & gt; x.Name, "NAME");}} जब मैं विधि सत्र को कॉल करता हूं। SaveOrUpdate (ग्राहक): मैं NHibernate को मुझे इस तरह एसक्यूएल उत्पन्न करने के लिए चाहता हूँ: INSERT [ग्राहक] ([CUSTOMER_ID], [NAME]) VALUES (777, 'stackoverflow') दुर्भाग्य से मुझे त्रुटियां मिल रही हैं। मुख्य मुद्दा यह है कि Nhibernate मेरे लिए आईडी बनाने की कोशिश करता है लेकिन मैं अपनी संस्था को 777 के साथ बिल्कुल सहेजना चाहता हूं। मुझे लगता है कि आईडी के लिए मानचित्रण सेटअप करने का तरीका होना चाहिए, इसलिए यह मुझे मेरे लिए क्या करने की अनुमति देगा। > कृपया मदद करें। आप अपने NHibernate मैपिनट्स (धारदार या एचबीएम) कैसे करत...

HSQLDB how to manually insert records -

My question is how can I manually add records to the hsqldb database. I mean using the command line or some clients I know I can use the hsqldb manager, but I can not execute a query with it. It says that there is no table of the specified name. What could be the problem? OK, I was not connected to the actual database file :) HSQLDB Manager works: P Cheers

language agnostic - 3 dimensional bin packing algorithms -

I am facing a 3-dimensional bin packing problem and is currently conducting some preliminary research according to which algorithms / Hurricistics are currently giving the best results since the problem is NP difficult, so I do not expect to find optimal solutions in every case, but I was thinking: 1) What are the most accurate solars? Branch and bondage? Can I expect to be resolved with proper computing resources in the form of proper examples? 2) What are the best estimates of solar? 3) Is there some off-shelf solutions with which some experiments can be done? As far as the shelf solution is off, check out the truck to load it any May be able to configure the rectangular volume to load, but I have not tried it yet. The complexity involved in normal 3D bin-packing problems is that the object can be rotated in different positions, so that with any given length, width and height for any object, you can effectively represent each of the three variables You can create, but you ...

Using a.vim for C++ -

There. There is a way to use the a.vim plugin to switch between H, .cxx and .xx files? Alternatively, can you provide another solution? This idea will be automatically sent to .h - & gt; .txx - & gt; A big thank you to both one . View the lines in Vim which include AddAlternateExtensionMapping . The first argument is the extension of the current file, the second file has a list of extensions that you want to switch from : A . They are listed in the order of preference , in your case, you have to set it so that it can go into a cycle. Call & lt; SID & gt; AddAlternateExtensionMapping ('H', 'tx, cx') call and lieutenant; SID & gt; AddAlternateExtensionMapping ('Txx', 'cxx, h') Call & lt; SID & gt; AddAlternateExtensionMapping ('cxx', 'h, txx') If it exists or .xx if it is not, then for .txx.

c# - Refactor for Speed: Convert To a Date -

I work for myself, I am calling in a self-employed encode and as a result I reviewed the code Is not luxury or the ability to improve on the basis of peer programming internal fixed date time CONVERT_To_DateTime (integer binDate) {// 3, I use it as an exercise to see For the StackOverflow community, there is a simple way for which I I am going to be able to review the review / 10/2008 = 182255615 9 // 2008/02/10 = 18225233 9 1/2008/01/10 = 18224 9 0623 // 30/09/2008 = 18223 9 231 9/29 / 09/2008 = 182235 9 551 // September 30th 2008 // +18223 9 231 9 = 0x6c9f7fff // 0x6c = 108 = 2008 (based on the date 1900 starting date) // 0x9 = 9 = September // 0xf7fff - take top 5 bit = 0x1e = 30 // 1st October 2008 // 18224 9 0623 = 0x6ca0ffff // 0 x6c = 108 = 2008 // 0 Xa = 10 = Oct // 0x0ffff - take top 5 bit = 0x01 = 1 // binary (used by this function Goes) // one = +1822556159 (200 8/03/10) // 1,101,100 1010 using 00011111111111111111 / b = 1822523391 (2/10/2008) // 1101100 1010 00010 11...

java - Do we synchronize instance variables which are final? If yes then whats the use? -

I should know that we synchronize the final frequency variable. Variables are extreme because the price can not be changed. Can anyone explain this? Do we synchronize such example variables that are the last ones? Yes you still have to synchronize temp items Last! = Irreversible public class Some {Private Final List List = New Array List}; Public zero addition (string value) {this.list.add (value); } Public Entent Count () {return.list.size (); }} later some s = new something (); Thread A = New Thread () {Public runs zero () {s.add ("s"); S.add ("s"); S.add ("s"); }}; Thread b = new thread () {public zero run () (sount (); s.count ();}}; start (); b.start (); If so, what is the use of it? You are declaring, that a given feature will not be changed during the object lifetime. Enhances this security (your object attribute can not be replaced by malicious subclasses) Allows compiler optimization (because it goes Only a ref...

Java library to measure bandwith, latency, hop-count? -

I would be very grateful for your help: Do you know any good Java library that can easily be used by any Java application At least For example, let me One file and want to measure the above parameters to download the file. Do you know of a good library that can do this? Thanks a lot !! January Take a look at Apache Commons Network Library:. There are some things that you need to measure. Echo is a powerful, yet limited tool; The echo work will be restricted to most sites, but if you are trying to measure within your network it will help.

ruby on rails - Most code-efficient way to handle data stamped as "final" vs. data that may incur changes -

I have several models whose records and associations can have two states which should be maintained. Last, and Draft. Here's a little more detail: If the model is "application form" and the user submits the final application form, then I need to be able to store and enable that last application form. If, at a later date, the user wants to modify the application form, then they need to edit a draft copy of that final record, as long as it submits a new final version. Do not. That is, he can not edit the last application form until he checks the "last" box, on which the draft will become the new final version. The grip is that both the last and draft associations should be stored with their respective records that is, their respective records (for example, ) Should be stored in a manner that is recoverable from final and draft versions without interfering with 'last' contact and a 'draft' contact. Currently, I can think of two ways to...

Performance tuning Moodle -

Our Moodle site is getting heavy traffic. As a result, the site is slowing down. What are some configuration options in Tuning Moodle which I should see out of the bat? I know that this is unique to this site because there is no problem with its large workload on the other, they have a wide range of Moodle's website in which I have included a list of some suggestions that seem interstitial. If you go here, Moodle will give some performance statistics. Consider adding more RAM or clustering your webserver. Try to determine whether the webserver or database server is interrupted. A Moodle user has also developed a good load test script (this script is a very heavy system and you will tell the maximum load how your server can handle it) / P>

.net - Manually Add a Resource File (Visual Studio) -

I have a solution in VB.NET (VS 2005) In this solution, I have a custom Control, which is obtained from an abstract class. Now, like V. S. V.S. It does not want to display control in the designer, because the essence of her parents is abstract. Now, I want to add a photo box with this image box (BMP or ICO) in this control. Generally I have done the job of opening the designer and pulling the pictureback box, the background selection is also an image. But as the designer is unavailable, how do I add the image to my control? You have two options: 1 Project Resource Format Add images to, and then create and create PictureBox controls at runtime. It is a bit messy, but resolves the problem. Add image to project resources. And there is something like this on the runtime: PictureBox pb = new image box (); Pb.Image = (bitmap) global :: MyProject.MyImage; MyCustomControl.Controls.Add (PB); Pb.Location = new point (X, Y); // and any other attributes that require setti...

How to launch a background process in Python with a delayed invocation? -

OK, this is a bit of a prickly problem. I need to start a background process that will wait for (1) n seconds, and then (2) execute some commands. In addition, I need to capture the PID of the background process, because when the basic process is finished, the background process will be killed when necessary. It looks a bit in Shell syntax: (sleep 15 and run_som_com) & amp; # Launch BG process bg_pid = $! Capture #bg pid ... here's some stuff ... kill -9 $ bg_pid # and kill bg_pid if necessary then in shell Launch is. However, I'm trying to do it in Python. The hard thing is that since I have to capture BG Pod, I can not use the OSSystem () or OSFork (), because in every case the parent does not have access to the PID in the process. I am trying to work with Subprakashi. Popen (), but the "sleeping 15" part is a bit tricky. Any thoughts? I can not use os.system () or os.fork (), Because in every case the basic process is not accessible, the child...

wpf - How to automatically update TableAdapter bound to TextBox -

I have a WPF window with several text boxes on it. I have an XSD dataset attached to SQL server database, and window table-adapter is limited to one line: public partial class PersonForm: window {public person (Int id) {InitializeComponent (); MyDatasetTableAdapters.personTableAdapter tableAdapter = New MyDatasetTableAdapters.personTableAdapter (); Person line line = table adapter. Getpsonsby ID; this. DataContext = Row; } ... The text boxes are bound to: I have a button, when the call is clicked myTableAdapter.Update (myRow); This successfully updates SQL database. My question is: What changes do I need to do this so that the text box automatically updates the database automatically (without table adapter. to do). In addition, is it a proper way to bond a form to a database in WPF? I have found a way to accomplish this. NotifyOnSourceUpdated set the property to True on text box binding like this: & lt; Text box name = "last name" ...

java - JSF a4j:commandButton not working when 'disabled' is set -

When I include an 'disabled' attribute on the a4j: commandButton, the action of the button is not taken. Removing the 'inefficient' feature causes it to work properly. I'm not doing any special verification (which I know) and I do not see a verification error message. Here's a part of my page: & lt; T: DataTable id = "myTable" var = "region" value = "# {MyPageBackingBean.regions}" width = "100%" & gt; ... & lt; A4j: Command button value = "update" action = "# {region.doUpdate}" incomplete = "alert ('done');" Disabled = "# {empty area and area. Message alight}" instant = "true" /> ... & lt; / T: Datatable & gt; Any ideas? Thanks! Edit: I tried to preserve Data Metal = "True" on T: Data not usable. I did not have any test with an A4J: command button and text box with no data table, but the action of backing bean is ...