ruby - Rspec: Is there a problem with rspec-rails when initializing a controller class with super(args)? -

I am using RS for a while and for some reason a controller named Reference Controller is getting errors .

The error says that I must specify the name of the administrator either by using it:

  MyController do  


  Describe 'aoeuoeu' to Controller_name: My  

I have tried both variations:

  Describe the references  


  describe the 'refs controller' Controller_name: Reference  

but I have an error for both of them Meets! What could be wrong with any idea?


Edit : Due to the nature of the solution, I've changed the title again and the relevant code. Here's the wrong code:

# reference-controller.rb

  class reference editor & lt;  

and error:


  1) 'Reference Controller GET Index should take the criteria for a company and return the references' Feldial controller glasses should know how the controller is being specified, you can tell that to the controller () to describe: Describe the MyController or the description of the name of the controller "a mac controller" Do, Controller_name: My # Invoke MacCrol End  

If you call super (args) So, you are going through the same logic - Arg . By using super (* args) - the array changes in a list and passes through each element of the args as a personal argument

As Wayne has pointed out, Ruby also has a small syntax that is called simply super and it automatically passes on the argument for you, like treating it < Super (* Args) instead of code> super () .

In your special case, I suppose that your controller's initialize method of superclass does not accept an array, so when RSPEC tried to instantize its controller It failed, resulting in you getting an error message.


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