
Showing posts from January, 2011

SQL Server - Production DB Schema vs. Reporting DB Schema. Should they be the same? -

We've recently put in a new production database usage. The schema of this database is optimized for OLTP We are also preparing to implement a reporting server to use for reporting purposes. I do not believe that we should use the same schema for our reporting database, as That we do for our production database and do it to replicate the data. For those people who have worked with different production and reporting databases, you have chosen to use the same database schema for your reporting database, or a schema that is more for reporting. Is efficient; For example, maybe something more denormalized? Thanks for considering this. I think the reporting database schema should be optimized for reporting - so you can get your data An ETL process will need to be loaded in my experience. In my experience I was quick at that point that the production schema does not meet my reporting requirements If you are starting your own reporting project then I would suggest That you rep...

java - Generating Multiple Output files with Hadoop 0.20+ -

I am trying to output the results of my reducer to multiple files, the data results are all contained in one file, And the remaining results are divided according to the category of their respective files. I know with 0.18 that you can do it with multiple outputs and it has not been removed. However, I am trying to make my application 0.20+ compliant. Existing multiple output functionality still requires JobConf (which uses my application job, and configuration). Based on the key, how do I generate multiple outputs? Support for multiple outputs is not in 0.20. You have to use the old API. It has been added to 0.21 which is currently absent as org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.MultipleOutputs. Talks about this problem on the mailing list.

networking - Get Download and Upload Speeds C# -

I'm seeing a class or a library or something that will allow me to get current download speeds, / P> Anything can provide some sort of code to give this simple functionality. Thank you very much I think you want KB / sec It is determined by taking collised and dividing it by the initial seconds by reducing the current seconds. I'm not sure how to do this time in C #, but in VC ++ it will be: COleDateTimeSpan dlElapsed = COleDateTime :: GetCurrentTime () - dlStart; Secs = dlElapsed.GetTotalSeconds (); You split again: double KBSEC = kbreceived / secs; To get collised to get , you will need to read currentBytes , add already read bytes, then 1024 Divide by. P> Therefore, // Chuck size 512 .. As long as you can max (int bytesread = file-> gt; read (charBuf, 512) )) {Currentbytes = currentbytes + bytesread; // Set the status of progress by setting the current bytes to pause} int percent = current bytes * 100 / x (the size of our file at the...

iphone - Can't upload application binary to the App Store -

We got to talk about submitting our first iPhone app (or trying) in the App Store But I can not connect to accept iTunes uploads. I have tried through both web sites ("The binary that you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it lots of reading (including), again After reading and googling, I can say that: "Apple Submissions Certificate" and "Application Loader" ("There is no CFBundleResourceSpecification in Info.plist"). I'm sure the bundle The identifier matches the APID. is an icon, it is a 57x57 px PNG file, and it is The exact name is Info.plist. I'm doing a tool, not a simulator, build. The signaling process is successful: build results show this, and Codeign -vvvv MyApp is running .app indicates no problem. There are no strange characters in the way of Zip F. IL. I created the build folder Has been removed and binary has been rebuilt several times. Now, it is true that in the built-in app, there i...

struts2 - how to iterate Set in s:iterator in Struts 2 -

I have a set with a list of objects, I want to iterate this set in s: iterator in struts 2 How can I get the tag and one's use of the object's property? Sample code: class employee {string name; String era; ... gates and setters ...} ... set & lt; Employee & gt; EmpSet = new hashset & lt; Employee & gt ;; In JSP: I want to use the name of the employee & gt; & Lt; Property value = ??? (How to get the employee's name) & gt; & Lt; / S: iterator & gt; Thanks Iterator docs: You want to do something like this: & lt; S: iterator value = "empSet" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Name is: & lt; S: property value = "name" /> gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / S: iterator & gt; Note that you will need a waiter for empSet on your Action Class.

How to step frames in a movie recorded by iPhone -

Is the frame frame of my iPhone program through the frame recorded by the iPhone? What I want to do is, the user has to record a quicktime movie, then be able to take steps through the film frame by frame Alternatively, I think there was a way to remove every single frame from the movie for a JPG, so I can easily move through the pictures, anyone know a way to do this is ??? I think the third option (which can not be behind Apple's store) is to capture that film as the old jailbreak app was imposed, which somehow captures directly the camera Photos from the scene of ???? Any help is appreciated Thanks in advance !!!! You can not move the frame through a film frame. This functionality is not present in the public API. You can include your own media decoder code (open source or not) and use your films to parse the course. It is absolutely fine to do this.

cocoa - OSX: Get application windows + bounds -

Is there a way to get the list of windows from other applications and from their limits? Like I'm talking about 1) F / Script or obj-c or any other (except for Apple Script) any other (any other) Cocoa-based application window To use content to use? The data (as is) and 2) modify it ... external See these stack overflow questions: In OS X. Basically, you can use two APIs and.

user interface - How do I create a non managed Windows GUI in Visual C++? -

When I am creating a 'windows form application', the resultant program is managed by creating a 'win32 application' one The original happens in one, but when I try to add a form, I am informed that if I continue, this project will be converted to CLI. How do I design a native Windows GUI with Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition? I'm probably very silly here, but I can not understand it. Coppey as Reed will be the "default" way of creating native civilian GUI on the MFC Windows platform. However, MFC is not included with the Visual Studio Express. Consequently, you will either need to upgrade to the full version or you can view independently using the available C ++ GUI library. There is also a GUI editor if you want it. You can go directly to the "bare metal" and code on the Win32 API, maybe some help but you will enter the world of pain;)

inheritance - C++ Seg fault on reference to stored base class pointer -

I get some dirty partition error through the G ++ compiler on the following code. That would be such a thing and how to fix it, it would be great. #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class base {public: base () {} virtual ~ base () {}; Virtual Int Nine (0) = 0; }; Category received: Public base {Public: Derivative (): Base () {} ~ Removed () {} int getNum (int num) {return num; }}; Class Fu {public: Fu () {}; Zero init () {generated n; * BidID = N; } Zero other stuff () {cout & lt; & Lt; "Number is" & lt; & Lt; BaseID- & gt; Milan (14) & lt; & Lt; BaseID- & gt; Milan (15) & lt; & Lt; BaseID- & gt; Milan (16) & lt; & Lt; BaseID- & gt; Milan (15) & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Derived * baseId; }; Int main () {Foo F; F.init (); F.otherStuff (); Return 0; } zero init () {generated n; * BidID = N; } In addition to what Neil had noted, the derived n is local in your init function. When y...

Catching double click in Cocoa OSX -

NSResponder does not have a mouse double click event. Is there an easy way to double click? mouseDown: and mouseUp: methods clickcount

c# - WPF - Create a UI object from a DataTemplate -

This is similar to what I asked before. I'm hoping to be clear and get a different answser. I have a data object (called MockUI). There is a data template (in app.xaml): & lt; DataTimeplate DataType = "{x: Type Local: MockWI}" & gt; & Lt; Button content = "{binding name}" /> & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; In my code, I want to create a UI object that is a data template, I have makevvi and I want to find out which template is used. And the object that is created (in this case a button with the material set on my maskie) I have just tried to create a button: button myButton = new button {content = myMockWI} but like That you might guess, which creates a button, then puts another button inside that button (because the data template is applicable). How do I get a button? It is turned on that i need to go up the UI tree bit. If I control a new content, then it does not appear and it takes whatever data applet is. Then...

opensearch - Track custom firefox search engine with google analytics -

I have created a custom Firefox search engine; It uses the code given below Is it possible that I Can I track its usage? My concern is that Firefox will look like a search engine. Firefox will look like a direct visit to Google Analytics. I would like to tag searches or any other solution, I had somehow united it, that is, a newbie on it. & lt; OpenSearchDiscription xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Shortenam & gt; ICD 9 Code Search & lt; / ShortName & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; Find the ICD 9 code search & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; Tag & gt; Schadenfreude & lt; / Tags & gt; & Lt; Image height = "16" width = "16" type = "picture / x-icon" & gt; Https: //< / Image & gt; & Lt; URL type = "text / html" method = "GET" template = "

iPhone Bluetooth connection (2 questions) -

I have two questions: I have an iPhone and another Bluetooth device It can be any other mobile like iPhone, iPod Touch or Nokia, Samsung or any PC, Is it possible in iPhone programming? If yes, please give me directions. Can we test Bluetooth applications in the iPhone Simulator? We can not test Bluetooth in simulator for testing We need a minimum iOS 3.0 version

visual studio - Fiddler recorded content-length vs WebTest result page bytes -

I'm new to the Visual Studio 2008 web test. I have tried to record iiGiDial posted on IIS 6.0 and GJIP Compression on my web site. I Webtest saved file generated by the applicant for the file extension. I added WebTest file vs. 2008 and launched a web test. I notice that the result of webtest page bytes is different from the content-length or body recorded in the restraint. With GZIP compression: WebTest byte vs. 914,330 vs 45,840 I also try with not jezip compression : This result is result bytes result results: bytes webtest byte vs fidler body 1,181,623 vs. 406353 Question: In WebTest results, column bytes represent the content length of the page? If not, what does the bytes column represent? I have also noticed that if the JizIAP compression is enabled then the response to the WebTest result is not visible in the content-length feedback tab? Explain the difference of any result? Thank you. Check that Visual Studio Load Test is not emulating I...

Drawing Hebrew text to and image using Image module (python) -

This is an issue about which I have already asked and many have got the answer but the problem is going on. When I try to write in an image using the Image Module in Hebrew, then I take about some other (ASCI?) Lettering instead of Hebrew. If I convert to Unicode or ASCI, I get an error which does not support it. Here I get a reference to a code that I want in Chinese: import import import imports import import import imaged import imaging txt = '你好, 世界!' Font = ImageFont.truetype ('c: /test/simsun.ttc', 24) im = ("RGBA", (300,200), (0,0,0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw (im) # DrawText ((0, 50), u '你, 世界!', Font = font) DrawText ((0, 50), Unicode (TCT, 'UTF-8'), font = font) But then I get an error: ImportError: _imagingf C module is not installed. The same goes when I try to use the standard Hebrew Hebrew font 'arial.ttf' (with the Hebrew string course). As you can see I have imported succsefuly_imaging, so the probl...

javascript tricks. Why (a,b,c) => 5 -

। var a, b, c = function () {return 5; }; चर ए और बी अपरिभाषित है, सी फ़ंक्शन है, हम ऐसा क्यों करते हैं (ए, बी, सी) () हमारे पास 5? घोषणा समान है: var a; Var बी; Var c = function () {वापसी 5; }; या व्यावहारिक रूप से समान: var a; Var बी; फ़ंक्शन c () {वापसी 5; }; (ए, बी, सी) का उपयोग करने के लिए घोषणा के साथ कुछ भी नहीं है, यह केवल अंतिम ऑपरेंड देता है, इसलिए (a, b, सी) () बिल्कुल c () के रूप में एक ही है (जब तक किसी और के मूल्यांकन के लिए कोई दुष्प्रभाव नहीं होता है)।

sql server - Physical location of FILESTREAM data -

How can I know the physical location (so I can see it in Windows Explorer) a FILESTREAM Data that I have just put in DB? There is an option for this: Method PhysicalPathName (). If you are on SQL Server 2012 or above, this code will work for you: SELECT stream.PhysicalPathName () as the 'path' media option (QUERYTRACEON 5556) For SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, you must enable Trace Flag 5556 for the full example: DBCC transceans (5556, -1) GO or for the specific connection in which you are calling the PhysicalPathName () method: DBCC TRACEON (5556, -1) GO

java - How to print on Oracle SQL Developer console using SQLJ -

I created and launched SQLJava process (using SQL Developer) and launched. I have some bugs and I want to debug the Java source code. What is the best way to do this? Is it possible to print a SQL developer, using some information, System.out? itemprop = "text"> The default standard output device is the current trace file in Oracle Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If you want to recreate all the standard output from the program executed on the server - output from any System.out. Println () calls, for example - on the user screen, you can execute the package process according to the following example Buffer size input in bytes (10,000 bytes in this case) sqlplus & gt; Execute dbms_java.set_output (10000); Over output buffer size will be lost. If you want to explicitly output your code to the server screen, you can use PL-Java system.out.println () instead of the method -SQL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE () process.

javascript - how to find time taken to load a page -

Time can be taken to load an existing page. Can we find that how much CPU usage of memory to load that page? If you are looking for JavaScript solutions, when you use the following script, You can: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; (Function () {var startTime = new date (.); Window.setTimeout (function () {var endime = new date (.) GetTime (); alert ("page took" + (end time - start time) + "MS to load");}, 0);}) (); & Lt; / Script & gt;

android - ListSelector applies to the entire list -

I have a simple list like list editor. & lt; ListView Android: Ad = "@ + ID / List" Android: Layout_width = "Filled_preview" Android: Layout_height = "Fill_Perior" Android: Layout_blo = "@ + ID / Round" Android: List Selector = "# 99000000" Android: Clicking Qualified = "true" Android: Cachecolorhint = "# 00000000" Android: background = "# 00000000" & gt; & Lt; / ListView & gt; As you can see on Android: list selector = "# 99000000" but "black alpha" color applies to the entire list, not selected items. So that I have it now, but the complete list still darkens :: listview_background.xml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Selector xmlns: Android = "" & gt; & Lt; Item android: state_enabled = "false" Android: state_focused = ...

iphone - Objective-C: Best way to store error messages -

What is the best way to store error messages (Especially for development with Xcode and purpose for Mac and iPhone- C ): Error code and related messages . List of error codes and related messages List of Localizable.string files with error codes that create a separate class I'm sure there is no reason to give me Because anyone would like to keep all error messages in one place thanks. Your file is Localizable.strings . You may have a file named errors.string . When you want to receive error details, you can use it: NSString * errCode = @ "err1"; NSString * errDesc = [[NSBundle Main Bundle] Localized StringForki: errCode Value: Zero Table: @ "Errors"]; You can use the plist file, though all the tasks for you with a string File is done, you do not have to type any code to parse any file or to start some dictionary or array (no matter how easy, no matter what).

Is it possible to view a silverlight or 3.5 website deployed on IIS 6.0 in Windows CE 5.0 browser? -

I plan to buy a website in Silverlight and install it on IIS 6.0. I'm not sure The app can be browsed in the Windows CE 5.0 browser. Windows CE 5.0 What you can see or do not see on the device browser Depending on what happens on the page, it depends a lot and how it works. Keep in mind that the browser is not fully-featured as a desktop browser and the OS is not the same as a desktop OS. Along with this, you can look at your page based on the need. For Silverlight, the customer needs Silverlight runtimes (you install them on your desktop, right)? There is no Silverlight client for Windows CE, so it means that it can not meet the requirements to see a Silverlight application. For general asp.NET (and in fact any other web technology) it depends on how to leave your HTML pages with HTML and Javascript on the client to use server-side controls? If so, there is a strong possibility that it will work just fine. Do your pages require client side controls (Flash, A...

sql - Deleted some Oracle DBF files by mistake - how can I tell Oracle XE to forget about them? -

So I accidentally removed some DBF files (specific to my tablepace only), fortunately I was about to start loading data. Nothing has been lost in it, except that the tablespace can not be created again. If I run: Select a name from v $ datafile; The DBF files that I have removed in the results. I tried to run an order found on the Internet so that it was relevant to remove the dbuff files to the obelisk: changing the database data file & lt; A_DBF_file_that_no_longer_exists & gt; ' Offline Drop; And the result is: Changing the database data file succeeded However the deleted data file is still back When I try to create a new tablepace when I run the selection statement, I get an error: SQL error: ORA-01543: The location of the tables 'my_tablespace_name' already Exists 01543. 00000 - "The location of the tables '% s' already exists * Cause: Try to create a tablepace * A new name for the new tablepace. * Leaving the affected... - MVC: capture route url's and pass them to javascript function -

संक्षिप्त: क्या एक मार्ग-परिभाषा है जो पास हो जाएगी वास्तव में नियंत्रक की कार्रवाई के लिए सीधे जाने के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन में "नियंत्रण / कार्रवाई" स्ट्रिंग मान क्या है? अधिक: मेरे पास एक मास्टरपेज है जिसमें साइट का नेविगेशन अब, सभी पृष्ठों को इस नेविगेशन को हर समय उसके चारों ओर लपेटा जाता है, लेकिन क्योंकि मैं नहीं चाहता था कि नेविगेशन लगातार प्रत्येक पेज के साथ लोड हो, मैंने अपने सभी पेजों को आंशिक दृश्य में बदल दिया। इन आंशिक विचारों को JQuery.Load () पद्धति के माध्यम से लोड किया जाता है जब भी नेविगेशन में एक मेनू आइटम पर क्लिक किया जाता है। यह सब बहुत अच्छा काम किया, क्योंकि अब तक मैंने देखा कि यह वेबसाइट की आवश्यकता भी है सीधे पृष्ठ X पर, फिर डिफ़ॉल्ट.aspx से लिंक करने में सक्षम हो। उदाहरण के तौर पर: मुख्य पृष्ठ मेरा "default.aspx" पृष्ठ है , यह मेरे चारों ओर नेविगेशन के साथ मास्टर पेज का उपयोग करता है और एक नया पेज पर प्रत्येक कॉल एक जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता है जो उस विशिष्ट डिश के अंदर आंशिक दृश्य को लोड करता है जो मेरे म...

xcode - Is there an easier way to type and compile C on Mac OS X? -

I have started learning C in Mac OS X. I have also downloaded the encoded. So far, I'm typing my application into text edit, and then using the terminal to find my app and gcc hello.c etc. I am compiling it using. Is there any easy way maybe using Xcode?) Type your code in some form of IDE, and then automate compiling with the 'Compile and Play' button or similar? It looks a bit primitive and tedious using textEdit and then switching to the terminal to compile. However, I do not have much experience with low level languages ​​like C, so I'm sure this is also possible. Thanks yes this is for XCode View the tutorial on the open screen of XCode (version 3.2.1 for OSX 10.6). This objective is for C but the tools are similar. Or if the objective is confusing to choose a new project from XCode file-> new project), select the command line tool as the project type and then type from the pop-up menu as C

iphone - How to rotate this view to a specific value in radians or degrees? -

What is this 0 to 1 object exactly? For example, how do I rotate the layer at exactly 170 degrees? CALayer * viewLayer = myView.layer; CABasicAnimation * Animation = [CABasicAnimation with animation: @ "transform.rotation.z"]; Animation.frame value = [nsnumber number explosion: 0.0 * mopi]; = [NSNumber Number Blast: 1.0 * MOPI]; Animation.duration = 1.0; Animation me = yes; Animation. RepeatCount = 2; Animation. RemovedOnCompletion = No; Animation.philmedia = kCFilModford; [ViewLayer addAnimation: animation fork: @ "transform.rotation.z"]; To not know about cocoa, I would say that toValue 1.0 p specifies the radian rotation. 360 degrees are 2Pi radians, therefore 1.0 PE represents 180 degrees. To get 170 degree rotation I will set the value as animation. Value = [NSNumber Number Blast (170.0 / 180.0) * MOPI];

http - jQuery Ajax: redirect to other pages without wait the result -

After clicking on a button I want to fire an Ajax call and then Ajax results without waiting for other pages I want to redirect. Is this possible? Follow my code: $ ('button'). Click (function () {$ .get ('mailer.php', function) (window.location.replace ("result .php");});}); The above code will wait for the AJAX result before redirection. Can I just walk Ajax on the back and go to other pages? It seems that the script that you are sending an email is AJAX I can see Waiting for this to happen will be the interval on the end of the user. Here's how I usually solve this problem: Instead of sending an e-mail to your mailer.fP script, archive the message data in your DB. Do not send e-mail during the AJAX call, this will result in a very quick process for the user. Then, you can set up a cron job that points to a specially created script to send e-mail stored in DB Understand?

Windows 2003 Server and Remote Desktop problems with WM_QUERYENDSESSION -

I'm facing a strange problem with the small app that was written to detect Windows shutters. To connect to Remote Desktop Windows 2003 server, sometimes I get WM_QUERYENDSESSION with OPper = LPARM = 0 at the time of admission, which is my app shutdown request (as stated) And, as a result, its work, the problem is, I am actually entering, not shutting down the system or rebooting. I think it is possible to do this with session management under Windows 2003 Server, as the same device performs quite well on Windows XP. I tried to restrict remote access to up to 1 remote session per user, but it did not change the behavior. Any sign on this? I think this answer is too late for you and any kind of use , But the same problem for someone else's benefit: I have used the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function successfully in the past without such unexpected false positive which seems to be WM_QUERYENDSION, it may be worth a try.

ruby on rails - User Mailer Failing -

I send a user module in a user model to a mailing script, I am using the app to send emails The user is accessing User_mailer but I am getting an error from there Anyone can point me in the right direction. User model: class users & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base acts_s_totic def self.mail_out weekday = date.light. ('% a'). DownCase @ User = Search (All :: Terms => {"# {Workday} Sub" .to_sym = & gt; 'T'}) UserMailer.deliver_mail_out (@users) Ends User_mailer.rb Class UserMailer & lt; ActionMailer :: Base def mail_out (user) @recipients = {} users.each do | User | @recipients [] = {: zipcode = & gt; User.zipcode} "no" ends with "see the trailer of the day"! Body: user = & gt; End of user end mail_out.html.erb {{zipcode}}, please see day trailer on http: // www Dailytrailer Net thanks! - Delaterrarennet Team User DB Schema create_table "users...

Free PIC C compiler -

I am searching for a free, and possibly open source C compiler for PIC. I can go without C, but I would like to get both options. There are many compilers, but since I have never done PIC before, I am looking for user experience and advice. I am targeting the PIC16F88x family I used it for a small project during school and it did great work.

c# - Is IOrderedEnumerable<T> an inherently immutable collection? Should/can I yield? -

मेरे पास IOrderedEnumerable & lt; T & gt; संग्रह के आसपास मेरा सिर नहीं हो सकता है। अगर मेरे पास एक क्षेत्र है, my_field प्रकार IOrderedEnumerable & lt; T & gt; , और मैं इसे एक सार्वजनिक संपत्ति प्राप्तकर्ता से वापस करना चाहता हूं, क्या मैं बस वापस कर सकता हूँ my_field; ? आंतरिक रूप से संगठित संग्रह में बाहरी संशोधन को रोकने के लिए, मुझे उपज आईआईएन परिणाम के लिए एक IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि यह आवश्यक नहीं हो सकता है या नहीं IOrderedEnumerable & lt; T & gt; के मामले में भी संभव है। क्या यह सही है? इसलिए मैं एक वापसी प्रकार IOrderedEnumerable & lt; T & gt; और उपज परिणाम एक मनमाने ढंग से करता है, जैसे कि कोडिंग की संरचना को IComparable & lt; T & gt की संपत्ति-आधारित तुलना के बजाय परिभाषित किया जाता है ; रों? क्या यह T में IOrderedEnumerable & lt; T & gt; में हमेशा IComparable ? .NET एपीआई में जो इस इंटरफ़ेस को कार्यान्वित करता है, या प्रकार केवल LI...

jquery - How do I get the browser to update before my next Javascript function is called? -

I'm having trouble getting the desired functionality from my function ... Actually, I'm calling two AJAX For the functions (as provided by Oracle Apex, I can not convert them) but they are taking a little while, the action was going on, so I wanted to show the standard AJAXy spinning gif but I do not have much luck. This is what I have so far: {Limit: 'none', padding: '15px', background color: '# 000', 'webcat-border-radius': '10px', '-max-border-radius': '10px', ambiguity : .5, Color: '#FF'}}); // Two Axax calls are provided for APEX (var i = 0; i & lt; Report IDs.length; i ++) {$ a_report (reportIDs [i], RARRACKORD, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } // Clean up some of the appacks garbage on page format page (); // Make a message "Please Wait" $ away.unblockUI; } I think the typical problem at this time is that the UI bar only takes a while to complete the AJAX call. Again ...

c - Reading characters on a bit level -

I would like to be able to enter a character from the keyboard and for this I would like to display the binary code for the key in 00000001 format for example. In addition to this, I would like to read the bits in such a way that would allow me to output at right or wrong. For example 01010101 = false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true I I will post the idea how I tried to do this but I do not know at all, I am still experimenting with C and this is my first taste of programming at such a low level level. Thankyou This code is C89: / * We require exit * / #include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; / * We require this CHAR_BIT * / #include & lt; Limits.h & gt; / * We require fgetc and printf * / #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () / We need everything * / int input, index; Unsigned entry mask; Four enrichment; / * To collect an array, we tell the value of individual bits. There are approximately (8) 8 bits in a four, but it does not hurt...

java - How can I print single quotes around attribute values instead of double quotes with the javax.xml.transform.Tansformer class? -

मेरे पास निम्न फ़ंक्शन हैं: निजी स्थिर शून्य सुंदर प्रिंट (दस्तावेज़ डॉक्टर, फ़ाइल destfile ) {ट्रांसफार्मरफिटर tfactory = ट्रांसफार्मरफैक्चर। न्यू ईन्स्टेंस (); ट्रांसफॉर्मर धारावाहिक; कोशिश {if (! DestFile.getParentFile ()। मौजूद है ()) {destFile.getParentFile ()। Mkdirs (); } सीरियलइज़र = टीएफटीसी। एनईयू ट्रान्सफ़ॉर्मर (); Serializer.setOutputProperty (आउटपुटकिसे। इंडेंट, "हाँ"); Serializer.setOutputProperty (आउटपुटकिज़। एनकोडिंग, "यूटीएफ -8"); {Serializer.transform (नई DOMSource (doc), नई स्ट्रीम रीजल्ट (नई FileOutputStream (destFile)) का प्रयास करें; } पकड़ (FileNotFoundException ई) {e.printStackTrace (); }} पकड़ (ट्रांसफार्मर एक्सपेशेशन ई) {e.printStackTrace (); }} मैं इसका इस्तेमाल अपने एक्सएमएल "सुंदर प्रिंट" करने के लिए करता हूं हालांकि, यह उन गुणों के मूल्यों को उनके चारों ओर दोहरे उद्धरणों के साथ प्रिंट करता है, क्योंकि एकल उद्धरणों के विपरीत। अब, मुझे एहसास है कि एक्सएमएल मूल्यों के लिए डबल बनाम एकल उद्धरणों के बारे में अज्ञेयवादी है,...

sql - When to use an auto-incremented primary key and when not to? -

I'm trying to figure out "best practices" to determine whether an auto-indicating integer To add a primary key in a table. Assuming that I have data about chemical elements, the atomic number of each element is unique and will never change. So instead of using an automatic incremental integer for each column, it would probably be more intelligent to use the atomic number right, right? If I have a table of books, will it be right? Should I use ISBN or an auto-indicating integer for primary key? Or a host of employees of each person with SSN? There are already questions addressed on stack overflow which can help you with your questions See the word you are looking for Hope this will be helpful.

c# - Implement Date Time Picker functionality with MaskedTextBox. Validation done with RegEx -

I am trying to create a custom control specifically for my application which prohibits the input data entered Will use the masked textbox for. Now I want to implement it in C #. Class CustomDateMask: System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox this.Mask = "00/00/2 \ 000"; For the year 2000 and above, the date format is "dd / mm / yyyy". Type of verification = type (system. Datam); I have seen a regular expression to validate my date by limiting the date by leaving the entry and capturing the events of the Capperes. Now my RegExp is going to be like this string regaire = @ "(200 [8 9] | 201 [0-9])"; // If this is incorrect for the year from 2008-2019, then correct this RegEx. String regMonth = @ "(0 [1- 9] | 1 [012])"; String regDate = @ "(0 [1-9] | [12] [0- 9] | 3 [01])"; String separator = @ "[- /]"; String ddmmyyyy = regDate + seperator + regMonth + separator + regair; I saw a regarding the regular expression fo...

C/C++: How to store data in a file in B tree -

It appears that one way of storing data in a B-tree, efficiency as a file with C File can be done with the sequence of strokes (array), representing one representative of each node. In this way a personal nodes can be linked to that approach which is similar to the formation of linked lists using ARAS. But then the problems that would have to be removed from one node, it is not possible to delete only a few bytes in the middle of a large file. One way to remove 'may be to keep an empty track' nodes until it reaches a threshold cutoff and then create another file that will discard the empty node but it is tedious. Is there a better approach than simplicity / efficiency approach to removing or removing B-trees in the file? TIA, -Vijaya I did a very quick search and dug it up: C source: - This disk-based B-tree style database - although taking a look at "delete.c" it seemed that if you remove one node, everything will be taken down - if it is the right beh...

c# - Singleton Implementation Works Fine on 32-bit but not 64-bit -

I am working on a single application with a shared object that has reached through a singleton. It's working fine on 32-bit, but on 64-bit it's not going to be locked properly. For the constructor of my object I have a code that checks for some configuration RIR key and prompts the user if the user does not exist. On 32 bit I'm only being shown several times at a 64-bit prompt as expected. My code is below: Private static readable object padlock = new object (); Private Static MyClass _instance = null; Public Static MyClass Instance {Get (lock (padlock) {if (_instance == null) {_instance = new MyClass ()); }} Return _instance; }} Any input is highly appreciated. Edit to include sample usage: public other object () {initialization (); MyClass.Instance.OtherObjectOrSomething = this; This.Load + = New system. Event Handler & lt; EventArgs & gt; (Other object_load); } Re-edited This is going on inside an Office AddIn, thus the Beetle is determined ... mvc - Foreign keys not working in link table in Linq2Sql -

I have 3 tables subcontract, company, and a link table company.Tasbacterized I link sub-contract_ID and company_id in the table is. Foreign keys were installed in SQL and when I used to drug them in their DBML, one-to-many relations were shown to the arrows and everything looked fine, however, when coding, it seems that the relationships are not there. When I write a selection statement, then I have to use it to get involved in the work. When I mention CompanyToSubcontract in the code, I do not have the right members available. I have company pany_id and CompanyToSubcontract.subcontract_id, but company is not with BCTActic company or company. I have another table group with one-to-many relationships with subcontractes. I set up foreign key in the same way and it is doing great work, I can use subcontract.group_id as well as subcontract group. Everything for the link table is being installed properly, but I can not find it to work, what is the type of trick fo...

xml - What is a striping error? -

I am trying to use the xml data xdlt in rdf and I am getting this error: ERROR [http-8080-1] ( - (line 3 column 24): Expecting {E202} XMTM start or end element (s) string data "Joseph Arthur" may not be allowed That a striping error Can someone explain to me what is a striping error, or what I am doing normally. The XSLT code is here: & lt; Xsl: each selection = "/ lfm / artist / artist" & gt; & Lt; Lfm: name & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select the value = "name" /> & Lt; / Lfm: name & gt; & Lt; / XSL: for-each & gt; > This will actually help to see the complete xml, or at least full xslt and input xml (which does not mention 'Joseph Arthur') produced by it. , you are producing RDF / XML, which is breaking an important feature called 'striping', written by Dan Brickley, but this is a very brief summary: when rdf / xml & lt; A & gt; & Lt; P ...

java - What is the best way to avoid maven-jar? -

I'm using a different plugin (Anti-4 Clops) to issue my files to the Maven-jar plugin What is the best way to avoid executing? I received & lt; Plugin & gt; Maven-jar-plugin & lt; / Plugin & gt; Tried to remove I tried & lt; Exclusion & gt; ** / * & lt; I received & lt; Skip & gt; True & lt; / Skip & gt; Did not do any work in Maven 3.0.x (I tried 3.0.2) You can see the maven-jar- Plugin can disable execution by default-jar as a new step, as Unfortunately it does not work in 2.2.1, but you can call it an optional & lt; Last name and gt; and & lt; Classifier & gt; Setting can prevent you from interfering with your own jar; default-jar execution; It will still make a jar, but it will be installed as a secondary artwork for the project and a person you have created will not be overwritten. Here is an example that should work in both Maven 2 and Maven 3: & lt; Project & gt; & Lt; Mo...

python - performance issue when import reactor module before os.fork() -

I found a display problem while trying to: twisted.internet import # Some code from reactor here pid = os.fork () if not pid: # some code blahblahblah () This is the reason for very low performance and I do not have useful informations from Found official document, I believe because I import the reactor module before any idea, OSFork ()? You can not use subprocess instead of OSFork?

javascript - How can we resolve conflict between prototype and jQuery? -

jQuery और प्रोटोटाइप के बीच एक संघर्ष को हल करने के लिए, jQuery.noConflict और jQuery का उपयोग करने के बजाय $ ('code')। कोड ; हम नीचे कदम और हल करने के लिए प्रोटोटाइप $ पूछते हैं। प्रोटोटाइपजेएसजी jQuery की तुलना में वैश्विक जावास्क्रिप्ट नेमस्पेस में थोड़ी अधिक जोड़ती है। उदाहरण के लिए, यह इसके लिए अर्थ जोड़ता है: अजाक्स , $ , $$ , $ F , सार , फ़ॉर्म , $ A , $ H , $ R , $ w । आप वर्गों और उपयोगिताओं की एक पूरी सूची देख सकते हैं। इसलिए जो सलाह आपने ली है वह सही है, प्रोटोटाइपजेएस के लिए कोई समान समतुल्य नहीं है।

iphone - how to load a class in Objective-C -

Objective for iPhone-application - How to load class in C? I know that the tax bundling concept is in Mac, but can I use the same bundle concept for the iPhone to load in the classroom? What do you want to load? If you want to load a square from nibb, you just want to do something: YourClassName * classInstance = [[YourClassName alloc] initWithNibName: @ "YourClassName" bundle: nil]; Only certain classes will apply initWithNibName, such as UIViewControllers, you can load an owner from one bite to an owner with your bundle with the following: [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: @ "YourClassName" owner: self choice: zero];

php - What is the difference between MySQL, MySQLi and PDO? -

What is the difference between MySQL, and? Which PHP is most suitable to use with - MySQL? PHP has three popular ways of using MySQL. ( deleted ) are procedural and are using the escape manual. With object-oriented and proactive versions, there is a replacement for the mysql function. There is support for the prepared statement in it. (PHP Data Objects) is a common database abstraction layer with the support of MySQL with another database. It gives a prepared statement, and how the data is returned provides significant flexibility. I would recommend using PDOs with prepared statements. This is a well-designed API and if necessary you will be moved more easily in other databases (which supports support).

Problem saving photos in a view using django-imagekit -

I am using this code in one of my codes: Request.method == 'POST': Vehicle = Approval ( or none) Photos = Photoformset (request. POST or none) if vehicle. IS_Willid (): Vehicle. (Photo) photo = photoformset (, example = vehicle) Photosyave () Returns HTTPRPSPoint redirect ('/ vehicle /') Other: vehicle = vehicleform (photo) = Photoformset (example = vehicle): vehicle, 'photo': photo }, Context_instance = RequestContext (request)) But I get an error: There is no attribute in 'Vehicle' object 'PK' when I submit the form Try to do I have declared PhotosFormSet like: django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import generic_inlineformset_factory photoformat = generic_inline format from / Pre> Then my photo class is as follows: class photos (image modell): Name = models.CharField (max_length = 100) original_image = Models.ImageField (upload_to = 'photos') num_views = models.PositiveIntegerField (edi...

doubt in cygwin commands -

How to get into the "C" environment. When using Sagvine ... please tell me commands to go to the environment .... If you want a CD in a C drive, then there is a way: $ cd / cygdrive / c If you want to edit / compile / run / debug a program, then It is: $ emacs foo.c # Edit $ gcc -Wall foo.c -o foo # compile $ ./foo # run $ gdb ./foo #Debug

Any cruisecontrol plugins for Dimensions CM -

The formula code is managed with the dimension CM, and now I want to set up a continuous integration environment with cruise control. But the problem is that I am not getting any support for Dimension CM. Anyone knows how cruise control can be configured to change the repository or is there any other solution? Thank you! Definitely a plugin Unfortunately we have a different configuration management team and I do not know Where they met I think it is from Serena. I found this file: Commons-Logging- api.jar darius.jar dmclient.jar > Dmfile.jar dmnet.jar dmtpi.jar With instructions for copying them for cruise control, let's read the script \ u20 in the Dimensions CM Build Tools chapter 17 user. In the cruise control configuration config.xml configuration file, you must add the following element: & lt; Plugin name = "dimension" classname = "com.serena.dmtpi in the project & amp; modificationset quietperiod =" 30 ">...

sql server 2005 - SQL query for dynamic insert row -

मुझे डेटा जैसे आ रहा है: ItemCode विशेषता स्थिति ID ITEM-000032 CHESTSIZE 1 ITEM- 000032 जैकेटन 2 आईटीएम -200004 चीस्टसेज 1 आईटीएम -000042 जेक्टेलेन 2 ** आईटीएम -000049 स्लैक्वाइएस्ट 1 ** आईटीईएम -000071 कीस्ट 1 आईटीईएम -000071 जैकेटन 2 आईटीएमई -000074 चास्साइज 1 आईटीएम -000074 जेक्टेटलन 2 आईटीईएम-000049 को छोड़कर ऊपर के आंकड़ों में सही संयोजन हो रहा है इसलिए मैं इसे सही बनाने के लिए ITEM-000049 जैसा ITEM-000049 - 2 के लिए एक नई पंक्ति बनाना चाहता हूं। गुण। तो ऐसा कुछ है जो मुझे लगता है कि आप बाद में हैं। बस INSERT के बिना इसे पहले का चयन करें भाग को चेक करने के लिए इसे वास्तव में जांचने के लिए चलाएं। अपनाटेबल (मदकोड, विशेषता, स्थितिआईडी) का चयन करें t.ItemCode, 'दूसरे अटूट' , 2 से (आइटम का चयन करें आइटमकोड आइटम कॉड से आइटम का चयन करें (*) = 1) टी

css - HTML table scrolling vertical & horizontal -

I'm looking to make a table of fixed width and height in vertical and horizontal scrolls. I am looking for the first line for a fixed line, but the first column has been fixed and the other column is to be able to scroll to the right. I can work the headers at the top such as: .. But how can I get column scrolling with the rest of the one already in place? Was it? Any thoughts? It will definitely be easy that you are working with a table with fixed ratios. Simply create an DIV within that column that you want to scroll vertically and give it a fixed dimension of your choice and add it to the 'Overflow-Y: Auto' attribute. The Verfrow-Y attribute will only ensure to present a scrollbar if the content of the device is more than the visible area. Example: & lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; .scrollable {width: 300px; Height: 400px; Overflow-y: auto; Overflow-X: Hidden; Clip-Rink: (0 pixels, 300 pixels, 400 pixels, 0 px); } & Lt; / S...

javascript - How to tell if a web page is being exited/unloaded via flash versus via normal HTML -

I have a flash app, which redirects to another page. I would love to trap any other window loading (clicking on the link / submitting the form) and warn the user that they will lose their progress in the flash app. However, I can not find a way to tell that the click / change of URL / window unloads is being started from Flash vs. Normal Links etc. Is there any way to detect it, and how reliable is it? There is no point in what happened to an unload event directly in the event handler. However, you can get it by attaching an onclick event handler to each link on that page which sets a variable. In jQuery: Click $ ("A") (function () {window.clickedLink = this}); You can read the link clicked on your unload event and tell the difference.

character encoding - Python: How do I force iso-8859-1 file output? -

How can I apply the file output to Python in Latin-1 (which I think iso-8859-1?) Am I This time my code is working, but the result is trying to import the output file into Latin-1 MySQL table. for outputfile = file ("", "w"), in textData v .iteritems (): full_line = k + '~~~~~' + v + '~~~~~' + "" content "output file. Written (full_line) outputFile.write (" \ n ") outputFile.close () The resultant output file is" Western ( Mac OS Roman) ", but if I save it in Latin-1, then I still get awkward encoding problems. How can I ensure that the strings are used, and the files As soon as they occur in Latin-1, they are encoded? The original strings ( textData dictionary) have been parsed with an RTF file - I do not know that it makes a difference I'm new to Python and is new to generally encoding, so sorry if this is a dumb question. I tried to see the docs But have not been found too far. ...

c++ - Real time plotting/data logging -

I am going to write a program that plots data from a computer connected sensor. The value of the sensor is being prepared as a function of time (the value of the sensor on the y-axis, time on the x-axis). I want to add new values ​​to the plot in real time. What would be best to do this with C ++? Edit: And by the way, the program will be running on a Linux machine Write a task that you can like in std :: deque , then .push_back () on the line from the value sensor, as it becomes available , And .pop_front () the value from the queue if it becomes too long to create good plot. The exact nature of your plotting depends on your platform, needs, sense of aesthetics, etc.

string - How can I escaped regular expression metacharacters from an interpolated variable in Perl? -

I need to create an "obscure" function that changes the empty-text password in the line before writing to login gives. It looks like: function pass_obscure {my $ logline = shift; My $ pass = "wer32pass $"; # This password is an example, is received as a real parameter, or is already stored in the form of global value $ logline = ~ s / $ pass / ********* / g ; Return $ $ line; } But this, of course, does not work, the '$' sign in the password string has been projected as the character of an interval, so there is no matching, and therefore The replacement does not work. How can I solve it? Thank you. (Why not just keep the password from the log line in the first place?) Use quotemeta : $ pass = "password \ $"; $ Logline = "Password: password \ $"; Print "$ pass \ n"; Print "$ logline \ n"; $ Pass_quoted = quotemeta ($ pass); $ Logline = ~ s / $ pass_quoted / ******** / g; Print "$ logline ...

c++ - How do I decrypt a file with Crypto++ that was encrypted with C# -

I would like to decrypt the file which I previously encrypted with C # using the Tripledes crypto service provider Was there. Here is my code to encrypt: Private static zero encryption (Memory Stream Stream Toniccript) {// Encryption Algorithm Triple DES Algorithm = New Triple DESCRPSO Service Provider (); Byte [] desiv = new byte [8]; Byte [] desKey = new byte [16]; For (int i = 0; i I have already found the crypto ++ library and have been able to create and link it. So I tried decrypting the file that was stored with encryption after C # (native) C ++ code: FILE * fp; since a long time; Four * buf; If (_Wfopen_s (& amp; FP, _T ("MyTest.bin"), _T ("RB")) = 0) {return false; } Fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END); // to finish len = ftell (fp); // Finally get the position (length) fseek (FP, 0, SEEK_SET); // begging Buf = (four *) maul (lane); // Molok Buffer Fred (Buff, Lane, 1, FP); // Read in Buffer Falcos (FP); BITI PIV [] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; BYTE ...

linq - C# Covariance issue -

I had a linq-to-sql generated domain unit that I had inserted in the appropriate interface like this: Public IEnumerable & lt; IApplication & gt; GetApplications () {Usage (var dc = new LqDev202DataContext ()) {return dc.ZApplications.Cast & lt; IApplication & gt; (). ToList (); }} Although I changed the name of the linq-to-sql table without touching my partial class and still compiled code. The list contained the correct amount of elements, but they were all null. Do I need to write a helpful method to make sure that it will work, or is it safe to do so in a simple time to 3.5.4? You can also use it to cast with conversion if needed: public static IEnumerable & lt; TDest & gt; Cast All & lt; TItem, TDest & gt; (This IEnumerable & lt; TItem & gt; Items) {var p = expression. Parameters (type (TItem), "i"); Var c = expression Convert (P, Typef (TDest)); Var ex = Expression.Lambda & lt; Func & lt; TItem, TDest...

c# - interlock vs mutex, scale-up issues -

I am facing a problem, that I have a C # (.NET) object between some threads. Threads (TCP / IP Connection) can be transformed with others, using the asynchronous framework. Sequence: Threads (Waiting for connection) -> Asynchronous Callback -> Some Thread-Safe -> Reach On Shared Object -> Some Thread-Safe 1. Solution Mute X: Object Shared Object = New Object (); Mutus object mute x = new mute x (); Zero thread clack () {object object = new object (); // Some Resource objectMutex.lock (); // If necessary, share object with new object // here very little processing objectMutex.unlock (); // some processing} embrace 2 solution object share object = new object (); SharedObject = 0; Zero thread clack () {object object = new object (); // Some processing // Poll until we are locked (1 ==) while locking. Exchange (Referral using SheareAbject, 1) // If necessary, share the exchange with new object. There is very little processing in Interlock Exchange (rear using...

NHibernate: How to map a column on a referenced table to a primitive in my object? -

If I have an existing table schema + ------- - ----------- + ------------------- + | Address | Country | + ------------------- + + ------------------- + | Line 1 | + --- & gt; | Country ID | | Line 2 | | | Name | | City | | + ------------------- + | State | | | ZIP | | | CountryID | --- + + ------------------- + ... and my class is as follows public class address {public virtual string line 1 {receipt; Set; } Public Virtual String Line2 {get; Set; } Public virtual string city {get; Set; } Public virtual string state {get; Set; } Public virtual string postal code (get); Set; } Public virtual string country {get; Set; }} ... How can I configure my mapping so that country [string] property contains the [Name] column Join [country] table You can get it by mapping Are opinions But object-oriented approach will be to create a country object and map multiple relationships between address and country: public class address {public virtual string line 1 {get; Se... - C# NetworkStream.Read oddity -

Can anyone point out the faults in this code? I'm retrieving some HTML with TcpClient NetworkStream.Read () IIS does not end up while talking to the server, if I go through the Fidler proxy instead, it works fine, but when on the target server If the talk is directly talking then the exception to the .read () loop connection does not stop until a mistake like "Remote server has closed the connection". Internal TcpClient Client {get; Set; } /// Here's another bunch of code ... try {NetworkStream ns = Client.GetStream (); StreamWriter SW = new streamer (ns); Sw.Write (request); Sw.flush (); Byte [] buffer = new byte [1024]; Int read = 0; Try {while ((read = ns.Read (buffer, 0, buffer, length)) gt; 0) {response.AppendFormat ("{0}", encoding. ASCII.GetString (buffer, 0, reading)); }} Hold // (from SocketException) {} Finally {closed}; } Update In the debugger, I'm coming through full feedback can be immediately and attached For my stringbilder i...

ws reliablemessaging - WCF ReliableSession and Timeouts -

I have a WCF service which is primarily used to manage documents in a repository. I used Chanqing channel sample from MS that I can upload / download large files. Now I have implemented a reliable session with the service and I am seeing some strange behavior. I am using the time-period value here. This.SendTimeout = New TimeSpain (0, 10,0); this. Opentimeout = new timespan (0, 1, 0); This.CloseTimeout = New TimeSpain (0, 1, 0); This.ReceiveTimeout = New TimeSpain (0, 10, 0); Trustworthy B.E. activityTimeout = New TimeSpain (0,2,0); I have the following problems: 1 If the service is not there; I tried to do this with my test client. Scenario 1: Without a trusted session: I get the following exception: Could not connect to net.tcp: // local host: 8788 / Media management service / AP1 Connection attempt lasted for a time period of 00: 00: 00.9848790. TCP error code 10061: No connection can be made because the target machine has actively denied This ...

.net - Unmanaged Exports / Robert Giesecke -

In the following reply, Robert Jeske has described how to export a managed application without the need for COM registration: I have downloaded and created samples using the Visual C # 2008 Express Edition for .NET Part and Delphi 2010 for the Win32 part as described on your page. is. When I launch the Delphi application which calls Dell, I get an exception "Unable to start application ...". Does anyone "Two. Projects (.net / win32)" to communicate with RGIKK "DellExport.dll"? Thank you in advance, Michael call me a function from the C + DL client This work has been found for a C ++ client. One thing I noticed was that one of the DLLs was missing from the raw project, but was included in the project template. Apart from this, the MSBuild call was not working from a path that was empty (or the way that was too deep). A place was taken along the path and everything was fine. Stefan

How to grow a textbox to match size of input for data entry dynamically (ASP.NET) -

I would like to add a description field to an application that can be up to several lines (or paragraphs) or one-liner Is as low. Instead of taking lots of real estate or scroll bars on the screen, it would be better to grow textboxes based on its input. > Implements style = "overflow-wi: visual" on IE6 (only on read performance, and if we are in editing mode). However, it has no effect on Firefox, or thanks! Itemprop = "text"> If you want to go down that route, You can use. It's a good effect, like the commentary in Facebook.

Very basic dude with Solr/Lucene -

I am working in a project on which Lucene has large amounts of data, we need to show a detailed search And the time required for it when trying to emulate it using the regular Lausanne usage is unacceptable. I'm reading about Solar, but the tutorials are not very clear about this basic point: Whether using data stored using Solar and Lucene in the same manner is done? I mean, can I access the data I use with Solencer that I have with Lucene or do I have to migrate data? Yes, you can use the same Lucene Index in a solar instance. You only need to create schema.axml to match the fields in your index.

c++ - Visual Build professional compile errors? -

I am using visual manufacturing professionals and one step is VS. 2003 '(C ++ project). However, every time I get the following error: Fatal error C1033: Program database '' can not open, if I compile the project myself in Visual Studio, then this fix Works. Does anyone know why this will happen, or how can I fix it? I looks I got that error in the past when my Has an old .pdb file (or which has been corrupted in any way) If so, the error message will indicate which file you should be able to manually delete that file. I think this is often done with vc60.pdb . There is also some information about this error

has many through - Using fields from an association (has_many) model with formtastic in rails -

I searched and tried a lot, but I can not complete it as much as I want .. so this is my problem is. class is running moving resources , like quantity . We are working on the ideas of 'Bill', thanks to the formatticistic for making the entire relationship easier. form.input: workers, as = & gt; : Check-box %% & gt; And I get a real checkbox list. But what I have not yet found: How can I use the additional fields from each of the 'desired resources' to checkboxes of the desired fields from that model? I saw different approaches, mainly by looping through an array of objects and creating appropriate forms, using: form.inputs, or not in those parts, but those solutions None of the following was done (for example, editing was done for the scene but not for the new because the necessary items were not created or produced and were created due to the creation of them Had happened). I want to know your solution for this! OK, I accept that the...

exception handling - Why does C# allow you to 'throw null'? -

While writing some specific complicated exception handling codes, someone asked, you do not have to make sure that your exception object ' T tap? And I said, of course not, but decided to try again. Obviously, you can throw the tap, but it has still turned into an exception. Why is this allowed? throwing taps; In this snippet, thankfully 'east' is not zero, but can it ever be? try {Throwing; } Hold (Exception Pre) {// Can Ever Be Ever? // thank you, it is not zero, but / / is EX / System.NullReferenceException} Because the language specification is expected to manifest System.Exception (hence, null is valid in that context) and does not restrict this expression of non-zero . In general, there is no way that it can detect whether the value of that expression is null or it should solve the problem of preventing the runtime from the null case Will have to deal with in any way. See: exception ex = null; If (conditionThatDependsOnSomeInput) ex = n...