
Showing posts from August, 2011

SQL Server 2008 Stored Procedure -

I can not store the data data type variable by using stored functions My code is: Optional process [dbo]. [Access1Register] - Added parameters to the stored procedure here to stop additional result set at @MobileNumber int, @CitizenName varchar (50), @ dub variable (8), @ verification code - SET NOCOUNT - Interference with SELECT statement. Set nosenate on; - Insert the statement for the process here Select CAST (@ as DAB) Prices for Access 1 (Mobile No, Citizen, DOB, Verification Code) (@ Mobile Number, @ Citizen Name, @ Dub, @ Verification Code) Log in If I execute this process, then it is being executed, but there is an error in the date type variable. This error is invalid item '-' . As it is to raise. It depends on how you pass in the @ dub values . Your best bet is to use the iOS 8601 format - 'YYYYMMDD' - since it will always change correctly in DATE - regardless of your language and regional settings on your SQL Server machine.

internet explorer - Reports of NiftyPlayer playing MP3s at double speed in IE -

I recently re-found the website to use Nifty Player as an embedded MP3 player. You can see here a page -> I have made reports from some people who are playing fast on IE through some MP3s. It sounds random, I can not reproduce the effect. Is anyone else to come in this behavior, how any idea should be diagnosed? Thanks in advance Does it usually do with MP3 encoding I think the safest type of MPEs is continuous bit rate - variable bit rate - CBR rather than VBR because the variable bit rate requires frequent changes in the reading speed. It can often make bilateral singers in different versions of Flash.

c# - Singleton and HttpApplicationState -

In a web app, I should have only one example of a process called a processorener. One way is to make a singleton in other ways to use HTMLPTC status to make sure that I always use the same example, such as: public static process Manager Process Manager {HTTPAPTTTPTP = HTTPTT Buy. Application; If (application-status ["process manager"] == blank) {applicationState ["ProcessManager"] = new processor (); } Returns (Process Manager) ApplicationState ["ProcessinManager"]; }} Which method is better and why? On the details given by you, I will choose Singleton as it does not have the dependence on HttpContext.Current. And ASP can be used outside the net pipeline (for example, when you want to write the unit as a test.) (On one hand, when you set something in the appstate So you need to call it first, and then unlock () after writing it, listen to it To make sure that this thread is safe.) Optionally, when you make your processor, allow HTTP...

iphone - Is there a way to use the UIImagePickerController with your own images? -

I was thinking that there is a kind of image to create a UI file picture controller that you specify (in other words I Show 10 photos of the door and the UIImage Controller to me those pictures and let the user select one) In other words, a custom photo gallery where I am going, is there any way I can do that? As mentioned previously, you can not use it for the UIImagePickerController for your images. Instead, why do not you try to use the JPImagePickerController that is developed by Live Paradies? This cloud is a UIImagePickerController clone and allows you to use your local pictures or both of the external images, images on the web. In fact, the three 20 frameworks are more powerful, but the JPImagePickerController is simple and easy to use. Check

c# - LINQ to Entities - Support for Closures (Lambdas)? -

I am working around a problem, where I am closing LINQ using the units. Obviously, L2E does not support closing meaning: var users = UserRepository.FindAll Select from user () New UserDTO {UserId = user.UserId, Tickets = Tickets for ticket in the ticket. FindAll () where ticket.User == User select new ticket item {ticket id = ticket takedown id}}; (Note: "Where" - The problem is where the problem exists. I am not allowed to compare an entity with any other entity because they are not EF primitive types. Only 32, Gid etc. are allowed.) , is not valid because I can not compare 'ticket' to the 'ticket' user This is just an example of my problem , And I realize that I can compare it on ID because it is a primitive form Government is, as opposed to being off. In reality my scenario is much more complicated than this, but this is the scenario that I need to solve now. A work around I found online is using a subquery it works, but for my scenario this...

python - SQLAlchemy ORM Inserting Related Objects without Selecting Them -

In this, this object describes the process of creating relationships almost the following way. Let me have a table article, a table keyword, and a table article that creates many relationships. ) .one () keyword1 = Meta. Session.query (keyword) .Filter (id = 1) .one () keyword2 = Meta Session.key (keyword) .filter (id = 2) .one () article .keywords = [Keyword1, keyword2] meta.Session.commit () I already have a question The primary key ID numbers for the keywords are, so I want to add all those IDs to the article_keyword table, this article is related to the problem. To do this with ORM, I have to select all the keywords from the database, without any Adds too many overheads for the reason. Is there a way to make it to choose the keywords without running any SQL relationship? Unfortunately the database of the object can not be sensible without the ORM query. However you can easily go around the ORM and put it in the association table. Assume that article_keyword is an tab...

c# - Is there a way to include an email address "display name" in the smtp element of a Web.config file? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं एक ईमेलसेन्डर पर काम कर रहा हूं, और मैं अपनी वेब। कॉन्फिग फ़ाइल से ईमेल पते को पकड़ रहा हूं। मैं उस ईमेल के लिए "डिस्प्ले नाम" भी प्राप्त करना चाहूंगा, यदि संभव हो तो उसी खंड से, लेकिन मैं ऐसा करने के लिए एक स्पष्ट तरीके से नहीं देख रहा हूं। मेरी वेब। कॉन्फिग फाइल में, मैंने "ईमेल पता से" एक डिफ़ॉल्ट शामिल किया है, जैसे: & lt; कॉन्फ़िगरेशन & gt; & LT; & gt; & LT; mailSettings & gt; & Lt; smtp = "" & gt; & lt;! - कोई displayName विशेषता नहीं है: (- & gt; & lt; नेटवर्क ... / & gt; & lt; / smtp & gt; & lt; / मेल सेटिंग्स & gt; & lt; / मेरे ईमेलसेन्डर में, मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ है: var smtpSection = ...; var संदेश = नया मेलमैसेज (); संदेश। से = नया मेल पता (_settings.from, प्रेषक डिस्प्लेनाम); क्या SenderDisplayName एक web.config फ़ाइल में? इसमें से विशेषता को शामिल करने का कोई तरीका है? उदाहरण के लिए : ...

c# - How can I add relationships to the aspnetdb database in MVC? -

I have difficulty in wrapping my head how to use membership in MVC I know that the ASPNETDB is built in database Has all the basic tables for users and in such a way but if I want to add a connection between my custom table and this user is created in the table? If I had a database table that contained blog comments, then we would call it comment and in every comment, it was linked to a using ID, as if I could do something? User.Comments.Add (someCommentObj) Anyone know of a good article on this? Is this also possible? Thanks Take a look at this comprehensive article: / P> Look at Part 6 and 7, you might want to implement a custom profile provider and store comment references in the profile. part 6 - Capture additional user-specific information using the profile system. Learn about built-in SqlProfileProvider Part 7 - Subscriptions, roles, and profile systems are built using all provider models, which allow for a great deal of their implementation. > ...

Global static const string variables in objective-c -

(न्यूबी सतर्क) मुझे उद्देश्य-सी में एक निरंतर स्थिर स्ट्रिंग आरंभ करने में समस्या हो रही है: असल में मैं क्या करना चाहता हूँ एक NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue (...) किसी भी विचारों से एक निरंतर स्ट्रिंग तैयार करना है? अपने कार्यान्वयन फ़ाइलों में से एक में एक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग घोषित करें या तो क्लास के initialize विधि या किसी अन्य उपयुक्त सेटअप बिंदु (उदाहरण के लिए, एक ही क्रम में sharedInstance पद्धति एक अच्छी जगह होगी), निर्दिष्ट करें चर में स्थानीयकृत स्ट्रिंग।

php - Zend Db Select ? Substitution in join* condition -

It does not appear that there is no parameter replacement in the Zend_Db_Select section. It is very upset that I can not do just that: $ select-> gt; JoinLeft ('st_line_item', 'st_line_item.order_id = st_order_id and st_line_item condition =?') What is idiomatic options that works within the fluent interface? I can do something to prepare the segment to join the outer side, but that is not the case. This should work: $ select-> Join ('st_line_item.order_id = and st_line_item.status =?', $ Ultimate)) in the ' P> Actually, any time you want to avoid a variable where Zend_Db_ * does not automatically do the method, then you can use Zend_Db :: quoteInto () to work only. / P>

override display appearance of accelerator keys in JMenuItems in Java/Swing -

I have noticed that some uses the word "space" on the Mac, to indicate that space bar key binding is . A symbol is used on another mac (a small capital looks like u). I like the "space" presentation because it is more transparent for users. What is the method to override the ALF graphically indicating the accelerator key? You can subclass the BasicMenuItemUI and Paint MENUItem () Override the method. There you can draw your own accelerator. I would love an animated image as an Accelerator :) ( Note If you just want to change mneonic or accelerator Directly setAccelerator () or other set methods. But I'm assuming that this is not the case.)

javascript - Align background image middle and center -

यहां एचटीएमएल है: & lt; div class = "gallerybox" & gt; & Lt; a href = "/ CustomContentRetrieve.aspx? आईडी = 398791" & gt; & Lt; img alt = "" src = "/ उपयोगिताएँ / image.jpg" चौड़ाई = "400" ऊंचाई = "400" / & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; यहां सीएसएस है: .gallerybox {width: 200px; ऊँचाई: 200px; अतिप्रवाह: छिपा हुआ;} क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि लिंक छवि को div.gallerybox मध्य (खड़ी) और केंद्र (क्षैतिज) के अंदर संरेखित करें? हो सकता है कि जावास्क्रिप्ट, jQuery या पूरी तरह से सीएसएस का उपयोग कर हो सकता है कि निम्नलिखित की तरह कुछ: & lt; div class = "gallerybox" & gt; & Lt; a href = "/ CustomContentRetrieve.aspx? आईडी = 398791" & gt; & Lt; img id = "imgUtility" class = "Galleryimage" alt = "" src = "/ उपयोगिताओं / ShowThumbnail.aspx USM = 1 & amp;? श्याम = 400 & amp; amp; एच = 40...

StructureMap Question -

is equal to it is trying to make with Strccrmap: new ChangePasswordWithNotificationAndLoggingService (new ChangePasswordService (new ActiveDirectoryRepository (new ActiveDirectoryCredentials ()), new TokenRepository ( "")), new EmailNotificationService (new PasswordChangedNotification (new user account ())), new LoggingService ()); I have it right now: ForRequestedType & lt; IChangePasswordService & gt; (). Constrkt the (() = & gt; New ChangePasswordService (DependencyRegistrar.Resolve & LT; IActiveDirectoryRepository & gt; (), DependencyRegistrar.Resolve & LT; ITokenRepository & gt; ())) .EnrichWith & LT made; IChangePasswordService & gt; (X = & gt; New ChangePasswordWithNotificationAndLoggingService (X, DependencyRegistrar.Resolve & LT; INotificationService & gt; (), DependencyRegistrar.Resolve & LT; ILoggingService & gt; ())); I have to pass user anonymization on the information service...

java - Logging of changed fields/columns in DB updates -

हमारा उत्पाद पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र: वेब / एंटरप्राइज़ एप्लिकेशन में ईजेबी का उपयोग ग्लासफ़िश वी 3 और PostgreSQL 8.4 । गंदे झंडे का इस्तेमाल किए बिना कौन से क्षेत्र बदल गया है या इसे अपडेट करने से पहले एक ही रिकॉर्ड ? "पाठ"> पोस्टग्रेएसक्यूएल में, अपडेड पर ट्रिगर लिखें जो कि न्यूज और ओल्ड में मानों की तुलना करता है, और जो कुछ भी बदल गया है वह रिपोर्ट करता है। Data Services [DataWebkey] -

I have a VS with SP1 2008 (Professional Edition). I ado New to Net Data Services. I'm watching Mike Tououti video. They used the [DataWebKey] feature specifically for the major fields and they referred to Microsoft's name space. Data.Web I am trying to mention the same assembly to follow the example, but it is not in my system. How to fix it? It seems that you are not the first person to come to this. Obviously you should use this System.Data.Services.Common .

python - importing a module in nested packages -

यह एक अजगर नौसिखिया सवाल है: मेरे पास निम्न निर्देशिका संरचना है: परीक्षण - a - b - जहां परीक्षण , a और b फ़ोल्डर हैं परीक्षण और दोनों दोनों एक ही स्तर पर हैं। मॉड्यूल में एक वर्ग है जिसे आकार कहा जाता है, और मैं चाहता हूं में इसका एक उदाहरण इन्स्तांत करने के लिए मैं ऐसा कैसे कर सकता हूं? मैंने कोशिश की है: से आयात मॉड्यूल लेकिन मुझे मिल गया: importError: अब नाम का कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है रिश्तेदार आयात की तरह: से ..ab आयात मॉड्यूल इस समस्या यह है कि अगर आप के रूप में बुला रहे हैं काम नहीं करता है आपका मुख्य मॉड्यूल जैसा कि कहा गया है: ध्यान दें कि दोनों स्पष्ट और अंतर्निहित रिश्तेदार आयात वर्तमान मॉड्यूल के नाम पर आधारित हैं। चूंकि मुख्य मॉड्यूल का नाम हमेशा " मुख्य " होता है, इसलिए पायथन अनुप्रयोग के मुख्य मॉड्यूल के रूप में उपयोग के लिए तैयार मॉड्यूल हमेशा पूर्ण आयात का उपयोग करना चाहिए। , अगर आप अपने मुख्य मॉड्यूल के रूप में को कॉल करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको अपन...

c# - BackgroundWorker multithread access to form -

I am using 5 backgroundwork objects running at the same time for a specific purpose, and all of them Only the labels have to be changed. How can I go about doing this? How do I modify the form with more than one formulas? And how can I do this if I want to change a public string? Use the control. A representative label4.Text = Instead of saying "hello", in your background worker thread; say label4.Invoke (new action (=) {label4.Text = "hello";})); {} executes everything on the control thread, so you avoid the exception. This allows you to make arbitrary changes to your user interface from a instead of progress by reporting instead of progress.

hibernate - Can spring transactions unsynchronize a synchronized method? -

My colleagues and I have a web application that uses Spring 3.0.0 and J.A.A. (Hibernate 3.5.0-Beta 2 ) Is one of the data structures inside MyEclipse that is a tree. Just for fun, we tried to stress-testing the "Insert node" operation with Jmater, and found a concurrency problem. The Hibernate report searches for two entities with the same private key, such as after the warning: WARN [org.hibernate.engine.loading.LoadContexts] unsuccessful cleanup (archive) : .. It is quite easy to see if such issues can occur if multiple threads call the inserted () method together. My servicelet calls a service layer object B .execute (), which then calls a lower level object (Cinsert). (The real code is too big to post, so it has been abbreviated to some extent.) Servlet A: Public zero doPost (Request request, response Reaction) {.. B. Exempt (parameter); ...} Service B: @ Transactional ** ** Fix this problem to remove this line. Public synchronization is invalid (pa...

java - Delete SMS in Android 1.5 -

There are several questions about this, no reply in my application is working: ( Remove the SMS from a receiver, even if the user can see it, but it should be programmatically removed. How can I do this? Most appropriate I used , But it does not work: ( context.getContentResolver (). Delete (delete the URI, "address =? And date =?", New string [] {msg.getOriginatingAddr Ess (), String.valueOf (msg.getTimestampMillis ())}; After reconfiguring my code, I think the next solution works: Private int deleteMessage (reference reference, SMS message message) {Ury deleteUri = Uri.parse ("Content: / / Sms "); int count = 0; cursor C = context.getContentResolver () .query (deleteUri, empty, empty, empty, empty); while (c.moveTo Next ()) {try // // SMS string pid = Delete c.getString (0); // get the ID; String uri = "content: // sms /" + pin; Count = context.getContentResolver (). Delete (Uri.parse (uri), blank, blank); } Hold (exception e) {}} r...

regex - python regular expression to validate types of strings -

I want to do the following with a dragon: If there is a UTF 8 string then Valid integer Validate if a UTF 8 string is a float. If a UTF is 8 string length (1-255) then validate. Validate whether the UTF 8 string is a valid date. I am totally new to the dragon and I believe that it should be done with regular expression, except that your help for the last one is appreciated! Reggae is not a good solution here. If a UTF8 string is an integer then validate: Try: int (val) is_in = True Value except error: is_int = False Validate if a UTF 8 string is a float: like the above, but float () . Validate with UTF8 string length (1-255): is_of_appropriate_length = 1 & lt; = Len (val) & lt; = 255 Validate that if a UTF 8 string is a valid date: it is not trivial. If you know the correct form, you can use time.strptime () in this way: # Assume that the date is YYYY-MM-DD Try the import time in the format: time.strptime (val, '% y-% m-% d...

jquery - zeroclipboard hover -

I am trying to apply the Flash component used on and I'm having some problems with it . After several days of searching and like I have been able to complete the ZeroClipling Flash element to go to many coupon codes and when I click on one to open a new URL on that link I am Can not I do this now, and I have tried with many jQuery methods to demonstrate that on the green element on the right side of the right side of the "I copy and open site" box I am It looks like a tooltip. I have tried to apply on the DOM element under Invisible Flash ($. 'Class_element'). Hover (function () {} display new div to left) But since the flash is going up, it has not been triggered. One more attempt I did was to modify the Zeroclipboard.js file and add the ID to a complete device that holds the flash inside and adds I Also tried to use addEventListner ('mouseover', function () {}) from the ZeroKlaipboard element but still without success. Can...

Referring to the type of an inner class in Scala -

tries to duplicate the following code: Instead of behaving in Inner , it is encoded I've added the useInner method I insert method of its enclosed class so that the user should refer only to the Inner examples, but always have a brief example of By doing so, all the Inner examples from a specific external example are only one Are bound to behave (but here it needs). Boolean (X: External #Inner): Boolean = X. Encoding.INTERNATOR (x) / Code> / Pre> It does not compile and Scala 2.8 complains: type mismatch; Found: sandbox External # Internal Required: _81.Inner where Wal _81: Sandbox. From the external I think the problem is that an Inner example from useInner specific external example As arguments as expected. What is the true explanation and how to solve this problem? I think the type of infer is like this. Inner External # Internal is not independent of external examples (depending on a path-dependent type). Abstract class exterior...

Does the iphone sdk support playing an mp4 from rtmp stream? -

Does the IPT SDK support MP4 files from RTMP streams? I'm looking to store files in CloudFront (in a bucket marked in the stream) and an iPhone app wants to be able to play them. Is it possible, or am I better to store files on MP3 as Cloud and not enable streaming via RTMP? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> No IOS SDK does not support RTP protocol You may be allowed to incorporate the implementation of RTP in your app, but Apple is strongly pushing their HTTP streaming technology. In addition: Be careful with this rule 9.4 section 9.4: For more than 10 minutes, video streaming content on cellular networks should use HTTP live streaming and baseline 64 kbps audio-only HTTP Live Stream should be used I believe everyone is using Apple's technology. It is a supported and blessed approach. - Non selectable text in html table? -

Question: I abuse a table as a list of buttons, using onclick in each cell. The problem is that the buttons are the zoom buttons, and if you click the button (doubleclick) repeatedly you choose the button (= table cell) text (even if you do not want to) and it looks awkward is. Can I turn it off? Do not I select the text in a table? To prevent a user from answering your basic question ... on a page With the ability to publish text, apply the following CSS rules: -moz-user-select: none; -khtml- Select User: None; Select User: None;

unit testing - In MSTests is it possible to catch any exception? -

I'm trying to avoid a brittle test. I want to claim that a method throws an exception when invalid data is passed, and I do not care. Take String.IsNullOrEmpty for example, if the string is empty, t want to throw a nullreference exception right? If it is empty, then I think you can leave the argument exception I do not think it is a good idea to have a separate guard section for blank versus spaces, and even if I just want to say that the exception is thrown from my unit has gone. [Exceptions (Exception) (Exception)] Exception should pass an exception to give an error in saying. My solution is an attempt / catch block which has no fears. If an exception is not thrown, then file it. Is there a better / cleaner way? It seems that trying means means that a common exception is thrown. Here is a thread on MSDN on this topic: I still question the need to emphasize the general exception. If you are testing for a specific scenario, then you should know which exception shou...

c++ - How to guard against memory leaks? -

I was recently interviewed for a C ++ position, and I was asked to make a memory leak How to stop me I know that I did not give a satisfactory answer to that question, so I'm throwing it to you, what are the best ways to prevent memory leaks? Thank you! What are the answers to all the answers given below so far: Delete Avoid calling. The programmer has to call delete at any time, you have a potential memory leak instead; Delete instead of having the call automatically Let C ++ guarantee that local goods have their destructors when they go out of the scope. Use that guarantee to ensure that your memory allocation has been automatically removed. In its most general form, this technique means that each memory allocation should be wrapped within a simple class, whose manufacturer allocates the necessary memory, and the destroyer releases it. Since it is such a commonly used and widely applied technique, smart pointer classes have been created which reduce the amo...

java - Spring - configuring a class not as a bean though -

I have a spring-managed bean (an app-scoped or singleton in the Spring World), in which there are properties in which a list of objects is. I would like to configure those items in XML if it is possible without too much effort. If I declare them as bean, I inject them, but I do not want them to be spring-managed beans, the configuration is much more, and the overhead is over them beans (memory + CPU cycle) are related to making. In Jabos Seam, JT, I can instantiate such components: & lt; New class = "" id = "" & gt; & Lt; Arg / & gt; & Lt; Arg & gt; & Lt; New orbit = "" /> & Lt; / Arg> & Lt; / New & gt; In JBoss Seam: & lt; Mypackage: class-name id = "someComponent" & gt; & Lt; Component: property name = "item" & gt; & Lt; Mypackage: other-class-name title = "The Great Gesby" page = "201" /> & Lt; /...& gt; & Lt; /......

java - What is the difference between google's ImmutableList and Collections.unmodifiableList ()? -

ImmutableList javadocs से: Collections.unmodifiableList (java.util.List) के विपरीत, जो कि एक अलग संग्रह का एक दृश्य है जो अभी भी बदल सकता है, इम्युट्यबल लिस्ट का एक उदाहरण में अपना निजी डेटा होता है और वह कभी भी बदलेगा नहीं। ImmutableList सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतिम सूची ("लगातार सूचियों") के लिए सुविधाजनक है और आपको आसानी से एक कॉलर द्वारा आपके वर्ग को प्रदान की गई सूची की "रक्षात्मक प्रतिलिपि" बनाने देता है। इसका क्या मतलब है कि: यदि मेरे पास आयाम वस्तुओं (उदाहरण के लिए) की अछूत सूची है, तो मैं उसमें कोई आयाम ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं बदल सकता? और अगर मेरे पास संग्रह है। अनमोडिफायबल लिस्ट ( सूची) आयाम ऑब्जेक्ट्स का मैं केवल किसी ऑब्जेक्ट को जोड़ या हटा नहीं सकता, लेकिन मैं उन्हें बदल सकता हूँ (उदाहरण के लिए कॉल सेट डिमेंशन (चौड़ाई, ऊंचाई) विधि)? नहीं, अपरिवर्तनीयता केवल संग्रह में मौजूद ऑब्जेक्ट की मात्रा और संदर्भों पर लागू होती है, और संग्रह में आपके द्वारा रखी गई वस्तुओं की परिवर्तनशीलता को संबोधित नहीं करती है। मानक जेडीके संग्रह पर अयोग्य सूची लाभ क्या ह...

can't get sIFR to work -

I tried to use sIFR on a test page without success, I checked and checked again But what's not wrong. I think it is something simple, can anyone please help? Thank you guys I saw the source of the page you linked and did not see any javascript code But the one who activates the sIFR () or () changes the functions, follow the methods used on the official sIFR 3 demo page (see source) var font = {src: 'Gillsans.swf'}; SIFR.activate (font); SIFR.replace (font, {selector: 'h1', css: ['.sIFR-root {color: #CCCCCC;}']});

sql - access report from dynamic crosstab query and vba to "manually" generate reports -

I found out the problem of creating complex access reports (complex data processing, variable number of fields, others) . I need to implement some things in deep detail that I need to implement: Some fields should not appear in a query according to some values ​​ if If there is no specific record present, then a good colorful (very noticeable) message should appear instead of those values ​​(for example, suppose that the date field contains a record with 03/04/2009, one Record day In the field of 03/06/2009 also exists, but there is no record with 03/05/2009. Before showing the data related to previous record, I should print something "as displayed on 03/05/2009 Not a single ") Once the chart, which does not consider data as a record, is instead calculated on some other records (such as the average of all grades for a given date ). The number of series in this chart varies according to the values ​​of the records, this chart is not in the details section, rather in...

networking - prove network is truly unavailable -

I have an old school FoxPro web app that is trying to help me lame while writing the system again I am Every day, many times, I get this following error message: The specified network name is no longer available . Is anyone suggesting how to get rid of it? Perhaps, my IT people have to prove that there really is a network problem. I have theories, but I do not know how to prove anything, it always comes back to FoxPro, writing it again is useless. I will take any help, equipment and answer those questions which can make it clear for you. Thank you You may want to consider writing a short program, At the time the network resource you can just search for a file and if the network is failing and the program file can not find the email to the people in charge of the network and the people themselves, it would be a free app and best if not written in FoxPro , So that you can independently prove that this app or that No language / device that was written to it. I have seen ...

c# - Generating debug symbols for Symbol Server from CI process to aid remote debugging -

Do anyone have any advice about the expansion of our SVN and adventure? To populate cruise control? We are trying to debug remote environment tests for our ASP.NET 2.0C # website and there are problems in getting the right symbols to always load correctly. Our building process is not in debug mode in release mode, so how is it affected by the creation of PDB files? Using VS 2008, we have solved many problems in connecting to remote debugging. We are now receiving this message when trying to see the variables in the test environment are not in the same domain: / P> Local or argument can not get value of 'XXXxx' because it is not available on this instruction indicator, possibly because it has been optimized far away Is it because of our Is the creation and subsequent deployment process in release mode? This error message occurs because CLR has optimized the variable itself. PDB still has all the information about the locals in the release mode, Debugger is...

c# - Changing selected objects inside a query -

I have need of a property is set within a square that LINQ-to-SQL query my first attempt a "setter "the method that is the object instance will return and thus, can be used in my selection was to be: public partial class Foo {public Date time RetrievalTime {; Set; } Public Foo SetRetrievalTimeAndReturnSelf (Date Time Value) {Recovery Time = Value; This return; }} .... foo in DataContext.GetTable & lt; Foo & gt; Select foo.SetRetrievalTimeAndReturnSelf (); Unfortunately, such a question throws an exception like this:. "System.NotSupportedException: method to change 'Foo.SetRetrievalTime (System.DateTime)' has no supported translation to SQL" What results in inventory and no choice but to walk on it? The query is used in the custom "gate" method which is datacentax. Wrap the gatetail method, so it will be used as the basis for many other questions. Immediately after this change will not be optimal to convert a set result to a pote...

how to 'Mark as read ' a mail of GMail with C# .NET? -

I want to create Gmail Notifier in C #. By parsing Gmail Atom feed I have access to the unread mail list. But I want to add a feature to my app so that the user can directly mark read any mail . Anyone have any idea how to do this? You can use an IMAP library to access GMAIL with C #. The IMAP box will mark the message as Read . An IMAP client implementing a project with C #. There is a stack overflow question addressing the issue of IMAP access to C #. Hope this will be helpful.

Any tested Frameworks/Solutions similar to Apache Hadoop? -

I am interested in the Apache Hadop project, but I would like to know if any other tests have been done (please pay attention to the 'test'). Projects / frameworks are out there Apache appeals to any information / link to projects similar to Hadoop and applauds any comments made by any person on Apache Hadop's project. Maybe but none of them will be anywhere near the trial which The real world experience is what it does on it. Companies like Facebook and Yahoo are paying on the heap scale and I do not know of any such open source projects that are actually looking at.

Is "Export Movie" as PNG Sequence for movies with actionscript animation possible in Flash CS4? -

I was thinking that to use "export movie" as "PNG sequence" to work for movies There is no way in which the object is animated with the ActionScript, this type of export is just tied to normal animation, but it does not work for my current project. Actually I am creating images using math and I want to be able to export results as PNG for use in other programs like Photoshop; But since the images have been made with the action script because the export shows only a blank image, do I reduce it by taking a screenshot of the result and removing all the pseudo-transparent areas with the Wand Tool? Someone please tell me that there is a better way; Thanks! Since Flash CS3, you can export your action animation / shape as Quicktime . Last frame instead because you were expanded into Photoshop Version CS3 has a timeline ( window> animation ). CS4 has a video workspace that should help. This is the easiest way for me. If you want to be in...

linux - How do I re-bind a socket in MacOSX/Ubuntu? A second time -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: यदि ((m_mainSocket = :: सॉकेट (PF_INET) , SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) & lt; 0) {फेंक अपवाद (__FILE__, __LINE__) & lt; & lt; "सॉकेट बनाने में असमर्थ"; } पर इंट (0); अगर (सेटोकोपेट (एम_मैन सॉकेट, एसओओएलओककेट, एसओयूयूएसीएडीडीआर, एंड ऑर, साइकोफ (ऑन))) (अपवाद फेंक (__FILE__, __LINE__) & lt; & lt; "सर्वर सॉकेट पुन: प्रयोज्य नहीं बना सकता।"; } Sockaddr_in addr; मेम्सेट (& amp; addr, 0, आकार (addr)); Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); Addr.sin_port = htons (p_localPort); यदि (:: बाइंड (एम_मैन सॉकेट, रीइन्टरिप_कास्ट & lt; सोकैड्र * & gt; (एंड एन्डर), साइफफ (एडीआर)) & lt; 0) अपवाद (__FILE__, __LINE__) & lt; & lt; "सर्वर सॉकेट बाइंड करने में विफल"; } जब मैं सर्वर बंद कर देता हूं, तो couse के बंद () के साथ, मैं एक ही बंदरगाह में फिर से सर्वर को नहीं खोल सकता। क्यूं कर? मुझे बंदरगाह बदलने या सिस्टम रिबूट करना होगा यह केवल उबुन्तु और मैकओएसएक्स में होता है विंड...

php - objects throwing exceptions inside of objects -

I am working on an object that instantates another object at some point. That internal object can throw an exception. I can give the exception bubble to whatever code the parent handles, which I want to do, only after the appearance of KISS. Or, I can do some exception within the parent object, and possibly the 'client' code gives a more meaningful exception. Is there any general rule to follow or do I decide what to do on a case-by-case basis? With the child object, I took the time to write an error code, in the future I could give end-users more meaningful error messages. If the object of the parent and the child's object has their own error codes, how can I handle it? It seems that I will write an exception handler which looks at the error code and its origins class, okay? If the "external" object can not handle the exceptions thrown by the "inner" object, then it Should not try to do the best, it can catch some of the more common people an...

php - how can I deliver remote content via web service? -

We have many websites under various domains that need to get our banner ads. We have a server app that is in PHP, which gives HTML for a randomly created banner ad. Concerned to the client side, I do not want to use an IFrame nor do I want to include the jquery library due to weight - I do not even want to duplicate the code in all domains. Is there any other way to do this? Perhaps there is a way to re-write or to do this with a web service? Does anyone solve such a problem? Thank you You do not need to use jquery deliever banner ads You can use pure JavaScript in this way how Google advertising works, and open source options like OpenX ad server also you can load javascript from a php file, where you can execute logic against your database of banners If you choose such. A few months ago I used the OpenX server to measure my own. Since then, I am completely happy with the product.

XCode Macros for iPhone -

Anyone has a good indication of how to highlight an Ivar in a class and a keystroke Hit and insert properties and synthesis of lines in my code in the appropriate places? I have been doing this for a while and while typing the barrelplat stuff, my nerves are happening. It looks like what you want.

python - how to check if request is ajax in turbogears -

How am I going to check whether the request is an AJAX request in a controller method in the turboire? Also, is it possible to make a partial 'partial' return to the rail or symphony if the request is an AJAX request. I know about Jason Decorator but I want a partial way back to Mako template (because I have to format data And does not want to do it all in javascript). For example, if I want to return the formatted list for the page 2 of the news list, then I do not want to return the whole page (rather just the formatted list). Thanks jQuery, YUI, prototype, dodge and moto all header Set X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest . You should be able to check that header.

pthreads - What is the best technique to create a thread in C++ while passing the class and an index? -

I am creating data-parallel programs using pthreads and C ++, I came to know that a static indicator + How to supply pthread_create with the function pointer with the + function (and it provides a this argument). However, I also need to supply the thread with an index, so it knows what data it is working on. I could have used the malloc for each thread with a straight (both in the C ++ class and index), but it seems that this will add some bookkeeping code, and if the structure is not ' Is T-free a Better Way to Do It? You can use this provides a type-safe approach for you that is in your responsibility . Yes, according to your question, there are similar types of bookkeeping, but to ensure that it does not leak, uses C ++ system.

c# - Default value check using generic types -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 उत्तर मैं सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ जांचें कि मान उसके मान प्रकार के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट है या नहीं। आदर्श रूप में, मैं कहना चाहूंगा: DoSomething & lt; टीवील्यू & gt; (टीवी मूल्य) {if (value == default (TValue)) {...}} हालांकि, कंपाइलर शिकायत करता है कि यह TVLue और TValue पर एक == तुलना नहीं कर सकता है। यह अब तक का सबसे अच्छा उपाय है: DoSomething & lt; TValue & gt; (टीवी मूल्य) {if (value == null} value.Equals (default (TValue) )) {...}} क्या इस बारे में जाने के लिए कोई और अधिक सुरुचिपूर्ण / सही तरीका है? सार्वजनिक बूल इक्ल्सडिफ़ॉल्ट वैल्यू & lt; T & gt; (T मान) {वापसी समता कमांडर & lt; T & gt;। Defaults.Equals (मान, डिफ़ॉल्ट (टी)); }

Why is the ELF execution entry point virtual address of the form 0x80xxxxx and not zero 0x0? -

When executed, the program will start running from the virtual address 0x80482c0. This address does not point to our main () process, but for a process called _start that is created by the linker. My Google Research So far, I had some unclear historical speculations like this: There is a folklore that 0x08048000 was once STACK_TOP (i.e., 0x08048000 on a port Got pushed down by a pile) * Nix to i386, which was promulgated by a group of Santa Cruz, California. This was when 128 MB of RAM was expensive, and 4 GB RAM was impossible. Can anyone confirm / reject this? As parents say, to capture more access through tap signals, systems like Unix Zero creates a page on the "unmapped" address Thus, a CPU accesses instantly, in other words, a segfault. This application is much better than letting go the badass. Exception vector tables, however, can be at least at any address on x86 processor (this is a special register, loaded with lidt opcode.) Point Address i...

forms - Is there any way to have multiple ID:s with same name in one HTML document? -

I have a form that has many tags. Is it possible: & lt; Select name = "select1" id = "select1" & gt; & Lt; Option id = "1990" value = "1990" & gt; 1990 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option id = "1991" value = "1991" & gt; 1991 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Select name = "select2" id = "select2" & gt; & Lt; Option id = "1990" value = "1990" & gt; 1990 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option id = "1991" value = "1991" & gt; 1991 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; The IDs are the same ... thanks Any ID can only be assigned once because it is identity for only one element, instead you need to use the class but I wonder. Why do you need to provide the same ID? If you specify the same ID for more than one element, and use javascript to m... 2.0 Page Load sequence and SqlPagePersister property -

I have 2 aspx pages, both use the same masterpiece and both of them use the same base class 'basepage' The system of type is that heirs Web.UI.Page I'm overriding the SqlPagePersister property on the base page. It works fine for 1 page, it is not for the other. Page A: MasterPage Init Page Load SqlPagePersister's Recovery Page B: SqlPagePersister Recovery Master page Init Page Load Why do 2 pages come out of these ways with a similar set up and fix it What can be done for? itemprop = "text"> The sequence of events for page B can not be in the life cycle of the ASP.NET page. The master page is init and the page load is "re-fired" You want to see the action of any previous page which is being hidden in page B because recovery can also start before the input / loading. Page B Property There are some actions before retrieval It does not mean that you are going to catch it in your debug with your usual casual breakpoint, you m...

telerik - Something is still looking for jquery 1.3 -

I've upgraded from jQuery 1.3 to 1.4.1, but now I get an exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException user code was reconfigured by message = "The specified file does not exist: \" ~ / scripts / jquery-1.3.2.js \ "." Source = "Telecq.web.mvc" Telecrik's script registrarbuilder. To call in Reader () But I'm not talking about jQuery 1.3 anywhere in my code! If I have a global recursive * * *. * Searching on jquery-1.3.2 I did not find anything. You need to upgrade! Service for TechKarPack 2 supports jQuery 1.4:

wpf - Textbox validation border -

मेरे पास वर्तमान में निम्न लाल सीमा है , अमान्य प्रविष्टि को इंगित करते हुए, textbox एक आवेदन में। यह मेरे लिए सही नहीं दिखता है, इसके पास गोल कोनों के चारों ओर चौकोर सीमाएं हैं और ड्रॉप छाया गलत रंग है। क्या है पाठ बक्से के आस-पास एक सभ्य दिखने वाली सीमा को प्राप्त करने का सर्वोत्तम तरीका? निकालें अभिव्यक्ति ब्लेंड का उपयोग करके Textbox टेम्पलेट और अपनी इच्छाओं के अनुरूप ValidationStates को संशोधित करें।

textwrapping - Convention for wrapping code lines? -

I usually wrap my code lines so that they are 80 characters long. Which rapping looks better for you? // (a) std :: vector & lt; MyLongClassName :: size_type & gt; * Myvector = new std :: vector & lt; MyLongClassName :: size_type & gt; (); Bool isOneOrAnother = Here is the Ezhol Long Condition and amp; HereIsAnotherOne; // (B) Stud :: Vector & lt; MyLongClassName :: size_type & gt; * Myvector = new std :: vector & lt; MyLongClassName :: size_type & gt; (); Bool isOneOrAnother = Here is the Ezhol Long Condition and amp; HereIsAnotherOne; I know this is arbitrary, but is there any tradition or preferred method? I select (b), but for boolean, I completely Can not add and then repeat the values ​​inside them. I will only add to the feet because my emacs will not do it for me without me. bool isOneOrAnother = (here Ison Long condition & amp; amp;; hereIsAnotherOne;);

python - django / haystack / solr simple config - partial field matching issue -

On my demo app I have a simple configuration of a haystack / sulter: From this app: class device (models.Model): ... hostname = model.carfield (max_length = 45, help_text = "hostname for this device") ... From this app's class devIndex (indexes.SearchIndex): '' 'Hesmac Class,' 'Text = Index' CRField (Document = True, Use_Stemlet = True) Templates / Search / Index / System_management / Device_text for this app. By text (all job names) ... {{object.hostname}} ... Problem: The name of a system is If I search for "stable" then I get results for all static servers ("static" in their description field) If I search for "stable 1", then I get 0 results If I search for "" then I get results My question is, "statistic 1" does not match query Why does the Haystack / Solr? This is probably an analysis problem. I think t...

C#: delegate with generic -

कृपया ध्यान दें सूची & lt; बिंदु & gt; Lp = lpf.ConvertAll (नया कनवर्टर & lt; प्वाइंट, प्वाइंट & gt; (PointFToPoint)); नीचे दिए गए कोड के अंदर। कनवर्टर & lt; बिंदु, बिंदु & gt; दो प्रकार के पैरामीटर रखता है? क्यों PointFToPoint सिर्फ एक पैरामीटर पकड़? सार्वजनिक वर्ग उदाहरण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य () {सूची & lt; बिंदुएफ & gt; एलपीएफ = नई सूची & amp;;; बिंदुएफ & gt; (); एलपीएफ.एड (नया पॉइंटफ (27.8 एफ, 32.62 एफ)); एलपीएफ.एड (नया पॉइंटफ (99.3 एफ, 147.273 एफ)); एलपीएफ.एड (नया पॉइंटफ (7.5 एफ, 1412.2 एफ)); Console.WriteLine (); विदेशी मुद्रा (एलपीएफ में पन्नीफ पी) {कंसोल.प्रकाशलाइन (पी); } सूची & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; Lp = lpf.ConvertAll (नया कनवर्टर & lt; प्वाइंट, प्वाइंट & gt; (PointFToPoint)); Console.WriteLine (); Foreach (एलपी में प्वाइंट पी) {Console.WriteLine (पी); }} पब्लिक स्टेटिक प्वाइंट प्वाइंट प्वाइंट प्वाइंट पॉइंट (पन्नीफ पीएफ) {नया पॉइंट (((इंट) पीएफ.एक्स), ((इंट) पीएफ.वाई)); }} "कनवर्टर दो प्रक...

java - How to find cpu,io,memory utilization of a loading page in web application -

I have written a Java file, using JSP, servlets, that I want to run the run-time test on-up I am I have never done this before and just curious about how it was, I am interested in knowing how to run CPU, memory and io usage, except for real time, when the application is running is. Your idea is appreciated. Usually you do not measure them from within the application, but by running another tool on the same host. If you just want to see the effects on the host operating system, you can use CPU / memory / IO to view, on a good program like Windows on the top (* nix box) ), Or good old task manager. Of its Java process (usually alllet containers such as Totalkat) If you want more detailed information on the actual Java process, you can connect or get VM information (including Memory and CPU). Do the process of self (with Java 6) You should not be able to do any of the criteria for Java processing at startup; You should be able to do this from a local machine; For Java 5...

php - Sending POST Requests without waiting for response? -

I am writing a simple comfort service, which responds to requests from customers all in PHP. My concern is, that, when my server responds to a request, it can end up tying resources if the customer is very slow to send the "OK" response back. How do I send a POST request through the lib_curl setting to not wait for any requests, but leave the permission after sending POST data? Is this possible? Thanks! HTTP always requests - you can not send data without receiving the reply with HTTP Even if the response is very low (like a simple 200 is not a lesson), there is a need to react and every HTTP Socket will wait for that response. If you do not care about the response, you can add a process to the server that makes your request, and you only push your request data (background) Like a service that is running in, checking a request database, and always a new entry was added when the request started) In this way you can request asynchronous and as soon as you st...

iis 6 - Weird behavior regarding IIS virtual directory names -

I am new to using Microsoft IIS 6.0 and I am facing this weird behavior about virtual directory names I am I once created a virtual directory with the following details: Alias: Y2YY Application Name: Y2YY - Execute Permissions: Scripts and Executionable Local Path: D: \ Y2YY \ content with D: \ Y2YY \ content that contains a valid HTML file (Hello html). I was able to successfully reach through the HTML file. I removed this virtual directory. And tried to recreate it with the same details. However, now I can browse on the HTML page. After more testing of virtual directory names, I found that I can only use html files if the virtual directory name does not start with Y2YY, that means I have the following virtual directory names (Y2YY *) Could not access the HTML file: Y2YY1 Y2YYabc Y2YY Y2YYdef But if I have a virtual directory, then I can access the html file. is? Is there a setting to clear my previously created virtual directory? I've already removed it, but in ...

performance - Why is there no improvement in CPU usage with our 64-bit build of Apache? -

G'day, We created 64 bit of Apache 2.2.14 and filled it Posted in The server types used for various Sun Server tests running Sol10 are Sun T-2000 (32 GB memory), 5120 (8 GB) and 5240 (16 GB). For each of these we have seen that there was no easy correction in CPU usage and in reality the server is running a bit faster while running the 32 bit version. We confirmed this observation by returning it to 32 bit version and then rolling it over to 64 bit build again. Since this is a major web form, we have a comprehensive server monitoring infrastructure with RRD graph for all types of measurements. Graphs are available for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly deadlines. The slight step change in CPU usage across these graphs is quite noticeable, Rates on our servers are completely cyclical, but each server In the order of 2k / second, they are quite stable with peaks. The number of children is also cyclical on a daily basis and per server varies between 1k and 3k. As all the se...

"Insufficient System Memory" Error in SQL Server 2008 -

मुझे SQL Server 2008 में निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: इसमें अपर्याप्त सिस्टम मेमोरी है इस क्वेरी को चलाने के लिए संसाधन पूल 'आंतरिक'। हाल ही में SQL Server 2000 से SQL Server 2008 में माइग्रेट किया गया है, और सिस्टम Windows Server 2K8 है। इसमें दो कनेक्ट बग की रिपोर्ट है: और कम से कम दो SO प्रश्न: और ये कुछ की पेशकश कर सकते हैं

How to load photoshop action with JavaScript? -

How do I take action in Photoshop using my JavaScript scripting language? Adding Noise Delivery: Gaussian Percentage: 2% Texture Type: Canvas Scaling: 100 Relief: 3 Invert Texture Without Light Direction: Top Left with Monochromatic Texturizer P> I think you want to apply two effects. 1) Noise Distribution 2) Texturizer Before applying any effect, Should be selected. You can name it layerRef = app .activeDocument.artLayers.getByName ("Layer 1"); Then, you can apply Impact # 1 by the applyAddNoise method. This method requires the following types of threshold parameters: Amount > Noise distribution {/ strong> (GAUSSIAN or UNIFORM) Monochrome (Boolean -> true or false) layerRef.applyAddNoise (2.0, NoiseDistribution.GAUSSIAN, true); Unfortunately, I could not find any method or documentation that currently has Texturizer effect. Hope this helps. Mira

c - scanf() resetting first result depending of variable declaration order -

यह अपेक्षित रूप से काम क्यों नहीं करता? int main () {अहस्ताक्षरित चार लाउज़ , पीटर; Printf ("लुईस की आयु:"); स्कैनफ़ ("% u", और लुईस); Printf ("पीटर की आयु:"); स्कैनफ़ ("% u", और पीटर); Printf ("लुईस:% यू \ n", लुईस); Printf ("पीटर:% u \ n", पीटर); वापसी 0; } आउटपुट: लुईस की आयु: 12 पीटर की आयु: 13 लुईस: 0 पीटर: 13 लेकिन अगर मैं वेरिएबल घोषणाओं को स्वैप करता हूं तो यह काम करता है: अहस्ताक्षरित चार पटर, लुईस; आउटपुट: लुईस की आयु: 12 पीटर की आयु: 13 लुईस: 12 पीटर: 13 मैंने यह भी गौर किया है कि int या अहस्ताक्षरित int का उपयोग करके वेरिएड को स्वैप करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, लेकिन char नहीं करता है। मैंने प्रिंटफ़ ("% u", लुईस) डालने की कोशिश की है; बस के बाद scanf () लाउज़ के लिए और मान सही ढंग से सहेजा जाता है और अगर मैं दूसरा scanf () टिप्पणी देता हूं तो यह ठीक काम करता है ... विंडोज (डीसीपीपी) और लिनक्स (केराइट + मेक) पर "समस्या" शो। क्या यह कंपाइलर का एक बग है, या...

How to make Cocoa document package type with it's extension hidden by default? -

I am creating a cacao application which uses a document package (bundle) because I have specified an extension And the searcher now recognizes the document as a document with extensions. But the extension of the folder is still displayed, and I want to hide it by default (like the application bundle) is there an alternative to doing this? you -setAttributes: ofItemAtPath: error: the method of NSFileManager can set the file attributes of any file. In this situation, you want to set the value of the NSFileExtensionHidden key. To apply this to your saved document, you can cancel the -writeToURL: ofType: error: in your NSDcast subclass and more Then set the file extension to hide after the document is saved: - writeToURL: (NSURL *) absoluteURL ofType: (NSString *) typeName error: (NSError **) Out Error {// to save the call file if (! [Super writeToURL: absoluteURL type: typeName error: outError]) do not return; // Get the path of the saved file NSString * filePath =...

image - install ImageUtils python -

I'm trying to install ImageUtils, I found the package but it does not have an installer. What's the process? Use the general approach to setting up Python packages, or; The choice between the two becomes political, so I will just say that I use pip pip plays well, which is an instrument that has arbitrary Python Makes packages very good in finding. In your case, (assuming that you have installed virtualenv and pip ) I would probably do something like the following (assume UNIX Environment like; There should be a Windows equivalent, but I am not currently what this might be): VirtualAU i-sandbox REPL And start looking for ImageUtils

Clipboard Copy-Paste doesn't work on Win Server 2008/Vista 64bit -

I'm trying to use the clipboard API (Delphi) to remove images from Word documents. My code works fine in Windows XP / 2003, but Windows 2008 64-bit Win 2008 does not work I empty Klipboardkformet that get an error saying it does not have any format. being copied image to the clipboard (I think it'll be looking at the clipboard through the Word), but when I got into it what format that would try to ask the clipboard, he said There is no format in it. How can I use the clipboard program when I win 2008 / Vista? What I know about 64 bit since 2008, this can be a security problem ... Here is the code snippet: In this way I can copy this image I'm trying to clipboard: W.ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item (1). Choose; // W. A word object linking and embedding object is Wselection.Copy; And so on, I try to paste it. clipboard. open; Write2DebugFile ('FormatCount =' + IntToStr (clipboard formattack)); // FormatCount = 0 for JJ: = 1 type Lia.formetkount to...

ASP.NET MVC and passing ID to strongly typed BeginForm -

I have some problems passing an ID from the URL in my controller action Say I have This is URL: Bing / Index / 4 In my master page, I would like to generate a form which will be the Bing Controller Search Action How to get the ID (4 In the example) to pass it to the url search operation? Thank you for your help To access that data in a master page For, your controllers will need to add it to ViewData so that the master page should be used. Public Performance Index (String ID) {ViewData ["SearchID"] = ID; See Return (); } Then in your master page, you can see it using ViewData (HTML.BeginForm ("Search", "Bing", { ID = Vendetta ["SearchInnd"]}) For a strongly typed view, I have a unsmoded square that has a property that needs a master page and all my models Base class public square model model {prop string search id {get; set;}} Public class home index model: basemodel {} public functioning index (String ID) {Homeindex...

python - Recommended Django setup? -

I'm starting a major project project. If I install the latest stable release ... this is a recommended setup. Is this OS, this version of RDBMS, Python etc. ?? I'm usually a CentOS man, but their repos do not play very well with the django requirements ... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Ubuntu nowadays It's a better platform I am a refugee from RHEL and Fedora, get Ubuntu 9.10, and if you want, then launch it on Amazon AC 2 for the total flexibility (i.e., approximately 90 seconds, keep playing around, what do you want to do , Remove it, and give only one penny). Otherwise, just use Ubuntu on the desktop. In Ubuntu the Python is 2.6 by default, so you do not need to go out and find the odd correction path. Also in Ubuntu, there are ready-to-zaii establishments for the degego 1.1.1 (latest and greatest) which are integrated with Apache, etc. ... PIP, easy-installation or source installations With zero usage, in other words, you can walk with...

What is the correct way to document PHP constants (define) with phpDocumentor -

How does the definition defined in PHP (with) we want to document? I did not find anything in the docs, but the following example (which I do not see its use) was found in sample2.php: / ** # @ + * Constant * / / ** * first define * / / ('test', 6); / ** * second static * / define ('another content', strangel ('hello')); Anyone can tell me what is the best way to write constants in PHP with phpDocumentor? Defined statements are normally commenting only with a descriptive text, so basically you How to comment on it To know more about the Dokblock template tag, check out / ** # @ + ,

.net - Visual Studio/SOAP - 'Add Service Reference' vs 'Add Web Service Reference' -

I have found that I can import a SOAP / WSDL service which I call "a web service reference" in my solution System web services) or "service reference" (system. Service model / WCF). I was wondering what was the difference. I understand that 'Add Service Reference' / WCF is new, it can be used to use any harm to the system. Web. Is the preferred mode of service or SOAP services in the net now? met? The preferred and most useful way is to actually use add a service reference . This will add your service as a WCF client side proxy. Add Web Reference Things to do is "old-style" ASMX / ASP.NET webservice way. WCF is a better choice than ASMX because: It is new and will be supported in the future (ASMX is exiting); If you learn it now, you will have to learn it later when the ASMX has gone definitely It provides more flexibility in every aspect You only have one ASMX IIS can host the service, using HTTP as your protocol; WCF can... mvc - Jquery Calendar on Partial Page problem -

I have a partial page with a jquery calendar on my form when the partial page loads does not show the calendar button . I am using Ajax. BenFinForm and UpdatesTagid to load partial pages. I think the jazzery does not start on the partial page. Does anyone know what is happening? How to use

c# - How to map null values with AutoMapper for an specific mapping? -

I found this solution but it uses the initial method so that all mapping changes with behavior App: o And I just need to do this for a particular mapping. found a solution: Mapper Start (conf => {Conf.ForSourceType & lt; MyGreatViewModel & gt; (). AllowNullDestinationValues ​​= true;}); Thanks guys :) Take care of your destination area types (remember that you Need a nasal type, such as 'byte?')

php - Can regex do this faster? -

I have to capitalize each word and add it to 1 word, such as: Home = Home - About Us = About Us Can I use this function at this time, can it be better or more efficient? public function formatClassName ($ name) {$ name = str_replace ('-', '', $ name); $ Name = ucwords ($ name); $ Name = str_replace ('', '', $ name); Return $ name; } I do not think a regex can capitalize the word, so you want There are still two different regexes, and I think with such simple cases, regular expression overkill (seems hunting squirrel with Artillery) This code is simple, clear and easy to understand. Do not touch IT!

Java: Convert "Europe/London" to 3 digit timezone -

How do I convert timezone identifiers into related 3 digits string? Text "itemprop =" text "> string getDisplayName (Boolean daylight for example" Europe / London "=>" GMT " in the law java.util.TimeZone . Style may be TimeZone.LONG or TimeZone.SHORT with short style returning short name of time zone. > A more long curved method is to check the output of the string [] TimeZone.getAvailableIDs (int offset) . Less time zone codes can be ambiguous or meaningless, so you can see it more deeply: timezoneTZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone ("Europe / London") ; (For string: time zone.getAllindoids (tz.getOffset (System.currentTimeMillis ())) {System.out.print (s + ","); } ------------------------------------------------- ----- Africa / Abidjan, Africa / Accra, Africa / Bamako, Africa / Banjul, Africa / Bissau, Africa / Casablanca, Africa / Conakry, Africa / Dakar, Africa / El_Aaiun, Africa / Freetown, Africa / Lom, A...