
Showing posts from September, 2012

sql - ignore insert of rows that violate duplicate key index -

मैं एक सम्मिलन निम्न प्रकार से करता हूं: INEERT IN foo (a, b, c ) एफयूआर से एक्स, वाई, जेड का चयन करें ... हालांकि, अगर कुछ पंक्तियां जो डाली जा रही हैं, foo पर डुप्लिकेट कुंजी इंडेक्स का उल्लंघन करती हैं, तो मैं चाहता हूं कि डाटाबेस उन पर ध्यान न दें पंक्तियाँ, और उन्हें सम्मिलित न करें और अन्य पंक्तियों को सम्मिलित करना जारी रखें। प्रश्न में डीबी Informix 11.5 है। वर्तमान में ऐसा ही होता है कि डीबी एक अपवाद फेंक रहा है। अगर मैं इसके साथ अपवाद को संभालने की कोशिश करता हूं: में अपवाद पर (-239) एंड रेड्यूम के साथ अंत में अपवाद; ... यह मदद नहीं करता क्योंकि अपवाद के बाद पकड़ा गया है, पूरे सम्मिलित किया गया है। मुझे नहीं लगता कि informix INSERT IGNORE का समर्थन करता है, या INSERT ... डुप्लिकेट कुंजी पर ..., लेकिन अगर मुझे गलती है तो मुझे सही करने में संकोच न करें। IF स्टेटमेंट का उपयोग करें और मौजूदा रिकॉर्डों की जांच करने के लिए EXISTS फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करें। या आप संभवत: नीचे दिए गए दाएं खण्ड में उस EXISTS फ़ंक्शन को शामिल कर सकते हैं INFER IN FE (a, b, c) SEL...

How do I use the showAlert method in Android? -

I'm trying to debug something and want to pop up a message dialog box. Eclipse is telling me that it wants me to "method show alerts (string, string, string, boolean)" I imported this import to Imported; Dialog interface; What steps do I miss? If you are trying to create and display an alert DLOOU, then you user alerts. Builder for example. DialogInterface, its name indicates, is an interface and there are only 2 methods in it: Cancel () and Dismiss (). Creating an AlertDialog is quite easy: This shows a simple AlertDialog. One tip: Check the activity. Shodial (int) and activity Connection dialogs () They make your life easier when using the dialog. / P>

java - How to find which jars and in what order are loaded by a classloader? -

I could not find any further answer to this question, so I will try here: Is there a program (programmatic or other) to get a list of jars / classes loaded in the exact order required by a program classloader? By Application Classloader I mean Classloader that loads an EAR application in an application server (WLS, VAS, JBs ...), but obviously, it applies to any classloader. So, to normalize, I would like to know the list and order of the JARs loaded by a specific category loader, not the individual category, which is quite easy to find by calling the Classloader .getPackages (), But a list of JAR files that were loaded by this classloader. No short answer Classellers do not need to highlight their search logic. However, if you have a ClassLoder installation or a subclass, you have access to the list of jars / directories, getURLs () method According to the doctor for this class, those URLs Will be searched in order. In practice, if you are trying to figure out where...

ruby on rails - Error when submitting custom mail process (whenever plugin) -

Whenever I'm trying to use the plugin to process a model for some time on the rail When I try to use the mail-out process in my user model, I get the following error: Can someone tell me in the right direction of being wrong? /war/lib/gems/lk8/gems/rels-2k3k5/lib/commands/rnrkrb: 48: /war/lib/gems/lk8/gems/aktiverekord- 2.3.5 / lib / active_record / base.rb: 1567: in 'find_from_ids': could not find the user without the ID (ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound) from / Var / lib / gems / 1.8 / gems / activerecord-2.3.5 / lib / active_record / base.rb: 616: in `search 'from /home/tnederlof/Dropbox/Ruby/daily_trailer/app/models/user.rb: 9: the` Mel_aut' (eval): 1 / usr / lib In 'eval' from /ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb31:in/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3. 5 / lib / command / runner.rb: from 48 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb31:in/em/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb31 in `gem_original_require ': script / runner From `Required ...

python - Does the Jinja2 templating language have the concept of 'here' (current directory)? -

Does the support template for Jinna 2 support the relative path e.g. % (here) s / other / template.html , to include other templates relative to the location of the current template in the file system "Post -text" itemprop = "text"> I do not believe this. Typically, the template loaders and the environment you are using, add or add other templates by specifying your path based on their root. Then we say that your template is set to all / path / to / templates and you have set Jija to: Import jinja2 Template_dir = '/ path / to / templates' loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader (template_dir) environment = jinja2.Environment (loader = loader) Now, if you enter / path / to You want to include / templates / include / sidebar.html in the / path /to/templates/index.html template, in your index.html The following will write: {% include / include / sidebar .html '%} and Jinja will find out how The Undna.

algorithm - Transact-SQL: Detect Date boundaries across multiple rows -

I am creating a stored procedure that prepares reports based on the data in the SQL database and these reports have a different database The data being stored in the data was running a motor range longer than a date range. I want to know that I am reporting on the basis of time, based on the date of time I overlap past reports. For example, we have the following table: line --- - value ----- start ------------------ End date 1 ------- 12 -------- 2010-01-21 00: 00: 00,000 ---- 2010-01-21 11: 59: 99.997 2 ------ - 12 -------- 2010-01-22 00: 00: 00,000 ---- 2010-01-22 11: 59: 99.997 3 ------- 12 ------- - 2010-01-22 12: 00,000 ---- 2010-01-22 23:59: 99.997 4 ------- 12 -------- 2010-01-23 00: 00 : 00,000 ---- 2010-01-23 11: 59: 99.997 5 ------- 12 -------- 2010-01-24 00: 00: 00,000 ---- 2010-01 -24 11: 59: 99.997 If I was included in this table, the following lines are: INPUT: 1. Value = 12, Start Date = 2010-01-21 6: 00: 00.000, End VAT = 2010-01- 21 17: 59: 99.97 2. Valu...

php - Example code for a comment parser -

The user has learned to parse any sample php (ideal codeigniter) code. To remove wastage and HTML tags? Try to get rid of any HTML submitted You can use to avoid tags If you want to make sure that no HTML is displayed in the comments - according to Milano's example, there will be less unexpected effects with strip_tags. For a word filter, depending on how you want to go, there are many examples on the web, from here to the example of Jake Olefsky (Example is a simple one connected earlier): Many more examples of this can be on the web.

iphone - OpenGL-ES variable texture alpha (2D)? -

I have a texture with transparency (white triangle with that light notice), and simply it did not make it Alpha Variable . The drawing code, with the missing piece: // the left view glLoadIdentity () in the polygon corner beneath the location; GlTranslatef (center, center, 0); // Draw the "diffuse" layer globbdenactation (GL_digitanti, spittexture [0]); // bind GlDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); // offset during development only glLoadIdentity (); GlTranslatef (center X-10, center + 10, 0); // Draw "Specular" layer glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); Globbdenctación (GL_EnglishEndy, Spitactactation [1]); // bind // Some smart alpha scaling codes are required ... glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); Can anyone help me with the appropriate lines of code? Some glBlendFunc, or maybe glTextEnvi stuff I think OK, I have found it even though I do not know what I did. // Place the polygon corner at the bottom left to see. GlLoadIdentity (); GlTra...

javascript events - mvc: checkbox onchange not working -

I have a page with a set of checkboxes, that when I make any changes, I start a JavaScript function Although I have three problems with the checkbox: My On Change Event only runs "Sometimes" The focus must be changed between different checkbox controls When it runs it, it is returning the result of the previous checkbox (no & lt;% = Html.CheckBox ("sl-" + row.Id, value, new {onChange = "utility check (" + row.Id + "," + key + ")"})%> JavaScript function utility check (provider id, parent records id ) {Var params = {}; params.providerId = providerId; params.parentRecordId = p arentRecordId; var value = $ ("# sl-" + providerId) .val (); Params.value = value; $ .getJSON ("Suitability check", params, blank); }; Browsers are funny about radio buttons and check boxes and can delay changes until the focus is changed. It may be that some of the jQuery Live (unchecked, from the t...

flex - Help with Cross-Domain file for ActionScript 3 Socket -

यहां मेरा क्रियासूचक कोड है: var S: सॉकेट = नया सॉकेट ("127.0 .0.1 ", 2222); यहां मेरा क्रॉसडामैन.एक्सएमएल फ़ाइल (स्थित है) & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt;! DOCTYPE क्रॉस-डोमेन-पॉलिसी सिस्टम ""> & LT; क्रॉस-डोमेन-नीति & gt; & Lt; डोमेन से अनुमति-पहुंच- from domain = "*" to-port = "2222" / & gt; & Lt; / क्रॉस-डोमेन-नीति & gt; यहां त्रुटि है I गलत वाक्यविन्यास के कारण xmlsocket पर: // 2222 पर नीति फ़ाइल की उपेक्षा करना। इससे पहले कभी भी किसी का उपयोग नहीं किया जा रहा है, मुझे नहीं पता कि मेरी क्रॉसडामैन फ़ाइल की सिंटैक्स में क्या गलत है। कृपया सहायता करें। सॉकेट पॉलिसी फाइलें HTTP नीति फ़ाइलों की तुलना में थोड़ा अलग कार्य करती हैं; विशेष रूप से, उन्हें HTTP या पोर्ट 80 पर सेवा नहीं दी जाती है। इसके बजाय, फ़्लैश प्लेयर एक नीति फ़ाइल सर्वर (डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से पोर्ट 843), या यदि आवश्यक हो, तो आप जिस स...

IE Issue: Submitting form to an iframe using javascript -

I was trying to create an iframe element using javascript, such as: Var iframe = Document.createElement ('iframe'); Iframe.setAttribute ('name', 'frame_x'); However, when I try to submit a form using the newly created IFrame as a target, IE opens a new window rather than using an iframe. form.setAttribute ('target', 'frame_x'); Form.submit (); It works perfectly in Firefox. In addition, iframe is created but is not used. You You set the name attribute of any element in IE by using the standard DOM method .setAttribute ('name', value); You need to use one of the following: // A (any browser) var iframe = document.createElement ('iframe'); = 'frame_x'; //b (in IE only) var iframe = document.createElement ('& lt; iframe name = "frame_x" / & gt;'); // c (use the js library which fixes the bug (like jquery)) iframe = $ ('iframe name = "f...

php - Is there a way to implement an XMPP client or message reciever that can recieve all the messages from an XMPP server? -

Actually I'm trying to create a bot which send a message to a user using one of several accounts The message of that account can basically be used and can be obtained and whatever I need to do it. So far, I have found the JAXL library, but on the basis of the examples it is capable of handling one user at a time. Any suggestions or ideas? Thank you in advanced. BTW If any server automatically executes those messages to another program or whatever works exactly like that. I think you are looking for an external component .... Jaxl v 2.0 allows you to write component bots PHP In

cocoa - Thread-safe unique entity instance in Core Data -

I have a message unit that has messageID assets, I want to make sure that only one installation with a message id To be given the message in SQL, I just put a unique barrier in the messageID column, but I do not know how to do it with core data. I believe this can be done in the data model, so how do you know about it? My initial idea is to use an authentication method to fetch one reference to the ID of NSManagedObject for ID, if it finds anything by itself, and if so, then the verification fails. I suspect this will work - but I am concerned about the performance of something like this. I went through a lot of efforts to reduce the required fetch requests for the entire import routine, and it seems a bit more valid after each fetching it for a new message unit. I can get all pre-existing objects and identify all the new objects that I need to insert into the store using only two fetch queries before I import and connect everything together to be real Work. With this, add each o...

php cURL , POST and redirect client , proxy/bridge -

I am trying to create a php curl script which should act as a bridge / proxy (like "between Man "but nothing is hacking), post a URL ( and after receiving that response, redirect the client to that link. I'm not sure if this is possible please advise. Basically the customer will pass 2 values ​​through our site (for example and after the value is passed, the client should be redirected to that specific site ( as if it were through examples From the values ​​directly crossed. . I need to mention that the "" site does not use cookies and I can successfully pass values ​​through curl script, I set the follow_location option, but only problem redirection is. Thanks in advance for your help! Any solution would be appreciated! I assume that you are typing it in PHP on the tag): $ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ...

I Need to make more than one ajax call at a time to manage the DB -

I want a "all in the grid" checkbox so that the data can be updated through ABS via DB ..but the reason I can not do this for the ban of 2 calls at a time. Help me solve this problem. Your question is a bit unclear, but I think you are sending one when the user " Check All "button, then Ajax request for each checkbox, If so, then you should modify your code, so only an Ajax request has been sent; Instead of saying " oh oh, all checkboxes have been checked, make your content " instead of saying " a check box has been checked " . In this way, what the user does, you have only one Ajax request, which means: Fast No (well problem with sign dialog No problems with many Ajax requests in parallel No threat to a request on this server Low load (and client) on the server (But, yes, I agree, its meaning That is, you have to make some changes to your code; -))

php - How do I run phpunit command in Windows command line no matter what directory I am in? -

I saw all the examples of phpunit that the simple command line tool is run: phpunit TestClass But when I try on a directory other than xampp php dir, I get "unknown command ..." Whether to execute the phpunit command from any directory Is there a way in the Windows command line? Add phpunit to your system PATH Set path to Windows start Click Advanced -> Control Panel -> System -> Entertainment Variables, under System Variables, find and click on the path, in the edit window, modify the pat by adding the range of values ​​for PATH. If you do not have an item PATH, you can add a new variable and add PATH as a name and the location of the class as the value. Close the window Open the Command Prompt window again, and run the phpunit TestClass

c++ - where are the opengl libraries get stored on ubuntu : i need this to mention in my make file -

Where OpenLabel libraries are stored on Ubuntu 9.10: I need to create my files and all the links I have to specify the files to be set to openGL work: P> Install the Suado ATT-Free freelug 3 Sudo APT-Mill OpenGL files Should be in the following: / usr / include / GL / Install FreeGloot 3-DIL From Terminal (compiler): ( but test it): G ++ filename -lglut -lGL - LGLU

c# - KeyNotFound Exception when calling Html.ValidationSummary() dynamically through helper method -

I have a helpful method in my view that dynamically prepares the whole form. I would like to add a support as available in MVC RC2. I use the code given below to present the verification summary field on the formation. _viewPage.Html.EnableClientValidation (); MvcHtmlString validationSummary = _viewPage.Html.ValidationSummary ("There are errors on this form, please contact your administrator."); If (Validation Ms.! = Null & Verification. Ms. Torstring (!) = "") Response Write (Verification. Summary.ToString ()); When the code reaches this point, I get an error. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException User Code Message = "The key given was not present in the dictionary." Source = "system" StackTrace: System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException (on System.Web.Mvc.Html.ValidationExtensions.ValidationSummary) System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary on 2.get_Item (TKey key) (HtmlHelper HtmlHelper, Boolean excludePro...

iphone - RTL shows numbers at the end of lines -

Trying to display a Hebrew string that starts with a number, always in the end, Displays: 1 It happens with UILBL - & amp; UITextField & amp; UITextView and in the attempt to write numbers on the left, the same leakage is produced. Playing with a combination of UITextAnignment does not help. You do not need to change any settings on UILBL, just before the letter is unicode Insert with 0x200F. This is the reason: Unicode has a specific directionality in many letters, which the system knows that it should be written, such as LIT, such as سلام. Article usually uses the direction of its first character, this is the reason why your string is automatically inserted from the right to the right without the number. Now some letters, like numbers, are "weak" guidelines, so they basically take around you when you "write 1.", The system first sees 1, so Normal LTR takes the direction. Changing alignment will not help, because it changes the whole ...

Automatically Passing WCF headers from Service to Service -

We have more apps using custom headers, which we call "callrid" The way a customer is calling the service, we can connect them to the correct DB etc. At present we have 3 services for which the callerid has to work. The call may occur the collider -> Cholerid - & gt; Choleried Service 1 - & gt; Service 2 - & gt; Service 3 What we are doing at this time is reading in every call header and adding it before every new call. But some calls may have a callrid then it may look like a call callrid ------------- - & gt; Choleried Service 1 - & gt; Service 2 - & gt; Johnny Johnny P>

image processing - Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap -

I am working on an Android app that displays photos downloaded from Flickr. I get a bitmap object from a byte array, which in turn is read from the corresponding flickr url, as follows: Bitmap Factory. Option = new bitmapfile Option (); OptInDither = true; Opt.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap Config.Argb_8888; Bitmap bitmap = bitmapfender Databet more (data, 0, data. Length, opt); I then draw a bitmap to the canvas on the ondroid system of a visual object: paint paint = new paint (paint.nti_al_ass_flag | paintFILTER_BITMAP_FLAG); Canvas.draw bitmap (bitmap, 0, 0, paint); The problem is that the resulting picture is pixelated and I do not understand why; I have not made any difference to fortune and paint objects, there is no luck in it. The difference between the picture displayed in my app and the picture of the original URL is shown by the following: See for example Note that JPEG images that are loaded with project resources and displayed in the same manner are dis...

c++ - How to generate a good random seed to pass to srand()? -

I am writing a C ++ program that requires creating a temporary file for my internal use. I would like to allow concurrent hanging of the program by running several processes, so the temporary file name should be random, thus each generated process will generate a unique temporary file name for its own use. I use Rand () to generate random letters for the part of the file name, so I need to start the random number generator seed using srand (). What are the options for passing a good debate for srand () that two processes will not be started with the same seed value? My code needs both to work on both Windows and Linux. Questions actually ask how To create a unique-nominated temporary file. The operating system probably provides an API for this, which means that you do not have to generate your name. (also supports Windows tmpfile () ; However, I 'reports have heard that other people, when it works well on XP, then It fails on Vista if you are on C: Drive and y...

Does wireshark support web frontend? -

I am looking for a virheck web front end which can display the contents of the PAPT file in the same way as VirusHark aims to do this so that we can set up a PPP repository for some protocols that can be shared between a development team. VirusHark can export in XML and PDF formats, which are XML-based so that you have to give them an HTML Change the document. See:

SQL Reporting Services Expression to evaluate if field is null &| white space -

I am creating a report and want to show the tax ID of an entity in a text box if someone is present. However, if no tax ID is present then there is only white space in that area. So if the field is white space then I do not want to show anything in the text box. IIF (IsNothing (field! TAX_ID.Value), "", "Tax ID:" & vbCrLf & amp; Field! TAX_ID.Value) What do I do? However, some can always try to evaluate it properly: IIF (trim (field! TAX_ID.Value) = "", "", "tax id:" & amp; vbCrLf and field! TAX_ID.Value)

python - Images caching in browser - app-engine-patch application -

I have a slight problem caching images in the browser for my app-engine application. I-Meem is finally modified, Ends and images are loaded every time on the cache-control header. Here is the top part of the code: feedback [' last-modified '] = current_ time.strftime (responses [ 'Cache-control'] = 'public, maximum-age = 2592000' Here is a Deep View_image (request, key): data = memcache.get (key) if there is no data, then none: if (request. META.get ('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE') ') & Gt; = data [' Inner M-Modified ']): Data. Status_code = 304 Back to Other Data: image_content_blob = # To get the data code from the data store current_time = datetime.utcnow () response = HttpResponse () last_modified [' content-type '] = 'Image / JPG' response ['Last-modified'] = Last_modified.startfight ('% A,% D% B% Y% H:% M:% s GMT') ['termination'] = ['cache- Control '] =' public, max-age = ...

iphone - Change view layout with orientation -

I am working on an application where I want to change a lot when the scene is rotated. I know that it is possible to change this orientation in the interface builder and set the layout, although when I rotate it in the picture, the scene will be similar to the scenario, there is a way to set up two ideas independently, maybe two niches to use? Cheers, JP I do not know that you can do this in IB But I know that you can do it in code: You must inspect UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification Notification: (in viewDidLoad ...) [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] AddObserver: Self Selector: @selector (updateViewOnRotate :) Name: UIDewisOrderationDead Change Notification Object: Zero]; .... - (zero) UpdateviewNotate: (NSNitification * Notification) {// Update Update}

c++ - Maven learning curve & overhead for small/medium projects? -

To use Maven for C ++, what would be the initial education and setup curve and later overhead (actual estimates, mean, exactly) / Eclipse / Small Project of Linux Small? We have 4 developers at the beginning of the road. We currently have ~ 20 native Eclipse C ++ (CDT) "Projects", which we interactively compile. We want to do an automatic check & amp; Creating script. Looks a bit at this level, but perhaps we should adopt it later later, provided it does not take an upper part. We do not have bandwidth for comprehensive configuration management yet thanks a lot! Edit / Expand: I realized that I have not adequately described my needs after reading the references below, I I see that the CI tool is looking at an overkill for us at this time. What I want to build is a build tool that is integrated on well eclipse on one side, and makes offline, non-interactive other. I enjoy the simplicity of working with eclipse projects: You just add files, add written refer...

c# - Linq contains confusion -

I have seen something weird with linq and there is a method involved in it seems to be the method to call on . If the above code does not compile with the following error (myString.Contains (strVar, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {// code here} The method argument can not be used by the estimation of 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, TSource, System.Collections.Generic. Equipment Comparator)' for the method. is. Try specifying type arguments explicitly. If I am using the linq statement, then it is happy with (but not all Linux code breaks). What is the correct syntax to say is the compiler I want to use string. Custom method and not Linq? Cheers This is because no is not a string. Accumulation (string, string comparison) The method defined by the BCL and the compiler tries to use an extension method. Only the method is fixed.

How to access a property of an array in Ruby -

मेरे पास वर्ग अर्रे का यह ऑब्जेक्ट है & gt; & gt; Answer_to_problem = & gt; [# & Lt; उत्तर आईडी: 807, problem_id: 1, player_id: 53, कोड: "फ़ंक्शन y = समय 2 (x) \ r \ ny = 2 * x; \ r \ nend", संदेश: शून्य, स्कोर: 12, आउटपुट: शून्य, छिपाना: शून्य, बनाओ d_at: "2010-02-02 11:06:49", अपडेटेड_एटी: "2010-02-02 11:06:49", सही_answer: शून्य, नेता: शून्य, सफलता: सच , द्विआधारी जांच करने के लिए, मुझे सफलता क्षेत्र तक पहुंच की आवश्यकता है I मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैं यहाँ सही शब्दावली का उपयोग भी कर रहा हूं ताकि मैं इसे कैसे उपयोग कर सकूं। अंत में, मैं यह जांच करना चाहता हूं: is_correct = (answers_to_problem.success == सच) यह सरणी की संपत्ति नहीं है - यह वस्तु का एक संपत्ति है में सरणी तो आप सरणी के पहले ऑब्जेक्ट के सफलता विशेषता तक पहुंचने के लिए answers_to_problem [0] .success चाहते हैं।

c# - Why is file uploading failing in ASP.Net MVC? -

I am uploading files in an ASP.NET MVC application using HttpWebRequest, but for some reason I'm unknown, It's failing to upload continuously I know that the file is very good because if you try a lot of time it is finally uploaded and can be seen only on the server. When this fails, neither the server nor the client reports any errors related to the direct upload, the upload only partially closes at random space and time, and my MVC action method is not loaded without the file ( request files). Calculation == 0 ). This is a problem in our production environment only on DSL. The test and development environment works fine and the production environment works fine from the office (really fast connection to the server), but the house on the DSL Fails to run it from As you can see below, the point it fails is very original. It seems that this is probably a configuration, but I can not understand what this can be. We are running in a cluster (we have 4 web servers), s...

visual studio - Data Dude/VS Team System Database - Use with multi project databases -

मेरा वर्तमान प्रोजेक्ट डाटाबेस प्रोफेशनल जीडीआर 2 (उर्फ डाटाडाइड) के लिए विजुअल स्टूडियो टीम सिस्टम का उपयोग करता है। हम डेटाड्यूड का उपयोग करते हुए डेटाबेस का उपयोग करने वाले एकमात्र आवेदन हैं। मेरी कंपनी हमारे सभी परियोजनाओं पर बोर्ड भर में डेटाड्यूड का उपयोग करने पर विचार करना चाहती है। हालांकि, मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि ये परियोजनाओं के साथ कैसे काम करेगा, जो एक डाटाबेस साझा करते हैं (जो कि हमारे आवेदनों का बड़ा हिस्सा है)। उदाहरण के लिए: ApplicationA, ApplicationB और ApplicationC सभी शेयर डेटाबेस 1 सर्वर 1 पर। (वे स्रोत कोड, सिर्फ डेटाबेस नहीं साझा करते हैं।) सभी तीन अनुप्रयोगों वर्तमान विकास के तहत हैं (यदि यह मामला होता है तो Scrum का उपयोग करते हुए)। समस्या तब होती है जब ApplicationB को हमारे परीक्षण वातावरण में रिलीज करने की आवश्यकता होती है डेटाडायड की स्वत: तैनाती / स्क्रिप्टिंग फीचर्स, एडीए और एपीसीसी के मौजूदा देव परिवर्तन को पकड़ लेगा। (अभी प्रत्येक अनुप्रयोग के लिए डेटाबेस परिवर्तन करना मैन्युअल प्रक्रिया है)। तो, मैं एक ही डाटाबेस को साझा करते समय कैसे दूसरे से प्र...

iPhone rotation issue -

I'm working to force a view into landscape mode, and to do all kinds of cool tips I have been kept in my XIB file landscape, and in my code I usually make the view controller: RedeemViewController * aViewController = [[RedeemViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "RedeemViewController" bundle: zero]; AViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = Yes; AViewController.wantsFullScreenLayout = Yes; [[Self-Navigation Controller] Push ViewController: Animated One Visual Controller: Yes]; Within the controller view, I fulfill the following: [[UIApplication shared application] setStatusBarOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight]; [[Self navigation controller] Set navigation bar: Animated yes: yes]; [UIView Start Permissions: @ "View Flip" Reference: Zero]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: .75]; [UIView Set Animation Cave: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; If (Self Interference ==UINFterfaceAuthentication Portrait) {self.view.transform = CGAffineTran...

c - File can be opened only by root user..Wrong permisssions given, i guess -

My program basically executes executable files with command line arguments. A hair procedure is a brew and hair process is produced in the file "filename". The problem is that the file has been created and the data is written but it can only be opened by the root user. Who can make this program a user readable ? The code is: - #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, string.h & gt; // strcpy () #includes & lt; Malloc.h & gt; // Molok () #includes & lt; Unistd.h & gt; // Use of fork () is included & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Use the // exit () function to include & lt; Sys / wait.h & gt; // waitpad () # include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {char * command; Four input [256]; Char ** args = NULL; Char * arg; Int count = 0; Char * binary; Pid_t pid; Int fdw; Printf ("Enter the name of executable (with full path)"); Fgets (input, 256, stdin); Command = maulock (input); Strncpy ...

ASP.NET-Page very slow -

My page is very slow Problem: Every time I load the site I want to watch a link or ~ 2 seconds to kill F5, where nothing happens before data / photos are loaded. Recommendation to check for add-ons for Firefox, this is a good tool that suggests Why is your web page loading slowly? - Sharepoint question about UserControl on WebPart -

I added UserControl Webpart to the site and found this error: Error CS0117: 'ASP._60b6ad6d_6998_4413_8d26_f07e4e897ce8_1417418301 'Is not a definition for' btnPressMe_Click ' It is very easy user control. Going out on one organ I can say that your user control has a button, Designer has double clicked, has created a default event handler for it, and at some point you have removed the method stub derived from your code back.

Video component for delphi 2010 -

I am running a project from D7 to D2010 (and Win 7 from XP) I use a freeware video component and take a snapshot to bring video from a webcam (video for video). Before I shut it down by 2010, I was wondering if there is a cheap video component that is compatible with 2010? You can search for component set, it has three components that can be interesting to you. Are: and. Which is right for you (if any) I will leave you to do justice. I have to admit that I have never had any of them, nor have tried any other component from MITOV but it is Among the components, which I can best match your needs. Edit: One thing I forgot to mention is that components are not free for any commercial use: VisionLab is completely Free for functional and non-commercial purposes! This means that you can use it for fun, hobbies, or for assessment purposes for your personal non-business needs. You can also use it for study and even teaching. If you are currently a teacher, you will not need a bu...

Limit number of dynamically added Table Rows using JQuery -

I am dynamically inserting a row with JQuery in a table by cloning it. $ ('#clone'). Click (function () {// this reference has been placed in a var var $ btn = $ (this). Use parent (); // cloning to navigate to the nearest line from the .closest () buttons. Use Clone (true) to pass the events for clone items var $ clonedRow = $ btn.closest ('tr'). Clone (true) .inertAfter ($ btn);}); The end user will control the inclusion of new rows. I need to limit the number of new rows to 5. There is a way to do this with any cookie or any other method (array). I can have more than one table, which has its own unique IDs, so it has to work with several tables on the page. Hope you can help. You can always track the number of additional rows by using one line for each table. Or any other option is to use the jQuery data () method which allows you to store data directly in the DOM element Click Event will find its table, and every time a row is added to the data in...

objective c - strange issue with memory management across threads -

From the background thread, I'm jumping back to initializing an object in the main thread (because it uses UIKit ), Which is then reused by the background thread (which waits for initialization), and memory management is not making me doubt. // Autorelease is called by another BG thread in the pool - (MyObject *) background {MyObject * myObject = zero; [Self-Performance SelectionManThread: @Selector (InitObCact :) with Object: [NSVLue Value Pointer: and MyObject] Waitunitone: Yes]; Return myObject; } - (zero) initObject: (NSValue *) val {MyObject ** objPtr = (MyObject **) [val pointer value]; * ObjPtr = [[MyObject alloc] init]; } When myObject is used in background mode it will crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. If we do not crash, however, if we keep InitObject: to: * objPtr = [[MyObject alloc] init] ]; In the last line of and backgroundMethod : back [myObject autorelease]; Why? I thought that [[foo alloc] init] pattern has guaranteed one's retention, but ...

debugging - Evaluating expressions using Visual Studio 2005 SDK rather than automation's Debugger::GetExpression -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I'm looking into an add-write (or, if necessary, package) Visual Studio 2005 that has the clock window type functionality Evaluation of expression and type of exam - - for the needs of exams. Automation facilities provided by debugger :: GetExpression , which is quite useful, but the information provided is a bit crude. From looking through the docs, it seems like a IDebugExpressionContext2 would be more useful, in this form if I can get more information from one expression I think - without thinking about type and any member and so on and all the more detailed information about coming in through the form of stars. I can actually do a IDebugExpressionContext2 is not discovered in any way Yes, though! Feeling relevant to IDebugProgramProvider2 , in that I can start slowly with IDebugProgramProvider2 :: GetProviderProcessData and then supply something like this my expression reference Until reaching inside - but I ...

ruby - Strip words beginning with a specific letter from a sentence using regex -

I'm not sure how to use regular expressions in a function so that I can start all the words in one sentence. Special Letter I know that I can do this: word = ~ / ^ # {letter} / to check that the word letter Begins with, but how do I talk to the word? Do I have to convert the string to an array and then have to walk through each word again, or is there a fast way to use regedx? I am using Ruby so that it will look: mailing_words = sentance.split (""). Words | Match_words.push (word) if word = ~ / ^ # {letter} / end Scan can be a good tool for this: #! / Usr / bin / ruby1.8 s = "I think Paris is a beautiful place in the spring" p s.scan (/ \ b [this] [[:: alpha:]] * * / i) # = & gt; ; ["I", "think", "in", "the", "is"] \ b means the word boundary . ' [: alpha:] means upper or lowercase alpha (az).

Object only initialisable through factory method (Objective-c) -

I am trying to create an object through a factory method. I used the init to throw an exception (see). However it meant that I would have to make a secret INIT in order to use it in a factory method. // factory method - (URLReqs *) buildURLReq: (NSString *) location {URLReqs * tmp = [[URLReqs alloc] secretInit]; Tmp.str = Place Return TMP; } - (id) secret entry {returns [super-init]; } This method is confusing and whenever we can avoid declaring secretInit in the header file, no one can still access it. Is there a good solution? An idea is to try to call init directly on the Super Object of URLReqs instead of creating a function. You do not want to do this like this, but it is possible: #include & lt; Objc / message.h> @ Implementation MicroLOS + (ID) factory rulespace: (NSString *) Some strings; {Struct objc_super Example Super; Id myInstance = [self assign]; InstanceSuper.receiver = myInstance; Example Super Super-class = [self super class]; // instanceSu...

performance - Concurrent Processing in Scala -

I am trying to use concurrent programming in Scala based on the here in the Stack Overflow, based on Project Oler Have created a program. I try three methods: There is a simple execution in which there is no paralism. Uses the java.util.concurrency API via second user and calls. Third, based on the above page, using Scala. Future My aim is to compare the execution time. This code is: package sandbox import java.util.concurrent._import scala.actors._Object TestPool {def Eval (n: int): boolean = (N% 3 == 0) || (N% 5 == 0) DRF run single (Max: int): int = (up to 1 max). Filter (Aval (_)). FoldLeft (0) (_ + _) Def run pole (max: int): int = {def getCallable (i: int): callable [boolean] = new colable [boolean] {def call = eval (i)} val pool = Examiner. NewfixedThreadPool (5) val results = (up to 1 max) .Filter (i = & Gt; pool get. Get (getCallable (i)). Folded lift (0) (_ + _) pool.Shootdown pool.weitermination Mathematics.mx_long, time unit.SENDS)}} def runFutures (maximum: in...

ruby on rails - Sanitize vimeo embed code -

यहां vimeo url कोड है। & lt; वस्तु चौड़ाई = "40" height = "300" & gt; परम नाम = "अनुमतिप्राप्त स्क्रीन" मान = "सही" / & gt; & lt; परम नाम = "अनुमतिप्राप्ति" मान = "हमेशा" / & gt; & lt; परम नाम = "मूवी" मान = "http: // 1 "/ & gt; & lt; एम्बेड src =" = 0 & amp; amp; रंग = & amp; amp; पूर्णस्क्रीन = 1 "प्रकार =" आवेदन / एक्स-शॉकवेव-फ्लैश "अनुमतिप्राप्त स्क्रीन" मान्य "अनुमति दर =" हमेशा "चौड़ाई =" 40 "ऊंचाई =" 300 "& gt; & lt; / एम्बेड & gt; & lt; / object & gt; & lt; p & gt; ...

php doctrine last identifier issue -

I'm going to be went down the problem trying the following escape: $ Store = new store (); $ Store & gt; Url = $ this- & gt; Form_validation- & gt; Set_value ('website'); $ Store & gt; Save (); $ Store_id = $ store- & gt; Identifier (); Fatal error: Ignore the Message exception 'Doctrine_Connection_Exception' 'last entry could not be found identifier. In /home/yummm/public_html/system/application/plugins/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php:932 Stack trace: # 0 / home / Yummm / Public_html / system / application / plugins / theory / lib / doctrine /knekshn/unitovrkkphp (632): Doktrin_knekshn_unitovrk- & gt; _assignIdentifier (Object (Sreni_stor_as)) /home/yummm/public_html/system/application/plugins/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php(562 # 1): Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork- & gt; Prkriyasinginset (Object (Sreni_stor_san)) /home/yummm/public_html/system/application/plugins/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Connectio...

WebSphere 5.1: Setting JDBC datasource connection as "unshareable" -

LS Our DB provider has suggested that we use the "inconvenient" connection when connecting to our DB. I have a fair understanding about the professionals / ideas of using "unmanageable" connections, and in our programming model there will be no cause for any issue mentioned in various. Can someone give me the idea of ​​making our JDBC data source, without the use of Web.xml, connections are "unstable"? Our constituent is not a stateless session, Bean Knot Service. Thanks, David this & lt; Res-sharing-scope & gt; & Lt; Resource-Rif & gt; Definition in element Web.xml in

Php frameworks 2010 -

I am looking for a new php (5) structure, it should be light (x There are so many structures and it is very difficult to meet the best. I have examined other threads here but they are old to consider if they are permanent. Thank you for your time. I think you dig it in each and every accepted framework There are details of

.net - How to use the mutex code in a C# program? -

I have gone through the code of mutex, but this is giving me errors: Public override disposal (bool disposing); There is no suitable method for disposal This component is being started on startup, so I have commented on that part, but the main error I am facing is the Design View Part Is on: Designer code can not be processed on line 26: throw new NotImplementedException; The code is generated by the code designer within the 'InitializeComponent' and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try to open the designer again. I can not see form.cs [design] how can I fix it? Program.cs: Using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using Pu; Namespace WindowsApplication1 {Static class program {{STAThread} static zero Main () {// If this program is already running, set the Focus // for that example and leave it (ProcessUtils.ThisProcessIsAlreadyRunning ()) { // Caption (text property) of main form "Form...

tablelayout - android table layout one for both (landscape and portrait view) -

I want to create the following layout which should be 100% in the form of the appearance in the form of the picture. Here is my code that I tried but not working & Lt; imageView android: id = "@ + id / reviewItemStarRating" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: src = "@ drawable / title_1_star" / & gt; & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; / TableLayout & gt; & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; TableRow & gt; & Lt; TextView android: id = "@ + id / reviewItemDescription" Android: layout_width = "0dip" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: text = "description comes here" Android: textSize = "12sp" / & gt; & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; / TableLayout & gt; & Lt; imageView Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: s...

entity framework - Plinqo 4 vs EF 4 -

क्या किसी को प्लिंको 4 के साथ अनुभव है? फायदे बनाम ईएफ 4 क्या हैं? इस का एक अच्छा जवाब PLINQO साइट पर ही है मैंने ईएफ, NHibernate और सबसोनिक को देखा और अंत में PLINQO के साथ विश्राम किया क्योंकि इसमें बहुत अधिक ब्लोट के बिना सभी ORMS का सबसे अच्छा टुकड़ा लगता है। प्लस LINQ2 एसक्यूएल के शीर्ष पर बैठे अपने बहुत तेजी से। आप केवल सचमुच इसे स्वयं की कोशिश कर सकते हैं, लेकिन मैं खुद को कुछ समय बचा लेगा और ईएफ से पहले PLINQO का प्रयास करेंगे।

c# - Does the CLR garbage collection methodology mean it's safe to throw circular object references around? -

I have a theory that CLR garbage collection system means that I can remove circular references by making deadlocks without goals in my object hierarchy. Is it a safe assumption for tidown and garbage collection? (Target language VB.NET) .net waste collector is a generation mark and broom collector. If it does not use reference count then yes, it is safe for circular references. Language is irrelevant

windows installer - .NET - Verify and Install .NET Framework 3.5 before running application -

कृपया अपना उत्तर पोस्ट करने से पहले पूरा प्रश्न पढ़ें नमस्ते दोस्तों! मैं वर्तमान में एक पुराने क्लासिक एएसपी आवेदन को स्थापित करने के लिए सी # में "एक्सट्रैमिली कस्टमाइज़र इंस्टॉलर एप्लीकेशन" विकसित कर रहा हूं। इसका इस्तेमाल 2.0 संस्करण के दौरान किया जाएगा (एएसपी.एन.टी. एमसीसी के साथ सी #)। एफ़टीटीई से संकुल को स्थापित करने से अलग है, मैंने इसे सामान्य विंडोज़ अनुप्रयोग बना दिया है, सेटअप के रूप में नहीं आवेदन (एक सेटअप एप्लिकेशन हमें इसकी ज़रूरत के रूप में इतना अनुकूलित नहीं करने देती है)। और यहां समस्या है: इसकी खिड़कियों के अनुप्रयोग के रूप में, मुझे इसे "रिलीज़" करना होगा और संकलित किया जाएगा। .DLLs, मुझे "प्रकाशित" नहीं करना चाहिए क्योंकि यदि मैं ऐसा करता हूं, तो प्रकाशित .एक्सएई "इंस्टॉलर को इंस्टॉल करें" और मेरा आवेदन नहीं। मुझे एक तरीका है कि .NET Framework 3.5 को प्रकाशित करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले बूटस्ट्रैप पैकेज की किसी शर्त की तरह, लेकिन याद रखना कि मैं प्रकाशन नहीं कर रहा हूं, मैं "रिलीज़" बिल्ड कर रहा हूं।...

jQuery Ajax FormPlugin: Grab Ajax Response -

I am using to handle my Ajax submission, like. // submit the form new user $ ('# setAdminUser'). Ajaxform ({submit before: validate form, success: auxaeusuits}); // Ajax breakthrough callback function ajaxSuccess () {// process here // div, create my Ajax call var str = '' str + = '& lt; Div id = "recordCreated" & gt; Str + = '& lt; H2 & gt; Record '+ Data +' D & lt; / H2 & gt; 'Str + =' & lt; / Div> Add $ HAL (ARR)} div to $ $ ($ # user address) on the page. What am I going to do, take feedback data from my AJAX call, so I can use it in ajaxSuccess, as the sgiwb is it to gain the same? Many thanks in the form of the parameters of the function you can add the answer: Excerpt from function ajaxSuccess (response) {// here response use} Success : The callback function has been applied after the form. If 'success' callback function is provided, then it is applied after returning ...

google app engine - How to search in the GQL Viewer in appengine dashboard by key? -

Apigenin how looking Jikeel Viewer key in the dashboard? I use it and it gives an error: cache * where __key__ = key ( "Cash", "AG 9 Y Veediacbijeedi 1 AS 1zdGF0aWNyHAsSBUNhY2hlIhEvYnV0dG9ucy9lZGl0LmdpZgw ' ) If you look like as a major name to an encoded key instead "keys" (AG 9 Y Wide Acbijeedi 1 ES1 Jeedijif 0 Adblyuenaacasbianacacaacacelacawhiaanji Veedeedi 9 9 9 Sijieleljijielelelmdeepi Try Jijivi ').

java - What is lazy loading in Hibernate? -

What is sluggish loading in Java? I can not understand the process. Can someone help me understand the lazy loading process? Say that you have parents and parents and children's children should be in hibernation now children "Lazy-load", which means that this does not actually load all the babies while loading parents, instead, when they are requested to do so, it loads them. Either it can express or request, and this is more common, when you have a child When you try to reach the area, then hibernation will be automatically loaded. Lazy-loading can help improve performance significantly because you often need children and therefore they will not be loaded. Also beware of n + 1- problem when you use the collection, hibernation will not actually load all the children. Instead, it will load each child individually. When the collection starts again, it causes a query for each child, to avoid this, you can run hibernate for all children to load together, e.g. By ... - Switched from inproc to SQL Server gives me SQL timeouts (no connection max pool size, typed datasets) -

Here's my status: I have a web and database server (SQL Server 2005) . Many applications pools and sites in the webserver (iis6) run fine with inpoc sessions, both server runs 2k3 win Now I switch from SQL to inproc and I use SQL Timeout expired messages get lots of attention. But only from a web application that went to session on SQL Server. All other websites are not affected Thank you in advance! Best regards, P> JP EDIT: As used by SQL Server Web's Web App Confidential request: & lt; SessionState mode = "SQLServer" timeout = "60" sqlConnectionString = "data source =; constant security information = true; user id = espastate; password = state" /> I forgot to mention that the problem with the SQL Server website shares an application pool with a web application that runs inproc. I split just two web applications into my own app pool. But I do not think it will solve the timeout. The strang...

c# - WPF TabControl Position Tabs in the top right corner -

मेरे पास एक WPF TabControl है, मैं एक TabStripPlacement का शीर्ष है, लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि वे शीर्ष पर एक उचित अभिविन्यास के साथ प्रदर्शित करें। मैंने इसे आसानी से फ्लो डायरेक्शन के RightToLeft करके कर लिया है; हालांकि, मैं नहीं चाहता कि बच्चों को राइट टूलाइन फ्लो डायरेक्शन का वारिस करने के लिए नियंत्रण होता है। क्या टैब पर शीर्ष पर स्थित टैब फ्लो डायरेक्शन संपत्ति का उपयोग किए बिना सही मुझे इस बारे में निश्चित नहीं है , आप टैब को कैसे निर्धारित कर सकते हैं, यह निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए आप हमेशा TabControl के लिए एक कस्टम शैली बनाने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं वैकल्पिक रूप से, बस फ्लो डायरेक्शन का उपयोग करें और प्रत्येक व्यक्तिगत TabItem पर LeftToRight के रूप में FlowDirection निर्दिष्ट करें ताकि बच्चे को सामान्य रूप से प्रदर्शित किया जा सके।

Sharepoint folder permission problem -

I have added a folder to the document section of my site collection and one of them is in the Peticular, which is to access it It is unable to This person is in a group that is able to access this folder. I am trying to understand and understand it and have come in a strange way. There is a suggestion on what it might be or what might I have to check? In addition, folders where the system is created by account if it makes a difference. Check if a person using that folder may have explicit permission for it

c# - Exporting to pdf - Reporting Viewer -

I created a report 9 times 3 times barcode source (for bar code) in the Report viewer Font folder in Windows But the font does not appear to export to PDF, but now when I export Excel, it is correct. Does anyone know what can happen? I VS 2008 - MVC - LINQ and C # language. Thank you, AFAIK ReportViewer does not embed the font in the output PDF . You can try to "post process" PDF as a result and you can try to include the font using Ghostscript.

marshalling - Convert array<Byte>^ data to const byte* data - C++/CLR -

C ++ So basically C # -> C ++ -> C C # is trying to call a function from C = C In, I have byte [] bytes - which read information from the file. I am passing the byte array and size to C ++. I get a byte array and size in C ++, but I can not convert to specific data types. Zero Image :: OpenMemiFile (array & lt; byte & gt; ^ data, unsigned full size) {free (); M_dataStream = Data; Byte Coast * Stream Data = & amp; Data [0]; // This is where this error throws // Should I use Marshall here? What needs to be said? HImage = :: OpenManimage (streamdata, size;); Modified = false; } // this function I & amp; Nbsp; , Which requires the EXIVSIMPLE_API HIMAGE OpenMemImage (const & amp; nbsp; byte * data, unsigned full size) call {// code imgWrap- & gt; Image = Exiv2 :: ImageFactory :: open (data, size); } C is required to call function Image :: AutoPtr ImageFactory :: open (const byte * data, long size) {// / Code} I need help changing the byte arra...

linux - Error initializing XGCValues -

I was following the tutorial, stuck here a little: this code does not compile And error message is c: 35: error: invalid initialer I'm not sure what is wrong in the line xgc value value = cabbatta | JOINBEVEL; Actually, I copied it from the tutorial. I have the full code here: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; X11 / Xlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; Int main () {display * display = XOpenDisplay (NULL); Int scr = DefaultScreen (display); Window root_windows = root windows (display, scrap); Unsigned int width = display width (display, scr) / 3; Unsigned int height = display high (display, scr) / 3; Unsigned int border = 2; Window my_win = XCreateSimpleWindow (display, root_window, 0,0, width, height, border, black pixels (display, scorpion), white pixel (display, scourb)); GC GC; XGC value value = CAPBATTA | JOINBEVEL; Unsigned long valmsk = GCCAP style. GCJInstyle; GC = XCreateGC (display, my_win, valmask, & valu)...

PHP how to tell vocabulary type in context -

What I want to be able to do is to indicate that a word in the sentence is a noun, adverb, adjective etc. I saw in freolong, and some other open source projects that I could get that might be able to do it, just wondering if there is something that basically works with PHP, if not Do you have any suggestions on other projects like freelining can help? The best way to use a grammar parser will be:

Android: Animating View position -

I am trying to do what seems to be simple I have to see a map, with a menu that is at the bottom of the screen Slides from the part where the settings (for the overlay) can be adjusted. However, when I use the translation animation to affect the Y position of the linear layout (the menu holds), the buttons moving in liner layout, but the "hit area" remains in the same condition as They were before the animation. Translation Animation Slide = New Translation Permission (0,0,0,0,0,0); Slide.setDuration (300); Slide.setFillAfter (true); PullupMenu.startAnimation (slide); MapContainer.startAnimation (slide); I have also seen in understanding the margin top value of the scene, but did not even know how it would be done. These instructions will be highly appreciated. Normally animating pixels of the animation widget. My suspicion, based on what you have written, is that setFillAfter () arranges for pixels to stay in the destination, the widget itself is not. ...

VLC/Python bindings? -

How does any VLC implement Python binding? I downloaded and from VLC wiki () and tried to run vlcwidget, besides installing VLC, do I need to do something else, or be able to run me 'python' needed? I am using Python2.5 and VLC 0.8.6e on Ubuntu 8.04 because it is not working for me. The problem does not give anything to my libvlc shared library, I guess. This is why the library is used to make this example: dll = ctypes.CDLL ('') and then Later, the error goes here: ifattr (DLL, 'libvlc_media_player_new'): ... dll apparently does not have an libvlc_media_player_new attribute And therefore, the need to make the objects that fails to make other, especially the libvlc_media_player_new function is not created. $ git clone git: //git.videolan. Org / vlc.git && cd vlc $ git people In -Slibvlc_media_player_new ... committed bf1292e44390c6469483cea3817d6c2a3dbd811c Author: Pierre D'Herbemont ...