
Showing posts from February, 2013

c# - How to accomplish two-way data binding in WPF? -

I've heard a lot about two-way binding in WPF, but I'm not completely clear how to complete it Or what exactly does it mean? I have a ListView with a group of items in it when the user chooses a new item, then a textbox The text of the property will be displayed to display it But when the user changes the text in the text box I want the ListView item to be updated immediately. Is there any two "way binding" magical WPF method of accomplishing this? If you do not have you implement INotifyPropertyChanged for your class would be required. Also, when you say that you want the ListBox item updated immediately, you mean that you type it in the TextBox Want to change the time. By default, TextBox.Text property updates its source when it loses focus, but you set it to UpdateSourceTrigger to PropertyChanged By changing: {binding source = {...}, path = whatever, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}

display jquery prettyPhoto lightbox in parent from iframe -

I know that this issue has been discussed earlier but I can not seem to work for it. I have a master HTML page with an IFrame on that page. I am using jquery prettyphoto and I was wondering how to get the light box to appear in the original window when I click on the link in the IFrame ? Please enter my code below: Master page & Lt; Title & gt; Master page & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "iframe.html" width = "300" height = "300px" frameborder = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; IFrame Page & Lt; Title & gt; Iframe & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" media = "screen" & gt; @import url ("property / css / infotech-iframes.css"); @ Import URL ("Asset / CSS / Infotech-Popup CSS"); & Lt; / Style & gt; ...

performance - website optimization for static resources- development vs production deployment - serving static resources from subdomain -

I see a website optimizing and especially looking for CSS sprites and a subdomain ( static ). Reference: We are using Cassini (which comes with Visual Studio) for development and does not support subdomain. My stable resource folder includes It works for both Cassini and IIS7. If I give these static properties to , without changing much in my codebase (references to js / css / images), what is the most optimal way to do this? Will happen? My concern is the fact that Cassini does not support subdomains, I think I need 2 code bases? Or should I convert my references to static properties in code base from to ? How do you guys know about it? PS: On one side note, it would be nice if you can tell me the good esp net performance in tuning articles (though Google helps in search) A question about this kind of development environment and developer workflow is cre...

How to Add Custom Silverlight XAML Attributes? -

Is it possible to present 'custom' attributes in different UI elements in XAML? Also to read them later as we add attributes for server control in ASP.NET? I intend to read and work with them on specific features. It looks like you are trying to find. An attached asset lets you add to a property defined in XML, which is "attached" to any UIelement then you like any other dependency property.

statistics - blindly classifying new trends in incoming data -

Newsletters like Google News will automatically classify and rank documents about emerging topics such as "Obama's 2011 Budget". How do you classify? I've got a heap of articles, such as baseball data (thanks, openclaim) with articles like the player's name and relevant articles such as articles, and would like to make a Google News-style interface that will come Ranks and shows in posts, especially in the emerging topics I think that a naive Baiyas classifier can be trained w / some steady categories, but this is actually tracking trends "This player was the only business of this team, these other players were also included." There is no doubt, Google News ), But to take a relatively cheap move, computational, free-text to predict topics, it has to take advantage of NLP's notion that one word means only when the other words Related to . The possibility of searching new topic categories from a new algorithm can be followed by several d...

php - How do scripting languages set/modify/read out variables? -

Containing interpreter for language (PHP can be anything up to ruby) is written in C. How are the variables (or more complex data structures not only include name and value), which is defined by the script, which is currently being executed, stored and read? I, with my poor knowledge of C, will be concluded that it can only be done with an array. // variable type definition will be var * here; There are two strings in the var type name and values ​​ . Okay. So a script defines, for example: 30 variable now, if any one is to read, then the function getVar (or something similar) must be run through all 30 variables and your Name The name of the requested variable would be imagined that one request with a loop Am I doing it completely wrong? If so, how (modern?) Handle scripting languages ​​variables? How are they stored and read? In languages ​​where the variables are explicitly defined by syntax (PHP: $ myVar ), the interpreter can replace the parsing proc...

apache - Deploy rails app to non-root context - restful_auth not working -

I'm running a rail app. I do great work. When I log in to the app using restful_authentication , then I'm taken instead of an app. strange. It looks like I have some wrongly configured. Apart from this, there are some places where I'm putting some URL in hand, and I need access to the "Application Reference Route" (i.e. in my case) to make the URL properly. Apache Conf: Code> & lt; VirtualHost> DocumentRoot / Locally Local / Nellivedivinne 5 / html Server Name RailbusBassuri / Scalotor PassengerPull Idle Time 5 # Other things are not related & lt; / VirtualHost & gt; passenger.cconf : loadmodel passenger_model / user / sher / pecergear / expat / appase 2 / mod_prepar. Pass / PassengerRuby / usr / bin / ruby ​​PassengerLogLevel 2 /somewhere/ My Rail App app public folder. The app is okay, for authentication using restful_authentication , except . After I ...

php - Which function architecture is the best for maintainability in this simple case? -

I'm adding "promo code" functionality to an online shopping cart written by another person, this is a very Mickey Mouse architecture question Is there, but I would like to hear some opinions. All my three ideas will work, but do you think that it is best for liability? So, here is the basic table structure for the promo code: promocodes` (`promocode_id` INT not the NULL AUTO_INCREMENT primary key,` promocode` VARCHAR (255) NULL, `description` VARCHAR (255) zero,` discount_percentage` INT zero, `discount_dollars` decimal (6, 2) zero,` expiration_date` zero for date, `use_remaining` INT zero,` is_active` NULL default bool '1 What's clever (without getting overcomplicated): Check the existence with SQL, everything else in code / P> // Library Function Promo CodeExists ($ Promo Codestring) {// Make SQL call return $ promo codeHash; // is false, no record} function isPromoCodeUsable ($ promoCodeDetailsHash) {// Expiration date and the number of uses...

database - How to use Redis within a C++ program? -

C ++ प्रोग्राम में Redis DB का उपयोग करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या होगा? एक पुस्तकालय का उपयोग करना? ऐसा कोई प्रतीत नहीं होता है कि सी + + आवरण कहीं भी उपलब्ध है।

Reading MSMQ messages from Windows Service -

How can I read MSMQ messages from a Windows service written with 2008. Messages XML in MQ Information. Thanks I want to read that XML using XML using XML, against XSD . I recommend using it I have done this recently (when I already existed the system To exclude Netmaxbacking), and it works very well for samples, you should see the guidelines given by Microsoft.

c# 4.0 - Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why? -

I am currently purchasing some C # 4.0 books, that is: Mark Michaels or By Bart De Smat I know that both books have not been released yet, but would you consider buying one of these books, or would you recommend to anyone else? Thank you for your time Explanation: I'm not a .NET Ninja, but I have 8+ years old Frame & amp; Related languages, so I'm usually looking for books in depth. I usually train / direct my remaining organizations, typically 6-12 months after each .NET release. Each of the developers I trained has the same or more from me Net Experience Update: Thank you all for your reply. I have decided to buy both books with Visual C # 2010 recipes: A problem-solving approach, as suggested by I recommend that you buy the MEAP (initial access version) of John Skeet, which is updated to include C # 4.0: Briefly C # 4.0: Fixed References (Already Out) Apart from this, I can not say about the numbers, because they are not out yet, but I lik...

SQL Triggers in Oracle -

मेरा प्रश्न इस प्रकार है: उपयोगकर्ता नाम = व्यवस्थापक जब भी मैं किसी तालिका "ए" पर एक डालें / अपडेट / हटाए जाने के कार्य निष्पादित करें मुझे एक ऐसा ट्रिगर होना चाहिए जो टेबल "b" में उपयोगकर्ता नाम डालें क्या यह संभव है? प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए ए पर सम्मिलित या अपडेट या हटाए जाने या हटाने से ट्रिगर audit_a_trg को बदलना या बदलने के लिए b मान (उपयोगकर्ता) में डालें; समाप्त; / ओरेकल का ऑनलाइन प्रलेखन बहुत अच्छा है आप एसक्यूएल संदर्भ पढ़ सकते हैं संपादित करें उपयोगकर्ता एक ऐसा कार्य है जो खाते का नाम देता है जो डीएमएल को जारी करता है ।

Django threadedcomments - registered users -

I am planning to use the DNS comment system (with the threadedment app) since I only posted to registered users I do not need the mandatory user / url / email field (only a foreign key (user)). I feel that I am not the first (nor the 1000th) to do this, can anyone tell me in any implementation? I think this is what you need Free threaded article Free treaded comment to allow anyone to post comments on any item is better suited. Instead of asking for some additional information like name and e-mail, instead of being associated with a particular user. Threaded comment Threaded comment is useful for allowing registered users to comment. It is for this reason that the user has the necessary foreign key.

c++ - Why can't I use float value as a template parameter? -

When I try to use float as a template parameter, the compiler This code cries, while int works fine. Is this because I can not use the float as a template parameter? # include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Template & lt; Class t, t default value & gt; Class Generic Class {Private: T-value; Public: Generic Class () {value = defaultValue; } T Returnal () {return value; }}; Int main () {GenericClass & lt; Int, 10 & gt; GcInteger; Generic Class & lt; Float, 4.6F & gt; GcFlaot; Cout & lt; & Lt; "The sum of integers \" is & lt; & Lt; GcInteger.returnVal (); Cout & lt; & Lt; "The sum of \ float \" is & lt; & Lt; GcFlaot.returnVal (); Return 0; } Error: main.cpp: function in `int main () ': Main.cpp: 25: Error:' float 'is not a valid type for a template static parameter main.cpp: 25: Error:'; 'Token key.cpp: 28: Error: request for member' returnee '...

Embedding Google Waves in Blogs and Search Engines -

After looking cool, I was surprised that it would be good to integrate Google Wave with me. I want to replace built-in Blogger comments with comments based on Google Wave. But my impression is that it is all JavaScript-based. This makes me wonder if Google bots (or bots from any other search engine) will be able to read any content embedded in a blog like this? If there is no such feature, embedding Google Wave within the blog / site / portal is an overall mix. Does anyone know anything else about this subject? I appreciate any comments :)

java - Difference between each instance of servlet and each thread of servlet in servlets? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 उत्तर क्या सर्वलेट का कई उदाहरण हैं कक्षा? जैसा कि मैंने "सबलेट का प्रत्येक उदाहरण" सुना है, क्या कोई इस पर विस्तृत हो सकता है? जब सर्विसलेट कंटेनर शुरू होता है, यह: web.xml पढ़ता है वर्गपथ में घोषित Servlets को पाता है; प्रत्येक सर्लेट लोड करता है और इन्स्टैंट करता है केवल एक बार । मोटे तौर पर, इस तरह से: स्ट्रिंग UrlPattern = parseWebXmlAndRetrieveServletUrlPattern (); स्ट्रिंग सर्वलेट क्लास = पर्स वेबकैम एंड्रेट्रवेसर्वक्लास्ट (); HttpServlet servlet = (एचटीटीपी सर्वलट) क्लास.फ़ेयरनाम (सर्वलेट क्लास) .नवीन इंस्टेंस (); servlet.init (); Servlets.put (urlPattern, servlet); // एक मानचित्र इंटरफ़ेस के समान। उन सर्वोलेट को स्मृति में संग्रहीत किया जाता है और हर बार अनुरोध यूआरएल सर्लेट के संबद्ध url-pattern से मेल खाती है। सर्वलेट कंटेनर फिर समान के कोड को कार्यान्वित करता है: के लिए (प्रविष्टि & lt; स्ट्रिंग, एचटीटीपी सर्विले & gt; प्रविष्टि: servlets.entrySet ()) {स्ट्रिंग urlPattern = e...

SVN: Release branch and externals? -

We have two websites for one client (main www site and another for e-commerce site which is a separate Sits on the server) Use the shared portion of code (various features / styles / javascript etc) We can currently manage SVNs in different projects (in the same repos), using the shared code and SVN: Extnails to pull each of these two websites into two website projects. We have just created two release branches, each for each of the two sites, committed to trunk everything for each site when it works normally and when "ready for live" If we merge into the release branch for that site, it works as a behavior other than today, we modified some shared code and saw that the release branch pulled it immediately when we released the release An update on the test. It is not what we wanted to do: ( So with any thought how can we overcome this problem. We use external to share the code, but does anyone else The way? They mention that they are externally bad and we should use a...

c# - How to implement a conical/cone/circular gradient in WPF -

I want to recreate a conical / circular gradient in WPF. I have seen in the inheritance system. Gradientbrish - which can be inherited - many internal pipelines are used to work on (system meets .windows media.brush) How to obtain a Cheers Donation This question was recalled some time back (July) but I would have appreciated the idea (without interaction without bitmap) Did not want to reproduce an old question. You can create a custom effect. I recommend download, you also need DirectX SDK Will be. Give the element a horizontal gradient, then apply it to turn it into a cone slope. /// & lt; Class & gt; Anggladient & lt; / Class & gt; /// & lt; Details & gt; Presents an angle shield. & Lt; / Description & gt; // ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- // Shader Continuous Register Mapping (Scalaras - Float, double, point, color, point 3D, etc.) -------------------------...

sql - How do i delete a foreign key constraint programmatically in Microsoft Access -

How do I programmatically remove a foreign key hurdle in Microsoft Access, better to use SQL For starters, I do not know how to find the name of the foreign key. I connect to the Java application using the JDBC-ODBC bridge. I want to execute SQL from my Java application. In the relation view I can see the relationship in the entrance, but there is no way to find the name. If I can locate the name, then I hope I can remove it from an optional table statement. set Select the relationship using szRelationship Msysrelationships WHERE szObject = 'childtablename' and szReferencedObject = 'parenttablename' THEN Use ALTER table command optional table Table 2 Drop Contral Relation 1

php-cli: What is the best way to detect the hosting OS? -

I have a script that I want to run on Windows under Sigwin and Linux. For two purposes I have to distinguish between two running environments. What is the best way to do this? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> is a pre-defined constant PHP_OS that will help, but only shows OS that PHP was built on it, not on the OS Its going on. That is what you want to find out about the current code: php_uname () gives details of the operating system running on PHP is. Specifically, php_uname ('s'); // The name of the operating system such as FreeBSD

How to enable PHP short tags? -

I have a web application on a Linux server that is & lt ;? starts with I need to copy this application to a window environment and everything is working fine except that a SQL statement is being presented differently . I do not know if it

Error 500 on Google App Engine out of nothing -

मुझे Google App Engine पर कुछ नहीं मिला है। - यह त्रुटि है। यह समस्या हल हो गई है। डाउनटाइम-नोटिफिकेशन सूची पर पोस्ट यहां दी गई है: सिस्टम स्थिति पृष्ठ पर अपडेट यहां है:

c# - WPF: Button which is a path -

I have a bunch of buttons s in my code that looks almost the same. The only difference path between them is the data they use. This is the style for my app's "least button": & lt; Style x: key = "minimize button" targetType = "{x: type button}" & gt; & Lt; Setter Estates = "Template" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate TargetType = "{x: type button}" & gt; & Lt ;! - The limit here is to make the entire "block" clickable, without it, only the actual path is clickable. - & gt; & Lt; Border background = "transparent" & gt; & Lt; Path name = "The path" data = "{StaticResource MinimizeIconPath}" style = "{StaticResource WindowButtonPath}" /> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; & Lt; /Setter.Value> & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; As you can se...

.net - How do I check if my object is properly disposed? -

I wonder if there is a "move" that allows to know that one part is used in the O code The items that are made properly (completely), or, in other words, do not make memory leaks. Let's say I have a container for GDI objects (or else I must clear it clearly) public class superpane {pen _ flat pen, _2 dpn, _3dpn; Public Superpane () {_flatPen = (Pen) Pen. Black. Clone (); _2DPen = (Pen) Pen. Black. Clone (); _3Define = (Pen) Pen. Black. Clone (); }} Now, as I need to clear GDI objects: public class superpane: idispozazal {pen _ flat pen, _2 dphen, _3dpn; Public Superpane () {_flatPen = (Pen) Pen. Black. Clone (); _2DPen = (Pen) Pen. Black. Clone (); _3Define = (Pen) Pen. Black. Clone (); } Public Zero () {if (_flatPen! = Null) {_flatPen.Dispose (); _flatPen = null; } // 'forget' a copy paste here, if instead should be _2Depen (_flatPen! = Null) {_flatPen.Dispose (); _flatPen = null; } If (_3digit! = Null) {_3Define. Dishes (); _3DPen = null; }}} If...

c# - Usage of Automapper when property names are different -

We are using Automapper from CodePlax and for me the Destination object has all the properties ending with 'field', that is Cityfield is the only city in the source object. I can use the code below to get it, but all properties are stuck with just 'fields' and have 20 properties. ForMember (dest => dest.cityField, opt => opt.MapFrom (origin = & gt; orig.City)); There is another way to ignore the field term during mapping and can map it without using .time (20 times)? You can try to identify postfixes: Mapper . Initialize (cfg = & gt; {cfg.RecognizePostfixes ("Field"); Cfg.CreateMap & lt; source, destination & gt; ();}); Accepting prefixes works locally in profiles, if it is only a set of maps that it applies to.

xml - C# - Deserialize a class with an internal constructor -

I am working on a drag and drop system for my WPF app. The way it works is: I take the dragged item make it serial XML I want to repeat it. This worked fine in my testing app. However, now that I'm trying to do it in my real app, I've hit a snag. When I try to deserialize it to use this code: XmlReader Reader = XmlReader.Create (New StringReader (xamlString)); Object elt = xamlReader.load (reader); I get this error: Can not create type object 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.FieldDefinition'. CreateInstance failed, which could be due to 'not being a public default constructor for Microsoft. TAM Foundation. Worktrack Trafficing Client Filter Definition Am I Toast? Is there any way to distribute this class? Any other ideas about moving this class through drag and drop? (I am using Floodkit drag and drop advisors.) I have the field define The class is very low and you have at least problems with XML serialization,...

.net - What object should a Monitor wait on? -

While using the monitor. What Object Should Obj (Obj) Obj Use For? In this I am reading on multithreading in .NET, the author starts to use a new object () immediately as a monitor lock. What should you do in this behavior, or it is between two or more threads Is sharing more specific to monitor actual variables? Yes, I usually lock a new object specifically created . I also have to make sure that it is private and stable and not is a type of object it is also important to realize that you are not actually doing an "object locking" or object, but to lock the token In the form that prevents blocking of code on multiple threads. This (the current example if you are using C #) is preferred because it can lock any code for example, The possibility of deadlock increases. By creating your own lock object, you can keep yourself in full control. On locking this tells the logic behind something.

flex - Find date for same day of the week last year? -

OK, for example, today is Tuesday, February 02. Equal " Tuesday " was held on February 03 last year. How do I get this program? Thank you! Just my two cents I do not like this idea, that second answer eclipsed 52 weeks in a year Does, it will work for a year, but it is only a solution to this exact problem - like If you want to check the same thing after walking after 10 years then this will not work. I want to do this: var today: date = new date (); // Here we turn on weekdays var current day: int =; Trace (today); Const Millysands Incade: UIT = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // Here we take a year back, but we can still take 10 years or two months back. Full time - = 1; // Find the nearest date which is the same day of the week as the present day, find Time = = milliseconds indica * (today's day-on-day); Trace (today); Returns: Tuesday February 2 21:13:18 GMT + 0100 2010 Tue Feb 3 21:13:18 GMT + 0100 200 9 Code>

c# - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime ParseExact -

I am trying to parse a date in C # and the code of the following code is due date Purse AXact (Date Selected, "DMD MMM DD HH: MM: SS Judge Yay", Culture) When I had selected debug date "Tuesday 16 February 12:36:41 CST 2010 "But I'm getting a conclusion" string was not considered a valid date time. " The following, field summaries are not recognized. Try it out: DateTime Parsed = DateTime. Replace ("CST", "+02: 00"), "DDMMM DD HH: Mm: SS Z Yay", New Culture Info ("N-GB"), "Prosexact" ("Tuesday February 16 12:36:41 CST 2010" )); This link can also be useful:

Is there a Ruby 1.8.7 built-in to split an array into same sized subarrays? -

मुझे ये मिल गया है: def split_array (सरणी, आकार) अनुक्रमणिका = 0 परिणाम = [] यदि आकार & gt; 0 जबकि सूचकांक & lt; = array.size res = सरणी [अनुक्रमणिका, आकार] परिणाम & lt; & lt; यदि res.size! = 0 इंडेक्स + = आकार अंत अंत वापसी परिणाम अंत अगर मैं इसे [1,2,3,4,5,6] पर चलाता हूँ जैसा split_array ([1,2,3,4,5,6], 3) यह इस सरणी का उत्पादन करेगा: [[1,2] , 3], [4,5,6]] । रूबी 1.8.7 में ऐसा कुछ पहले से उपलब्ध है जो ऐसा कर सकते हैं? [1 , 2,3,4,5,6] .each_slice (3) .to_a # = & gt; [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] 1.8.6: के लिए 'गणक' की आवश्यकता है [1, 2,3,4,5,6] .enum_for (: प्रत्येक_एसलिस, 3) .to_a

internet explorer - Javascript convert data from utf-8 to iso-8859-1 -

I work on a website which is done using all the old ASP 3.0 ISO-8859-1 encoding . I use Yahoo YQL to request data from external websites (XML), but which I request to return to JSON-P (with a callback function as JSON so that I can retrieve data) ). The problem is facing that the YQL is always returning the encoded data in utf-8, which is bad for me when I want to display any text data received from that query I try. EA, like letters, IE 6 & amp; Encoding does not match since IE 7. Anyone knows how to recover and correctly display USF-8 data with ISO-8859-1 through JSON-P? I tried it already, but it does not work. Server-side functions are not an option; function in ASP 3.0 such as utf8_decode is not included. Thanks I do not know that this will work, but here's something You can try whatever you want. A charset attribute in the tag refers to the remote JS file. It definitely works for content that inside the JavaScript file and E.g. Output using docum...

c# - Sql custom function with Chili's opf3 -

I have to call the pre-made function on the SQL such as SET @ ExtVALUE = But I do not find that OPF3 already has some functionality. Need to use OPF3, var functionQuery = "sysdba. GETNextAccountExternalId ('{0}') As a result,"; ObjContext.GetObjectReader & lt; & Gt; (); Which class to me & lt;> ??? just for record, var function = String.form ("SELECT sysdba.GetNextAccountExternalExternalId ('{0}')", account type.); Var function Result = (String) Create new SqlRawStorageAccess (reference. SqlStorageBase as archive) CreateCommand (New SqlQuery (functionQuery)) ExecuteScalar (); Works.

What is the python equivalent of the Perl pattern to track if something has already been seen? -

In Perl, anyone can do the following for (@foo) {# If If $ $ {$ _} ++; } I want to be able to be equivalent to Python, which is to leave a block if it has been executed once. seen = set () in foo for x: if seen in x: continue to view Keep it. See the documentation for more information. In addition, in the examples given below in the module document, there is a unique_everseen generator that you can use in this way: unique_ everseen ( Foo): # something

locking - In .Net using File.CreateText() also locks file, why? -

I was using the CreateText method to create an empty file (bottom) in "App1" and then another file in that file Tried to write the application, but it was closed but it was not closed. Until I left "App 1" it was not unlocked. File Composition (path) To fix this, I can do this: > Stream Vectors = Dust flags in the form of a file. Createtext (path) sw.Close () Why only make text to create a file? Is some underlying serial or file writer or something being created? tep Yes it happens. Returns the CreateText () a StreamWriter object, which is open for the file you specify. If you ignore the return value only, then StreamerMaster hangs around , holding on your file, you really have to deal with it as the second block of code.

How to set default access to field.camelcase-underscore using Fluent NHibernate? -

यदि संभव हो तो विश्व स्तर पर इस सम्मेलन को सेट करना चाहता है। आपको एक की जरूरत है, जिनमें से कुछ सामान्य परिदृश्यों के लिए हैं विशेष रूप से, एक DefaultAccess शॉर्टकट, CamelCaseField (उपसर्ग) विधि के साथ है। । Conventions.Add (DefaultAccess.CamelCaseField (CamelCasePrefix। अंडरस्कोर)); - Loop through the datalist to get data -

I am stuck in changing the rate in Dalitism. My page has a dropdown list (currency converter), a donor - the label inside has the cost of the bag. Now I use dropdownlist.selectedIndexchange Protected Sub ddl_rate_SelectedIndexChanged (ByVal = roomList as this object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddl_rate.SelectedIndexChanged dim lbl_rate label .Items.Item (0) .FindControl ( "lbl_rate") dim integer as integer = Convert.ToInt32 (lbl_rate.Text) as if ddl_rate.Text = "Australian Dollar (AUD)" then dim b = (a * .8029) lbl_rate.Text = b.ToString () elseif ddl_rate.Text = "Brazilian real (BRL)" then b as integer dim = (a * 1.3024) lbl_rate.Text = b.ToString () If Mapt change this rate though, but it only changed the first line Any suggestions? It is expected to see the rest without code: safety equipment ddl_rate_SelectedIndexChanged (ByVal control as the object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) handles ddl_rate.SelectedIndexChanged foreach ...

unix - Use grep in Mac Terminal -

मैं निम्नलिखित कमांड के साथ मैक में टर्मिनल का उपयोग करता हूं: df -lak | Grep फ़ाइल || डिस्क02 क्या मैं इस स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग डीएफ कमांड (डिस्क स्पेस) के शीर्ष को पाने के लिए करना चाहता हूँ और केवल डिस्क 2 के साथ लाइन मुझे लगता है कि '|' Grep के रूप में या तर्क में एक चार है हालांकि, जब से मैं टर्मिनल में grep का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, चार '|' इसका अर्थ है पाइप इसलिए मैंने '||' का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की पाइपिंग से बचने के लिए, लेकिन यह जो मैं चाहता हूँ वह नहीं मिलता। केवल "फाइल" के साथ शीर्ष लेख वापस आ गया है। निश्चित नहीं है कि कैसे मैं टर्मिनल में इस स्क्रिप्ट कमांड का उपयोग कर सकता हूं? awk का उपयोग करें df -lak | Awk 'एनआर == 1 || / Disk02 / ' या df -lak | Grep -E "फ़ाइल | disk02"

how to get MacID of mobiledevice in android? -

कैसे एंड्रॉइड में मोबाइल ऐड्रॉइड के मैकआइड को पाने के लिए? यह प्रयास करें वाईफ़ाई प्रबंधक प्रबंधक = (वाईफ़ाई प्रबंधक) getSystemService (संदर्भ। WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wifiInfo = manager.getConnectionInfo (); स्ट्रिंग MACAddress = wifiInfo.getMacAddress ();

tablelayout - android table layout rowspan -

I want to create the following layout but it is not working. & lt; LinearLayout Android: Orientation = "Horizontal" ... & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; Table layout ... & gt; & Lt; TableRow .. & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; TableRow .. & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; / TableRow & gt; & Lt; / TableLayout & gt; & Lt; ImageView ... & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; I keep this together really high, try it: & lt ;? Xml version = "1...

c++ - None in boost.python -

I am trying to translate the following code d = {} d [0] = any with boost.python in C ++ boost :: python :: dict d; D [0] =? None How can I get any item in boost.python? boost :: python :: object is not a constructor PyObject * (I think, for example, a CTO such as mapping the python types to C ++ types invalidates the whole idea, because PyObject * can be anything). According to: object (); Effects: Python Any object.

jQuery - get contents of selected element (not html of its contents) -

कहें कि मेरे पास निम्न html है: & lt; div id = "myDiv" शीर्षक = "मेरा डिवि" & gt; यह मैं हूं! मैं एक jquery कथन लिखना चाहता हूं कि परिणाम पूरे पंक्ति के ऊपर एक स्ट्रिंग के रूप में है। मुझे लगभग कुछ ऐसा करना चाहिए: var selectedHtml = $ ("# myDiv")। आत्म (); (मुझे पता है कि मान्य jquery नहीं है) जो selectedHtml मूल्य " और " " कोई भी विचार जिसके बारे में jquery फ़ंक्शन मैं देख रहा हूं? पुनश्च: इस कोड की .html () प्राप्त करने के लिए । Parent () काम नहीं करेगा जैसा कि वह देगा मुझे ऊपर नोड के भाई भी हैं। मुझे लगता है कि संभव हो सकता है: कोड> एचटीएमएल लपेटेडिव पर यहां है एक जीवंत उदाहरण: संपादित करें: शायद यह बेहतर है क्योंकि यह रैपरडिव के लिए आईडी का उपयोग नहीं करता है और इसलिए मौजूदा के साथ कीड़े के लिए कम परिवर्तन आईडी: लपेटें () अपने div को दूसरे (नाम) div के html () प्राप्त करें / P>

sql server 2005 - how can i write the procedure for search using logical operator? -

In my application I have to write the process for searching so that the user can use any of the words like 'Ar Rahman and Slumdog or Danbole' Give the combination, like how I can write this process. Using logical operators. In the words of the office assistant words: "It seems that you make a search engine! ... " If you are trying to create some sort of search then you can use it well or maybe it is ported in many languages. If you want to do this in SQL then you will need a dynamic SQL, and my strong recommendation will be to dynamically generate SQL on the client, for a stored procedure Not inside - and when I say dynamically SQL is generated, I literally generate something like this: WHERE (name = 'Rahman' and some fields = 'slumdog') or name = 'Danbole'

scala - Existential Quantification over Values -

I have come to existential quantities at the values ​​in Scala language specificity (3.2.10 survival type). for x: y.inner {val y: external} Do anyone have clear usage cases for this? For some, T {val x: S} is defined as something for {type t . Specification of singletron feature (3.2.1 singleton type) is mentioned but I did not find it in Scaladoc. Where is it defined? It is useful with internal names, for example define in graphs and node squares. The quantitative quantity present at the price is used to write the type of nodes of some unspecified graphs. some node = g.Node for some {val g: Graph} This can be useful if you want a method that is two Takes nodes as logic, which comes from the same graph. Pre> Note that 2.7 This method will not accept the definition because it thinks that some types of recurrence then if you have val g1 = new Graph Val G2 = New Graph Then compile these with some two nodes (g1.newnode, g1.newNod...

date - PHP Convert timestamp to months and days -

How do I change a timestamp difference between 2 dates $ diff = abs (Strtotime ($ 2 date) - Strottom ($ 1 date); Quantity of months and days as desired output: $ res = 4.05 // - & gt; 4 months and 5 days Something might possibly work, my math might be a little far away . $ diff = abs (Straotomem ($ date2) - Strottom ($ 1 date); Define ('DAY', 60 * 60 * 24, true); Define ('MONTH', DAY * 30, true); Define ('YEAR', DAY * 365, true); $ Years = floor ($ variant / (YEAR)); $ Months = floor (($ difference - $ year * year) / (month)); $ Day = floor (($ difference - $ year * year - $ months * monthly) / (days));

php - zend framework : set imap mail to read, or move it to a folder -

After reading with message message in Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap with $ message-> getHeaders (). Then how did I read that mail? set header (Zend_Mail_Storage :: FLAG_SEEN); $ imap = New Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap ($ config); $ Imap- & gt; SetFlags ($ message_id, array (Zend_Mail_Storage :: FLAG_SEEN));

c# - Low-level Keyhook -

I will run a low-level key on different threads in C # for some hotkeys. If you need this keyboard hook then to find the hot keys you should do this? Use a hook that supports Hot Keys with the Windows RegisterHotKey () API function. To see how to use it, see your code sample page below a C # sample ahead.

iphone - Table View Programming -

Why can not I add a subview in the content view of the cell to see the table? (UITableViewCell *) Table View: (UITableView *) Table View CellForAindind Peth: (NSINXAP *) Index Path {Fixed NSString * CellTable Identifier = "" CellTable Identifier "; UITableViewCell * cell = [TablesView Reuse Eligible cell WthiDientifier: cellTable identifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[UITLL VILL] in with style: UITBel VivlCellTable default reuse identifier: cellTable identifier]; UILabel * label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 5, 70, 15)]; Label.text = @ "name:"; [Add Cell.contentView Subview: Labels]; } Return [Cell Autoreige]; } This should be a memory management problem. Consider this statement: UITableViewCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: cellTable identifier]; According to , this is not a alloc / new / copy method, that means you is not a cell , so you should use it after you not -rele complete it, howev...

c# - ObjectDataSource with Composite Lists -

I have a list that includes student notifications lsStudents = context.GetTable & Lt; Students & gt; (). Where (P = & gt; p.M_Id.Equals (1)). ToList (); And I have another student that includes student lesson lsMarks = context.GetTable & lt; Mark & ​​gt; (). Where (p = & gt; p.m_StudentId .Equals (1)) ToList () .; I want to pair these lists with one repeater at an object data source. & lt; Asp: repeater id = "rpt" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt;% Databinder.Eval (container.detime, "M_StudenName")% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt;% Databinder.Eval (container.detime, "m_mark")%> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Repeater & gt; You can join the two on the ID field and select the fields of interest. A new, anonymous type. var lsStudentWithMarks = c...

iphone - Use a UIScrollView with 3 touches not one -

I wanted to know if there is a method, then I can use three forms with UIScrollView what I want in the end. I know that UIScrollView can only be passed on a UIT (or at least it seems that it is only one touch), but three touches are below I want to say just the middle finger or find the average of three touches (X, Y) And want to use that (x, y) because one of my touch is u Skrol being sent to the scene. If someone knows or has any idea how I can complete it, please upload some code. If you put three fingers below the UIScrollView, then you have to worry about disabling default behavior Do not need to scroll it with three fingers, use your normal touch function to get your mad math on average, and then - (zero) set Content Offset: Use (CP point) content Epinepted: (BOOL) Animated Automatically Scroll .

html - jquery slider and mouseover code -

सभी, नीचे दिए गए कोड में, & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; link type = "text / css" href = "" rel = "स्टाइलशीट" / & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; शैली प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / सीएसएस" & gt; #show {मार्जिन: 0 पिक्सेल; चौड़ाई: 100px; ऊंचाई: 80 पीएक्स; पृष्ठभूमि: हरा; सीमा: 1px ठोस काला; स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div id = "विवरण" onmouseover = "जावास्क्रिप्ट: टूलटिप (यह...

javascript - Problem with Stock Quote from Google Finance -

Below I found an example from Google Finance for a stock quote but it does not seem to work, the price of the stock is not displayed is. Thanks & lt; Body & gt; Hello world! Here's your portfolio: & lt; Br / & gt; GOOG: & lt; Span id = _IG_SYM1_l & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; (& Lt; span id = _IG_SYM1_c> & lt; / span & gt;) & lt; Br / & gt; AAPL: & lt; Span id = _IG_SYM2_l & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; (& Lt; span id = _IG_SYM2_c & gt; & lt; / span & gt;) & lt; Br / & gt; INTC: & lt; Span id = _IG_SYM3_l & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; (& Lt; span id = _IG_SYM3_c & gt; & lt; / span & gt;) & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var quote = new (); Quote.enableDomUpdates ({'GOOG': '_IG_SYM1', 'AAPL': '_IG_SYM2', 'INTC': '_IG_SYM3'}); Quote.getQuotes ...

java - How can an application know that it is running on Google AppEngine? -

I am trying to find a way to create my Java AppNine application whether it is running on the Appenian server or in development Whether or not the environment mini server I want to do this program, not through some attribute file or other configuration option. You can check any properties of SDK to get this kind of information. : {Version, environment}

javascript - Ext js licensing -

We have a CMS that is licensed under Apache 2.0 license and is available on Github. Now I want to use extj to create some type of table editor for CMS. I will not modify anything of ext-js, but I will write an extension using ext-js. Now I was wondering which license to use for this. When I come for a license and when I read the licensing information of Extras, I did not understand a word of it. Greetings, donations

Many-value map in Scala -

In Scala 2.8, I have the unchanging map with multiple values ​​for each key: map [t, iterable [u]] Is there a better representation? Second, how would you generate such a map Iterable [(T, U)] ? I am currently using: def to groupedMap [T, U] (vals: Iterable [(T, U)]: map [T, Iterable [U]] = Vals.groupBy (_ ._1) .map ({case (s, this) => (s, imp (_._ 2)}}). that works, edit: I should specify that I am working with irreversible data. Is there an irreversible equivalent for multimax? If you do not really need any immutability, then say as the other, multimap The way to go is if you really need immutability, then the approach that you have taken is as easy as anything else; There is nothing in (AAAAIC), and any composition of an immutable multimet is going to work a lot in comparison to the method you get. Representation is best or not used. Do you often want to work with all the values ​​in conformity with a key? Will you put the same price on your m...

plot - MATLAB: Assign multiple colors to text in legend -

I'm trying to paint code text in a legend. (Since I can sort several plots in different categories I am trying, I can not trust line colors only in legend.) I have been able to set the text color for the whole story, but I can not manage it, assign it a line by line Is it possible? Code so far: list = {'label 1', 'label2', 'label3'}; Foot = story (list); Set (Leg, 'Textclorse', [1]) In the form of red color sets the text color for the whole legend. I am some red, and some black Want to be able to create I tried to designate the color array as a nx3 matrix, but MATLAB did not like it much I had poked around the legend properties using the get (leg) , but something And could not find what seemed to be useful. Any suggestions? Here is the code: legtxt = findobj (foot, Type ',' text '); Just by what ways does the index indicate.

java - How to get the last column index reading excel file? -

How to get the last column indicator when reading the xlsx file using Apache POI ? API? There is a getLastRowNum method, but I can not find anything related to the number of columns ... Edit: I XLSX files I think that you must repeat lines Check through and on each of them.

numpy - how to get to various attributes in the same order in python -

I have one line and in return, information, speed, time and type of surfaces are saved for each line. I want this information to be shown in the order shown below in an NP.ER. where the number is the number of id. (ID) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 2 T1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 4 t1 t2 t3 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 ... thanks for any feedback your useful It may seem For example, suppose you have a file with these content:. datafile: (id) 0 1 0 1 smooth 1 11 fluctuating 2 20 turbulent 3 2 smooth 4 5 volatile 5 to 7 rugged imported numpy NP arrival = np.loadtxt ('datafile', dtype = [('id', '', then you can load data in a numpy with Int '), (as' speed', 'boat'), ('surface', '| s20')], skiprows = 1) Note that you , you can skip the first row of the datafile. Then you can use rows as us...

javascript - Setting marker zIndex in IE -

I am trying to set zIndex for markers, primarily, I set all the green markers on top Want to The code below works great in any other browser but IE! I see that the marker is green in color if it has 'st1' in the file name. Using Mootools, code is special, but any JavaScript support will be appreciated: gmarkers.each (function (mrk, ind) { Try {if ( .indexOf ('st1')! = - 1) {if (Browser.Engine.trident) {mrk.Ir [0] .zIndex = Ind + 1000} else {mrk.Ir [ 0] .setStyle ('z-index', Ind + 1000)}} and {if (Browser.Engine.trident) {mrk.Ir [0] .zIndex = ind} else {mrk.Ir [0] .setStyle ( 'Z-index', ind)}}} hold (mistake) {}}) found this, it is mrk.Ir [0] .style.zIndex, not mrk.Ir [0] .zIndex

rubygems - Ruby : How to write a gem? -

I want to write a package for Ruby and make it available as a gem. What are tools, steps and disadvantages? Are there any good tutorials, screencasts etc, so how have you helped to learn this? is one of the best resources for writing your gem. If you are interested in tools to help you write tools: - Make Rubygam projects More formal tools to manage - Some helpful tutorials / guides: / P> - - Introduction guide for creating a gem using bundler and jeweler - Introduction to Bundler and RVM to create a gem - A Quick Start Guide to Jewelers Li> - To publish and publish a gem / Html>

TinyMCE in PHP with -

I have this config file The problem is before I From to, there is no problem with the $ mcImageManagerConfig ['filesystem.rootpath'] . But when I change the domain, then I am giving a problem when I select the URL. It is coming only with .com and not I do not know why this problem is happening. I use I am unable to comment, so I The path you have given is very dear to ........................ Maybe try to provide full path? In addition, even if it is a subdomain, I believe is a folder, which means that it should not have any problems with it Because it does not attempt to do anything or anything ahead of the server. You must have $ _ session ['USER'] ['DOMAIN'] to ensure that its valid $ mcImageManagerConfig ['filesystem.rootpath'] , to make sure that the way you are expecting is to produce it. So I have a complete path, in this way you know to ma...

JQuery events don't work with ASP.NET MVC Partial Views -

I am trying to get JQuery events to work with partial views in ASP.NET MVC. However, after you load partial view through Ajax, JQuery is not able to fire events for any element in partial view. I suspect that if you are using other frameworks or javascript libraries to load partial HTML code with Ajax, then this issue will also happen. For example, consider the following example: Controller: Public Class Test Controller: Controller {Public Performance Index () {Return View (); } Public Performance LoadPortalView () {Return ("Partial View"); }} Index.aspx & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# button"). Click (function () {warning ('button click');});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt;% (Ajax.BeginForm ("LoadPartialView", New Ajax Option {UpdateTargetId = "PartialView"})) {%> Click & lt; Input type = "submit" valu...

actionscript 3 - Daisy chain movies together in Flash AS3 -

This is a 2 part question, I'm sorry. I know that other developers are required to work for 16,000 frame boundaries. How do I give daisy series movies in Flash AS3? What is the best way to do daisy series films in A Flash AS3? b. Can I treat it as an extended timeline of more than 16,000 frames? not by conventional thinking it would be good "16,000 frame border flashing" "There is no way to define the location of the fluctuation frame" it would be good "It would be nice to have all the clips together in one kind of progressive load" "" It would be nice to control the Q number of an extended clip " It would be great to control the speed - start-end "* I have to make a counter that goes up to one lakh and uses the animation. Long story briefly," I am moving out of the frame and I have a piece of small film clips together. " Verbose example Load n drama ==> ; Full Movie == & gt; Add N ...

c# - Storing Class Instances In A Hashtable -

I have the property of public string X in the square Fu Fu. I want to install Fu sometime as one and two, and add those examples in the hashtable bar with 1 and 1 keys respectively, how do I get string x for a specific example. I have tried something: bar [1]. X, but property X is not recognized. Am I doing wrong? You dictionary hashtable . Hashtable is an obsolete class for those days which we did not have generic, it stores the key and value as the object type dictionary & lt; TKey, TValue & gt; , on the other hand, is a strongly typed general collection. If you want to use Hashtable for some reason like C # 1.0), you have to enter the object: (( Foo) times [1]). X

performance - SQL Server: Will the engine execute things from a view that are not needed? -

If I have a view that generates multiple columns: see AS SELECT id, SUM (SELECT [...]) AS C1, STDEV (SELECT [...]) ASC2, AVG (active [...]) ASC [ ...]) AS-C4, max (SELECT [...]) AS-C5, SUM (SELECT [...]) ASC6, [...] COUNT (SELECT [...]) AS from CN, ID from table group but I only stop asking for one of those calculated values: SELECT id, c382 Foo WHERE id = 42 Or SQL Server will calculate all column values, only to ignore them? In my experience, the answer seems to be "yes" a query: SELECT id, c382 Foo WHERE id = 42 I think it should be slow. If I break the intangible, I want to repeat the code: ID from SELECT id, c382 FROM (SELECT id, MAX (SELECT [...]) ASC382 by table group ) As the MiniView WHERE id = 42 query runs better. Or perhaps it is in more real world that it starts to separate: SELECT bar *, Foo.384 FROM times INNER foo ON Join now. Bing = where times (2000) Crazy? This usually works in SQL Server 2000. It is al...

sockets - recv buffer not matching return bytes -

Is it possible to not match the number of bytes given by the call to the buffer of the recall socket call? For example: const int len ​​= 1024; Four buff [lane]; Int bytes = Rick (socket, buff, lane, 0); It should not always be true: strlen (buf) = bytes ? edit1: I should note that I know that the return of rec buffer can return less than the size. I am trying to measure the amount of bytes in the buffer after the rec call. This is not a binary message, thanks. Stellen is only counted first (and not included in this) '\ 0' . The data returned by recv can contain many '\ 0' characters - or none. So in general, this will not be true - and if it ever happens, then it will happen by chance. Appendix: Even with the guarantee "non-binary" message, recv and Stellen is still counting different things, say that you can see the string "phobor" - - recv characters by reading the letters 'F' o '' o 'B R...

winapi - Is it possible to capture a window with windows 7 DWM thumbnail in it? -

I believe that you can not do anything with Windows API. I have two windows that have a DWM thumbnail, what I have to do, I want to be able to capture the window's screen with a thumbnail in the other. When I do this, using bitblt, everything is copied except for the thumbnail and it is not just in the bitmap. So how does DWM rendering work? I mean, if the DWM directly sends the thumbnails directly to the DC of the registered window, then my approach should work. I'm confused. Thanks a bunch. It is not how DWM works: the content of the thumbnails at any time on your window's DC Not hoisted. Instead, the DWM structure engine will present thumbnails directly on the contents of your window when the desktop is presented. Unfortunately, there is no official way to access the image data of a DWM thumbnail (however, on a net which attempts to access underlying top data and present in DirectX 9).

PHP date function accept null or empty string and return value -

This is Amazing when I send a tap value as a second parameter, then it gives some time? How to remove this thing, I want that if a stroke is empty or empty then nothing does $ x = strtotime (); Var_dump ($ x); Var_dump ($ x == zero); Echo date ('h: i', $ x); display Warning: strtotime () is expected at least 1 parameter, 0 is given in D: \ xampp \ htdocs \ test 1 Bull (false) Bull (true) on the index.php line 05:30 It makes sense to understand that zero is equal to 0 in this case is related to date () 0, which is January 1, 1970, 0:00:00 UTC Was there. You are based in Jaipur. Your timing zone will, therefore, result in your time zone on date (0) , January 1, 1970, 5:30 on your server.

Ruby on Rails ajax - dynamically loading all pages -

I have a flash media player (similar to which needs to be continued on the stream while people click I do not want to use an iframe. So, I dynamically load all the site pages with AJAX, it does not matter what people link. I've got this job with Rail and JQuery for a single page. With this method, I have to keep a file for a file that is called a controller. Js.erb file is called example: and I have to be an index.js.erb in Home Dyer's thoughts to answer it. I used it: To get it to work on one page, but it would not be dry to copy each controller to .js.erb files. . Is there anything I can do with the main app_controller or routes? I found a way to do this. You can load whatever page you want through the jquery load method. $ ('# result'). Load ('ajax / test.html #container'); Then they will be placed in the div with the #trett ID, you can also specify a page piece with # containers so that you can only load th...

html - Css-sprite menu not working in ie -

Why does Internet Explorer present this CSS sprite menu? Can someone leave some light for me because I have not received any error in the code. HTML: & lt; Div class = "menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "home" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "element 2" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "element 3" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "element 4" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "element 5" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = ...