
Showing posts from June, 2014

python - How is the __format__ method suposed to be used for int? -

I saw that there was a __format__ method but the help (int .__ format__) provides no help. I also know that you do not consider directing ___ method_. When is this method called? What is the reason? It is used for Py3k's new string formatting scheme. You can find more information here: You are right that it is not directly called it str.format Or new format builtin

c# - WPF: Changing an item in a collection observed by ListView -

मेरे पास ListView है (एक GridView के साथ) वस्तुओं का संग्रह यह बहुत मानक सामान है संग्रह एक अवलोकनिक कलेक्शन है। अब कहते हैं कि मैं संग्रह में किसी वस्तु की कुछ संपत्ति बदलता हूं। मैं इस बारे में ListView कैसे बता सकता हूं? यह सूची हजारों पंक्तियों के दसियों लंबे है, इसलिए मुझे यह बताने में सक्षम होने की आवश्यकता है कि पूरे संग्रह को पुनः लोड न करें, बस मैंने कुछ एकल तत्व को अपडेट किया। कोई भी विचार? यदि आपकी ऑब्जेक्ट किसी प्रकार की संपत्ति परिवर्तन अधिसूचना लागू करते हैं (सबसे आम तरीका इंटरफ़ेस को लागू करना है INotifyPropertyChanged ) - तो सूची को संपत्ति परिवर्तन को स्वचालित रूप से अपडेट करना होगा।

dojo - dojox.gfx and shape filters -

dojox.gfx I am using independently I do not know why SVG-style filters have not been implemented in dojox.gfx for the main reasons, because they canvas and VML Not part of the specification The one which I am trying to achieve implies some effects on my dojox.gfx shapes, such as lid, blurry, texture pattern etc. What is the best way to get it? I realize that SVG filters the libraries like Rafael , Cappuccino , and jQuery , But in reality I want to use dojox.gfx an abstract of a normal graphics API I think that it is understandable that if dojox.gfx includes a basic filter library (like the above characters) for such general effects and they have canvas and VML even though they are not part of the specification. Regards, Georgia Unfortunately it applies It is not possible to do ymm canvas for VML without using the downloadable plugin, yet it will be difficult to implement some effects in Javascript due to their computational complexity and t...

Visual Studio File Groupings -

दृश्य स्टूडियो 3 में आम तौर पर एक साथ समूहित किया जाता है: filename.aspx filename.aspx.cs filename.aspx.designer.cs क्या कोई अन्य फाइल जोड़ने का एक तरीका है जिससे समूहिंग हो सकता है ताकि इसे ढका जा सके और दृश्य से बाहर? filename.aspx filename.aspx.cs filename.aspx.designer.cs Customfile.cs धन्यवाद अगर आप को खोलें Csproj फ़ाइल, आप देखेंगे कि यह कैसे किया गया है। अपनी नई फ़ाइल जोड़ने के लिए पैटर्न का पालन करने का प्रयास करें। उदाहरण के लिए: & lt; संकलन शामिल करें = "Default.aspx.cs" & gt; & LT; DependentUpon & gt; Default.aspx & lt; / DependentUpon & gt; & LT; उपप्रकार & gt; ASPXCodeBehind & lt; / उपप्रकार & gt; & Lt; / संकलित & gt;

database - Android SQLite, ask about ContentValues -

I would like to know that using class material value in curves is a good practice to prevent SQL injection. Thank you Personally, you ContentValues ​​ or use regular SQLiteDatabase query, you can not be 100% safe from SQL injection. It is being said that if you are resting using ContentValues ​​ , then its better practice avoid any user input, or if you SQLiteDatabase questions, it helps in structuring your query. If Android has offered paramedet questions that will protect against the best practice injection, we will have to wait and find out the options.

objective c - Is there some functionality in Cocoa to display time intervals in natural language? -

What I am searching for is cocoa (or third party) class which can display time interval in natural language e.g. 1 day ago 2 days ago Do you know anything? Who can help me by writing this myself and if the second to get this task without melting in hell? One I originally told that does not seem to be there anymore, but as I said, I did not try to do it but I like it. Edit: point to the existing code - Intermittent Crystal Reports error "The request could not be submitted for background processing." -

We are running Crystal Reports on a Windows server with the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 2008. I have seen several reasons for general error "The request could not be submitted for background processing." On other forums, but they become repeatable due to the issue of a particular formatting with a particular report, and constantly impacting only one report. We see this error with a stack trace below, intermittently. This affects many of our separate reports. This affects a particular report more often than other reports. Once a report is affected, the same error will often appear in many reports at almost the same time eg. Next 10 minutes. When (soon after) can do the same work standards as well as run reports to run again or application can be successfully report before restarting play May be again. All of these work before without any problems. There is no change in the server or code, which seems to be the error. In the code behind for VB.NET We had a hard ...

website - ASP.NET webforms physical site structure with dynamic site map -

I have a little difficulty in trying to wrap my head around site structures. I have a large site for which: Administrators can see a user list, each user can have multiple accounts, and there may be several items for each account. I can paint it as a breadcrumb mark to edit a particular item. User List & gt; Mr. Bob & gt; Accounts & gt; BOB77 & gt; Items & gt; Item 32 & gt; User list = All users Mr. Bob = User selected by the user's administrator Accounts = A list of user accounts 12BOB = Administrator has selected an account named 12BOB Item = A list of items contained in an account Item32 = The Edit = A task that the Administrator wants to do I can see how this looks like if it is ASP.Net MVIS I was using the URL, but I'm sure how to use it in webforms and physical filesystems. I thought how I would guess the physical structure. / user / user / edit. Espx / user / user / user / account to edit a user ...

VBScript: Error 10023 in : Array index out of range (trouble when reusing an array variable) -

Using Six ActiveX scripting (long story), do I have nested if statements which reuse the same return variable I script looks almost identical: variable rtnArray variable if variable 1 & lt; & Gt; "" Then SQL query against the DB2 database rtnArray = DB2 Skyuels search (query) if Ubound (Artianarere) = 0 Then 'Ditito Artianaararu = DB2 Skyuels search (Query 2) Msbibiaks' Ubound (Artianaarara) = 0 Then' Error! "It never create What's odd that the same code structure here last week I wrote is working in a script; I just changed the name of some queries and function (find> change) After the second query, I MsgBox tried CStr (rtnArray (0) (0)) but it yields Error 10025: An array of different narrow Indexing is there. Error code associated with the following instructions: You can either store it in another variable, or redeem to rtnArray variable to tease the appropriate size. For Redim, you need to know the size.

android sdk and avd manager does not launch on windows 7 x64 -

Can anyone confirm that Android development is not yet supported on Windows 7 X64? I downloaded SDK, but when I tried to launch SDK and AVD manager, it failed to launch. What worked for me was javo_home environment variable jdk folder (in my case c: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_04 ) and adding path to % JAVA_HOME% \ bin path variable

elisp - Using a defstruct database with remove-if-not -

I am trying to customize this example by adding the select - functions described in the book :. I am running the code in MX using the normal Lisp package. Select-By-First does not return anything In the Lips book, the author does not use defstruct, so I need to separate a bit if the no-no # (Lambda (employee) (Getf employee: first name) first name) * emp-db *) (first select "steve") Complete program: ('cl' is needed) ;; Http:// ;; Http:// ;; (Defvar * emp-db * zero) (defun add-record (emp) (push emp * emp-db *)) (employee age first name last name sexually defstruct sex) Bye-first (custom Name) (remove-if-not # '(Lambda (employee) (equal (getf employee: first name) first name)) * emp-db *) (first by selecting "Steve") There are some basic mistakes / problems but with only two small changes we get your example to work in common Lisp can d...

javascript regex multiple occurrence -

मेरे पास जावास्क्रिप्ट चर वाला मान है var ull = "& lt; ul & gt; & lt; ली & gt; मंडल से यहां और लेफ्टिनेंट; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; कुमर यहां & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; " मुझे प्रत्येक सूची सामग्री के अधिसूचना संदेश का उत्पादन करना चाहिए जैसे कि नीचे की चेतावनी संदेश = सुनील को मंड्या से 2 चेतावनी संदेश = कुमर यहाँ यह कैसे regex के साथ पूरा करें , कृपया मदद, मैं इस पर नया हूँ HTML पर एक regex का उपयोग करने के लिए यह अनुशंसित नहीं है एक XML पार्सर बेहतर होगा और इससे भी बेहतर जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग किया जाएगा यह आपके द्वारा खोजे जाने वाले आउटपुट को होगा var li = document.getElementsByTagName ('li'); Var liLength = li.length; (I = 0; i & lt; liLength; i ++) के लिए {if (document.all) {// आईई चेतावनी (ली [i]। WarinerText); } अन्य {// फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स अलर्ट (ली [i] .textcontent); }} एक विकल्प, जो इन बातों को लिखने से बेहतर होगा, आप स्वयं एक जावास्क्रिप्ट रूपरेखा का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, जैसे कि jQuery...

physics - angle for particular co-ordinate in projectile path? -

I have xy co-ordination (200,200). I know that the ball throws the angle from the original, the ball is thrown into the 2D environment, so how can I get the initial speed to reach that specific XY co-ordination? Use of Iam x = v0cosq0t; Y = v0sinq0t - (1/2) gt2 But does the time need to be done without time? Any help please? I'm assuming that you get the ball at that particular point (200,200) at the top of your path, My physical science is a bit confusing, but it is that I have thrown together: v_y = square_root (2 * g * y) , where G is a serious number, which shows acceleration due to gravity, and y how high you want to go (200 in this case). v_x = (x * g) / v_y , Where is the distance in the X-X (200 in this case), like the previous one , And Vy's answer we got in the previous equation. This equation eliminates the need for an angle However, if you have velocity + angles, then it is easy: v0 = square_root (v_x ^ 2 + v_y ^ 2) and angle = ...

project - plt-scheme : catching mouse click event on canvas -

I am writing tick tac-toe game in PTT-scheme as an AT Course project. An idea for GUI is a grid with 9 songs, using a pan with each canvas, ... When a user clicks on a canvas, then 'X' or 'O' will be prepared accordingly. . The question is how can I capture a mouse click event on canvas? I came to know that I need to use on the event, but still do not know how? any clue? OK, I got it ... (canvas (FOOBR-callback)) (Super-New)) when the (canvas? (Send e-event-type) 'left-down' / Code>

simulation - What are some algorithms that will allow me to simulate planetary physics? -

I am interested in doing a "solar system" simulator which will allow me to simulate the rotational and gravitational force of planets. . I say, I want to be able to emulate our solar system and move it across different speeds (i.e., earth and other planets around the sun, day, year, etc.) Should emulate. Do anyone have any resources that will tell me in the right direction to write this simulator? Is any existing physics engine designed for this purpose? This is everything and, in general, what Jean Meis wrote everything.

.net - PDF printer without user intervention -

I'm looking for a PDF printer that does not ask the user to choose a file name and directory, but rather protects it. with a predefined folder on the net. The library allows you to create PDF documents without any user intervention, and the function can give you a unique file name to write (though I think it adds the .tmp extension that you want to change)

printing - What is the easiest way to print text to screen in OpenGL? -

I need to print 3 lines of text in a window as a menu I 1 - Menu 2 - Stop 3 - Exit Considering that You have used GLTUT in the previous questions, the easiest way would be to create the font rendering functions of GLUT. Example: zero output (int x, int y, float r, float g, float b, int font, char * string) {glColor3f (r, g) ), B); GlRasterPos2f (x, y); Intel Lane, I Len = (int) strlen (string); For (i = 0; i where the font of the full font constants: GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15 GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10 GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18

jquery animate (height) causes background-image flickering in firefox -

I have a problem with using jQuery.animate with Firefox: when I have a container with some background image Animate the height the background starts flickering only on Firefox - all other browsers (i.e.) show a smooth animation, a low code snippet that shows what I do: & lt ; Div style = "background-image: url (image.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%; height: 200px;" onmouseover = "jquery (this) .animate ({height: 400});" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I highly appreciate your help. Interestingly, what happens if you wrap in a different divi and animate it, like & lt; Div style = "background-position: 50% 50%; height: 200px;" Onmouseover = "jquery (this) .animate ({height: 400});" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "background-image: url (image.jpg);" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; (For the record, I used your code, but would have liked to use CSS classes and late jQuery eve...

layout - how to read value from string.xml in android? -

I wrote this line: string mas = r String.message_1; To get the string value, but instead of returning string, it is giving me the type of integer ID, can someone guide me how I can get its string value Am I I've mentioned the string value in the string.xml file. Any help would be appreciated. try it string mess = getResources (). GetString (R.string.mess_1); UPDATE string string = getString (R.string.hello); You can use the getString (int) or getText (int) to get a string. Retaining any rich text style applied to the getText (int) string. Reference:

android - how to use variable while calling new activity in intent? -

I have code to call new activity Now I call new activity variable I want to use string var1, var2, var3; Var1 = "logged in"; Var2 = "registration"; Var3 = "more"; I intend; I = new intent (favorite. This, login class); - & gt; Login.class with var startActivity (i); How can someone get me this? You can not pass a string as a parameter because it is an activity. If you have one or switch statement to switch between different selections. Something like this might happen .... I intend to; Switch (var) case: login i = new intent (favorite. This, login class); break; Case: Signup I = new intent (favorite. This, signup category); break; Case: More i = New Intent (favorite. This, More.class); break; StartActivity (i);

c# - Unit testing something with ObserveOnDispatcher -

मेरे दृश्य मॉडल में कुछ कोड निम्नानुसार हैं: miService.GetSomething ( Par1, par2)। ऑब्सर्वरऑनडिस्पैचर ()। सदस्यता लें (डीटी = & gt; {एसओएसओएमटीएमटीटीटी;}); तब मेरे परीक्षण में, मैं अपनी सेवा का "मजाक" कर रहा हूं: miService.Setup (ms = & gt; ms.GetSomething (। ...))। रिटर्न (अवलोकन। वापसी (एक्सवाईजेड)); समस्या यह है कि ऑब्ज़र्वऑन डिस्पैचर के कारण, सदस्यता लेने वाले प्रतिनिधि को कभी निष्पादित नहीं किया जाता है। मैंने डिस्पैचरफ़्रेम और पुशफ्रेम के साथ कुछ कोड देखा है, लेकिन समस्या यह है कि मुझे नहीं पता "कहां", मैं फ्रेम को कॉल कर सकता हूं। संविदा = गलत; आप कोशिश कर सकते हैं var फ़्रेम = नया DispatcherFrame (); Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke (DispatcherPriority.Background, नई एक्शन (() = & gt; फ्रेम.संवाद = झूठे)); Dispatcher.PushFrame (फ्रेम);

seo - How do I tell search engines about my flash content? -

I embed & amp; Performance of the object tag combo SDF As we use Alt for the image, how do I tell the search engine which is included in my SWF? Google recently introduced indexing of SDF text content, and probably followed other engines Will go See for details

Drawing Hebrew text to and image using Image module (python) -

This is an issue about which I have already asked and many have got the answer but the problem is going on. When I try to write in an image using the Image Module in Hebrew, then I take about some other (ASCI?) Lettering instead of Hebrew. If I convert to Unicode or ASCI, I get an error which does not support it. Here I get a reference to a code that I want in Chinese: import import import imports import import import imaged import imaging txt = '你好, 世界!' Font = ImageFont.truetype ('c: /test/simsun.ttc', 24) im = ("RGBA", (300,200), (0,0,0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw (im) # DrawText ((0, 50), u '你, 世界!', Font = font) DrawText ((0, 50), Unicode (TCT, 'UTF-8'), font = font) But then I get an error: ImportError: _imagingf C module is not installed. The same goes when I try to use the standard Hebrew Hebrew font 'arial.ttf' (with the Hebrew string course). As you can see I have imported succsefuly_imaging, so the probl...

Google Reader API - get subscribers -

Know any HTTP request to find the customer number for the subscription? Something like this should happen to customers? This reader uses data to fill in the data "Show details" UI for the special feed: Specifically, you want the "consumer" property in the JSON output as a normal format feed for the "S" parameter / "" Note that this requires authentication.

javascript function - the correct way to do this -

Hi all and thanks for watching, What is the correct way to do this: & lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function flag (nation) {this.nation = nation; Document.getElementById ("flag"). InnerHTML = "& lt; img src = 'Pictures / Flags /' + National + '.jpg' & gt;"; } & Lt; / Script & gt; In this link tag: onClick = "flag (Scottslands)"; And the name of the image is scotislands.jpg Many thanks, b. Your string identifier has been compiled in the following line: document.getElementById ("flag"). InnerHTML = "& lt; img src = 'Pictures / Flags /' + National + '.jpg' & gt;"; It should be: document.getElementById ("flag"). InnerHTML = '& lt; Img src = "pictures / flags / '+ nation +' .jpg" & gt; '; Apart from this, Joel saw, onClick = "flag (scotislands)"; should be onClick = "fl...

java - What are likely causes of StringBuilder and ResultSet performance issues -

I am looping through ResultSet in Java; Which is returning approximately 30 rows with 17 columns per line (all string data) for testing purposes, I am manually using stringbirders to create one XML string from the results and to eliminate these interactions For about 36 seconds I have been literally experimenting. Note: I know that this is not the best way to go out the best way to get XML out of a database or to get the resulting XML - but I have slow performance of it regardless Curiosity is there. Updates: According to the responses, I have to address the following: Time to run the query is less than one second, and before and after each section of my code In order to narrow it it was a system serial (Timmill). 36 seconds is completely within the code below. ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = rset.getMetaData (); Stringbilder resultbuilder = new stringbilder (); Resultbuilder.append ("& lt ;? Xml version = \" 1.0 \ "? & Gt; ROWSET & gt;"); If (nu...

Flex in full screen mode? -

I'm new to Flex I have developed a sample page with the following code: Code> & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Mx: height of application = "100%" xmlns: mx = "" layout = "full" backgroundgreatcollectors = "[# 5b4ffb, # 5594fb]" themecolor = "# 808080 "Corner radius =" 3 "width =" 100% "& gt; & Lt; Mx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [import mx.controls.Alert; Import; Private Function ClickHandler (Event: Event): Zero {if (UserID.text == "") { ("Please enter your username", "message"); Return; } If (Pwd.text == "") { ("Please enter your password", "message"); Return; } Alerts. Shoe ("login success", "message"); Return; } Private function fReset (Event: Event): Zero {UserID.text = "...

VGA Video using an ARM7 -

I have to enter VGA signal from an AT91SAM7SE512. How can I do this without using an additional controller? I saw stuff on the web, but should be able to modify specific pixels. You probably can use something similar to the old trick to signal with it probably looks terrible. You can also try any form of VGA like - Are these two vb methods identical in function? -

private sub ChangeCursor (ByVal Target target.Dispatcher.Invoke as as FrameworkElement, ByVal cursor) (DispatcherPriority.Normal, New DispatcherOperationCallback (_ function () Mouse.OverrideCursor = cursor back nothing end function), a) end Sub and private sub ChangeCursor (ByVal target cursor1 as FrameworkElement, ByRef cursor as) target.Dispatcher.Invoke as (DispatcherPriority.Normal, New DispatcherOperationCallback (_ Function (cursor) Mouse.OverrideCursor = cursor1 back some also finished end Oh), cursor) End Sub 2 piece is probably cheaper. Lambda does not capture the value of the cursor logic. They otherwise functionally identical little things do not put sweat.

velocity - Castle NVelocity Including Variables not Variable contents -

I'm using the Castes Innovolution Engine to work on some templates. The problem here is that many of my templates work fine, but not one of them. #foreach ($ i in $ item) & lt; Div class = "grid_3 folioItem" & gt; & Lt; A rel = "BeautifulPhotos [Portfolio]" href = "$" class = "lightbox" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "$ i.image" width = "220" height = "125" alt = "Showcase" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; $ I.ShortName & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; $ I.LongName & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; One square = "pngFix button" href = "$" & gt; $ I Link text & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; #end For any reason, the above code works halfway, I get six sets with all the sets of devoted tags, but $ i. SHORTName instead of material at speed I $ Any clue w...

resources - Export Websphere 6.1 Profile with datasource configuration -

I am trying to export a profile from WAS 6.1 so that I give it to other members of my team with everyone JnD and Shared Library Configuration in Saku place I have streamed some of the IBM tutorials like this (technically this is a bug fix but there is a similar page). I have tried to export the server to the server by using the "Import" feature in RAD 7. None of these options make .car file with a resource. How Do Someone Know This Thanks, JPD Have you tried exporting / importing WAS configuration as described in the following IBM TechNote wsadmin console? Unfortunately, the SIB configuration will disappear from the export - I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but at least it was mentioned by IBM in a teknot. So, you do not have to pull your hair to find the problem.

statistics - What R packages are available for binary data that is both correlated and clustered? -

I am working on a project that I have ever done before. I have two tests with binary results which will be given for the same sample, which is drawn from a clustered population (i.e., some subjects will be from the same family). I want to compare the ratio of positive test results, but clustering makes the test of McNean inappropriate, so I'm studying in alternative ways. Claustening Adjusted McNimer Options by GE, Rao and Scott (1992), Elyessee and Donner (1991), and Obukhovsky (1998) and 2) GE Do you know about any implementation of Rao-Obukhovsky genealogy in R (or, I think, SAS)? Finding GEE is easy, but have you experienced a positive or negative with a particular package? Thank you in advance for your help - tell me whether any explanation is necessary or not. You can always use a clustered bootstrap, the responses to families that you believe are independent That is, keep the family together, when you remember again, compute p2 - p1 for each sample, calculate...

jQuery UI Tabs - SlideToggle? -

The following codes are rotated through the tabs I have set and it works well for them to disappear and out, However, I am thinking that content can be touched to slide it out and to the outside. $ ("# product_rotator"). Tab ({fx: {opacity: "toggle"}}). Tab ("to rotate", 7000); I tried to convert "toggle" to "slide toggle", but it did not work ... Thanks in advance! Use the following fx option. $ ("# tabs"). Tabs ({collapsible: true, fx: {height: 'show', opacity: 'show'}});

c# - WCF, channel factory, and exceptions -

Using VS2008,, C #, FW 3.5 I'm your customer I am going to take my service service went hosted in IIS using client (WiFi form MDI) / L / R / CT, and sv. / N switch service and customer access to both a MyEntities.dll I nettcp I'm using mainly the proxy cache with TransportWithMessageCredential If Membership.ValidateUser (UsernameTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text) _proxy = new MyServiceClient _proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username" _proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password" I have any prior use of its child forms / plugin list (needs orders) = _proxy.ChannelFactory.CreateChannel.GetOrders (client) that Everything is working very well but my questions are: What happens to the channels after the call? Are they disposed magically? How can I see it, with a professor? Is there a way that I can control the error in one place or do I try / get caught in every call like try {... client Close (); ... - Using google maps without API Keys? -

I am developing a CMS which will use more than one domain and only one Google map script Is there a way to use Google Maps without the API key to use? Otherwise it is not working? Its key is not required. Like the V2, however, you can only use it for applications that are free and publicly accessible. If this is for a commercial product, you will need

c - Floating point library for embedded application -

I am developing a program for Cortex-M3. There is no floating point coprocessor in it. The standard C library can simulate floating point operations, but I do not use it because of its size. Is there a good and free Library, which can simulate floating point arithmetics targeted at the ARM processor? Currently, when I use floating point operators, I have such linking errors: reference to '__subdf3' essentially in reference to ` In the context of the undefined reference `__divdf3 ', the undefined reference in reference to the undefined reference' __extendsfdf2 'should probably apply to such a library. P> Would not you be better to use Fixed Point (Display and size wise)? For simple arithmetic, it is trivial to implement directly or with a function interface. If you can be uncomfortable to use C ++ using operator overloading, then you can use almost almost uninterrupted (no runtime overhead compared to the C function interface). If you have more c...

Jquery-Clone() append -

I am facing a problem that is trying to clone a parent unit and after that My self is directly involved, my job works fine until the last node is selected: The result of If I clone a. But if I clone one again & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; B & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; C & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I like & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; A1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; B & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; C & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; My markup and code are below: & lt; Div id = "maindiv" & gt...

c# - LINQ XML Read different hierarchies into 1 object -

मेरे पास XML फाइल है & lt; searchResponse requestID = "500" status = " सफलता "& gt; & LT; पीएसओ & gt; & Lt; psoID ID = "770e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655448549" लक्ष्यआईडीआई = "मेझेओएकाउंट" / & gt; & LT; डेटा & gt; & LT; ईमेल & gt;< / ईमेल & gt; & LT; quotaMeg & gt; 100 & lt; / quotaMeg & gt; & LT; quotaUsed & gt; 23 & lt; / quotaUsed & gt; & LT; दायरे & gt; Mezeo & lt; / दायरे & gt; & LT; पथ & gt; / san1 / & lt; / पथ & gt; & LT; बिलिंग & gt; user2 & lt; / बिलिंग & gt; & LT; सक्रिय & gt; सच & lt; / सक्रिय & gt; & LT; खुला & gt; सच & lt; / खुला & gt; & LT; allowPublic & gt; सच & lt; / allowPublic & gt; & LT; bandwidthQuota & gt; 1000000000 & lt; / bandwidthQuota & gt; & LT; billingDay & gt; 1 & lt; / billingDay & gt; &...

bash - How to use double or single brackets, parentheses, curly braces -

I have brackets in bass, brackets, curly braces, as well as their double or single forms. Is there any explanation? In Bash, test and [ Biltin Are there. Enables additional functionality, for example, instead of and you -a and -o And there is a regular expression matching operator = ~ . Braces, except for marginalizing a variable name, is used so that you can do the following: Break the content of a variable $ var = "abcde"; Encoded $ {var% d *} ABC create a similar replacement for sed $ var = "abcde"; $ {Var / de / 12} abc12 Use a default value $ default = "hello"; Unset var; Copy $ {var: - $ default} Hello and many more $ echo f {oo, ee, a} d food feed crank $ Mv error log {,. OLD} (error.log has been changed to error.log.old because the brace expression extends for "mv error.log error.log.OLD") for $ {000..2}; Echo "$ Num"; 000 001 002 Resonance {00..8..2} 00 02 04 ...

c# - Anyone know of an ASP.NET equivalent to the Rails auto_link helper? -

A fast function would be great for scanning the URL text and switching to HTML hyperlinks ... I will write one but I think the barriers of a person already written are high ... Thank you! Tom How about:

http - is a query string with a / in it valid? -

Due to incorrect communication with a partner partner, we are working with the URL that calls to our servers. / P> This is the URL to call on our server: / aaaaaa /? B = CCCCCC Unknowingly it was being implemented in your system as this system with parameter / does not actually contain a valid URL . What is actually valid in a URL - or I should be worried under any circumstances there may be an unconnect / cause problems in a query string. Although I have never done the problem, they are not technically permitted in this way: Within a query component, the characters ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "& Amp;;", "=", "+ + ",", ", And" $ "are reserved. But as I said ... I have never run on any issues, I think there is a problem with old browsers, but there may be some problem But some more light can be highlighted because of this?

exception handling - Multiple Try-Excepts followed by an Else in python -

Have several consecutive attempts been made in many ways? / P> as an example: Try: private.anodization_voltage_meter = Voltmeter (voltage_meter extension.value) #seign voltmeter excluding location (Visa.WiIiR): # Channel private time Try Vinod ('Volt meter is not on this channel or not)' Try: private.anodization_current_meter = Voltmeter (current_meter eter_address.value) #second Voltmeter except as current meter location (Visa .VISIOIOrror): #channel time .profile.logger Warning ('Ammeter is not on this channel or not)' Try: private.sample_thermometer = Voltmeter (sample_thermometer_address.value) Use the #WhyMeter as the thermomter location for the sample. Excluding (Visa. ViIaier): #Channel Out Of Private Time Logger Warning (try 'The sample thermometer is not on this channel or not)' Try: private.heater_thermometer = Voltmeter (heater_thermeter_address.value) # The voltmeter as the thermomter location for the heater. Excluding (Visa. ViIaier): #Ch...

XCode 3.1.2, header file not found -

I am trying to create a code that has dependencies with other header files not in the project directory Are there. Although I added these header files both paths in both HEADER_PATH and USER_PATH, I still see the error when building, it says that the file was not found. I have verified that the file exists in the path that is added to the header search path in the project settings. How can I ensure that all the header files referenced in the project are included and during the compilation the path is being chosen by Xcode? I tried copying all the files in the project with no luck, this is the first time when IMM is using Xcode, it's frustrating like IAM with a Linux guy and a file easy. Is there a file for xcode, which I can modify to include header file directories. you want select your project in Project Navigator . Choose your goal. Click the Build Stages tab. Click Compile Formulas to expand the section. Drag dependency to the top

eval - Have JavaScript answer calculate into a textbox, not a pop-up! -

itemprop = "text"> I have this code in mind: If I want to go into this text box, what would I have to do to work Please help! I have gone for hours on this and I have come to know everything !!! While working with warning-popup, this is now the original page: What is this line trying to do? height = eval (form.height.value) If you are trying to read it as only one number, then Do: height = parseflow (form.height.value); However, change the WriteDocument function to: function written document (total) {document.yourFormName.collageEstimate.value = " Estimated value "+" is only $ "+ round topinis (total) of this college; } You have to look at your HTML like this: & lt; Form name = "yourFormName" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "collage esteem" size = "25" /> & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "calculate estimation" name = "b...

iphone - How do I implement the protocols for the Three20 framework? -

I am trying to implement three 20 frameworks in my iPhone SDK app. Is there a guide to implement TTPhotoViewController's work to be a bit confusing to implement the proper methods? I know how to implement the protocol, but this code is very difficult to read. Anyone knows any guide with this specific structure or has any experience with this and can explain why I need to apply specifically. (Because my app is probably crashing because I have not implemented all the necessary methods) Just three Search the source files for the missing protocol declaration. You will find a header file that shows which methods you need to paste them into your code and remove them!

query string - sending value from one aspx to another -

यह मेरा कोड है - मेरे पास सबरॉउटिन में - निजी उप xxx () Sqlstr = पूर्व "का चयन करें * तालिका से" ExecuteNonQuery (Sqlstr) sqlcmd = नई SqlCommand (Sqlstr, SqlCnn) SqlDR = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader तो SqlDR.HasRows तो क्या जबकि SqlDR.Read () आर = नई TableRow मंद एल न्यू LinkButton l.Text = SqlDR ( "COLUMN_NAME") के रूप में l.Attributes.Add ( "onClick", "setAction (" + CSTR (SqlDR ( "आईडी") +) ", 'संपादन')") l.ID = SqlDR ( "आईडी") ग = नई TableCell c.Controls.Add (एल) r.Cells.Add (ग) .... इसलिए जब व्यक्ति क्लिक्स हाइपरलिंक है कि मैं यहाँ प्रदान की है पर, मैं गोटो Page_Load और ऐसा करते हैं अगर (Me.pageAction.Value = "संपादित करें") फिर Response.Redirect ( "next.aspx? id =" ???? - मैं नहीं जानता कि क्या टी ओ यहाँ रखो अंत यदि । Next.aspx पृष्ठ को संपादित करने का मान है जो उस पर क्लिक किया गया था (इसलिए आईडी मान) क्या मैं यह पूरी बात सही कर रहा हूं या है कोई, सरल और क्लीनर एक एक...

scheduling - Fine-Grain Timing in WebOS -

I am trying to create a program that works within soft real-time schedules; To do this, I need to create an incident at a time intervals that is much less than a second. Is there an API that exposes fine grain timers in webOS? You can use the DOM API to call the function back in the future. Time is specified in milliseconds, after calling for setting the telephone, your callback will be called at least several milliseconds, but if this other JS code is running then it can be longer, because the JavaScript engine lets your function Do not interfere with running code to make calls. - Cannot get IIS pickup directory -

I am using SMTP server I get the error: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Can not get from the IIS pickup directory. System.Net.Mail.IisPickupDirectory.GetPickupDirectory (). This error occurred when send an email from ASP web page but ASP Send email from the net page, the error has not happened. Plz help Unfortunately, this exception is raised when any type problem One common reason IIS / SMTP is trying to determine the location of the pickup directory is the IIS SMTP service is missing. If you are sending mail using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient, then try setting up the pickup directory manually: // # Var Client = New SmtpClient (); Customer Delivery mode = SmtpDeliveryMethod.SpecifiedPickupDirectory; Client.PickupDirectoryLocation = ...; Client.Send (...); Or instead of ASP.Net Web Set it to: & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; & gt; & Lt; MailSettings & gt; & Lt; Smtp delivery method = "specified pickup direct...

sysadmin - Execution of python scripts like udev/rules.d, cron.d or /apt/source.d -

I use python for patch system settings of distributed Linux systems with partimage. I have to have the following Python script structure: /patch.d/ ... should run Python scripts in the /patch.d folder. After my idea: for file in the file files = glob.glob ("patch.d / *. Py") files.sort (): execfile (file,. ..) What is the suggestion to load the dragon script and run it with another dragon script? Python scripts are also python modules, so the best way to load them is to run them. Import them using only > This means that they run in the same process, however, only __ import __ ('some_module'). If it is undesirable, use multi-threading or multi-processing support in your options to prevent every interaction in each thread in a different thread / process in the dragon, or to call the system os.subprocess module Run the script to be used.

django custom command not found -

Demo custom command is having trouble working. From the Django, Applications / manage.pyBlog / Model .py management / command / is the content from import noArgsCommand class command (NoArgsCommand): DEF handle_onears (auto, ** option): print ' Working ... '# print the call you need to run on your project' ' while running Python myapp_task is getting the directory in your answer The composition is a little vague; Django should be able to find its order when entering files: project / # In your question, this 'application' blog / management / Commands / In addition, you must enable your app in your : INSTALLED_APPS = ('django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',' django.contrib.sessions...

sql server - Using Stored Procedure for reading records from Database in NHibernate? -

Is it a good way to read database records from databases using procedures stored in NHibernate? If yes, why or not, why also? Data access levels do not have the ability to read values ​​from a database that uses a NHibernate, there is no update and no recovery is included. In my opinion, the stored procedure is only necessary if you handle a large amount of data performance better , Because the database regulation system can use its optimization routine to force access to the data stored. The reason for the scandal to not use stored procedures is that you want to separate the DBMS and apply the application. If you want you can change the database system. If you are connected to this specified DBMS (i.e. Oracle), then use stored procedures.

python - How can I load test data into AppEngine automatically? -

When I run a local copy by the developers of my team, then I automatically load some test data in apenje datastore Want to I know that it lets you do it from the command line, but I'm looking for some automated, essentially we forget to load the data when we clean our test copy of datastore. Currently, I'm just checking a known unit when the main page loads, and the unit is not found when the function is inserted to insert data, it seems useless - every time If anyone hits this particular page then he is called every time. The ideal solution will be something that will not affect the deployed version of the app on and will not mess around the code in the central code path. Why not only automate the bulk loader? This is a command line tool, as you tell, so to run with your build process (or whatever other triggers you want) to run insignificant

How to delete slave entity in entity framework poco in one line? -

निम्न कोड: order.Orderlines.Remove (orderline) न केवल ऑर्डर और ऑर्डरलाइन के बीच संबंध को निकालने के लिए बल्कि स्थायीता से स्थायीता से निकालने के लिए भी। कई गुलाम संस्थाओं को यह स्थिति है। जैसा कि मुझे पता है, संस्था ढांचे में अतिरिक्त कोड लिखना है: संदर्भ। DeleteObject (orderline); या, संदर्भ। ऑडरलाइन्स। डेल ऑब्जेक्ट (ऑर्डरलाइन); इसलिए, हटाए गए नियम पूरी तरह से अपने आप में नहीं समझा जा सकता। इकाई संरचना में एक पंक्ति हटाने के लिए कोई भी बेहतर विकल्प? यह आप मुझसे क्या पूछ रहा है, यह पूरी तरह से स्पष्ट नहीं है, लेकिन यह है जो आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर देगा।

iphone - remove all UIButton's from subview -

I'm adding a couple UIButtons programmatically to my view after clicking on a button, they all have 'removeFromSuperView' or Must be released, not just one for (int p = 0; p [array number]; p ++) {button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (100,100,44,44)] ; Button.tag = p; [Button setbackground image: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "image.png"] forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [Self.view addSubview: button]; [Button addTarget: Self-Proceeding: @Selector (Action :) Control Events: UI ControlAnchart Inside]; } Now this is the part where all the buttons should be deleted. Not just a - (zero) verb: (id) sender {UIButton * button = (UIButton *) sender; Int pressed = button. Tag; [Delete the button amperspaveview]; } I hope someone can help me! In a more efficient manner, when you create it, each button must be added to the array, and then when If the button is pressed, then call the -removeFromSuperView method to all the array buttons in this...

java - Search button in eclipse -

मैं एक्लिप्स में खोज बटन का पूरा स्रोत कोड कहां पा सकता हूं कोशिश Alt + Shift + F2 (देखें) और पर क्लिक करें खोज बटन आप प्रासंगिक वर्गों और संकुल प्राप्त करेंगे, जिससे आपको ढूंढने की अनुमति मिल जाएगी या। नोट भी संबंधित कक्षाएं शामिल हैं। सक्रिय योगदान मद पहचानकर्ता: सक्रिय योगदान स्थान यूआरआई: टूलबार: After = सक्रिय क्रिया सेट पहचानकर्ता: सक्रिय योगदान आइटम वर्ग: OpenSearchDialogPageAction योगदान प्लग-इन: org.eclipse.ui.workbench (3.5.0.I20090603- 2000)

calloc and copying data into memory area using c -

I am trying to allocate blocks of memory and then copying the data in that location. I made this simple program and it does not do what I hope is to do it. Someone can tell my faulty reasoning. Thank you. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Zero main (zero) {int t1 = 11; Int T2 = 22; Int * bufptr; Bufptr = calloc (2, size); If (bufptr == NULL) {fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory, exit \ n"); Exit (1); } Memcpy (bufptr, & amp; t1, sizeof (int)); Memcpy ((bufptr + sizeof (int)), & amp; t2, sizeof (int)); Printf ("bufptr11:% d \ n", * bufptr); Printf ("bufptr22:% d \ n", * bufptr + sizeof (int)); } It prints it as follows: bufptr11: 11 bufptr22: 15 (this should not be 22 more 15) Thanks All help all, but I just ran into my next stop! The whole point of this exercise is to send some data to another host via UD. Before I sendto (), before I look at the contents of bufptr, everything looks fine and it ...

The easiest way to build and deploy an iPhone application that just points to my web app -

I just want an icon on my users who takes them to my web applications. This is a bookmark compared to a real application :) Is there a quick and easy way to do this without messing with the objective? Besides, do I store an app for my deployment? Yes you can add an icon to your markup like this: & lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "apple-touch-icon" href = "iphone.png" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; Users can go to their web app in Safari, Bookmarks, and save on the Home screen.

osx - How to detect if a Cocoa application is 32 bit or 64bit? -

एक कोको आवेदन 32 बिट या 64 बिट है कि कैसे पता लगाने के लिए? टर्मिनल में, प्रकार फ़ाइल applicationBinary यदि यह मच-ओ 64-बिट एक्जीक्यूटेबल x86_64 कहता है, तो यह 64-बिट है, अगर यह मैक-ओ एक्जीक्यूटेबल i386 कहता है तो यह है 32-बिट, आदि।

php - How to remove part of a string? -

How to trim a part of the string, and save it to MySQL in a special string using PHP ? Example string: "Registry 11223344 here" How can I remove "11223344" from the example string? If you are specifically targeting "11223344", then use it: echo str_replace ("11223344", "", "Registry 11223344 here");

How can I completely transfer sharepoint site from one server to other? -

The easiest way to move a SharePoint site with workflows and content of people and groups, and all the lists from one server Content I tried to save the site as a template STP, which contains all the contents, but workflows are no longer working and people and groups have not been repeated on the new server. stsadm -o backup -url -filename C: \ oldportal.dat On new server Create a new webapp with an empty site collection stsadm -o restoration-url -filename C: \ oldportal.dat -overwrite Custom attributes and solutions will not be transferred , But the objects (workflows, people, groups) mentioned by you will all be transferred.

php - Binary $_POSTed filedata gets messed up -

I'm currently testing the new client side permissions of SWFupload () The client then changes the flash even before the flash, however, it sends the image as a normal post request in the form of a binary string / app / octet-stream. I can get this data through the $ _ POST ["filedata"]. , but it's a bit messy. I actually use the same PHP file that is provided in the example. In the online demo, everything works fine and the uploaded image looks like this: On my server this looks like this: (when opened in a text editor) looks like an encoding problem or something like !! Requests on the server look exactly the same at both, that means the same data is sent to the client Can it be a server / PHP setting?

comparison - Can two booleans be compared in C++? -

क्या काम करने वाला कोड है? bool b1 = true; बूल बी 2 = 1 & lt; 2; मुझे संदेह है कि सभी 'trues' समान नहीं हैं। हाँ सभी चीजें समान हैं।

iphone - CoreData weird behavior when data are loaded on background thread -

I have a very strange problem, when I do not understand what's going on, I'm looking for clarification this. The situation is as follows: I have a view controller with scrollwalls in which there are three subwigs. The method in those three sub-methods - (zero) Load dialog Loads the contents from the database using CoreData in the background thread, which creates a subviews that represents the loaded item and adding them as their own subviews Add: ItemView]; That method is implemented as [Self Performance Selector Inboxground: Object with: @ selector (load content); zero]; I am using a Singleton Service class to load data from DB. Everything is fine, but when these three ideas are loading their part of the data, it sometimes crashes the app. I guessed it because it shares an NSManagedObjectContext instance for all reading tasks, so I rewrite the class, the stock only creates the NSManaged object model and the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator instance, and this is...

Javascript debugging - Show variables in use -

Is there any way that I can see the variables used in the javascript function without trailing the code? Using Javascript on one server, so actually can not install an app to debug, is there a JavaScript function that I can use in some way? Unless there is an extension in the JavaScript implementation that you use, (Not the browser). Using the JavaScript Scope series, the function solves the identifier inside the function; There is no single object in which the scope contains all the variables, and the scope is unavailable with the object code in the series.

hyphenation - How do I get LaTeX to hyphenate a word that contains a dash? -

I am writing in a latex document, I get an overfull hbox warning for the word "Multi-disciplinary", which is sung at the end of a line. I can get rid of this particular warning by changing it to multi-discipli \ -nary . , But the same problem will be somewhere else, because this word is used much in the paper. I want to use the \ hyphenation {} command instead, but obviously my temporary \ hyphenation {multi-disci-pli-na-ry} does not work, because it does not properly understand the dash first. Do I need to get bail? Bonus Question: Where will I find the answer to that question? to: tx pre-hyphenated word hyphen Will not For example, (satire) English nickname Smyth-Postlethwaite will not be hyphenate, which can be troublesome. This is the correct English typeetting style (it is not suitable for other languages), but if needed, replace the hyphen in the name with the command, defined \ hyph It can not be > \ def \ hyph {- \ penalty0 \ hskip0p...

php - parsing text for contents of database table of limited size -

I have a MySQL table of "people" as part of a web site, for example: | People_ID | First name Last name | ----------------------------------------- | 1 | John | Linon | 2 | Paul | McCartney | | 3 | George | Harrison | | 4 | Ringo | Star | | . | . | . | There are about 2000 rows in my table. I also have a "news" section on the web site. Often, these stories contain references to "people", e.g. John Lennon and Paul McCartney have written some of the most popular songs in the history of rock music. Is it possible to automatically parse the news of each object (or appropriately / proper) to see "people" in the database, and then convert them to a link? For example, for example, the text above will change in this (or functionally equivalent): What would be the best way to do this? / Pre> Paul McCartney & lt; / a & gt; Some popular songs have been written in the history of rock music, this? I have made some irreve...

Do iPhone app settings have to be shown in the iPhone system settings? -

If I am using NSUserDefaults to store settings for my application, then my app's settings "hide" Is there any way to normal settings on the iPhone being shown in the application? I know that there are other tools like my settings, key piece, etc., but I'm just thinking that somewhere there is a flag which says 'do not show my settings' in the setting, because I just edited them through my I want to apply myself Depending on the settings, how much do you think the settings will be used. If they will be accessed and changed frequently, they can be a good idea to keep them inside the app, so they can be easily accessible. However, if settings are anything then users can only change once during their use of the app, and seldom change them, it may be a good idea to put them in the bundle outside the setting. Settings only appear in settings. If you specifically put them in the bundle setting.

c# - Multiple Applications, Shared Settings: Use the registry or XML-based configuration? -

my landscape I have an orbit library that is being called by several separately Executable Applications To gain access to this class library, it is necessary to know the address of the database server (and many other configuration options, information, etc.). My question set H2> Is it common to store these specific configuration options in the Windows registry? Thing, or Class library likes to use the specific 'App.config' XML approach to the configuration tool to change it and modify it? I am leaning towards the Registry approach, but I know that many people have opinions about not using it. What would you do? The best practice is to use the XML configuration file in the user's% appdata% directory. There are several reasons for this: Your application is likely to be installed in the program file. If the user has not given the administrative authority (or given) the process of your application, then you will not be able to write the file. I...

jquery - Colorbox modal opening/closing another Colorbox modal -

Greetings I need a 'baby' model from the colorbody model. Form -> Anchor -> Modal ('parent') -> Another model of the model -> opens the open model 'hair' The problem is that when the 'kid' is closed by the modal $ .fn.colorbox.close () The method starts to close all the colorboxes modal windows. I need to shut down the 'baby' after hiding on the 'parent' mode (second opened from the first model), any suggestions about turning off the colorbox window only for the second time ? Using jQuery 1.3.2 and Colorbox 1.3.5 To load iframe first you want the colorboxes frequency. In this iframe you can load another color box.

java - BoxLayout stretches component to fit parent panel -

नमस्ते मैं बॉक्सलेआउट का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ JPanel s को शीर्ष पर एक दूसरे का ( BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) उदाहरण के लिए, यदि मेरे माता पिता जेपीनल ऊंचाई 500 पिक्सल का है और मैं इसे दो बाल पैनलों को दोनों ऊंचाई 100 पिक्सल जोड़ता हूं बॉक्सलेआउट उन्हें खींचता है ताकि वे एक साथ 500px स्थान पर कब्जा कर सकें। क्या किसी को भी इस सुविधा को अक्षम करने के लिए पता है? इसके बजाय उपयोग करें आपके यूआई पर अधिक नियंत्रण है। लेकिन अगर आप अभी भी बॉक्सलेआउट का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, और चाहते हैं कि उन्हें खिंचाव न हो, तो आप कठोर क्षेत्रों, गोंद और भराव की तरह प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

c++ - A destructor - should I use delete or delete[]? -

I am writing a template class which takes input and stores it. Pointer means pointing to the allocated object of another class, and this class has been assigned to it. Now I want to make a constructor for this container. What kind of memory should I point to through this indicator? I have no way of knowing the preference that it is an array or an element I am new to C ++, so stay with me I have always used C, and Java like my oo Language, but between the desire to learn C ++ and the speed requirements of my project, I have gone with C ++ to convert the container into a container from a container to a container A better idea would be to have your own Can apply Ashk? If you do not know whether it is new or new [] , then it is not safe to remove. Your code may appear to work, for example, I work on a platform, the difference matters only when you have many objects that are destructors. So, you do this: // Fortunately, it works on my favorite platform. Do not do this...

OpenCV 2.0 and Python -

I can not find an example to run Python programs. When executing the Python command, I get a message called "importError: no _cv" from the "opencv import cv" stacked in the site-package directory, but is not anywhere see step 5 below. MS Windows XP, VC ++ 2008, Python 2.6, OpenCV 2.0 Here's what I have done. MS Windows Installer for downloaded and ran OpenCV2.0. Download and install CMake Download and install SWIG After unchecking "ENABLE_OPENMP" in RAM CKK CMake GUI, I will install INSTALL.vcproj And was able to create OpenCV using BUILD_ALL.vcproj. I do not know what the difference is, so I created everything under those project files. C example programs go fine. The contents of my installed Python 2 / lib / site-packages directory in OpenCV2.0 / Python2.6 / lib / site-packages are copied. I think there is an old _cv.pyd and an old libcv.dll.a in it. After step 1 (installer) simply enter C: OpenCV 2.0 \ Copy ever...