
Showing posts from April, 2015

c# - How Can I assert /verify a Moq Protected Method? -

I have a personal method that should return the truth. I am using Newsent and MOQ so I have: [testfiexture] Public class customer credentials {var customermoc = new fake & lt; ICustomer & gt; () CustomerMock.Protected () .setup & lt; Bool & gt; ("CanTestPrivateMethod"). Return (true); // How can I tell it now since I can not be a customer? Verify // Verify does not exist} There is nothing on Google that tells you how to test it. As you can see, I can set up one for this but can not emphasize. Am I not clear? Thanks a lot. You do not want to test a method on a duplicate, to test the method on the example of the actual class Want to The way to go to a class is to use an accelerator, note that VS For them, you can also make AssemblyVisibleTo in your test project in the AssemblyInfo.cs file, for an internal method, you can make them available automatically, or you can "roll your roll" using the reflection. [TextFixture] Public Category...

windows - How do I determine the current operating system version in MSBuild? -

Is there a basic or custom MSBuild function available that returns the current OS version? Is there a binary that I can call through Accelerated work? Or is there any other option? EDIT: Peter Lang suggested the following link: in you You can try with a registry key as shown.

point of sale - POS For .NET: Failed to set property properties of PosPrinter -

I can not set the property of the PosPritnter class. For example PageModeStation, PageModeVerticalPosition, PageModePrintArea etc. PosPrinter posPrinter = (PosPrinter) posExplorer.CreateInstance (posPrinterInfo). PosPrinter.Open (); PosPrinter.Claim (1000); PosPrinter.DeviceEnabled = True; PosPrinter.PageModeVerticalPosition = 10; // & LT; --- Exception threw: Property PageModeVerticalPosition Failed to set exception details: Microsoft.PointOfService.PosControlException was without action message = "Failed property To set PageModeVerticalPosition. "Source =" Microsoft.PointOfService "ErrorCodeExtended = 0 StackTrace: Microsoft.PointOfService.Legacy.LegacyProxy.SetProperty on (Int32 Value) Microsoft.PointOfService.Legacy.LegacyPosPrinter.set_PageModeVerticalPosition (string property, propertyValue object) .... Any suggestions? Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Assume that the printer supports, then you probably...

usability - Should users see their own performance stats in real time -

I know this question is very open. I will try to reduce the scope I am struggling for a while because an application is to include or exclude real-time user performance statistics in Guinea. Does anyone have any information about harming these data in an app? Meaning of number of emails, number of customer calls, average time per customer etc. Users are begging for more information on their statistics because it is the same as they However, it is a matter of concern that it will negatively affect their work due to their real time viewing performance or near real time reach. How many lines can I churn it in a day can be measured but can be measured. Will it help me to become more productive or just have to write the code as soon as possible to teach me and probably have to make a lot of mistake. In my application, I can think of these scenarios: i.e. BAD: "I think I have already spent 10 minutes on this issue, " versus ie good:" I was able to help th...

c# - LINQ to Stored Procedure. Can I call the SP with a dynamic list of parameters instead of strongly typing them? -

I'm trying to make my code more dynamic so I currently call a stored procedure, such as some firmness With parameters typed with var result = datacontex. Sputter (txtUserId.Text, txtUserFirstName.Text, txtUserListName.Text); Now what I want to be capable of, connects the parameters through the loop and dynamically. So if I add another search field tomorrow, like a user address, or something in my panel, I can just loop through control and dynamically add the parameter and come back and stored the stored procedure firmly Can not change call. Before LINQ, something that you will do with () on your stored functionality. Is there a way to accomplish this, would it still use SQL from SQL? ExecuteCommand and ExecuteQuery Code> DataContext classes take a simple parameter ( params object [] ). Some people find something when they come up, but they work for the most part and there are fewer codes to write than comparing the parameters of a SqlComman...

http - Secure connection between iPhone application and web server? -

I am starting to develop an iPhone app that securely launches and communicates between the app and the web server should do. I have not done much development in this area before, so I have done some research and it will be very good / easy to handle it, but would be very grateful for any input. At present, people do not know the development web server / the system that has been developed by me to manage the requests, so they are most likely to make something new. Authentication: From what I understand, HTTP authentication is not used, absolutely safe, and best approach would be HTTPS? What will the difference between iPhone application when using HTTPS or HTTP? I think that the server and client will need a certificate and what do Apple think about the use of SLL? Even if? What I choose is how it works: 1. Create an NSURL connection with the server, give feedback, listen to the clever caller callback and reply with the user / password 2. Any other information Use the connecti...

content management system - Are there any cms/social networking platforms that facilitate the creation of multiple communities? -

We are building an app that we want to add features such as social networking. Our first thought was to take CMS with open source social networking platform or community features and drop your app in it. It seems that most of these platforms are held around the idea that there is a network and everybody is part of that network, that is the model. There is a better model model for our app. We want a new sub-network for each of our customers, and different customers do not even need to identify others and to make things complicated, You want to allow very limited sharing between these sub networks. Are there open sources or commercial platforms that support the creation of many different sub-networks / communities? Group is a business offer

mysql - Handling large records in a Java EE application -

दो कॉलम: id के साथ एक तालिका फोननस है, और संख्या । तालिका में आधा मिलियन प्रविष्टियां के बारे में हैं डेटाबेस MySQL है। आवश्यकता है कि एक जावा जावा ईई अनुप्रयोग विकसित करने के लिए, उस डेटाबेस से जुड़ा है, जो उपयोगकर्ता को सभी संख्या मानों को डाउनलोड करने की अनुमति देता है यदि हम एक विशाल स्ट्रिंग सरणी में सभी मान प्राप्त करते हैं और फिर उन्हें कॉम्पेनेट में जोड़ते हैं (अल्पविराम से सभी मानों के बीच) एक स्ट्रिंग में और उसके बाद उपयोगकर्ता को इसे भेज दें, क्या यह उचित समाधान की आवाज करता है? यह एप्लिकेशन सार्वजनिक नहीं है और इसका इस्तेमाल सीमित नहीं। लोगों की। आपकी सबसे अच्छी शर्त यह है कि नहीं जावा में किसी भी तरह से मेमोरी, लेकिन डेटा प्राप्त होने पर केवल तत्काल प्रतिक्रिया में प्राप्त डेटा लिखें। आपको MySQL JDBC ड्रायवर को कॉन्फ़िगर करने की आवश्यकता है, जिसके अनुसार परिणामस्वरूप पंक्ति-प्रति-पंक्ति की सेवा , अन्यथा यह स्मृति में पूरी चीज को कैश करेगा। मान लें कि आप Servlets से परिचित हैं, यहां एक किकियाल उदाहरण है जो कि सभी खाते में है: सुरक्षित ...

javascript - Using canvas to grab pixel data from page -

If I have a QT video on a page (where Qt is a requirement that can not be changed) How do I get Can I present the pixel data of the current frame with canvas? I know that this is possible with getImage (video element, .....) , but I'm looking for a solution that uses QT. If pixel data is not being received, is it possible to take a screenshot of the page using canvas? Am I going wrong about this and do not need to use canvas? It is not possible with the canvas that the function you are referring to canvas with nothing To do it, to do it with the video element. The video element can use canvas to give a picture, and the QT object does not (or embed).

c++ cli - C++/CLI I can't add a class to my collection -

I'm just trying to add a FilterInfo class to my FilterInfo collection. I have had a terrible time trying to understand why the following code enters the error: System :: Archive :: Generic :: List :: Add ': parameter 1 is called' I'm just learning C ++ / CLI, because I'm a C # developer, and I'm sure it's something simple, Ziz :: Filter Infos * 'to' Ziz :: Filter Infos' But I'm sure that some points can be used to strip me down the code Described below are: public denomination FilterInfo {public: char * address; }; Public Refine Class Zeez {Private: List & lt; Filter Info & gt; ^ _blacklist; Public: // Constructor Zeese () {_blockList = gcnew list & amp; ;; Filter Info & gt; (); } List & lt; FilterInfo & gt; ^ (GetBlockList) {_packetFilter-> gtb Alliance (> GetBlockList () in the _IPFILTERINFO IP) {// _IPFILTERINFO} is the original C ++ structure FilterInfo * f = new FilterInfo (); _blockList-> Cou...

On Amazon EC2 is it possible to reassign a keypair to an already running instance? -

Is it possible to reassign a keypair for an example that is already running on Amazon EC2? I'm having trouble with a special keyboard and wondering if there is a way to fix it. Thanks We are capable of coming up with the best solution and new keys Using a pair is launching a new example from AMI. Whatever launches we carry, we keep a custom AMI for this and many other reasons. I'm interested in hearing that someone has a better view.

c++ - how to send typing messages via WM_KEYBOARD_LL hook procedure -

I am trying to send a duplicate message to this code in an edit box window: External "C" hook DLL_API Lavernelt callback GetMsgHookProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {if (nCode & lt; 0) {CallNextHookEx (gMsgHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT * lpk = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *) lParam; GhServerWnd; // ghServerWnd == Edit1 defines that .. if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) {// case1: This code is working .. But, Unicode (IME character) is not sent ;; SendMessageW (ghServerWnd, WM_CHAR, (WPARAM) lpk-> vkCode, 0); // case2: This code - is not working .. T_T SendMessageW (ghServerWnd, wParam, lParam, 0); } Return CallNextHookEx (gMsgHook, ncode, wParam, lParam); } I need help with the code marked "case2". Thanks for reading. Good, I'm not surprised that case 2 does not work, you send KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT to wParam Are there. I would have thought. SendMessage (ghServerWnd, wParam, (WPARAM) lpk-> vkCode, (LPARAM) lpk- & Gt; scan c...

iphone - location of database created by the application -

I have opened a database in my application using sqlite3. When I run the application in the simulator, this database can be created and I am playing with it. But now I need to know this place (to access Mac Mac) where this database has been created. Definitely this application is not in the folder because I'm not seeing it. I doubt there is a place where simulator is installed. Anyone who knows the location helps me find it. If you are looking for an actual file on your Mac, then in this folder: / user / your user name / library / application support / iPhone simulator / user / application / there should be a group of folders long name if you have recently If you have created your app for simulator, order the folder according to date and the latest will be on top A document folder Spam Folder, but you can also right-click on the app to "Show Package Contents", which can be your database.sqlite file.

sqlite3 - python sqlite 3 : roll back to save point fails -

def रोलबैक_सएवेपॉइंट (स्वयं): कोशिश करें: self.db.execute ("savepoint pt; के लिए रोलबैक;") को छोड़कर : मुद्रित "प्वाइंट को बचाने के लिए वापस रोल" असफल: प्रिंट "बिंदु को बचाने के लिए वापस रोल करें।" "कोड" क्या गलत हो गया? संपादित करें: मैंने नीचे दिये गये कोड को बदल दिया और त्रुटि संदेश प्राप्त किया self.db.execute ("savepoint pt;") प्रिंट "सहेजें बिंदु बनाया "self.cursor.execute (" एसटीके मूल्यों में डालें "(33)") self.db.execute ("savepoint pt; के लिए रोलबैक;") त्रुटि ट्रेसबैक बनाए गए ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम) सहेजें: फ़ाइल "", पंक्ति 77, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; Obj1.save_point () फ़ाइल "", पंक्ति 63, save_point self.db.execute में ("savepoint pt; के लिए रोलबैक;") sqlite3.ऑपरेशन त्रुटि: कोई ऐसी सहेज बिंदु नहीं: pt कभी अपवादों को पकड़ना न करें जो आप हैंडलिंग नहीं कर रहे हैं। इसे उठाने दें, ताकि आपके पास उपयोगी त्रुटि...

Time complexity for java ArrayList -

What is the array list or array in Java? What is the complexity of time for the obtained process, is it O (n) or O (1) ? Java has an ArrayList a list Which is supported by any array . get (index) method is an ongoing time, O (1) , operation public e-mail (int index) {range check (index ); Return (E) element data [index]; } Actually, it returns a value directly from the backing array ( Renjak (index) ) is also a static time)

Windows CE emulator on visual studio -

I created Visual Studio 2005 and Windows Embedded CE. 6.0. How can I create a simple Hello World program in Visual Studio and then turn it off in Win CE emulator and run it there. Your first view of the Windows CE application is C ++ P> Your Windows CE Application The first Visual C ++ will be a simple application, a WCE MFC App Wizard (XE) to be precise will be a single scene on this app in which a bitmap will be painted on it. We will also add a menu item which will start the dialog when clicked. In this dialogue a Windows Common Controls will control one progress. Create original application Download sample application source code. To start your first Windows CE application, we will generate a shell using WCE MFC AppWizard. In the list below, you will proceed with this process: 1. Open Visual C ++ and go to the File menu and select new item. 2. Select the Projects Property tab if it is not already selected. 3. Select the WCE MFC AppWizard (exe) in the list cont...

Length of a BYTE array in C++ -

I have a program in C ++ that has a BYTE array that stores some value. I need to find the length of that array, that is, the number of bytes in that array Please help me in this regard. This code is: BYTE * res; Res = (byte *) reel (race, (byte_ALEN +2)); byte_len is a hypothetical task that gives length of BYTE array and I have to know how to implement it. Looking at your code: BYTE * res; Res = (byte *) reel (race, (byte_ALEN +2)); res is an indicator for typing BYTE . The fact is that this is due to a sequential sequence of n BYTES indicates that you have done that information about length is not a part of the indicator. In other words, res indicates only a byte , and if you point it to the right place, where you have access, you can use it for the BYTE values ​​before or after it BYTE data [10]; BYTE * res = data [2]; / * Now you can access res [7] * res [7] * / , to answer your question: You definitely know how many BYTE s When you are cal...

xml rpc - Haskell XMLRPC server executing dynamically generated functions -

itemprop = "text"> I have Haskell RPCXML (HaxR) server The process runs with GHC, which requires the execution of any function that has been passed. These functions will be defined at runtime so that the collected server can not know about them. Is there a way to load function definition on runtime? Thanks It seems popular these days. However, to load the function definition, I think you have to put it in a module, or every time you use it, it needs to be re-interpreted.

sql - How to use foreign keys and a spatial index inside a MySQL table? -

हमारी परियोजना आईएनएनडीबी तालिका के अंदर वृक्ष संरचना में विश्व डाटा बेस को रखती है MySQL db। पृथ्वी जड़ है, फिर देश, फिर देश के क्षेत्र और स्थान पत्तियां हैं। बच्चों के लिए तेजी से पहुंच प्रदान करने के लिए एक विदेशी कुंजी (उदाहरण के एक क्षेत्र में शहरों) का उपयोग किया जाता है। अब हम दिए गए निर्देशांकों के लिए डेटा-बेस में एक तेज़ भू-खोज को लागू करना चाहते हैं। स्पेशल इंडेक्स का उपयोग करने के लिए एक स्पष्ट समाधान है, जो म्यूजैम तालिकाओं की एक विशेषता है। लेकिन MyISAM तालिका विदेशी कुंजी का समर्थन नहीं करती। और INNODB तालिकाओं को स्पेशल इंडेक्स का समर्थन नहीं करता है। इसलिए यदि हम MyISAM तालिका का उपयोग करते हैं तो हमें विदेशी कुंजी का परित्याग करना होगा और इससे बच्चों को खोज का रास्ता बहुत लंबा हो जाएगा। हम कैसे तेजी से जोड़ सकते हैं बच्चों को पेड़ में खोज और एक टेबल में एक स्पेशल इंडैक्स भी है? हम कैसे जोड़ सकते हैं पेड़ में तेजी से बच्चों की खोज और तालिका में एक स्पेशल इंडेक्स भी है? अपनी तालिका का id और parentId पर अनुक्रमणिका बनाएं आईडी सबसे संभवतः एक प्...

windows - ways to improve the launch speed of C++ application -

Recently, my boss asked me to improve the speed of the launch of our application, ap to C ++ Was written with. AP is slightly larger, uses 200+ DLLs, windows require long time to enter the main () function. I tried both of these methods, but still can not please our boss. Load DLL Use EDITBIN to modify EXE Are there other ways to improve it? thank you in advanced. To determine the exact cause of recession, you must put your application in the profile. For example, it may be that most of the time you have some initial routine loading of .dll Are living. Find yourself a good profiling tool and then determine where the obstacle is.

flex - Retrieving FlexGrid Item -

मेरे पास xml का & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = " UTF-8 "? & Gt; & LT; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & LT; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; SMSUser (63) & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; ईमेल & gt;< / ईमेल & gt; & Lt; / उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & LT; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; SMSUser (64) & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; ईमेल & gt;< / ईमेल & gt; & Lt; / उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & Lt; / उपयोगकर्ता & gt; ऊपर नीचे एक डेटाग्रिड के साथ बाँध है & lt; mx: स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt;! [CDATA [आयात; आयात करें mx.collections.ArrayCollection; आयात mx.controls.Alert; आयात करें; [बिन्डेबल] प्राइवेट वैर एक्सएमएलडीटा: अर्रेक्ल्यूशन; निजी समारोह resulthandler (ई: ResultEvent): शून्य {xmlData = e.result.Users.User; } निजी फ़ंक्शन फ़ॉलथैंडलर (ई: फॉल्ट एवेन्ट): शून्य { ("त्रुटि...

.net - C# shared memory between C++ application and C# application using COM object -

Is shared object in shared commodity / Q # and / or C ++? Can C # objects use shared memory without cabs objects? Thanks, Barda What do I really not think about this The COM object plays in role but, no, there is nothing that makes the MMF fundamentally incompatible with the managed code. They are only very weird to use because you need an indicator to reach them. Support for MMF is coming in .NET 4.0. It is possible to use it in the production code soon, but be sure to take care once that when you switch, whatever you do is going to fit in the API.

Emacs copy with regex -

I have a text file I can select text based on Emacs regex and put it in the ring So, can I copy it somewhere else? Regex-kill-ring-save? is already inspired by the comments given (Charles responds' to work I I wanted to add a new function in the ISKR / Isaacach-Reggae mode map, which only puts the matched string in the ring (while Charles's offer from the current point to the end of the match string): (defun hack-isearch-kill) "Push the current match string into the kill ring." (Interac () (Kill-new (buffer-substring (point isearch-other-end)) (Good thing about ISISc-Rijxp approach [(IBM)) ( IISearch-mode -map (kbd "Mw") which you can enable with cs and cms respectively) is that you can see your search string mounting and you can call it Mw as soon as you are satisfied (and go back to where you went with cube space ). Th Emacs 23 for Works with .1 Do not know if it will work in all situations. Anyway I hope you find it useful :) U...

c# - How to get Item web client id in Exchange 2007 using EWS Managed API -

I have an email message saved in the Drafts folder. I need to open an edit form in the browser, but the ID used by the web client can not be found in this property, but it fails with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. What is optional? Any help is appreciated. I have found ExchangeService Services = New Exchange Service (); Email message message = email (new item id ("some iid")); Var alternateId = new optional id (); Optional IDUINIID = Message.ID UNICID; Alternative id Mailbox = "sommailbox"; Optional id format = id format.assidid; Var Converted IID = Service. Converters (alternative ed, format. Owaid) alternatively; and the converted ID. What i need;

iphone - Zooming with a CATiledLayer in a UIScrollView -

I am implementing map applications similar to map applications and I'm trying to add zooming. I have many level of detail, e.g. 6, and I want to use the appropriate level for the current zoom scale. I am using CATiledLayer in the UIScrollView So far, I can set the minimum / maximum zoom in the UIScrollView, the drawer is called and I pull the appropriate tile, but it only uses my first map level. Now I want to set levelOfDetail in CATiledLayer so that I can use the appropriate expansion level. My question is, how do I know which level should I attract? The tile size of the CATiledLayer is always the same, and the same is the clipping text. I can see that when the drawer is asked for a new level of detail, but how to tell it at that level. Set the level of play and bias up front Then when asked to draw it, look at the frame to see the zoom in from the scroll view, and compare its range. It should give you the necessary information to determine what you attract besides the...

coding style - Readability of heavy function call nesting? -

I have often argued that heavy nested function calls should not be used because they are unreadable. However, instead of using the temporary variable, many unnecessary verbness is generated, and mentors the reader mentally linking each temporary variable that shows it. When Lisp code is usually formatted, it happened to me that the nested function call can actually be made quite readable if you format them to reflect nesting. For example: // Completely unreadable: auto-lineiter = filter! "A.length & gt; 0" (map! Bar (file (filename) .byLine ())) // // Fully readable. The only difference is the formatting. AutoLine = Filter! "A.length> 0" (map! Bar (file (filename). ByLine ())); // readable, but unnecessarily verbose: auto rawlines = file (file name) .byLine (); Auto snatch = map! Strip (raw lines); Auto filtered = filter! "A.length & gt; 0" (stripped); Write something like the first example in the nested function form, IMHO, is equivalent ...

javascript - Drag elements around with gravity effect -

I like and want to do something similar to this site here: How to do this with javascript (preferably jquery)? A jHhysics demo can be found online and Downloaded from Google or from

winforms - Any way to tell the WebBrowser control to start in 'nomerge' mode if user has IE8 -

Our form uses a webbrower control to navigate to our website when our 'text-based actions Is a 'legacy app' All were OK in IE5, 6 and 7, but now it shows IE8 share session cookies not only between tabs in the same intent but also all instances, it is a big problem if someone User wants to see different client details at the same time and two different examples. Any command line can disable later behavior by starting IE with switch-nomerge. Do anyone know how we can achieve programatically same effect with webbraser control ? Thanks in advance chaps. >

visual studio 2008 - vshost.exe crashes on start or open of windows form project -

Visual Studio 2008 is running good for quite a while. I have used it for web, console, window form, WPF, WCF, and class library projects. So far, everyone has worked. Now, whenever I try to start a new Windows project (regardless of the .NET version), it crashes with the message, Vshost.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close it. We apologize for the inconvenience. & lt; Irrelevantremark & ​​gt; Sure, you're sorry ... & lt; / Irrelevantremark & ​​gt; I have tried to start other types of projects and they all work fine. This issue is meant to open or open the project only. The only thing I can find in Surfing for any solution, Select the debug tab Uncheck "Enable Studio Hosting Process" When I do this, it works fine. / P> So on one side, I think that seems to work (at least yet) around a job. I just do not know why I have to do this, is there any real 'fix' other than this hack? ** Additional Information -...

.net - Any good implementation of Actors for C#? -

Is there a good implementation for .net / c #? I have to adapt the C # routine and I feel that the actor model completely fits in with me as a solution to the problem. Unfortunately, I only have experience with Slay implementation. You should take a look at MS, and, part these frameworks Allow loosely coupled services, which allow the actor to meet the approach requirements. XYoom will be the best fit, unfortunately it is still some kind of alpha / beta phase (update has been killed in February 2011). I use it for my research and I should say that the general direction is very good and there is a lot of potential in it. No, C ++ is Microsoft's on C # which gives you all of the features you need Good result on .NET 4. Hope it helps!

c++ - Template class and class properties that are also templates -

I'm having trouble compiling the following headers, this is my first experience with templates and I think that something wrong Compiler point errors are being done by vector & lt; Vector & lt; T & gt; & Gt; Data _; and operator overloading function. I want to keep the data_ vector as the OptBaseMatrix object but I'm not sure how to do this ... I do not really know how to solve this problem Turned out help! #ifndef OPTBASEMATRIX_H #defineOPTBASEMATRIX_H #include & lt; Vector & gt; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class Optbase Matrix {Public: Vector & lt; Vector & lt; T & gt; & Gt; Information_; Opt-in matrix (int rows, int colals); ~ OptBaseMatrix (); Read Zero Matrix (); Zero print matrix (); Int getRows (); Int getCols (); OptBaseMatrix & LT; T & gt; Operator + (Constant Optus Matrix & lt; T & gt; and Matrix 1, Constant Metabolism & lt; T & gt; and Matrix 2); Private: INTER Rows_; Int cols_; ...

delphi - Simple code analyzer -

A simple code analyzer is required to see if I'm forgetting to free objects and classes or To see if I have them several times This is built in Delphi's Memory Manager (). Set reportMemory lexon shutdown true. You can also use the "full debug" version of Memory Manager.

c# - Are there any collections in .NET that prevent null entries? -

I'm thinking specifically about a collection that meets the contract of a set, but I think That question can make any type of application. Are there structures in the NAT framework that prevent zero entries? I want the specific behavior to be: var set = new hashset & lt; Object & gt; (); Bull added = set.add (empty); Console.WriteLine (added); // print "wrong" This built-in hashaseet and lt; T & gt; is not a behavior, is there a collection that behaves this (or similar), or am I doing better than rolling myself? If the latter, what is the best way to go about it? Do I get to HashSet & lt; T & gt; Get it directly from or simply wrap it? EDIT: To be clear, it is simply worthless thinking mostly because I can not think of any reason because I have ever wanted to to null In the set of objects I did not have any special requirements for this. There is no underlying class such as hashaseet and lieutenant; T & gt; except for thi...

memory leaks - How to diagnose a EXC_BAD_ACCESS while my App running - objective-C -

I am working on a 2D OpenGL ES game. I have used clags and instruments to find and finish all the leaks. I am using memory of my app (live byte in object olok) around 1.5 MB. However, long lasting sessions end in the final EXC_BAD_ACCESS when I turn on NSZombieEnabled, APCBAD goes out of memory (and crashes) before the ACCOS becomes operational. How can I diagnose the EXC_BAD_ACCESS?

sql server - CROSS APPLY Performance -

क्या निम्न एसक्यूएल ले कर प्रदर्शन में सुधार करना संभव है: SELECT ,, t2.subname, t2.refvalue से तालिका 1 के रूप में टी 1 सीआरओएसएस लागू करें (टॉप 1 टी 2 यूबीआईडी, टी 2 स्यूबाइम, टी 3.फवल्यू से टेबल 2 एएस टी 2 इनर जॉइन टेबल 3 एटी टी 3 ऑन टी 2 ऑन टी 2 पर। ORDER द्वारा अंतिम अपडेड डीईएससी) एएस टी 2 और इसे फिर से लिखना ताकि यह इस तरह दिखता है: SELECT,, t2.subname , T3.refvalue से तालिका 1 के रूप में टी 1 सीआरओएसएस लागू करें (टॉप 1 टी 2 यूबीआईडी, टी 2 एसबैमन से तालिका 2 के रूप में टीसीओ के अंतिम अपडेड डीईएससी द्वारा) टी 2 इनर जॉइन टेबल 3 के रूप में टी 3 ऑन टी 2 ऑन टी 2 ओवर। सबसे पहले, क्या यह एक ही परिणाम देता है? यदि इसलिए, क्वेरी योजना क्या कहती है, और सेट आँकड़े IO पर ?

c - How many bytes in a 32bit integer? -

This may be a stupid question, but is there only 4 bytes in 32-bit integer? Sorry, this was not a bytes bits .... This byte Depends on the definition of Normally you will define a bit as 8 bits, but this is not just the definition. An alternative definition is that the number of bits in byte depends on the computer's architecture, and in particular Size of the smallest amount of memory from the amount of memory. Now this is almost 8 on modern computer, but there are some systems where a byte is 16 bit using this definition. See for more information. Finally, the answer to your question is that 32-bit integers is almost always 4 bytes.

math - Max product of the three numbers for a given array of size N -

I need to write a number, which is to find the maximum number of three numbers for the array given in a number. Is there any effective algorithm for this? I need to know the algorithm step any of the algorithms I thought that works for all test cases. Thanks! FYI Array may contain + ve, -ve or zero elements) The three largest numbers array (N1, N2, N3) and two smallest numbers (M1, M2). The answer is either N1x N 2 X N3 or N1 X M1 x M2

Client Browser detection in Vaadin -

Depending on the user agent, I want to set different topics in my Vaidini app. In particular, I want to differentiate between at least the mobile device (iPhone, Android, ...) and desktop web browser. Waden's API reveals two interesting sections: BrowserInfo works perfectly for my needs, but fails at instancing via its fetch - method: SEVERE: Javax.servlet.ServletException: ... done by: java.lang.UnisfiedLinkError: com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.BrowserInfo.getBrowserString () Ljava / lang / string; There was no way to access WebBrowser from within my app. Did I choose the correct approach for the browser's difference? Why does BrowserInfo fail? As @Quinnnellisis pointed out, you are separate from client / server-side components Should be aware of being. To obtain a user agent string on the server-side, the following code snippet works: ApplicationContext reference = this.getContext (); If (WebApplicationContext for reference example) ...

c# - What causes a FileSystemWatcher object to go stale? -

I have a FileSystemWatcher that processes files based on file system events. After a while, this process is still alive, but now the file system detects events. The process sees a local network share drive. What should I see? The smallest drops in network connectivity are basically: set watchman Enable RSing Event = True Add an Event Handler to Serer. Error Then bind the error again.

Java regex to retain specific closing tags -

I'm trying to write a regex to remove everyone, but some free xml tags are off for free The code looks quite simple: string stringopers = "body"> However, when it runs, it excludes the "xml" closing tag, leaving any tag where the compiled group (a | mam | li) is a matching character That means if I remove "L" from "Li", then it works. I hope this will return the following string: " gt; & lt; xml & gt; some stuff " (I Extra parsing to remove the opening tag, but for example it). You probably should not use regex for this task but see what happens. . Your problem is that you are using a negative character class, and inside character classes you can not write complex expressions - only characters you can try a negative lookup instead: "& lt; / (?! A | AM | Lee). *? & Gt;" But it will not handle many cases correctly: Comments appearing like tags. Tag Capital letters. Tag ...

python - How can I view the contents of an array within controller directly for debugging? -

I'm just starting with pylons, and am trying to figure out how to define the variable for debugging Content can be seen without rendering. For example: Class Controller Controller (Base Controller): Def Index (Self): # Return a Render Template # Return Render ('/ index.mako') Return a render return render ('/ index.mako') Def test (self): v = request.params return v I would like to see the contents of the array v, but You can use to debug web applications, this variable Files including content The Trit can produce traceback. Here's a description of how to use it. If you can see server stdout, you can only type in print variable or in a file: open ("my-debug-log.txt" , "W"). Type (repr (variable)) . In this case, complex data structures (nested arrays, complex disciplines, etc.) can help to simplify.

opengl - How do I use cygwin to cross compile to linux, when I have an application that needs,, and -

क्या मुझे क्रॉसस्टुल का उपयोग करना होगा जो कि साइगविन ने, और पुस्तकालयों को बनाने के लिए प्रदान किया है अपने संबंधित स्रोत कोड का उपयोग कर रहे हैं? या क्या आप जानते हैं कि मुझे पहले से क्रॉसस्टल के लिए संकलित कहां मिल सकते हैं (मैं इस क्रॉस संकलन के लिए नया हूँ)? बस स्पष्टीकरण के लिए: मैं अपने आवेदन को पाने के लिए भी एक विंडो 7 मशीन पर हूं साइगविन के क्रॉस संकलन का उपयोग करके लिनक्स सिस्टम के लिए संकलन करें। आवेदन ओपनजीएल का उपयोग करता है धन्यवाद लिनक्स के लिए क्रॉस-कंपाइल करने के लिए आपको लिनक्स बॉक्स पर आवश्यक विकास लिब्स और हेडर स्थापित करना चाहिए [ 1] और फिर प्रतिलिपि / usr / lib और / usr / अपने साइगिइन वातावरण को शामिल करें (जैसे / crosscompiler / linux / ...)। जब आप साइगविन में क्रॉस कंपाइलर बनाते हैं, तो बताएं कि उन मूल लिनक्स हेडर और लिबिट्स इसलिए हैं, जब आप अपने ऐप को संकलित करते हैं। [1] यदि आप विभिन्न प्रकार के लिनक्स बक्से सुनिश्चित करें कि आप एक पुराने लिनक्स डिस्टो (जैसे कि Red Hat 9) को चुनने के लिए सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके ऐप में ...

python - getting the id of a created record in SQLAlchemy -

How do I get a record ID created in SQLAlchemy? I am doing: enter the engine.execute ("User values ​​(1, 'John')" When you execute plain text statements, then you are at the mercy of the DBAPI that you are using as Whether or not the new PK value is available and what it means. You will take it as a result with SQLite and MySQL DBAPI. Stolide, which gives you the value of .lastrowid for the cursor. With PG, Oracle, etc., there is no ".lastrowid" - as someone else has said that you can use "returning" for those people, resulting in result.fetchone () (though the oracle's Using Returning, is not taking advantage of again to produce SQLite expression, many weird steps are required), or if returning is not available, then you can directly access sequence access (NEXTVAL in PG), or "POS Fetch can use "operation (PR Krurvil, @@ identity or Scop_ identity ()) are MSSQL). Does the Correct Correct? This is the reason that you ...

java - Are there code coverage tools that can tell me about just the code that I wrote during my last sprint? -

I am looking for a device that can give me more meaningful metrics about code coverage for my team . For example, two things that I would like to see: How many code coverage did we have for code written during our last sprint? How much code coverage has broken the new code by the developer? Has anyone done something like this before? What tools are available? In particular, I am working in Java and I am interested in free or commercial solutions. Look in the sonar. It can be told about a per-sprint release.

java - How can I implement a redirect-after-post form with Spring's AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter? -

I would like to write a @RequestMapping style form controller that redirects after a verification error, and the values ​​and error messages are rounded up, In the GET requested form (Spring Docks always show scenes visible directly in response to the post) Basically, I think that this binding result is summarized in the session and then comes down the form. It has been placed back in the model before it is offered. I do not believe that I am the only person who wants to do this, but I can not find any way in which the repetition of the whole annotation modhelder adapter is not included. Am I getting an easy solution? You have two options: Messages and models in the session Use conversation (I did not find the duplication part)

php - Problem with CodeIgniter. DX_Auth not working when deployed -

So we are currently using CodeIgniter + DataMapper overview version + DX AUTH. It's working on our local machines, as well as our staging server too. As soon as we push our servers, the login also does not work at all. Upon further investigation, the data of the form is not coming in the controller where we do our authentication. We have killed all server-side CI data validation and it is still empty. Our staging server is running: Server Apache / 2.2.9 (Ubuntu) mod_fastcgi / 2.4.6 mod_python / 3.3.1 Python / 2.5.2 mod_wsgi / 2.3 PHP / 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.5 Suhosin- mod_ssl / 2.2.9 with OpenSSL / 0.9.8g X-power by PHP / 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.5 Their server is running: Server Apache / 2.2.3 (CentOS) by X-Power PHP / 5.2.9 I did not really want to create a different authentication structure at the 11th hour, I have already pulled lots of nights for this project I have any idea ??? The problem is something that the customer put in htaccess. They have removed it and now it is do...

php - community upload/download site recommendations? (like StackOverflow, but for uploads & downloads instead of Q&A) -

Our company wants to offer a "plug-in gallery" or "app store" where our (packaged enterprise software) product Users of our product can find, download and share plug-ins. I assume that we have to create our own site (although "purchase" solution will be welcome), so we are looking for inspiration. Who has done this right? My experience with mainstream app stores / plug-galleries (like or) is not good. You will have to get through a lot of nonsense as much as what you want, the browse interface is generally disappointing, and it is difficult to choose between many similar objects. At the other end of the spectrum, CodePack or SourceForge allows rich collaboration of individual projects, but we feel that we look more like the symmetry than we need and generally browse / search Do not use useful jobs on votes, non-developers are required to help in finding the right plugin. Honestly, what I see is something that will be a stack overflow if it focuse...

encryption - Encrypt a hex string in java -

I want to ask about any suggestions about my problem. I need to encrypt the hexadecimal string I should not use Java's built-in functions because it does not work in my server. In essence, I have to work hard for any means of encrypting an algorithm or message. Who can help me with this? Thanks a lot! Here is the code. Public encryption (secret key, string algorithm) {try {ecipher = cipher.getInstance (algorithm); Dicser = cipher Instant (algorithm); Ecipher.init (cipher NCRYP_MODE, key); Dcipher.init (cipher .DERCP_MODEG, key); } Hold (Nowchpending Exception E) {System.out.println ("Exception: Noschpending Exception"); } Hold (Knowledge Algorithm Execution E) {System.out.println ("Exception: No esche algorithm expedition"); } Hold (Invalid KeyException E) {System.out.println ("Exception: Invalid Exception"); }} Public Zero used to be safeguarded that (string secret string) {{secrety de kake = main generator.stustinstance ("DES"). Ge...

objective c - Relaunching application via NSTask ignores LSMinimumSystemVersionByArchitecture -

I'm running into a problem with relaunching my application on 10.5. In my Info.plist, I have LSMinimumSystemVersionByArchitecture, so that the application will run in 64-bit x86_64 and 32-bit i386, PPC, and PPC 64. I have a priority in the app, which is the Doc icon & amp; NSStatusItem, and it prompts the user to relaunch the app after changing the settings using the following code: id fullPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] executable path]; NSArray * arg = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: zero]; [NSTK Launch Task With Launchpath: Fullpath Argument: Arg]; [NSAPP termination: Self]; When it is executed at 10.5, but it relaunches the application in 64-bit which is not the desired result for me Do I collect and read docs because LS * The keys are not read when the app is launched through the command line Is there any way around this? I tried to do something like that, which used to work on 10.6, but at 10.5 it chanted me that "the launch path is unavailable". ([NSAP i...

How Can we implement MARS kind of functionality in SQL Server 2000 -

Earlier I was working on SQL Server 2005 and I used Marous functionality but at present I have an older project I am working and want SQL Server 2000 as a backend .. and I want the functionality of Mars in it .. Please tell me how I can do this .. Frontend (VB.NET) A stored procedure Inam set may return which may be in the client code. Will this get the same result? It also has the advantage of reducing database round visits

php - convert internal links to remote website -

I get a website html data. And I have to change all the links on the remote website. Like I have a link & lt; A href = "/ search?" > I & lt; A href = "" & Gt; Maybe you can be away from just a simple: & lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Base href = "" / & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; Otherwise, you can make some simple mails and replace: Two large ones are src and href . You may need double quotes and single quotes. If you ( Most) Want to make sure that only matches within the tags and only the relative URL, you will need to use regular expressions (and I'm sure someone will give you some examples).

Import .webtest file to fiddler? -

What to look for http traffic. Can WebStest files be imported? No, the fielder exports the WebStest files but does not import them, however, to run the VSTS file You can use VSTS for, while Fidler records the actual traffic released by VSTS.

r - How to count TRUE values in a logical vector -

In R, what is the most effective / idiomatic way to calculate the number of TRUE Logical vector? I can think of two ways: z Who likes? Is anything better? There are some problems when the NA value in the logical vector. For example, see: z So I think that's safe sum (z, na.rm = TRUE) (which returns 1). I think the table solution is less efficient (see the code for the table function). Also, if you do not have a "table" solution, if there are no real values ​​in the logical vector z or simply z Table (Z) ["TRUE"] # gives you NA for both cases

java - dividing the image into four equal parts in JAI -

Please give me coding to split the image into four parts from the center in Java Advanced Imaging .. Not sure about JA, but here is the BufferedImage approach that you input to JAI Can use as So maybe it works for your use public stable buffard image [] divide (buffard image source) {// for strange width or height, ignored the last row or column To decide / this behavior is left as an exercise for the eager int height = source.getHeight () / 2; Int width = source.getWidth () / 2; Back to top I width), // bottom left source. Gate all image (width, height, width, height) // right below}; }

php - More efficient way of performing multiple IFs -

There is just one simple test to see which grade grade is for the output. Is there a faster and more efficient way to achieve the objective? if ($ grade> = 90) {echo "A"; } Otherwise ($ grade> = 80) {echo "B"; } Otherwise ($ grade> = 70) {echo "C"; } Else {echo "unsuccessful." } This is not answering your actual question, but I think that You are making a mistake here: While using PHP you should not really think about efficiency, it is not a language designed for speed, but easy to use Was designed for. Even more if your application has not yet expired and you have not verified that this piece of code slows down your entire application (for example, using Profiler).

How to create a matrix with dynamic rows and columns in ASP.NET? -

I have to control in ASP.NET which allows me to create a matrix. I have a list of strings (which is derived from a method) which will be the rows (each string one line), and I have another list of strings (obtained from another method) that will be columns (each string is a column ). After this, on the basis of line-clown cross, I have to put an image in that situation, something like this: x | Y Jade A | Okay Okay Bad | ------------------ b. OK. BAD | Okay ------------------ C Bad | Bad | Bad | How can I get this? Thank you very much in advance! You can use nested. Internal one for repeater, column / cells for external rows.

MS Dynamics GP and cost accounting -

क्या जीपी के लिए लागत लेखांकन मूल है? अपने प्रश्न का उत्तर दे रहा है - हाँ यह है

java - unble to replace string -

This is my replacement method in java, but is not ready to replace it for the following. This is only one Please help if there is any different method for changing any body? I tried the Java standard API but it is not working, please Sinnar -> System OutprintLN ("% s" is the place of public static string (string string, string sub, string reporter) {int s, p, q;, "problem", "%", "\%")) ; Int slen = sub.length (); Stringbuffer Sb = new stringbuffer (); S = 0; P = str.indexOf (sub); Q = p + slain; while (p! = - 1) {sb.append (str.substring (s, p)} sb.append; s = q; p = str.indexOf (sub, s); if (p! = -1) {q = P + slen;}} Sb.append (str.substring (s)); return sb.toString ();} You can use all the method of replacement. There is a need to be careful about avoiding only \ and% (although I do not fully understand why you need four '\')! This is% s problem "; MyString = myString.replaceAll ("% "," \\\%%...

which are the main testing types which includes all testing type? -

Are there any test categories (or categories) under which all test types fall down? Is it true that white box test & amp; Black box tests include various types of tests. Do all the test types fall into these two categories? Can we separate different test types based on a specific thing? There are several types of tests: There is an underlying list: Recurring Tests - Ensure that the existing functionality is not going to break Feature testing - test new functionality Display Utility testing - Make sure the product user Unit Test - Testing of Products at Component / Module / Function Level Integration Testing Trial - Combining individual components together Testing End-to-end testing - Testing the whole product Real-world testing - Examining the product in real-world type scenarios The manual test - Some of you Can. Some of these test types are done together (such as automatic integration testing). All types of tests are done in that category ...

c++ - update map value -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक नक्शा है: मानचित्र & lt; prmNode, vector & lt; prmEdge & gt; prmNodeComparator & gt; nodo2archi; जब मुझे वैल्यू (वेक्टर) अपडेट करना पड़ता है, तो मैं चाबी और उसका मान लेता हूं, मैं वैक्टर के वैक्टर को अपडेट करता हूं, मैं पुरानी चाबी और मूल्य को मिटा देता हूं, तब मैं चाबी डालो नया सदिश कोड यह है: bool prmPlanner :: insert_edgemap (से int, int से) {prmEdge e; (से) e.setFrom; (करने के लिए) e.setTo; नक्शा & LT; prmNode, वेक्टर & LT; prmEdge & gt; & Gt; :: इटरेटर; के लिए (यह = nodo2archi.begin (); it! = Nodo2archi.end (); यह ++) {वेक्टर & lt; prmEdge & gt; appo; प्रमोनोड एन; एन = (यह *) प्रथम, Int indice = n.getIndex (); अगर (इंडिस == एफ || इंडिस == टी) {appo.clear (); वेक्टर के & lt; prmEdge & gt; incArchi; incArchi = (यह *) .second; appo = (incArchi); appo.push_back (ई); nodo2archi.erase (यह); Nodo2archi.insert (मेक-पेयर (एन, एपीओ)); }} सही सत्य; } समस्या यह है कि पहले 40-50 पुनरावृत्तियों के लिए सब कुछ ढूढ़...

Conditional join in Mysql select statement -

Text after " I have two tables tbl_studentapplicationdetails and tbl_studentqualification ... my second table I have student ID and qualification ID ... Now I want to join two tables to get the list of students with my qualifications ... Note: Some students There can be two or three qualifications .... and my question is select specific t1.dStudent_id, t1.dStuFirstname, t1.dStuLastName, t1.dgender, t1.dfatherName, t1 .dOcupation, t1.dAddress, t1 DContactNumber, t1 internally as tbl_studentapplicationdetails as t2.dmarks as SSLC, t3.dmarks as HSC, t4.dmarks on T3.dQualification = '2' as t3 left t3.dQualification = '1 Joining the 'tbl_studentqualification' joining the T2 tbl_studentqualification on tbl_studentqualification to join tbl_studentqualification as t4.dQualification = T4 as the '7' and my Tbl_studentqualification is Edit: I want to select all REC two eligibility students Orders for students having three qualifications ....

boolean - Help with c# and bool on mvc -

The best way to touch "yes" or "no" by value Idea I want to print Model.isStudent And I do not want to be right or wrong, I do not want to or yes ... would I have to tell if any statement? Write a helpful method: public stable class MyExtensions {public Fixed String FormatBool (this HtmlHelper html, Boole Value) {return html.Encode (value? "Yes": "no"); }} and use it like this:

Are there any ide's out there with good support for vim/vi bindings? -

Finding and configuring Vime plugin maintenance is very labor intensive and external configurations (like Ruby) depend on hard. What do I want, an IDE such as Eclipse, Visual Studio, that I can use Vime. I still want to be able to use different methods (command, visual, insert), but I do not want to fight with these inbuilt commands, the order of the IDE I have heard that it is good for I used on OS X, Ubuntu and Windows to configure on Mac It's open source, which supports languages ​​of one tonne and in their own way Good support without any Vi / Vim key binding support It is also easy to add support for additional key binding, it is built on a code based on the Mozilla code and it can be enhanced with add-ons (Remote Drive Tree / Source Tree / Morcomo are great examples). I also personally love to add macros for myself in JS or Python to add additional functionality. Fully developed IDE, if you can use additional features, for most things which I work on, I can not use...

Django <-> SQL Server 2005, text encoding problem -

I am trying to store Django data using MS SQL Server 2005: (Pyodbc + freetds) Unless I am storing the string consisting of ASCII characters, everything is fine. When I am using Unicode (eg '\ Xc5 \ x82'), the DJ throws it on the programming error: Programming error / admin / clean / picratagestracz / AD / (' 42,000 ',' [42000] [Free TDS] [SQL Server] Incoming Tablet Data Stream (TDS) protocol stream is incorrect. Stream ended unexpectedly (4002) (SQLXACDRW) ') The mark of the previous element is: parameter ('\ xc5 \ x82',) Self & lt; Django.db.backends.sql_server.pyodbc.base.CursorWrapper Object 0x92ef8ec & gt; [Cli_punktrejestracji] from Sql 'SELECT (1) as [a] from [cli_punktrejestracji]. [Adres] =? ' BTW does not seem to work under Linux, django-mssql requires pythoncom library, are we right? We use DJs with SQL Server 2005. / P> Are you using the ODBC driver? Free TDS? We tried to find a good ODBC driver ...

sql - MySQL truncation command - unicode characters -

I am currently trying to adjust the value stored in the table in MySQL, there was a series of unicode characters stored in the values is. I need to cut the cost of 40 bytes of storage, but when I try: UPDATE 'MYTABLE SET' MYCOLUMN = LEFT (`MYCOLUMN`, 40); MySQL is highly helpful and retains bytes instead of 40 . Gacien I'm not sure if you actually sort by 40 bytes Want to Because you can disturb the Unicode characters, the condition "The last character of maximum 40 bytes is still valid." I will write an archived function for this. I'm not sure this works, but I think you catch my drift: DELIMITER & amp; Amp; Create a function matriculate (topic VARCHAR (255) character set UTF8, max_bytes INT unassigned) Returns on VARCHAR (255) Character set UTF 8 Start defragment DECLARE byte_len INT; DECLARE char_len INT; DECLARE RES VARCHAR (255) Character set utf8; SET RES = LEFT (subject, max_byte); SET byte_len = BIT_LENGTH (RES) / 8; SET...

c# - linkbutton onclientclick and postback -

मैं एक OnClientClick-property के साथ ASP.NET LinkButton का उपयोग करते समय कुछ अजीब व्यवहार का अनुभव कर रहा हूं। एएसपीएक्स & asp: ड्रॉपडाउन लिस्ट आईडी = "टेस्ट" रनैट = "सर्वर" ऑटोपोस्टबैक = "सच" & gt; & LT; एएसपी: ListItem & gt; test1 & lt; / एएसपी: ListItem & gt; & LT; एएसपी: ListItem & gt; test2 & lt; / एएसपी: ListItem & gt; & LT; एएसपी: ListItem & gt; test3 & lt; / एएसपी: ListItem & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: DropDownList & gt; & Lt; asp: LinkButton CssClass = "बटन" आईडी = "बीटीएनडेलएक्ट ग्रुप" रनैट = "सर्वर" & gt; & Lt; img src = "cross.png" alt = "हटाएं-समूह" चौड़ाई = "16" ऊंचाई = "16" / & gt; & Lt; span & gt; & lt; एएसपी: लिटल आईडी = "एलबीएल डेलिएट ग्रुप" रनैट = "सर्वर" टेक्स्ट = "हटाएं" /> gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: LinkButton & ...

.htaccess foobar.html -> foobar.php -

I have to edit an existing web project. This project only has links to html pages and html pages. East. There is a link to bar.html from Foobar.html. Now I have to edit several pages and change the url to bar.php. I do not want to change every . Need to repap your one .htaccess file. Redirect / Junkock Permanent Redirect / Junk 2.html Permanent

What would be a good Coldfusion-based bug tracking software? -

What I see is a tool that sends a cold error error message easily or automatically to your system. Then I can use the web-based interface to manage priorities, which is what was further set. But I want to use it to help deal with my errors, but the importance of the bug tracking system has also been shown to work with you. System Requirements: Apache, Windows, ColdFusion 8 Standard, SQL Server 2005. Financial Requirements: Free or Open Source Target or Purpose: Encourage your fellow workers to use and encourage bug tracking systems. Does it overwrite again? thanks Craig issue tracking near Wiki List of software, maybe this list can help You can find hosted services and use email or web services to create tickets on e-mail. He said, using a single DB used to run the content can be a simple issue tracking application for your site. 2 or 3 tables take care of data collection and you are already using CF, so the application layer already exists. HTH

actionscript 3 - Adding an intro to a swf without access to the fla OR: differences between top-level and loaded swfs -

I have found (quickly!) Add an introduction to existing Flash Masthead on any site I inherited from my The source is not used. Flow, so I contacted the problem by introducing a cover Sdf and adding the existing masthead and adding it to the Event.INIT display list. So far, so good. (Incidentally, SFFS is created for Flash Player 9 and AS3 is used.) The problem I am having is that although the introduction plays fine and the load / Masthead SWF Shows the beginning, the animation that is loading, the masthead does not actually play itself. Essentially, my question is: What would be the reason for behaving differently in action script 3-based SFF as a child of another SDF as opposed to the top level of Embedded SWF? Possible important details: Embedding is being handled by Swfobject, and no flicker is being passed. There are two parameters, which are base: / flash / " and wmode:" opaque " all swfs and flash data in / flash / Flash Elements (built-in zero ide...

Java Servlet Container on a small VPS -

A while ago, I was using Virtual Private Server (VPS) which was a very limited RAM. I used it to host Jetti. It was so slow that it was completely useless. I believe the main problem was related to memory. I switched this project to PHP and the problem disappeared. Needless to say, I am very much reluctant to try Java again in a VPS. Although RAM is quite high in my VPS, it seems PHP is streamlined for low RAM. Did anyone try a VPS with a sublet Container and got great success? Has this been something easy with my Java config? PHP is usually the better choice for small VPS deployment? There may be a better place to ask for a server, from here, but in my experience there is 128 terrible short I run a tomack example on Linod VPS, which has a guaranteed memory of 1 GHz and there is no problem in it. In my case, there is very little traffic in a particular site, so I can not vouch for this heavy load. 'Bust' means that your VPS should reach more than 128 megawatts (De...

c# - Why does Nullable<T> HasValue property not throw NullReferenceException on Nulls? -

निम्नलिखित कोड पर विचार करें: दिनांकटाइम? Ndate = null; Console.WriteLine (ndate.HasValue); मुझे उम्मीद है कि एक NullReferenceException, लेकिन HasValue वास्तव में झूठी वापसी करेंगे। हालांकि, चूंकि ndate शून्य है, संपत्ति का आह्वान कैसे सफल होता है, क्योंकि संपत्ति के दावे को लागू करने के लिए कोई वस्तु नहीं है? तकनीकी रूप से, "ndate" शून्य नहीं है - यह मूल्य का प्रकार है, इसके मूल्य के रूप में निर्दिष्ट किया गया है। शून्य। जब आप दिनांकटाइम लिखते हैं, तो यह सिर्फ लघुकथा है, जो एक स्ट्रेट है इसका कोई रास्ता नहीं है तकनीकी रूप से शून्य हो, क्योंकि यह कोई संदर्भ प्रकार नहीं है।

svn - Google code php clone -

I'm looking for google code / beanstalk php clone I can install it on my server Is it present? I have tried IndiFarro, but it is a big pain to install. Amtrak track kept in PHP

c++ - How to modify the keyboard input in QT? -

The following feature is included in our existing QT & amp; C ++ application has to extend the abbreviations typed by the user in pre-defined words (words). Our functionality to implement is similar to text explorer. Say if the user has typed "Florida", then it should be immediately changed to "Florida". I was able to detect QT documentation to capture key events, but I'm not sure how to modify keyboard input with a pre-defined character set. It would be nice if you give me some sample codes and instructions on this. Thanks in advance! Is this example useful for you? They use a mechanism that is called integer, which provides different words for a given entry ... it's like a documentary on a cell phone ... Custom Full Example: Hope this helps a bit!