
Showing posts from September, 2010

python - Dynamically import a callable given the full module path? -

& gt; & gt; & gt; Import_path ('os.path.join') & lt; फ़ंक्शन शामिल 0x22d4050 & gt; import_path लिखने का सबसे आसान तरीका क्या है (पायथन 2.6 और ऊपर)? मान लें कि आखिरी घटक हमेशा एक मॉड्यूल / पैकेज में कॉल करने योग्य है। ऐसा लगता है कि आप क्या चाहते हैं: def import_path (name): modname, _, attr = name.rpartition ('।') यदि नहीं modname: # नाम सिर्फ एक मॉड्यूल था इसे पायथन 2.5 और उससे पहले के साथ काम करने के लिए, जहां के साथ काम करता है, कीवर्ड तर्क नहीं लेता है, आपको इसका उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होगी: m = __import __ (modname, {}, globals (), [attr])

PHP timeout during simple connection to MySQL - on win2k8 64bit IIS 7 / FastCGI php - new install -

मैं w2k8 64bit IIS7 पर PHP / FastCGI और MySQL स्थापित किया है। PHPinfo () लोड ठीक है, और MySQL विस्तार ठीक से स्थापित है। PHP प्रतिध्वनि आदेश दिखाता है। MySQL भी MySQL कमांड लाइन क्लाइंट के माध्यम से ठीक काम करता है मैं डीबीएस, तालिकाओं और उपयोगकर्ता बना सकता हूं। हालांकि MySQL का जवाब नहीं होता है और PHP स्क्रिप्ट का पता चलता है जब केवल mysql_connect ("स्थानीयहोस्ट", "उपयोगकर्ता यहां जाता है", "पास यहाँ जाता है") के साथ कनेक्ट होता है; कोई भी विचार? PHP चेतावनी: mysql_connect () [function.mysql- कनेक्ट]: [2002] एक कनेक्शन प्रयास असफल रहा क्योंकि कनेक्टेड पार्टी (टीसीपी: // लोकलहोस्ट: 3306 के माध्यम से कनेक्ट करने का प्रयास नहीं करती) सी: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ test.php पंक्ति 9 पर PHP चेतावनी: mysql_connect () [function.mysql-connect]: A कनेक्शन का प्रयास असफल रहा क्योंकि कनेक्टेड पार्टी ने कुछ समय के बाद ठीक से जवाब नहीं दिया था, या स्थापित कनेक्शन असफल रहा क्योंकि कनेक्टेड होस्ट का जवाब देना विफल रहा है। सी में: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ test....

c# 3.0 - MSTest with Moq - DAL setup -

I am new to Moq, and started on a project which is already in development. I am responsible for setting up unit tests for DatabaseFactory, a custom class that uses EnterpriseLibrary and looks like this: public database CreateCommonDatabase () {CreateDatabaseInstance return (string.Empty ); } Private Static Database CreateDatabaseInstance (string foo) {var database = clientCode == string.Empty? DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase ("COMMON"): New OracleDatabase (New Client Connection). GetConnectionString (foo)); Return database; } Now, this is where it is used (ResultData is a type of dataset): Public ResultData GetNotifications (string foo, String foo2, database database) {var errMsg = string.Empty; Var Retal = 0; Var ds = new dataset (); Var sqlClause = @ "[Some SELECT statements are here which uses FU]"; DB Commm CM = Database. Gate SQL String Commands (SQL Clause); Cm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // Add parameter if (userSeq! = String.Empty) {database....

debugging - Android trace file created but zero bytes long -

I am trying to follow the instructions to create a trace file. I can see in DDS in File Explorer and drag it on my PC, but it is zero bytes long. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong, please? StopMethodTracing () Somewhere else I have a trace with the data! (The important clue was that I came to know that the logkat was reporting the traces introduced, but the trace was never stopped.)

document - Where put SWFObject in JQuery -

I have 2 javascript in my head section, now I want to place the embedSWF function inside the first script. Only I can not believe ou .. You want to take all the scripts better than head There are & lt; / Body & gt; Above , at the bottom of the page. This will make page load better, because loading javascript will block concurrent loading of second page elements such as css and image , which is more important than JS code . swfobject is more secure to put it inside the jQuery DOM Ready block. function outputstats (E) {if (! E. Success) {// warning ('no flash, optional content'); } Else {// Warning ('Flash embedded successfully'); }} Jquery (function ($) {// warning ('Dome Ready'); var Flashwares = {}; var Params = {} swfobject.embedSWF ("test.swf", "album-rap", "930", "530", "9.0.0", "JS / Express installs .swf", flashwares, params, faucets, outputstats);}); Will make...

Sharepoint site running in a VM -

Basic question ... I have a site running VM, url I want to surf from URL My host box So I got the VM's IP, and I try: http: ///sites/foo/default.aspx When I do, I get an error: & lt ; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; CustomArror mode = "remote-only" /> & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; / Configuration & gt; Should not I be able to do this, is not it original? I tried to use an IP in a browser on VM (instead of local host), but I get a single error. Thanks That message means that IIS wants to display you a .NET error, but your web. The config file is not set up to allow it I'm not sure the web Where is the config file located for SharePoint, but when you find it, you can change it: & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; CustomArser's mode = "off" /> & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; / Configuration & gt; In this way, you will be able to view re...

iphone - Why won't my UIImageView appear as a subview? -

UIImage * image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: @ "पॉपअप पेज"]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: छवि]; [Self.view addSubview: imageView]; [छवि रिलीज़]; [छवि देखें रिलीज़]; कोड एक UIViewcontroller ऑब्जेक्ट के भीतर बैठता है। यह ठीक संकलित करता है, लेकिन जब चलाया जाता है, तो सबव्यू नहीं दिखता। मैं थका हुआ हूं। initWithContentsOfFile को पूरा फ़ाइल पथ की आवश्यकता होती है, न कि सिर्फ फ़ाइल नाम। उस स्थान को बदलें जहां आपने निम्न के साथ UIImage को प्रारंभ किया है: एनएसबींडल * बंडल = [एनएसबींडल मेनबंडल]; UIImage * image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: [बंडल पथफोर संसाधन: @ "पॉपअप" टाइप की: @ "पीएनजी"]]; एक आसान तरीका imageNamed: UIImage वर्ग की विधि का उपयोग करने के लिए किया जाएगा UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView Alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "popup.png"]]; और आपको पथ से फ़ाइल विवरण के बारे में चिंता करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। बस यह है कि initWithImage:...

c# - string.format conundrum -

मेरे लिए जहां निम्नलिखित सरल स्ट्रिंग। प्रारूप () काम नहीं करता! रिटर्न स्ट्रिंग। प्रारूप (संसाधन। एबीसीटीआर, फ़ील्ड, फ़ील्ड टाइप); जहां resouces.ABCSTRING है {1} _ {0}; आंतरिक {1} {0} {प्राप्त करें {वापसी _ {0}; } सेट {_ {0} = मान; UpdateRowValue (myObj, "{0}", मान); }} आंतरिक शून्य SetNull {0} () {UpdateRowValue (myObj, "{0}", DBNull.Value); } यह स्पष्ट रूप से कुछ बुनियादी है, लेकिन मैं इसे देख नहीं है !! आप स्टैंडअलोन ब्रेसिज़ से बचने में भूल गए हैं। आपको इसे {1} _ {0}; आंतरिक {1} {0} {{मिल {{रिटर्न _ {0}; }} सेट {{_ {0} = मान; UpdateRowValue (myObj, "{0}", मान); }}}} आंतरिक शून्य SetNull {0} () {{UpdateRowValue (myObj, "{0}", DBNull.Value); }}

sql server - SSIS transactions with multiple OLE DB commands -

I have the following data flow tasks in my SSIS package: It reads a file from an external vendor in which the record is recorded with "changes" which add, change, and delete A, C or D. I want to process them in my SQL Server database check the value of the conditional split changes column and send the line to the appropriate command. It works fine. Because the input files sometimes have errors, I would like to process this process (out of which 10 are data flow tasks). If I enable the transaction SSIS package though OLE DB commands interfere with each other (they do not work on similar lines). I get an error: Error: 2010-02-02 12: 21: 08.3 9 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: Name OLD DB Command1 [58] Description: SSIS error code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR OLE DB error Occurred. Error code: 0x80004005 An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Herscelt: 0x80004005 Description: "This operation conflicts with another pend ing oper...

django - How do I reply to an email using the Python imaplib and include the original message? -

I am currently using a server to fetch email messages and process content and attachments. I would like to respond to the message with status / error message and the link to the content generated on my site if they can be processed. It should include the original message, but leave any attachments (which will be large) and preferably replace them with their filenames / sizes. Since I'm already running MIME message parts, I am assuming what I need to do is create a new MIME message tree and have a copy of the original message and delete / replace the alignment node. for. Before I started that path, I expected someone to give me some ideas. Is there any library work to do this? Any kind of standard behavior should stick to me? I am currently using / imaplib , smtplib and email module, but there is something in it Can be clear whether you are there. It is also running in Django, so can use anything in if it makes it easy. The original MIME tre... - validation summary problem -

I have a page where I am using Verification Summary and Essential Field Vedic. When I click on the Verification button error message, both the verification values ​​are being summarized so that a message written in the required field vaidiks is showing. I want to display different messages in the verification message and the required field vedators. Just like the verification summary should be marked with "field" and the required field must be validated only to show "*". Thanks text of your legalized property Set to "*". It will appear on the verifier's text when the verification fails, and the error message will be displayed by the verification summary.

mysql - How to use a variable name in a SQL statement? -

I am using R to call a mySQL statement, where I define the variable eg. foo = 23; DbGetQuery (choose conn, "name by name, where age = '.foo.';") but it gives an empty set, I have googled around and tried it. & Amp; Foo '".foo." '' & Amp; Amp; & Amp; Efu "'And many different combinations, but none of them works, I think it should be a mysql question rather than an RS-specific problem, but this is not definitive. Generally the variable is $ values, but R This should work: fu = 23 ; SqlStatement & lt; - Paste ("Choose the nickname by name, where age =", foo, '' ', sep = "") dbGetQuery (con, sqlStatement;)

To Show A Country Map Using Google Maps API -

Can I show a country map in the form of a parameter in the Google Maps API? The display field area is the same for all countries so that zoom levels are automatically adjusted to fit in the respective country. I tried to use GLatLongBounds but it is not good in 800x800, but Japan is a good dot. If you already have the country's GLatLongBounds Can: GMap2.getBoundsZoomLevel (GLatLongBounds) to get the right zoom level to show those boundaries. From the Google Maps API: GetBoundsZoomLevel (range: GLatLngBounds) Returns the zoom level on which the rectangular area given is fitted in the map view. Sits. Zoom level is calculated for the currently selected map type. If no map type has been selected yet, map is first used in the list of types.

python - Django template-printing variables -

सभी, खाका स्थिति जांच में, निम्न कोड में क्या गलत है, selected_id और selected_sub 5 के बराबर हैं, लेकिन अभी भी असमान लूप काम नहीं कर रहा है .. & lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; & lt; p & gt; विषय: & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; चुनें आईडी = "विषयों" नाम = "विषयों" बहु = "एकाधिक" & gt; {% Subject in subject}% lt; option value = "{{}}" {% selected_id में selected_sub%} में {% इयॉजल select_id%} {{selected}} {% endifequal%} { % Endfor%} & gt; {{subject.subject}} & lt; / विकल्प & gt; {% Endfor%} & lt; / select & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीआर & gt; धन्यवाद .......... ठीक है, माफ करना। आपके द्वारा प्राप्त आउटपुट क्या है? चयनित का मान होना चाहिए 'selected = "selected"' । में बदलें {% चयनित 'के रूप में चयनित' के रूप में चयनित ''%} और फिर कोशिश करें।

spring - getting value from one controller to another controller -

How can I get from another controller using a spring framework from a controller @Resource , @Autowired ,); "post-text" itemprop = "text"> code> @ inject (spring 3), or applicationcontact.xml). Like: @ Controller Public Class Some Controllers {@Autowired Private NeedController Required Controller; ...}

c# - Using Profiles in Automapper to map the same types with different logic -

I am using Automapers in my ASP.NET MVC website to see my database objects to map MODEL objects. And I profiles multiple of the same type of map, but using another logic. I had the idea of ​​reading this where he says: The key part in fact is the automaker's configuration profile, you can do group configuration with the profile. Perhaps in a profile you outline the dates in the same way, in other profiles you form dates in some other way. I'm just using one profile. So I have created a profile for one case: Public category MyProfile: Profile {protected override string ProfileName {{Get "MyPropilations" Return ; }} Configure Secure Override Z () {CreateMap & lt; DateTime, String & gt; (). Convert & lt; StringFormatimeInternet Converter & gt; (); }} Public class stringframdatTemType converter: ITEP connor & lt; DateTime, String & gt; {Public string convert (datetime source) {return source. Toaster ("dd / mm / yyyy", culture...

c# - How do I share a hash key between servers for web.config etc? -

Is there a way to create a hash key that is used by our various servers to decrypt the connection string in web.config Can be done, and how will I do this? Any sign? Thanks for the help! // Peter There are 2 options, if it is in the house and you have to work all the machines Want to do the same, then a machine? Config sync will be the best. You want to generate a random key, but here are the example elements you want to change: & lt; machineKey validationKey = "21F090935F6E49C2C797F69BBAAD8402ABD2EE0B667A8B44EA7DD4374267A75D7 AD972A119482D15A4127461DB1DC347C1A63AE5F1CCFAACFF1B72A7F0A281B" decryptionKey = "ABAA84D7EC4BB56D75D217CECFFB9628809BDB8BF91CFCD64568A145BE59719F" validation = "SHA1" decryption = "AES" / & gt; To generate cryptographic random keys: Use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class to generate cryptographicly strong random numbers. Choose the appropriate key size. Recommended key length is as follows: Fo...

sql server - T-SQL fulltext catalog search with freetext -

I have a complete text catalog for the indexed view. Problem: I want to search with the function 'FREETEXT' All words that contain the search term but the result does not return an entry ... but an entry must be the word 'freightcosts' If the search term = 'freightcosts', then the result is 'freightcosts'? Example: SELECT [description] dbo.vuCMSTextDe from WHERE FREETEXT ([description], 'fre') You must use a wildcard for partial terms, such as SELECT [description] FROM dbo .vuCmsTextDe WHERE FREETEXT ([description], 'fre *')

java - How can we print docs from SWING application -

We have a swing application that contains documents (PDF, MSWorld documents), we print the document print dialog on this document. Can you call as our program? The target operating system is Windows XP. And, ID is impossible, how can we process PDFs and print PDF to Java? You can try the square (Java 6 is needed) if it is supported on your platform . In case their type is registered with the system, there is a print method for printing files (document) The default desktop using the print command of the corresponding desktop Prints the file with the printing facility.

c - Help track down segfault in "probe" (?) on mingw -

I use MinGW-5.1.6 and MSYS-1.0.11 to create a stable libgmp, and its After creating some custom labs and programs that use libgmp, both GMP and custom items are created using C (XX) Flags = "-G-DGDB" ./configure. It is OK to check GMP, everything is connected statically (the same effect was seen on dynamic linking libgmp.) Now when running a custom program with some input files If you try, it gets this segfault (without input it just prints fine). Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation error 0x00435723 in check () (GDB) Now I do not know that in gmp there is nothing with it. I need a few points, mostly because I do not know what is "check" and where to start, practically a lot may be wrong but I have no indication. Thank you! I came to know that when trying to create an array of negative length, segfault occurred (well , In fact, the length was a variable that was left unaccounted for, but so far managed to keep separate systems and compile...

Calculate date difference having a large range with PHP -

I need to calculate the number of decades between the spread of possible spread of 170 dates till date - limitations are as many as I can do away with thanks! Itemprop = "text"> If you have PHP> = 5.3.0: $ before = new date time ('1708-02-02'); $ Decades = $ first-> Different (new date time ()) - & gt; Y / 10;

Easy Way to Escape Django Template Variables -

For a new project we are writing documents about Django template system we also have documentation Project uses Django, so Jiganga raises all our example variables in the sample code and tries to render them. Its the only way we have to use it, but it makes our code really unreadable. Can Django be a way to ignore all template variables in a specific section? Due to limitations in the Django template lexer (such as being a Clooney Hack), it is impossible though If you enter your example code in separate files, you can use the ssi tag: {% ssi / path / to / My / code /examples/example01.html%} and this will not parse the file, just include verbatim in it though, there are limitations too that you use the variables in the path involved Can not do (Ie, if you take a template location, you will need to re-type or at least find and replace your template files), and you must include it in your in settings (i.e. / path / to / my / code / example ). (See.) ...

combine two (or more..) multi-dimensional arrays in php -

I have a query that I run multiple times with multiple parameters I return the results to jQuery in an XML I am using the parser. I can not find any way to combine the results of 'node' without overwriting the entry first. Simplified code sample: $ temp1 = returnArray (0); $ Temp2 = returnback (1); $ Data = array_merge ($ temp1, $ temp2); Print_r ($ data); Function returns ($ switch) {if ($ switch == 0) {$ data ['data'] ['first'] = "something"; } And {$ data ['data'] ['second'] = "something else"; } Return $ data; } Result Aare ([data] => array ([seconds] => some ELSE)) Overwrite $ - $ temp2 $ temp1 Used to be . I consider it as the default behavior of array_merge (), which is confusing to me I also have the $ data = $ temp1 + $ temp2; or tried something like this. $ data = return again (0); $ Data + = return (1); print aa ([data] => array ([first] = & gt; some)) or .. . $ data = ...

Real world use cases for C# indexers? -

I have seen a lot of examples for C # indicators, but how to help me in real life situations. I know that C # master if this is not a serious feature, then it would not have added me, but I would like to use a real world situation (not fu bar stuff) to use indexers I think. Note: I know that one exists, but it does not help me The way I see the indexers (right or wrong!), Something by the index By reaching it, it should be more efficient than reaching it in any other way, because in some way, in the shape or form, the index of the class I am using is any type of store index To reach the way, it helps in looking at values ​​quickly. The classic example is an array, when you use the element n of an array using the code [3], the compiler / interpreter knows which are the large (memory-wise) elements of the array And it can do offset from beginning to array, you can also {{=} (int i = 0; i & lt; myarray.length; i ++) {if (i = 3) for {. . Do stuff}} " (Not that yo...

php - Return value of oci_parse -

What if, if I want to execute some commands inside, then if a row returns no query. & lt ;? Php include_once ('config.php'); $ Db = oci_new_connect (ORAUSER, ORAPASS, "localhost / xi"); $ Sql ​​= "Select from table_1 *, where id = 3"; $ Result = oci_parse ($ db, $ sql); Oci_result ($ result); If () {} else {}? & Gt; You can use: / / Parse / If you do not have any rows then do something ...} (// o__fetch ($ your_statement)) {... do something when there are some rows} - Write Textbox.text to dataset then to xml file -

I have found many examples to write on the dataset, but most of these are from ds.fill (..) Includes data connection and I need a simple solution. Actually I want to create an XML file from the values ​​entered in some text boxes. I tried different methods but it can not work, what is the best way to accomplish it? A method I used to fill the text box with an XML, but now when I have changed the data in the text box, how do I back it up in XML? MyBase handles Private Subsystem 1_load (Sub-sender as a system, Object, System E-agent and Avent ARG). New Dataset as Load DIS: ds.ReadXml ("c: \ sales.xml") ("Text", Dtibles (0), "Check") VisTextBox.DataBindings.Add ("Text", "Text", Dettibles ( ("Text", DSTB (0), "MasterCard") AMEXTextbox: Adding ("Text", DSTB (0), "MasterCard"). DataBindings.Add ("Text", ds.Tables (0), "AMEX", "Lesson", DTTables ("Lessons"...

c# - Return to a url from an action method in mvc -

I am using mvc. Clicking on the "Link" link I have called on an action method to add the document to the Favorites list. Click the "Add Favorites" link How do I return to the same method in the action method before clicking? For example MyPage Page 1 of 3 Document1 [Add to Favorites] (One Link Calling an Action Method) Document 2 [Add to Favorites] (A link which is an action method called DOCUMENT 3 [Add to Favorites] ( DOCUMENT 4 [ADD TO FAIR] (a link calling an action method) Paging Is retained in the URL with query string parameters. P> When they add, I want to be able to keep the URL because it considers that page number Are you just the current page Can not be added to the Action Parameter? Public ActionScript AddFavourite (int page) {/ page parameter return view (whatever your_pages_view_is); }

ruby on rails - Send querystring params as part of form post -

What is a way to capture the query string and send it as part of a form post? I am using Rail 2.3.5 and my user is on a page with several query string parameters. On this page, they are going to submit a form that gets the posts inside that action, I want to know what those cross border parameters were. Obviously, they are not sent as part of the post, so I need the actual form values, along with the query string parameters that were on the page when the user submitted the form. I'm sure I can write some bad javascript which will be available in the crypt-string parameter form in hidden areas, but it looks ugly. I am surprised if I am just going about all this wrong, to make matters even worse, I am the newcomer of railways. Appreciate any pointers or ideas for me to go in the right direction.

architecture - Replacing Custom DAO Code With Web Service Calls -

In most of our webapps, we use a three-level architecture: Controller / Viewer, Service, and DAO Layers However, in most of the webapps, we use a three-level architecture: What I like to do is create a general schema for all the departments that will use all the apps (yes, this is already the case but it is not ...) then I will be on the app server I would like to slap a simple web service, whose work is only to reach that common table. Instead of custom DAO codes, dedicated model objects, etc., the information will be obtained by simply calling webservice, possibly in JSON format. However ... I have to know the answers to some questions: Is this really a cost effective idea? We might make about 10 small to medium projects (new or rewrite of the legacy app) for the financial year of each of our companies. If most of the departments (DO), DELETE (), and FindByName () / Find BIID () methods in the department DOO, will the code / effort be reduced significantly by changing the ...

servlets - Consuming WebServices in Java -

We are creating a web-application and making a real part of this project real time calls from our servlets for a while Finally, some of these calls to the webservices will be cached on the basis of reference. We also handle double-byte character strings coming in for languages ​​such as Hebrew and CJK. The forum in this web application is Java. What types of frameworks should I use to consume and call these web services? Axis 1/2? Does an ESB like radish give me some extra features that come in handy? Explanation point: We will only consume webservices. We will not write your own webservices and will not provide. A web service implementation like Axis 2 should be good for your needs, besides Spring Web services such as There are other implementations as long as you do not need some serious service orchestation and service mash-up, an ESB might be overworked.

c# - I can access the querystring variable on a GET request, but not a POST -

If I try to use a webpage that contains a filter that checks for authentication, then I'm surfing I'm redirecting to the login page during anonymity. Then the URL looks like this: There are 2 ways in my login process, When for GET and for a POST request type. The following codes are both GET and POST login actions Has: string redirectUrl = ""; If (Request.QueryString ["ReturnUrl"]! = Null) {redirectUrl = Request.QueryString ["ReturnUrl"]; } In debug mode, the variable is initialized properly in GET action, but in POST action it leaves the call, which means that it is zero. Why is this? Is the return URL still visible in the URL? Combining query string parameters with one post, technically RFC-compliant, make one or the other Should, but not both. (After saying that I have not come into a browser / web-server that does not allow this.) If you want to "correctly...

Sql Server Compact 2005 on Visual Studio 2008 -

I am working on a Windows Forms application that contacts a SQL compact database file created by SQL Server 2005 is. Originally developed in Visual Studio 2005, but recently a Visual Studio 2008 solution was changed. Regarding SQL compact, we have ensured that the references are still set for assemblies that, after doing this instead of SQL compact SQL Compact 3.5, this application is still going on as It should be - it will still interact with the compact database, execute synchronization operations, etc. However, I have just come to know that Visual Studio Tools like Dataset do not play well with a SQL compact database file compared to Designer 3.5 if I new connection. .. Wizard, SQL Sql Compact Data Source / Data Provider for SQL Compact 3.5. I think that in the Visual Studio 2008, the data provider for the older version of SQL Compact is not included by default. Is there any way that you can add an old version of SQL Compact to the "Data List" formula for the ...

Can Classic ASP pages run in Azure? -

I am looking at blue and if classic ASP (ASP 3.0 with ASP extension) can run in Ezur? / P> I found from January 2009 that classic ASP signals can not be run in Azure. But on this it looks like now, other platforms like PHP can be run on Azure. However, there is still no mention of the classic ASP. Can the classic ASP page run in Azer? Not yet, but as soon as the new "virtual machine roll" is available, you support Classic ASP You will be able to configure your own virtual server (configured). No timeline has been given, but "soon" has been mentioned. These servers will run on Ezur hardware, but they will not run Azure Guest OS 1.x, so that you can not easily use Azure features such as storage or appfabric ... again, you can use classic ASP The environment may not want to: -) edit : I was right at the time of my answer (there was no IIS available), but a lot has changed, so The answer in 2012 will definitely be "yes", as explained below....

Constantly updated clock in zsh prompt? -

I know that I command date command in my zsh prompt but it is old shows time; To see the current time, call me and hit the current time with a new signal. Is there a way to configure zsh prompts to continuously update themselves every second? This is a standard zsh prompt (or bash, or other shells). I suggest that you will be better off using the GNU screen. The screen can be the position line that can show the time to scroll the sample "I will scroll to the Red Hat Magazine A Guide to GNU Screen" (I will reproduce it here) When running, the current time will be shown in the lower right corner of the terminal: ~ /. Screenrc hardstatus alwayslastline string '% {= kG} [% {G}% H% { G}] [% =% {= kw}%?% - LW%?% {R} (% {W}% n *% f% t%? (% U)%?% {R})% {w} }%?% + LW%?%?% =% {G}] [% {B}% Y-% m-% d% {W}% c% {g}] '#Default Screen Scr ScreenTable Shell 1 0 Screen -T Shell2 1

flash - How can the actionscript version of a swf file be determined in C#? -

What libraries or methods would be required to achieve this? Read the first 4 bytes of the SWF file. The first 3 bytes are signatures that read (CWS or FWS) and the next byte is SWF file version. So you do not need any libraries, just come ordinary file will be enough. For the ActionScript version you need to look at the FileEventWhat tag. So it's a fake code to do this (SWF file data is in Little Aidian, so read your writeIntend or read accordingly accordingly). Signature = 3 UTF bytes read as string; Version = Read a byte; Size = read unsigned int; (Int 32 bit) if (sign == "CWS") means that the SWF is compressed then unpress the rest of the bytes; // swf uses zlib compression, the first 7 bytes are compressed by rect_byte = read signed signed bytes; Rect_bits = rect_byte >> 3; // First 5 bits say that how many bits are needed for a dimensoin of swf; total_bit = rect_bits * 4; Rect_bytes = Math CEL ((total_bits - 3) / 8); // Until here we read the rect_b...

radio button - flex add radiobutton child to VBox -

I'm having trouble adding a radio button to a VBox in Prospects. Var radio button: radio button = new radio button (); RadioButton.groupName = "source"; RadioButton.label = "label"; Radio button Selected = false; RadioButton.AdventListner (Event.ChANGE, Source ChangeHandler); VBox.addChild (radiobutton); For the first time I created these radio boots in MXML and it worked fine, but now it is necessary that the radioboots need to be dynamically generated in the action script which works. The debugger receives the binding error (100 9) when the editor tries to execute the statement and does not appear in VBox, is there anything that I am doing wrong? It looks fine that I can see that the only thing is that you might change Try radio button = new radio button (); to var radio button: radio button = new radio button (); If it is not that you may have something to do with making your VBox immediately. Edit According to our observati...

upgrade - How may I update my Java EE application with no downtime? -

How can I automate (no downtime) deployment? and be able to shut down any server for maintenance. Which equipment should I use? I am using Tomcat but I am ready to go to another Java EE server which is suitable for presenting requirements. I want to know that use the configuration details. If you have two templates running in a cluster (behind load balancer or apache)), It's really easy Update the server from the cluster to the server 1. Back up the server 1. Move 2 servers from the cluster, update the server. Revert Servers 2. If you are fully re-deploying your application then there will be some results in downtime (though brief). If you can afford a bit of downtime (& lt; 1 second), then you can simulate this by deploying it in another incident of Tomcat, then on your load balancer on the second example Can indicate. In this case, you will lose any active session, but the switch should be real fast. In both cases there are issues of database sy...

python - What is the elegant way to get the arguments to a playAudio call from this list -

I know this is the origin. I'm just wondering what's the best way to do it. For example: I want the string 'python 101.wav' and 'py * thon' from this list The list is like this: [[('Name', 'entry']], [('class',' entry ']], [(' type ',' text / javascript '), (' ('class',' headword ')] , [('Class', '', '' '' '', 'orbit', 'pr')], [('class', 'unicode']], [('class', 'unicode']], [ ('Class', 'unicode']], [('class', 'unicode']], [], [('href', '#'), ('onclic', 'play audio (' pathon 01. '(' ',' '' ',' '' ',' Target ',' _blank ')], [(' src ',' /images/audio.gif '), (' alt ',' ('title', ' Listen to audio ' ), [('Class', 'il']],...

phpmyadmin - How to drop all table in MySQL? -

I do not want to drop the database, Because I'm not hosting my website on my machine , Drop-down databases will need to be recreated, and many settings. Is there a command in MySQL that can be used to remove all tables in a specific database? Edit Whatever I can do is phpMyAdmin mysqldump -u [USERNAME] -p [password] --add-drop-table --no-data [DATABASE] | Grep ^ DROP | Mysql -u [USERNAME] -p [password] [database] There are other ways to leave all the tables without leaving the database.

objective c - How do I set up NSZombieEnabled in Xcode 4? -

How do I set up NSZombieEnabled and CFZombieLevel for my executable Can i Excode 4 press excl. 4.x ⌥ ⌘ r (or click on menu bar product Select the "Diagnostics" tab and click on "Enable Zombie Object": > edit the scheme ) This released items varies in NSZombie examples, which again When used The console prints the alerts. This is a debugging help that increases memory usage (no object is actually released) but improves error reporting A special case occurs when you leave an object and you Do not know that: With zombie: - [UITableView release]: Message Sent without zombie: When you store apps for App Store submission Rte it is ignored Xcode settings are. You do not have to touch anything before releasing your application. Pressing ⌥⌘R is similar to choosing a product - run while holding down the Alt key. Clicking the "Enable Zombie Objects" checkbox is similar to adding "NSZombieEnabled = YES" t...

drop down menu - Selected Index of Dropdownlist? -

How will I set the selected index of the dropdownlist in this function. Please tell me? public IList GetMountainList () {int mountainId = 0; String mountainName = string.Empty; (Using brandconnectionsEntities modelObject = new brandconnectionsEntities ()) {Return (IList) (select from the newObjectId = s.mountainResortId, mountainName = s.mountainResortName, SelectExtensions = s.mountainResortId,}) from modelObject.BC_mountainResortMediaList .toList () ; }} thanks Ritz language and gui library information will be ) : Good for everyone

How to run the mutex code in on button click event? -

This is my code, which I have in my C #. 3.5 tried to run in the program but I am getting errors, what is the error? Error CS0115: 'Form 1. Dispute (Boole) ': No suitable method was found for override This is the code where I got the error: Protected Override Zero Disposing) {If (disposal) {this._userConnectionOption = null; This._poolGroup = null; This.close (); } This.DisposeMe (settlement); Base.Dispose (settlement); } Actual coding starts from here: Program.cs: using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using Pu; Namespace WindowsApplication1 {Static class program {{STAThread} static zero Main () {// If this program is already running, set the Focus // for that example and leave it (ProcessUtils.ThisProcessIsAlreadyRunning ()) { // Caption (text property) of main form "Form 1" is ProcessUtils.SetFocusToPreviousInstance ("Form1"); } Other {application.availableviewual style (); Application.SetCompa...

zend framework - Zend_ProgressBar -

Anyone have the idea to implement Zend_ProgressBar? If there is no problem, please write sample code. Uhm, I have typed a standard search query on Google: "Using Zand Problem Bar" and found a good page that will help you;)

prism - Does the application_startup() get called for each silverlight application? -

I am using a template for the prism by David Hill and each application module has an App.xaml file. I was sure that the module that was loaded would create the app object (startup object in the properties) and then call the application_startup () event. However, it does not seem like that? Is this the right behavior? If so, app for each app module. How do I define my resources (styles) in the XML file? JD I think this start-up (or "master" If you do), which is called the app_start event, you can include all your resources in the that application's App.xaml. But it is not necessary that a single file should be there, you can separate them using the merged resource dictionaries. You will find more information here:

javascript - How can I fill data to extjs component using querystring? -

For example, if I have a combo box, and I like the URL like http: // localhost: 8080? Param = Value1, value2, value3 I get this & lt; & Lt; Ultimate & gt; & Gt; ExtJS in the value , so that I can call it or .... I have this (based on the code found in @loyd): var the_query_string = new object (); (Function () {var qs = (1) .replace (/ \ + / g, '') .split ('& amp ;;); for (var i = 0; i & lt; Qs.length; I ++) {qs [i] = qs [i] .split ('='); if (qs [i] [0]) the_query_string [qs [i] [0]] = decodeurIComponent (qs [I] [1]);}}) (); So I can use any query string variable at global level. Like when = '? Search = Hello + World & amp; Foo = bar% 3Dbar '' = 'Hello World' and = 'bar = bar'

php - utf8_general_ci convertion -

My script is using utf8_general_ci and I'm trying to move to another script that uses utf8_general_ci Does the problem have all my script stores, such as "AEIOUU" and the new script "ÃÆ'à ¢ â,¬Å¡Ãƒâ € šÃ,Â" im having characters problems like "I do Can you change that? $ data = utf8_encode ($ data); This will ensure that PHP understands that it is reading, and should maintain it, a UTF8 encoding, after that you can rewrite a file, database, etc. without problems should be able. By doing this I can solve this problem when languages ​​work with translation where I know that the source is UTF8 but PHP wants to do something else during the transition. If this does not fix it, then try to run it on the body before sending it to your browser. mvc - Parameter ok in RouteData but passed as null in controller -

I am a few weeks in MVC, and every day, pops up something new that kills me quite oddly . Therefore, I try to find answers to the problems I am facing. Nothing less for the current issue, I can not find a basic answer anywhere on StackHowflow or even on Google ... I have a problem that I have with the Parameters Controller HTML Using Render Action Method For some reason, the parameter ends correctly in the root directory, but the "function parameter" is zero. I think what it needs to do with my routing maps, so I want to post them here for some more input. My rootmap (among others, but I know my current action is using this route): ("default", "{controller} / {action} / {id}" , New {controller = "home", action = "index", id = "" }, blank, new [] {"web. Controller"}); My Controller Action: Public Operations General ManagementDirebetter (Intestinal ID) {// Dostuff} Render Action Call: & lt;% H...

java - How to set springframework @Transactional with AspectJ -

I want to use spring-facets to make my methods workable, but use spring aop (spring aop) Just fine without doing it: & lt; Tx: annotation-driven / & gt;) I'm using Maven to manage my project. Is there any way to do this compile time for weaving on my project classes "they are transactional". I was trying to use this plugin: but without any good results Please help. I understood that the Maven plugin works fine, but the problem was with my spring config: I : & lt; Bean id = "transactionManager" class = "org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "entityManagerFactory" Reference = "entityManagerFactory" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; Tx: annotation-driven transaction-manager = "transaction manager" /> What do I need: & lt; Bean id = "transaction manager" category = "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTra...

iphone - How do I know when to release an NSDate object? -

Both of these date points require a [release] when I am done with them. How do I know this? I'm unsure because I'm not init clearly. NSDate * date = [NSDate date]; NSDT * Date = [DateTimeTeamServiceSignon1970: 100000000]; Both are autoreleased, this is the reason why you do not have to release them yourself. The rule of thumb is that if you retain it by ALLOCK or -cp or explicitly, then you are the owner of an object: [[SomeClass alloc] init ...] [some object copy] [preserves some objects] If you are the owner of the object, then you have to release it + There is a shortcut to the new + alloc and -init.

c# - Programmatically getting SQL Cluster Virtual Name -

I have written a Windows service to gather information from all my SQL Servers. The service is installed on every server, and the use of WMI and SMO brings back the information of the related system to a central database. To get SQL information, I use the following C # code: list & lt; Server & gt; SqlServers = new list & lt; Server & gt; (); List of / Smo.Server Object String Registry SSubject = @ "Software \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server"; String registry value = "installed instances"; Try {Registry RK = Registry.LocalMachine OpenSubby (Registry Branch); String [] example = (string []) rk.GetValue (registryValue); If (e.g. Lang & gt; 0) {foreach (String Elements in Examples) {Server S; String server instant; If (element == "MSSQLSERVER") // If the default installation {serverInstance = System.Environment.MachineName; } And {serverInstance = system.Environment.MachineName + @ "\" + element; } S = New Server (Server ...

sql server - Visual Studio - Open a SQL file with SQL Management Studio in an existing SSMS window? -

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. Let me open my VS in SQL Projects should have .sql files. By default, management studios have no problem so far: I right-click on the file, open with, add SSMS and set it as the default that I do not like is that it opens a new instance of SSMS every time , And I would like to open it in an existing instance. I have seen that the open command is connected to it. Ssms.exe calls in SQL files (which I want is the behavior) / dde switch in windows. Definitely not sure what the switch does, but I played with it and with nothing to open a file in an existing context, there is nothing in doing so. How can I treat this behavior in a visual studio? Thanks in advance! Right click on the .sql file in Visual Studio, then click on "Open With", Then click on "Add" ... in the "Open" dialog. To do something in the "add program" dialog type "explorer.exe" and "firewall name" fiel...

c# - Loading, saving, and then loading an image again throws "A generic error occurred in GDI+" -

I remember that for a different code a while ago, but it's back , with a retaliation, but with some new code I can not seem to know. This is definitely normal , to make sure! Target I am trying to create a form that allows the user: Select an image. Save (which closes the form), and saves the image to byte [] in the database. Open the form (which byte [] ) loads the image. Allow them to save again. Allow them to open the form again, display the picture (again). A very standard load / save situation. The problem Everything works well for loading and saving SQL Server. The problem I am experiencing is to do it again and again with a byte [] and save along with it, though I am using the same settings. Take a look at this code , Which I have mixed to display the problem: static zero main (string [] arg) {// start image initial image = (bitmap) bitmapfof file (@ 'D : \ Picture.jpg "); // save in a memory stream and bytes r Receive the initia...

SQL Server Query Question -

This can be a very simple question, but only curious about it. Are these two questions Question 1: SELECT C. * FROM [Case] ​​A, [Event] B, Information C, where ACIID = BCCID and B.EventID = C Avant ID Question 2: Select C. From [Case] ​​A involved in [Event] B AICISID = Notice of joining B.K.C.D. B. B.EventID = C.EventID Please explain. Yes, the same question, different syntax. The second question is written in better form: SELECT C. * FROM [Case] ​​A also includes a [Event] B Ai SID = BFIIIIIIIII Finally joins B.EventID = C.EventID on C The second query using ANSI syntax has some advantages in advance: It is easy to see that when you have missing ON section makes it clear that type to join Separate the section from WHERE - LDAP Authentication from .NET using Proxy User -

Text after " We want to connect to an LDAP server (Active Directory, Novell, or otherwise) to use "Proxy User" and Make sure that the user has typed in an acceptable username and password while trying to sign in. I have the code correct to connect to LDAP, but I'm at a loss how to check the user name and password. Switch to? If you can do this through the LDAP query Here is the courage of my code: public function authenticated (ByVal username string, ByVal password string As in) Dim String = Configuration Manager Dim Proxy User Name String = Configuration Manager as AppSettings ("LDAPServer"). Dim Proxy Password String = Configuration Manager as AppSettings ("LDAPProxyUser"). AppSettings ("LDAPProxyPassword") DirectoryEntry entry as a slow entry = New directory entry (LDAP server, proxyUN name, proxyPassword) 'This display LDAP authentication' as obj dormant object = entry.NativeObject Dynamic Search as New DirectorySear...

Toggling digital signing in Outlook.MailItem -

In Outlook 2007, I wrote an Application_ItemSend handler which must close the digital signature for the selected messages, even if the normal form of signaling Be the default for all messages. How can I enable / deactivate MailItem objects? The button is an old technique to crush and execute calling ... > I'm not sure that it helps, but if you are hooking the button, then idmso of those toggle buttons will be "DigitallySignMessage" and "EncryptMessage" MicrosoftRetrol.Mail.Compose is from Ribbon's GroupRightsManagement tab.

c++ - Convert a Static Library to a Shared Library (create from libsome.a): where's my symbols? -

The title of this question is one, but the answer to that question does not help me. I have a bunch of packed object files in the stable library: % g ++ -std = c ++ 98 -fpic -g -O1 -c - O foo.o foo.cpp% G ++ -std = c ++ 98 -fpic -g -O1 -c -o-bar.o bar.cpp% ar -rc libsome.a foo.o bar.o I want to generate libsome.a from libsome.a instead of 'd object files, but library actually barebones: % G ++ -std = c ++ 98 -fpic -g -O1 -shared -o libsome.a% nm -DC 0000xxxx a _DYNAMIC 0000xxxx a _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_w _Jv_RegisterClasses 0000xxxx __bss_start w __cxa_finalize 0000xxxx a _edata 0000xxxx A _0000xxxx T _fini 0000xxxx T _init Fixed The class room is fine, or at least I am able to fully link it to the executable and it is able to run the inherent functionality, even if I make from foo.o and bar.o everything is fine . By assuming this, you are using GNU Linker, you specify - we-collect option There is a need to do so that you can g...

data structures - FIFO list (moving elements) [C++] -

Good evening, people! I am trying to solve a simple problem, but .. well, it seems that I can not do it :) The idea is that I have n elements Has a FIFO list (FIFO queue) and it has been given a value, Kashmir (K & lt; n). My small program has to move the elements with the edges of the left. (Like n = 4, k = 3, a [] = (1, 2, 3, 4), result 4 1 2 3). But okay, I have not got anywhere near that. This is what I have written so far: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Zero step (one a [100], unsigned n, unsigned k) {int t [100]; Unsigned i; (I = 0; i & lt; = n-1; i ++) for t [i] = a [i]; For (i = 0; i & lt; = k-1; i ++) a [i] = a [i + k-1]; For (i = k; i & lt; = n-1; i ++) a [i] = t [i + 1]; } Int main () {int a [100]; Unsigned Kashmir, N, I; Cout & lt; & Lt; "N; k ="; CIN & gt; & Gt; N & gt; & Gt; K; (I = 0; i & lt; = n-1; i ++) cin & gt; & Gt; A [i]; Move (A, N, K); (I = 0; i & lt; = n-...

actionscript 3 - Using Omniture ActionSource with Flash IDE -

I have a flash app in Action Script 3 which uses the document class. I have followed the documentation to implement the Omnisource ActionSource tracking by adding the ActionSource component to my Flye library, and then to import into the document class and run the configuration code. However, the app fails to compile because it can not solve the path of component (com.omniture.ActionSource). There is a com directory (package) in my class path where most of the squares used in my projects are thanks > Alpinista - Ensure that you are importing classes in your document class import Please com.omniture.ActionSource; And make sure you are adding ActionSource class to the project using the MSP utility: Command Menu> Omniture - Add Workspace Library OR If you have CS4 or later, you can add ActionSource SWC file to your publishing settings: File> Publishing Settings> Flash> Settings ... Click the button> Library Path tab> Click (+) button> R...

iphone - How do remove the border around a core-plot graph -

I'm trying to remove the border around the core plot graph on the iPhone - but it looks like what Should be simple in my mind Please be the indicator! You should be able to exit Border Linstyle on the plot area of ​​the graph to remove the boundary: graph.plotAreaFrame.borderLineStyle = Zero; // Do not draw any limit You can create your own topic, as an example, you can use people in the framework, and do not set the border style in it.

java - getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap() with multipart forms? -

Below I am using this test: & Lt; Cfoutput & gt; & Lt; Form method = "post" action = "# cgi.script_name #? First name = tony" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" size = "50" name = "page [content] [] [content]" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" size = "50" name = "page [content] [] [content]" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "submit" value = "1" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Cfoutput & gt; We getPageContext () to retrieve a hash of form and URL scope during a post request. GetRequest () can get. Now this work is fine and dandy until you set the form's antioxidine function as "multipart / form-data": & Lt; Cfoutput & gt; & Lt; Form method = "post" action = "# cgi.script_name #" first name = tony "enctyp...

Can I map incomplete sproc columns to an entity? -

I am using the latest beta and unit framework of Visual Studio 2010. This is mostly true, but it is my position: I have a table with column id and name . I have an auto-generated unit with properties like id and names . Finally, I have a stored procedure that only selects Id to t. Trying to map my entity into a EntityCommandExecutionException stored procedures results: A [unit] The member of the 'name' does not have the same column in the data reader. This makes sense, but there is no way to populate my unit partially from the stored process call and then it will be fully executed with the second query. Bring it Nine months ago, this question appeared to involve much more labor labor. In my case, we have hundreds of stored procedures, and none of them return full lines, the unit framework has long since been so, so I hope that something will change. Thanks in advance for any help! In a way, a complex type may be used to map the results o...

help with view rendering mvc -

In my app these models are: The patient, which has a patient_info, has a history and Many examinations .... I will make a report, where I show all these figures .. I am seeing now and it is being ugly and out of the long run. Is there a way I can make different ideas for each of them, present them in these things and then see them in a report? You can split the report into partial view and HTML Renderparty mvc - Why are my Outbound URLs in NUnit different from the ones in my View? -

I am reading the ASP.NET MVC framework book. For example, on the 106 - 111, the author walks through creating a NUnit test for an HTMLHelper class. I have noticed that when I ran my HTMLHelper code in NUnit, the link appeared like this: & lt; A href = "Page1" & gt; 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; One class = "selected" href = "page 2" & gt; 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "page 3" & gt; 3 & lt; / A & gt; But when I look at them in the view they look like this: ; Routes Marker (tap, "", new {controller = "product", action = "list", page = 1}); Routes.MapRoute (tap, "page {page}", new {controller = "product", verb = "list"}, new {page = @ "\ d +"}); Public String String Page Link (This HTMLHTML, HTML, Int, Current Pages, Int Total Page, Funk & Lieutenant; int, string> pageUrl) {stringbilder result = new stringbilde...

How do I exclude null rows without excluding null cells when pulling Excel into C# using SQL (ADO)? -

मेरे पास निम्न की तरह कोई क्वेरी है: SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('MSDASQL', 'चालक = {माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल चालक (*। एक्सएलएस)}; डीबीक्यू = डी: \ टेस्ट.क्क्स ',' सेलेक्ट * से शीट 1 $] ') ये उन पंक्तियों को वापस लाता है जो सभी नल हैं यदि वे कभी भी थे संपादित और फिर हटा दिया मैं उन लोगों को बाहर करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन फिर भी उन पंक्तियों में शामिल हैं जिनके पास अच्छा डेटा है लेकिन संभवतः रिक्त कोशिकाएं हैं। मेरी पहली प्रवृत्ति थी "WHERE प्रत्येक स्तंभ नहीं है" और ऐसा एक साथ, जैसा है: SELECT * ओपनओवॉसेट ('एमएसडीएएसयूकल', 'ड्रायवर = {माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल ड्रायवर (*। एक्सएलएस)}; डीबीक्यू = डी: \ टेस्ट.क्क्स', 'सेलेक्ट * से शीट 1 $]') WHERE (कॉल 1 आईएस यह शून्य और कॉल 2 नहीं है और कॉल 3 शून्य नहीं है और कॉल 4 शून्य नहीं है) यह प्रभावी ढंग से रिक्त पंक्तियों को समाप्त करता है, लेकिन किसी कारण से, यह भी एक पंक्ति को समाप्त कर देता है जहां Col4 एक रिक्त प्रविष्टि थी मैंने इसे WHERE खंड के साथ और बिना पैरों के लिए करने की कोशिश की।...