
Showing posts from January, 2013

php - Gift Aid Payments - Integrating a payments system API into a charity site -

Unclear question, I know but still, I am developing a client's site that will donate to users Will be able to make donations to donate abroad. I need users of the site who create their profiles so that they can input their paypal email address (for example) and any user who clicks on the big 'Donate' button on their profile, donate them directly can do. I'm sure it is possible to use at least PayPal API. Although since it is for all donations, I would like to implement '' - read this link on this link. My problem is getting a payment system, which we can use with it in 'Gift Aid' or it can clearly define which payment is donated along with it and Which are not - if it does not make any sense, then forgive me! So ideally I'm looking for payment processors, integrated in the client's site which I am developing in PHP, can support gift support automatically - or if Otherwise, clearly specify which payment is suppressed on the 'Gift Sup...

regfreecom - Can ASP Classic use registration free components? -

Like the topic, can ASP Classic be used for registration free components? It is on Windows Server 2003. If so, how can I go about doing this? If not, can there be an option available? Alternatively, I think that you do not mean components that do Need registration? 'Because those people have loads ... Using ASP is a less common way to use COM, which is quite convenient (using WSC). From 4GuysFromRolla: One of the biggest losses in the development of COM components using one of these high level languages ​​is the time-consuming process of changing an existing COM component, for example , Say that you are developing the COM component, you add some properties and methods and start using it on your site. Now, say that you wanted to add a new method After adding this method, you have to compile the COM component again, have to re-register, and the web server must stop and restart ... To resolve this annoyance, Microsoft Windows The script components have been created, ...

android - How do I use AIDL tool from command line using SDK sample code? -

My questions using the command line helpl.exe (on Windows system) from this command line with something like eclipse, netbeans etc. Not even there. The following three AIDL definition files are included with the Android SDK: IRemoteService.aidl IRemoteServiceCallback.aid ISecondary.aidl is located in the following directory: C: \ android-sdk-windows \ platform \ android-2.1 \ samples \ apiDemos \ src \ com \ example \ android \ apis \ app For simplicity, Aidl.exe is copied. Then, from the console window, I successfully used the following two commands to generate .java files: C: \ Android-project \ ApiDemos \ src \ com \ example \ Android \ API \ app > ADL Iermet service service ADL C: \ Android-Project \ APIDomos \ src \ Comm \ Examples \ Android \ API \ AP> ADL Iscondary ADL The commands, respectively, files, IRMMTSWireClock Java and Isacondari. Produced Java. So far so good. Let me note that both .adl files are simple; No 'import' statement is includ...

Python: Why can't I iterate over a list? Is my exception class borked? -

I have already seen this question: But it does not help me because I want to I am looking for this to be done without the use of a feature (i.e., already executable) attribute, to repeat an attribute of error: class SCE (Exception): "" "An error while performing SCE." "Def __init __ (self, value = none):" Message: string message or a fossil of stars. "" If there is no value: self._values ​​= ['A normal SE error has occurred.'] Alif EASTENCE (value, ARR): self._values ​​= [value] else: Self._values ​​= List (value) def __iter __ (self): Returns self._values ​​def __repr __ (self): return repr (self._values) However, in the shell I received in C: ESE: For e: print (i) traceback (most recent call final): CSE except (exclude CSE (['error one', 'error two']): File "(stdin)", in line 1, (Module) type error: IRAR () type 'list' non-itera I have returned to tor I know that by __ properties, repeat on _ a...

internet explorer 8 - Django login cookies for Subdomains with underscores broken in IE8? -

In my Django login I always want to re-login the login user url for its username. So if the user name is "joe" then I rewrite the url to be "". It works very well with the underscores such as "Geoscosmo", except IE8 for user names like IE8 users will not login to the URL like: "". In my settings file, I have a watchard subdomain, for example turned on. Is it a bug in IE8 or django? How do I work around this except for removing all the underscores from user names? This is an IE problem IBM Lotus is in Sametime: Error in Internet Explorer "cookies are not enabled" if the underscores in hostname This error message is displayed when Microsoft Patch MS01-055 (or a service pack that also pays this Is included) with Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 or later. When Internet Explorer updates, then it conforms to Request for Records (RFC) 952, which defines and restricts hosts and domain naming c...

windows - C++ GUI Tutorial: undefined reference to TextOut -

After some time searching for the Win32 GUI tutorial (I decided to create a GUI tutorial that could make me more active in creating C ++ applications and therefore more robust in programming in C ++ in general. ), I came to a Rohitheat tutorial. There are two parts that I have found. Part 1 has worked fine, and now I'm working on, however, I get this error in code :: blocks: C: \ user \ John \ document \ Windows GUIs \ first_gui CPT || In the ceremony 'C: \ Users \ John \ Documents \ Windows GUI \ first_guo.o: first_guo CPP: (text + 0x281) ||' Undefined reference to _TextOutA @ 20 '. My code can be found. I appreciate any help. Did you have to code your code to GDI32.LIB ?

visual studio 2008 - VS2008 WinForm property color picker dialog has changed -

I just upgraded to a machine running Windows 764bit. Now in VS 2008, when I set a backdoor property for WinForm control, the general color picker (custom / web / system) has been changed to just a simple dropdown list, in which the system and Web color names are included. Is this just a pigment in my establishment, or is it all in Win7-64 environments? Edit: VS should be throwable - after restart, the color picker dialog is back! I have VS 2008 at 7 64bit Win, and my color picker is the same as before: - What kind of data should never go into session? -

What kind of data should never be kept in a session? I really want it to be clear that the type of session What do you mean by the answer, I can come up with a couple: Any kind of password Large amounts of data, especially 4 GB + 32 I swear on words Possibilities of Your bank account PIN or credit Card number And a stupid badger fact, Badger of any kind.

Download Drools RuleFlow files from Guvnor -

I can upload Ruvleflow (.rf) files to Guvnor (5.1 M1 and 5.0) both on the server You can execute with the rules. If I want to use Guwannar as a repository, is there any way that I can download RuleFlow file in my project on the fly? At the package level, Guanor offers some "information and important URL" which was just thinking about the rules. I was wondering if there is any other URL that will give me the RuleFlow file? Is WebDay My Only Option? If you add your rule stream files to Gunor, then package package that is created for your package When you use Knowledge Agent to create knowledge base from Guanaur, then there will be rules flow, so that you can execute it in your project.

html - CSS positioning question -

OK, I am currently working on this website. I would like to add some contact information in the lower left hand corner of the page (below the content area on the left side of the footer navigation on the background area). I also want to be able to keep the footer navigation centered. any suggestion? The easiest way, given your layout, can be the situation of things with a relative positioning . IE - In your footer, specify two more divs, widen one 20% ISH width and another 80% ISH wide. Place the existing footer in Div2, left-align the text, then adjust everything to a fine percentage of the line.

jquery - How to animate specific corners of the border radius when hovered in and out? (Firefox) -

I know how to do this webkit for browsers but I'm stuck in Firefox. In the code given below, animate the top left corner, while the rest is just a picture. Here's my code: $ ('img'). Hover (function {$ (this) .mate ({MozBorderRadius: '50px 50px 0px 0px'}, 900);}, function () {$ (this). Value ({MozBorderRadius: '25px 25px 0px 0px'} , 900);}); Looks like the problem is that you are using the shortcut in which the four corners In a definition, when you need to define them separately Try it: $ ('img'). Hover (function {$ (this). ({"MozBorderRadiusTopleft": '50px', 'MozBorderRadiusTopright': '50px'}, 900);}, function () {$ (this). '}, 900); });

ajax - Get page content with theme structure in Wordpress -

I am working on an AJAX-based Wordpress site and I want to know that there is no way to get a specific page a wget or / P> file_get_contents (page_url) But it will be the cleaner to use the WordPress built-in function. Thank you. > I had to go with file_get_contents . I do not know about a built-in WP function to do this, but even if I have any of it based on file_get_contents I expect;

XML Editor in java(jsp,sevlet) -

I am developing XML editor using jsp and servlet. In this case I am using DOM Parser. I have a problem with XML editor, how to edit the following XML files without losing elements. Example: & lt; Book ID = "B1" & gt; & Lt; Bookbegin id = "bb1" & gt; & Lt; Paragraph id = "p1" & gt; This is & lt; B & gt; First & lt; / B & gt; Line & lt; / Paragraph & gt; & Lt; Paragraph id = "p2" & gt; This & lt; B & gt; Second & lt; / B & gt; Line & lt; / Paragraph & gt; & Lt; Paragraph id = "p3" & gt; This & lt; B & gt; Third & lt; / B & gt; Line & lt; / Paragraph & gt; & Lt; / Bookbegin & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; I try to edit the above XML file using dsp using jsp, servlet. But when I read Textual from XML, it only gives first, second, thirds. To read 'this is' and 'line', then how to store the XML f...

A way to do music in an iphone game with small file sizes -

I am making an iPhone game, currently using OpenLL for SFX, we play the game with 10 megapuri Want to keep less The iPhone (at least the OpenLL) only plays basically uncompressed PCM. What would be the most direct way to get music from any kind of compressed format (MP3, AAC, OGG etc)? Is there any type of decoder API? Am I using OpenLL? Edit: OK, we have done some calculations, and we should be able to fit everything well with a simple 64kb / s compression plan, so I'm exploring the easiest way to decode a compressed file (preferably from memory) in the raw PCM in memory for use with Open Al. We also need a streaming decoder because it will be able to decode the stream from memory. Shm is not, but it would be nice. We want to looping for the track, so it would be ideal if decoder has a "random access" so that you can easily move around the track. One of the most narrow paths, or this allows you to score not only music, but also sound samples. is. May...

php - Why wamp server is running on my computer? -

First of all, Visual Studio 2008 has been installed on my computer and after that the Vip server I started the Vamp Server But it can start, it shows this error Please help me What can I do? Since your IIS server is also running on Port 80 and the Vip server try to run on port 80 Does not, your vamp server will not start In the Apache httpd.conf file, change the port of the Vamp server to some different port and try starting the wamp server.

This is SO's css path" what is this ?v=6184"? -

This is the CSS path of the SO "What is this? ? V = 6184"? What does this do? How to use it if it is useful? Can I use any site PHP, ASP.NET etc. to control this caching Is a way of When the value of the "v" parameter changes, the browser will consider it a different URL and instead of using its cached copy, it will ask for a new copy of the file. This technique is often used for certain "version" static files by providing something like timestamp in the query string.

java - How to display the appropriate message (info or warn) in s:decorate? -

I'm actually checking for the availability of the login name and warning the information image or image with an appropriate message We do not currently have the availability of a login name on two names. & lt; S id = "loginIdField" template = "/ layout / edit.xhtml" & gt; & Lt; Ui: defined name = "label" & gt; The desired login name & lt; / UI: Define & gt; & Lt; A: area & gt; & Lt; H: inputText id = "loginId" required = "true" value = "# {userHome.instance.loginId}" /> & Lt; S: Message warning: style = "color: red" info style = "color: green" /> & lt; Div class = "actionbutton" & gt; & Lt; A: commandButton id = "submit" value = "check availability" action = "# {userHome.isUnique (userHome.instance.loginId)}" render = "login idfield" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / A: Sector ...

text formatting - Displaying paragraphs in HTML -

I am writing a web application, which needs to be brought in the archived paragraph in the front web. Text excel comes from the work sheet and contains controls such as indent. I want to show the text correctly because it was in Excel. How can I go about doing this? thank you in advanced. Without starting my lesson, my initial suggestion would be wrapped in it pre-formatted Note the tag that it will not work for formatting such as italic, graphing, etc. White space only: & lt; Pre & gt; Anything within these tags will retain its original formatting. Spaces, new lines, and all. & Lt; / Pre & gt;

sql - How to split comma separated text in MySQL stored procedure -

To use the result in the SQL "IN" statement, how to divide a separate text (list of IDs) with commas in the MySQL stored procedure SELECT * to table WHERE IN (splitStringFunction (Comma Separated Data, ',')); You can do it in two ways:

How to get the clicked menu item's $mlid in Drupal? -

I am trying to create a submenu based on $ mlid . I have found a task that seems to work but I can not know how to get the $ mlid of the menu item which was just clicked. I found a function in a link on Same Post (SO), but I can only find examples where $ mlid is manually set any suggestions? You can use the menu_get_item () function to get the information About the current page as a menu item, then create a query to get the database to get MLID. $ item = menu_get_item (); // current page $ mlid = db_result (db_query ("select MLID FROM {menu_links} where menu_router information is link_path = '% s'", $ item ['path'])); Note - This applies to Dupl 6.

javascript - How to set the image src using jQuery -

I'm trying to change the image src attribute using jQuery jQuery ("# ImageID") .attr ('src', 'http: // localhost: 8080 / picture / 1 / myImage.png'); I can change the src attribute using the code above, but when I try: - jQuery ("# ​​imageID "). Attr ('Src', jQuery ("# ​​imageBlock"). CSS ('background-image')); I am unable to change src provided warning (jQuery ("#Imageblock"). CSS ( 'background image')); Returns: url () Edit # 1 just when I had to accept the solution I should say, almost all the solutions work in FF. I tried: piece (4, -1); Split ("(") [1]> then (")", ""); I think others will also work. But none of the solutions is working in IE. The reason: FF Returns: url () IE returns: url ("") ^ ^ See quotation marks here Now, what is the usual way of setting up source ARTR I need to test the browser if...

java - Android: How to disable list items on list creation -

I'm a lot new to Android developers and I'm still working a lot. We have shown a main menu while using the following code, but how to disable the selected items in the menu can not be detected. Can anyone help me with some sample code? Public category list provides test list expanses {@ override public zero to crate (bundled saved location) {super.onCreate (savedState); SetListAdapter (ArrayAdapter.createFromResource (this, R.array.mainMenu, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1)); // Not sure how to disable list items} Safe void onListItemClick (ListView List, View View, Integer Status, Long ID) {// can disable the item when they are clicked on view.setEnabled (false) Are; }} and I have string in my string.xm file: thanks creation to disable list items in the list You have to sub-quote from ArrayAdapter . You must override the following methods: is enabled (status of the int) and areAllItemsEnabled () . In the past you depend on the basis of true o...

compiler construction - Building an iPhone OS 2.2.1 project fails with error -

Perhaps someone knows what this means? Error: can not exec / developer / playform / iphoneOSplatmat / developers / user / bin / lowell- gcc-4.2 '(no such file or directory) I want to use the LLVM GCC 4.2 Compiler because an apple man said it is the best one I think does not work with the LLVM GCC 4.2 iPhone OS 2.2.1 framework? As I responded, LLVM still uses targeted applications on the iPhone for any version of SDK Not ready to compile. You can use it for an iPhone simulator, as it is said, because you are building for Mac in that case. I hope IBM will be available soon with a new release of SDK, considering the rapid pace of improvement with the LLVM compiler and the Clag Parser.

sql server 2005 - statement "USE @dbname" doesn't work, why? How to do that? -

मुझे यह टी-एसक्यूएल स्निपेट मिला है: DECLARE @ db_name varchar (255 ); SET @ db_name = 'MY_DATABASE'; - यह मानते हुए कि 'my_database' नाम का डाटाबेस है @ db_name - यह पंक्ति त्रुटि के साथ समाप्त होती है "गलत सिंटैक्स के पास '@ db'।" लेकिन चर (स्निपेट की तीसरी पंक्ति) के साथ उपयोग काम नहीं करता है। यह काम क्यों नहीं करता? आप का नाम नहीं दे सकते USE कथन के लिए एक चर में डेटाबेस।

javascript - dynamically generated Elements are not appended in document correctly in IE -

I wrote a JavaScript calendar, which is dynamically generated by javascript. But if does not work in IE Here is a link to my script. We are looking at an IE developer tool, new generated content It seems that you forgot a few quotesCleender.GS, on Line 15, change: " navigation status ": top "navigation status": "top" to options.navigationPosition with a string As defined in the form, call to toLowerCase succeeds on line 160.

e commerce - magento - Product page 404 error -

I copied the products for a Magento platform with 2 stores from Magento platform from 1 store. After that, the product page redirects me to the 404 error page from a category page of 1 store. The product is shown in the admin catalog, and the other is listed with the product in the index but when I click to see the detailed product, then gives me 404 pages. I use Magenta 1.1.7. Thread off To see if a rewrite for this product Added a look at the URL Returns section in admin to see if it has given a 404 error.

django templates, find string replace with other string -

Hey, I'm writing some templates, but I want to convert it to "_" within a string. I converge from something like "My_Name" to "My name" {{}} Want to do . How can I do this? There is no underlying tag or filter for this replacement. Write a filter that is divided by a given character Be sure to combine it with the join filter, or type the filter directly into the replacement.

embedded .wmv video object not working in firefox, works in IE -

यह मेरा कोड है & lt; तालिका शैली = "चौड़ाई: 100%; ऊंचाई : 100%; ऊर्ध्वाधर- align: मध्यम; text-align: center; "& gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट क्लासिड = "CLSID: 22d6f312-b0f6-11d0- 94ab-0080c74c7e95" कोडबेस = " , 1,52,701 "प्रकार =" एप्लिकेशन / एक्स-ओलेबैज "& gt; & Lt; param name = "src" value = "../ दस्तावेज / 10695.wmv" & gt; & Lt; / param & gt; & lt; param name = "ShowStatusBar" मान = "सच" & gt; & Lt; / param & gt; & lt; param name = "stretchToFit" मान = "सच" & gt; & Lt; / param & gt; & lt; param नाम = "ऑटोस्टार्ट" मान = "सच" & gt; & Lt; / param & gt; एम्बेड प्लगइन्स = "" प्रकार = "एप्लिकेशन / x-mplayer2...

java - Tomcat 6 Virtual Hosting Same Spring Application -

I have the same tomacat 6 instance on two different virtual hosts the same. However, I'm running into a problem with Spring Framework and I'm registering a bean. Here is an error that I am seeing ... org.springframework.jmx.export.UnableToRegisterMBeanException: MBean with key 'mam [com.dti.servlets.Configuration@3a1834] to register Unable to: name = webConfig '; The nested exception is EAM: name = webConfig I'm pretty sure that I need to define my references for each virtual host but I have no luck. I have found that only the name of the Fix Bean Key is changed. Any other suggestions would be great. The problem is that the name of the bean should be unique to the JVM. Since you are deploying the same war , you have two solutions: Change the registration behavior of Spring Jmx exporter (see) To dynamically change the name of beans on startup, define your own objectname strategy (like app1.mybean...

flex - Help! dragDrop event not firing for my TextArea control -

I am working on a simple view in my app which allows the user to drag and drop a list from list control Lets on a textarea The dragent event looks like a fire, but the dragdrrop incident is not there. I forgot to add textarea as a drop target during my drag-end handler: P

Flex combobox custom icon -

Trying to set the state icon above and above a flex combo box for images I want to change the color of the icon The property is visible, but it has no property to the skin. How can I do it? "properties" are genres actually: upSkin , downskin Default is - Take a look at the source code to get more details about override or customization. , overSkin , disabledSkin is the default.

html - Selenium RC -htmlsuite error -

कमांड चलाने के बाद java -jar selenium-server.jar -htmlSuite "iexplore" "http: // www / "C: \ Selenium \ suite.html" "C: \ सेलेनियम \ results.html" ब्राउज़र खुलता है और दिखाता है पेज परीक्षण सूट कॉलम पर प्रदर्शित नहीं किया जा सकता है.मुझे इस में सहायता करें? आम तौर पर जब ऐसा होता है, क्योंकि सेलेनियम टेस्ट सूट का रास्ता गलत है क्या आपने सुनिश्चित किया है कि यह सही संस्करण लोड कर रहा है? मैंने यह भी गौर किया है कि ब्राउज़र के ब्राउज़र में * ब्राउज़र के बिना आप लोड कर रहे हैं। उदाहरण का उपयोग करें जावा -जर सेलेनियम-सर्वर.जर -एचएमएलएसयूइट * यानी एक्सप्लोर c: \ selenium \ suite.html सी: \ सेलेनियम \ results.html मेरे पास एक ट्यूटोरियल है कि यह मेरी साइट पर पर कैसे जाना है

rdbms - Why use primary keys? -

Identifying a unique column in the table uses a different primary key? Can not this be done on one column only using an autoimmune block? I understand that PK and FK are used to relate to different tables, but can it be done only by joining? > For the integrity referenced with most foreign keys, when you have a PK, it will also create an indicator behind the scenes and in this way you do not need a table scan in search of values ​​

javascript - js/jquery coverflow effect -

I try to store a certain effect with JS / jQuery: the Apple Mac OS X coverflow effect that you want to find Can you choose me slowly & amp; Smooth work plugin? I like #Readbout for jquery but unfortunately they do not support that effect I also tried some linked plugins of this post: but they are all dirty and do not work smoothly in Firefox (IE's Not to mention). Thanks This cover is a cross-browser implementation of the flow: The primary mode works in HTML5 (JavaScript / CSS) and it has a fallback for older browsers in Flash. It supports mobile, you can flip through the cover with a simple swipe gesture. This latest webkit has been accelerated in the browser. Tested on: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8 +, iPad, iPhone

arrays - PHP how to assign class property variables conditionally -

I am new to php classes, arrays, etc., so pls excuse me if I do not use the correct terminology example For example: Let's say I have an example, for example: For example: For example: a class test and " Test "is an asset" employee "(hopefully this is the right way of calling) and the employee is of a complex type. So, I have something like this: $ test -> Employee = array ('age' = & gt; '30 ',' gender '= & gt; $ gender,' nationality '= & gt; $ nationality,' marital status' => $ position, etc., etc.) My problem here is whether 'age', 'sex', 'nationalism', etc. are not always present and I want to specify the value of them. Assigned , and I do not want to use, if not for each combination of each empty values ... (this is a small example, but I have many of these qualities or whatever is said and many "if" combinations are very messy ...) I have these valu...

c++ - Using RAII with a character pointer -

I see a lot of RAI Examples classes that wrap around file handles. I have tried to adapt them without examples of luck without a character pointer. The library I am using is a task that detects a letter indicator (such as get_me_a_string (char ** x)). This task allocates memory for that letter indicator and leaves it to clean the end user's library in its code. So, I have a code that looks like this ... four * one = zero; Char * b = NULL; Char * c = NULL; Get_me_a_string (& amp; a); If (a == NULL) {return; } Get_me_a_beer (& amp; amp; b); If (B == tap) {if (a! = Null) {free (a); } Return; } Get_me_something (& amp; c); If (c == NULL) {if (a! = NULL) {free (a); } If (b! = Null) {free (b); } Return; } If (a! = NULL) {free (A); } If (b! = Null) {free (b); } If (a! = NULL) {free (b); } It seems that Raii is the answer to this disturbance which is above me. I provide a simple C ++ class which is a * * * Thanks

How do I generate a signature for a settle request in Amazon FPS Marketplace? -

The document is really awesome, and while making a button to reserve a credit card payment, it is quite straightforward, it continues Is able to pay is a pain Does anyone else have an idea before using FPS? Thank you!

java - How do I ensure another Thread's Handler is not null before calling it? -

My program threw a NullPointerException the second day when the handler was created on another thread to send a message to that thread Tried to do the handler created by another thread was not yet created, or the calling thread was not visible yet, despite the calling thread being started already on the other thread, it would only be very less Almost every test run is up Prahlad does not. I was wondering what is the best way to avoid this problem with minimal problems and performance penalties. This program is a game and very sensitive, especially running once. So I try to avoid using synchronization after setup, for example, and at any time likes to avoid spinning on the variable. Background: Handler class in Android "to take action on a different thread than your own" Encryed A. "Documentation here: Thread to handler Should be made where it will be used. Therefore, it is run by thread to make thread, making it in the manufacturer of thread, this is not an o...

actionscript 3 - Flash Stage Losing Focus -

I created this incredible spectacular scrolling thumbnail image viewer for the client in Flash ActionCapt 3. (Basically it only depends on the scroll up or down position of the mouse) It works so much (I can never get the percent correct, so that it can show the image at the top), but next to the point Is it really bothering me when I have my .swf open with a loaded browser window and I click on any other app on my desktop, stupid scrolling in the browser window Bnel the field starts to waste. "Where is my mouse ??!?!?!?!" I think this is thinking. Is there a platform? Can I tell my scrolling thumbnail area with STFU? I also write some javascript to have a flash function, if this is a favorite technique thanks in advance. Function Checkmospose (E: Event): Zero {if (mouseX> 145) {try {var sHeight: int = MovieClip (root) .stageHeight; } Hold (error) {trace ("phase not loaded"); } If (Mouse U & G; (SHHET / 2) + 100) {if (tHolder.y-50> gt; - (Comp...

html - Relative Paths in Javascript in an external file -

So I'm running this JavaScript, and everything works well, except for the background image path. It works on my local ASP.NET dev environment, but when it is deployed on a server in the virtual directory it does not work. This is in an external .js file, the folder structure is site / content / style.css site / scripts / myjsfile.js site / images / filter_xpants.jpg Site / Images / Fields_Grage. JPG Then this is where the JS file is included. site / view / product list / index.aspx $ ("# toggle") . Click (function () {if (left.width ()> gt; 0} {AnimateNav (left, right, 0); $ (this). CSS ("background", "url ('../ images / filter_expant .jpg ') "} other {animatane (left, right, 170); $ (this). CSS (" background "," url (' ../ images / filter_ collapse.jpg ') ");}}) ; I have tried to use '/ images / filters_collapse.jpg' and that does not work; However, if I '../../image/filt_ collapse.j... - How to subtract a month from Date object? -

How do I want to reduce the date object in VB.NET to one month? I have tried: today. However, today it is given that 01-January 2010, the result will be available to me 01-Dec-2010. I want the answer is 01-December-2009. Is this an easy way to do this? Net framework? You really need to transport in a variable today and that assignment should work there. The following code will produce the results you expected (I just verify it because your post thought me twice). dim dt as dateTime = date.Today dt = dt.AddMonths (-2) String = DT. ToString ()

grails - setting cookies when render type is "contentType: text/json" -

Is the return render type set as json when it is possible to set cookies on the reaction? I can set cookies on a standard reader type and later on the response object, I am able to get it back on later request. However, if I had to set cookies while presenting return values ​​as Jason, then I could not return the cookie on the next request object. What's going on here These two actions work, as do the required work with the 'basic form', post after taking a regular action, with 'Regular submit', when users click submit Does. // Sets the first action cookie and the second action is basically set cookie def regular action = {// cookie plugin response. Uses a set cookie ("username-regular", "regular cocky user 123", 604800); Submit Return (See: "Basic Farm"); } // REGURI with form post DRF with name == {def myCookie = request.getCookie ("username-regular"); // value presents 'regularCookieUser123' returns (see:...

python - How to animate a graph I've drawn in PyQt? -

So I have been able to get a graph that is ready on my screen like this: Class window (QWidget): #stuff graphicsView = QGraphicsView (own) view = QGraphicsScene (self) #dodo I limit our nodes and edges (0, len (MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour) - 1): node = QGraphicsRectItem (MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [i] [0] / 3, MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [i] [1] / 3, 5, 5) edge = QGraphicsLineItem (MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [i] [0] / 3 , Man_warldkkarrentmaksktur [e] [1] / 3, Man_warldkkarrentmaksktur [e + 1] [0] / 3, Man_warldkkarrentmaksktur [e + 1] [1] / 3) Sinekadditem (Node) scene.addItem (edge) # now Apas go and drag our connecting edge. Ends Home node connectingEdge = QGraphicsLineItem (MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [0] [0] / 3, MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [0] [1] / 3, MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [Lane (MAIN_WORLD.currentMax. Tour) - 1] [0] / 3, MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour [LAN (MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour) - 1] [1] / 3) scene.addItem (connectingEdge) graphicsView.setScene (view) hbox = QVBoxLayo...

wcf service stops after few requests -

I am working on an application where I am using a wcf service I currently serve my localhost I'm hosting this and only accessing it by adding service context to my project, on one of my pages, I'm sending a request on the change of selected index on the dropdown list. This works well for some requests first, but after the following approval is given a sudden shutdown " failed to invoke the service. Possible reasons: Service is offline or inaccessible ; The client-side configuration does not match the proxy, the current proxy is invalid.View stack trace for more details.You start a new proxy, restore the default configuration or save You can try to recover from refresh. " How can I stop the service without any reason and that too from my localhost it only works for the first 3-4 requests In service I am sending an integer and using a class in a general list, I am returning records on my own basis. Thanks in advance What protocol / binding are you using...

oop - Why we can't implement polymorphism in C++ without base class pointer or reference? -

Take a look at the following code first (this code is the base class and the line derived class in the shape ) -> The upper part of the zero (size sarre [], integer size) {for (int i = 0; i When we compile this program, the draw method of shape will be called first, then the program will end. Why it ended? Why can not we apply polymorphism without base class pointers or what is the technical reason for this? If we are trying to implement polymorphism from the array of objects, then what compiler will it do? Please explain with examples very wisely. I will be very grateful You are asking a question and providing a code example that fails to separate Due to the words of your question: Why do references / polymorphism are needed for polymorphism? struct base {virtual zero f (); }; Derivative structure: Public base {virtual zero} (F); }; Zero call 1 (base b) {B.F. (); // base: F} zero call 2 (base & amp; b) {bf}; // Derivative :: f} int main () {derived d; C...

Ejabberd start issue. RPC Failed Node Down error -

I'm trying to configure my Ejabberd to run on Ubuntu I have successfully installed Ejabberd without any problems Has achieved success. When I use my server ejabberdctl sid@domU-12-31-39-01-7C-F5.compute1.internal start me The following error is found failed on the RPC node 'ejabberd @ domU-12-31-39-01-7C-F5': nodedown Isabard 2.0 Using .5 and I had some installation problems before, where I had to face 'post installation script error'. However, after uninstalling and reinstalling, I managed to move it around. I have used the installer to set up my own. I appreciate any help to solve this problem. My log file shows the following: The log file says `= INFO report ==== 2010-02-03 07:52:44 = == I (& lt; 0.319.0>: mod_pubsub: 155): Pub Init "domu-12-31-39-01-7c-f5.compute-1.internal "[[Access_createnode, pubsub_createnode}, {plugins, [" default "," peep "]}] = info report ==== 2010-02-03 07: 52:44 === I (...

plugins - jquery mouse gestures/btn queuing -

I am using jquery super gestures for an interface on the site. I want to use every gesture I would like to use to hand it over to various tasks eg: When a movement (to move the mouse on the left ) The user is thrown into a div which prompts the user to do something else with a good graphic When the same movement is done, that movement Action taken for This can be triggered until that Action does not end for special movement. Then I will apply a whole series of mouse movements to the top, down, left, right, circle, zig-zag etc. My question is, how do I move in jQuery through a series of tasks To get this way? Thank you very much in advance. You can use JavaScript arrays to keep the queue var queue = []; Why. Pat (function () (Alert ('Hello World'}}) Q. Push (function () {Alert ('Goodbye cruel world');}); Then, when If you are pointing out, you can use ... callback: function (gesture) {if (0 == queue.length). {...} And if (' Circle-...

Javascript string formatting, short question -

How can I use javascript to add a number (any number between 0-100), its After an underscore, before the variable value? Example: 2000 12_2000 / / / a number of my choice is added, after which an underscore hello becomes 12_hello The number of this case (12 in this case) is chosen by me continuously! Thanks i + '_' + x Where i is the number and x is an arbitrary value.

How do I write a vim function that calls VimGrep? -

मैं एक फ़ंक्शन myFunc लिखना चाहता हूँ जैसे: myFunc / function foo / हो जाता है : vimgrep / function foo / ** / *। Cpp ** / *। Hpp myFunc / class बार: सार्वजनिक / हो जाता है vimgrep / class बार: सार्वजनिक / ** / धन्यवाद! : कमांड -nargs = 1 MyFunc vimgrep & lt; args & gt; ** / *। सीपीपी ** / *। एचपीपी: मायफंक / हैलो वर्ल्ड /

TFS shows pending changes with status "merge". If I check these in, will any files change? -

I'm merging files in TFS. This is a bit tricky because some files have been moved or deleted in the target. After merge and resolve conflicts, TFS shows several pending changes with the status "merge". If I check these, will any file change? I think if I look at the status of the pending changes (in the "Change column") with the "merge", it only merge the record so that in TFS it is so that if I repeat the merge So it will not try to merge these files again, is that right? I do not want to check this huge list of files and stop changing the contents / names / deleted status of files. As far as I understand, specially merge means that its merge merge with any other branch . However, I think merge-sama-merge operations are represented. If a particular file is different in two branches, then the file will have a status of "merge, edit" because it has merged with both the branches and changed the content-wise. So in other words, ...

php - How to create a view/table in my context in mysql? -

I want to create a view / table in mysql I now have two tables: Make table teacher (id int (10) tap auto_increment, name varchar (50), primary key (id)); Refer to the table student (id int (10) null auto_interpret, name varchar (50), teacher_id int (10), primary key (id), foreign key (teacher_id), teacher discount ID (cascade); Now, I want to get the and in the same column, and make the teacher Teacher_id as parent_id , as id . The new table structure should be: table (parent_id, id, name); Edit : The value of the "Name" column is either the name of the teacher or the name of the student. Example: parent_id id name 0 1 teacher 1 1 2 student 1 1 3 student 2 0 4 teachers 2 4 5 student 3 How do they do that? Thanks in advance;) EDIT: Is there anyone who has to do it? I'm thinking ... I'm not sure that I think you're getting a teacher. Name and in the same column. I have assu...

php - How to filter an array to remove parents with childs equal to zero? -

मेरे पास एक सरणी संरचना है जैसे: $ something = सरणी (0 = & gt; सरणी ('लेबल' = & gt; 'फू', 'आइटम' = & gt; सरणी ('123' = & gt; 4, '124' = & gt; 0,)), 1 = & gt; सरणी ('लेबल' = & gt ; 'बार', 'आइटम' = & gt; सरणी ('125' = & gt; 5, '126' = & gt; 1,)), 2 = & gt; सरणी ('लेबल' = & gt; 'बाज़', 'आइटम '= & Gt; सरणी (' 127 '= & gt; 0,' 128 '= & gt; 0,))); और मुझे मूल्य शून्य के साथ सभी 'आइटम्स' कुंजी को निकालने की जरूरत है, और अगर किसी आइटम का कोई बच्चा नहीं है, तो पूरे ब्लॉक को हटा दें। तो, फ़िल्टरिंग के बाद वह सरणी, मुझे ये होना चाहिए: सरणी (2) {[0] = & gt; सरणी (2) {["लेबल"] = & gt; "फू" ["आइटम"] = & gt; सरणी (1) {[123] = & gt; 4}} [1] = & gt; सरणी (2) {["लेबल"] = & gt; "बार" ["आइटम"] = & gt; सरणी (2) {[125] = ...

Can you help me understand this example of fibonacci using C# closures? -

While trying to learn functional C #, I put Dustin Campbell in C # 3. My solution works but I have trouble understanding the last line of NT_FIB. Is not it strange that there is no difference to the formula? N is immediately bound in expression "fn => nth_fib (n - 1) + nth_fib (n - 2)" but i have the function & amp; Lt; Int & gt; Can not change the type of return on Does it mean I have to pass an unnecessary argument later? Note: Exam pass [TestFixture] Public square testfilm {{test} Public Zero test_fib () {Hon. AreEqual (8, New Fibliaccier). Nth_Fib 5)); Confirm. Eraquall (1597, new Fiberclosure (). NTFIF (16)); }} Public Square Fibolos {Private Func & lt; Int, int & gt; [] FormulaCache; Public int Nth_Fib (int n) {if (n & lt; = 2) return n; If (formula cache == empty) formula = new fax & lt; Int, int & gt; [(N + 1)]; Function & lt; Int, int & gt; Formula = build (n); // No matter, n is already bound !! ?? Return Formula (3345...

multithreading - Does the StuckThreadMaxTime parameter in Weblogic 10.3 abort the thread? -

When some process is unusually long term, I get a message on the app console. Does this message show that my thread is aborted, or can it continue? & lt; [STUCK] ExecuteThread: '0' for q 0: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning) is busy for "609" seconds of work on request, "HTTT request: / Gatesun", which That is more than "600" seconds of configured seconds (Stack TrafMaxtime) App description: Webbill 10.3, Jr. 6 JDK J12 EE Straits App running on a 512 MB stack . Any help would be appreciated in cleaning up doubt. Stuck thread status is informative, weblogic will not block, block blocked or stuck threads, they To run (if they can). Now, I should say that there is not really proper use of HTTP to take the HTTP request more than 10 MNN.

What are the differences in string initialization in C++? -

क्या std :: string s1 ("foo") के बीच कोई अंतर है; और std :: स्ट्रिंग s2 = "foo"; ? हां और नहीं। सबसे पहले स्पष्ट रूप से आरंभ किया गया है, और दूसरा प्रतिलिपि शुरू किया गया है। मानक पहले के साथ दूसरे को बदलने की अनुमति देता है व्यवहार में, उत्पादित कोड समान होता है। संक्षेप में ऐसा होता है: std :: string s1 ("foo"); फ़ॉर्म के स्ट्रिंग कन्स्ट्रक्टर: स्ट्रिंग (कॉन्स्ट char * s); को s1 के लिए कहा जाता है। दूसरे मामले में एक अस्थायी रूप से बनाया गया है, और उल्लेख किया गया है कि earler निर्माता उस अस्थायी के लिए कहा जाता है। उसके बाद, प्रतिलिपि निर्माता का उपयोग किया जाता है। उदा: स्ट्रिंग s1 = string ("foo"); व्यवहार में, दूसरा प्रपत्र अनुकूलित है, पहले के रूप में होना चाहिए। मैंने एक कंपाइलर नहीं देखा है जो दूसरे मामले को अनुकूलित नहीं करता है।

iphone - How to control the searchResultsTableView of a UISearchDisplayController? -

I wonder how to control the table view used by UISearchDisplayController You searchResultsTableView UISearchDisplayController because it is a read-only property. I have tried to overlay UITableView to searchResultsTableView . It works just once, but as soon as you try to do another search, the real searchResultsTableView is again on the top (I mean, you have some text in searchBar If you type, your custom table view is at the top and displays the search results, after which you press the cancel button. Now, if you repeat it, your custom table will not be displayed and the UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultTableView head Will). Of course, you can try without the UISearchDisplayController , but I trust the benefits of this class, I just want to customize the tableview I am You have TableViewDataSource property at UISearchDisplayController , It produces the data source UITableViewCell . Apply the UITableViewDataSource protocol and you have...

c# - Restricting asynchronous events to the calling object -

In my C # -Cylverlight-3-application, I have created a square, which calculates something that is different Parts of My Program This section requires data from a database, so it calls the WCF service to receive the data. The structure of the class looks like this: Public class Consumption Clarity {// Announce the event to inform the subscribers, that the calculation is finished to the public representative HandlerConsumtionCalculationFinished (object sender, ConsumtionCalculationArgs args); Public event handlerusation evaluationfinished calculationsfinnished; Public Zero (int ID) {// call WCF-Service DataContainer.instance.dataSource.GetConsumtionInfoAsync (ID); } Get zero results of zero data SOURCE_GetConsumtionInfoCompleted (Object Sender, GetConsumtionInfoCompletedEventArgsE) {// WCF- service call // Here do some calculations and put in results 'extreme' // Increase an event to inform listeners, calculate that Calculation has ended (this, args); }} Objects require...

javascript - When the submit button is clicked, I want to get the value of a dropdownlist -

How do I choose an option in the drop down list when a button is clicked? & lt; Id = "d1" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; A & lt; / Options & gt; ... & lt; / Select & gt; Click the $ ('# btn') (function () { Var value = $ ('# d1'). Val ();}) $ (element) .val () Returns the value of any element element is .

bubble unhandled exception to white automation from silverlight -

I'm using white automation API to test Silverlight app, but when an unwanted exception occurs in Silverlight, I do not know that To test this back in the unit test or check in white API to see if there was an exception or not. Did anyone find a way to do this? I'm not familiar with the white test framework, but you might probably do something like the following in your testing: [test] Public Zero MyTest () {bool unhandledExceptionFired = false; Application Present. Unrestricted concept + = (S, E) = & gt; Unrestricted ExceptionFired = true; // test code .... fears ISFFELED (uncontrolled exceptionation); } Like I said, I have not mentioned the specific testing framework, but such a thing should be done. Or are you running in some problem which prevents it from working?

caching - Flash CS4 refuses to let go -

I have a flash project, and there are several source files in it I have a fairly heavily used class, call it jenin I recently (and, perhaps, happily) moved Genie from one place to another, I thought we were ready - I thought it was time. The new Genie was better in every way - she had lost some code bloat, she had separated herself from certain class relationships, and she eventually came home to the name of the place that she always knew secretly in her heart, He was actually related to one. He was in the middle of his kind. Unfortunately, there will be no one in the flash. Perhaps it had formed an attachment probably it did not want to be decoupled by Jenin in any way, it stuck to the old, perfect version of Jenin in its memory. He refused to move forward, ignoring his (function) calls he tried to forget his new, public interface. Instead, this example of Jenin is always a copy of the old version, below its orbit: var jenineInstance: Jenine = new Jenine (); Trace (getQuali...

c# - How to make my program a background process -

I wrote a program in C # .NET, which needs to be run in the background. I mean that any of them User interface should be Neither a GUI nor CLI is a service of windows (since it must run after the user enters). This example should be run in the background. Example of such a program AdobeUpdater.exe , GoogleUpdater.exe etc. Another option would be to create a Windows application and set these two properties: this.WindowState = FormWindowState Minimized; This.ShowInTaskbar = false;

multithreading - Java volatile variable question -

I was thinking about the Java sensitization that the following code: private Volatile list list; Private Finals Lock Lock = New RetreatLock (); Public Zero update (list newList) {ImmutableList L = New ImmutableList (). AddAll (newList); Lock.lock (); List = L; lock unlock(); } Public list () {return list; } equals: Personal volatile list list; Public Zero update (list newList) {ImmutableList L = New ImmutableList (). AddAll (newList); List = L; } Public list () {return list; } {/ Code> Try {} Finally {} the block was left for brevity. I accept the ImmutableList class as a truly immutable data structure, which keeps its own data, Such as the google-collections provided in the library since the list variable is variable and basically it is happening that copy-on-the-fly, is it not safe to avoid using lock only? In this very specific example, I think you will not make any locking on variable reassignment . In general, I think that you are better by using one inste...

What are the advantages of built-in immutability of F# over C#? -

I have heard that F # is the basic support for inconsistency but what about it in # Can not be repeated? F # Unchanging data that you do not get from C # irreversible data, what do you get? In addition to F #, is there no way to create temporary data? Is everything immutable? If you use both C # and F # in an application, can you change the F # data for the unchanged in C #? Or are you just making new C # types, which uses unchanging F # data and changes those data that point to those figures?

javascript - How to extract QUnit results from the document -

When Quick Connect adds test results to your HTML document, then this number of intelligently received tests, passes and intervals The elements fail, each with its own class, let you retrieve these three numbers programmatically though, even if I can see spans in finished HTML, when I jQuery ('span.failed') Therefore, I can not find them; // For example They are not during the onload event, although they are for onoglog events. What am I doing wrong?

.net - How to set HotKey system-wide in C# -

V3 has a function named HotKeySet . It sets a hotkey that when pressed the user function Makes a call. This system is a hot hotkey, which means that when the hotkey is set, the key can not be used for anything else. Actually, I would like to capture esc or some other key like $ , ` , etc. and when the user It presses anywhere, even if it should be told outside of the app too. For example, I am like HotKeySet ({ESC}) inside a loop and when this is done, then the program will wait for that key to be pressed first. public static zero work () (while true) {string task = null; Lock (locker) if (function calculation> 0) {task = taskss.Dequeue (); If (task == zero) {return; }} If (work! = Null) {//MessageBox.Show(- Performance: "+ Work); Program.mainAnnounceWindow.setLogTextBox (function); Program.mainAnnounceWindow.setLogTrayTip (function); Program.windowStateChange (" Show " ); // Set Here Set the Hotkey (`); // When it is pressed, wait for the hotkey to pr...

Can I use LINQ to retrieve only "on change" values? -

What I want to be able to do is build a LINQ query that retrieves some value from some daters when I Here's an example for a change in a field example: Overview Time Temporary Time ------------- ---- ------ Cloud Thunderstorms 15.0 3:00 AM Cloudy 16.5 hrs Thursday 16:00 pm Thunderstorm with thunderstorms 29 nights storm-water with thunderstorm 29 pm Thunderstorm with thunderstorm They feel like -10 > I only want to retrieve the entries, when the observation from the previous one was changed, the result would be: cloudy will remain 15.0 3:00 AM Sunny 19pm 3:30 Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 16.5 3:20 Cloudy Cloudy 16.0 4:00 AM Sunrise 17.5 3:45 PM Currently this code repeats through databar and Comparisons and produces results, but it does not To test was hoping to use LINQ. What I would like to do, is something like this: name weather strip = DAS from the. Tables [0] .Asnumerable () where the line Field & lt; String & gt; ("Observation")! = Weathe...

Factory Pattern - Question with Auto-wire up -

I am using the generated sections of subsonic2 and want to add an abstract layer to test, I created a basic interface Is ... Public Interface IController & lt; TCollection & gt; Where TCollection: Class {TCollection FetchAll (); TCollection FetchByID (object ID); TCollection FetchByQuery (query query); Remove boolean (object id); // Insert zero (TNTity unit); // zero updates (TNTity unit); } Which is great, I created an "expanded" square folder, removed a square there and extended that class ... Public partial class address controller: iCitroler & lt; Address Calling & gt; {} There is no problem, yay. Then he killed me - 239 of these classes, and I'm not about hand-making, to do this, there should be a way for software to do this, and I'm lazy, so I saw a factory pattern IC Controller & lt; TCollection> How do I take it? I think a better question is how do I get reflection to take my class and tell me to use a certain interface? ...

qt - Emitting signals from other threads -

I have a class with main thread and 3 other threads (2 keythroughs and 1 QtConcurrent :: runs) . Inside this method, I occasionally emit a signal. Is it OK or it can cause problems because I am not emitting signals related to calling thread. Yes, that's absolutely right. QT inter-thread communication makes for you transparently. If the slot requires fire then the signal is queued in the second thread and enters the destination event when it enters its event loop. You can try it and see what happens in the debugger

encoding - Adobe Flash CS3 Profesional - missing DirectShow 9 and QuickTime 7 -

In Adobe Flash CS3 Professional and when I start Flash Video Encoder, I get the following message: "A required system library Please make sure that you have installed DirectShow 9 and Quicktime 7 or higher on your system. " Two of your systems have DirectShow 9 and QuickTime 7 or higher installed?

viewengine - ASP.NET MVC: How do I get all available views? -

I have a controller on my site that handles anonymous operations and if it is present then returns a view such that That's because static content can be added to this particular area of ​​the site without modifying the controller. The problem I am experiencing now is to create a sitemap.xml file that includes links to all "unknown" views I Credit from the code given below Shows that I am doing for the unknown functions: protected override void Handlagyatakshn (string Akshnanme) {GetUnknownActionResult (actionName) Kanukrmit Result (controller Consort) is; } [Nonaction] // is public, so this testable public action is GetUnknownActionResult (string actionName) {var result = view (actionName); If (result.ViewEngineCollection.Any (Engine => engine.FindView (Controller Context, result. ViewName, null, true) see! = Null)) {return result; } Return new HTTP Notepoint Result (); } If you serve static content such as .htm files and .pdf files There are a "sta...

asynchronous - ajax synchronous call with timeout -

New to AJAX, so asking a very basic question. - Is there no way to set up a synchronous Ajax call with time (async: false)? Asynchronous works well with calls from time to time, though in my application, but for a special scenario, let me synchronously call (Javascript actually until this Waiting for the server should wait), and it works fine but I have to handle a scenario where it can take longer and can be called an AJAX timeout. Can I refer to another piece of standard document for AJAX? Thanks Actually, during a synchronous Ajax request, the browser is blocked And no JavaScript can be executed because this browser is blocked, jQuery can not cancel the AJAX request after the timeout set because jQuery is javascript and the browser can not be executed while the browser is blocked. This is the primary drawback in Synchronous Ajax. Any time you might want a synchronous request, you should use an asynchronous instead, after which the callback should be, as shown b...

graphics - Embedding dendrogram in Java -

Do you have any clue? Already tried to do a search on Google but whatever is not lonely (unless I need to embed the generation inside my program) was not found. Thank you! See Graph Library. This will not do the actual clustering for you, but there is actually a good library to see your results.

flash - how to kill a setTimeout() function -

I use the setTimeout () function through my application, but when the time to collect garbage method is just now Also runs and calls the function. How do I stop calling it on a certain function? I tried to empty it but it does not work Returns a reference to the timeout, which You can then use when you call. var myTimeout = setTimeout (...); ClearTimeout (myTimeout);

ruby on rails - Selecting a value from the select box when options added by an ajax call -

I have a form of adding recipes, in the same way the user can add multiple recipe content; Every Agentis user will call AJAX This way, I do not need to display the content selection box. When the user selects a component, the ID of the selected content is stored in the hidden input & Lt; / Div & gt; When the user selects a component from the list, then Ajax triggers the call to populate another selection box which displays all the sizes of the content. This set up works perfectly when I'm making a new dish. I have a problem when I open the existing recipe in editing mode ... I have the following HTML jQuery code jQuery.fn.bindServingSizes = function (element) {var $ this = $ (this); $ .getJSON ("/ serving_sizes? Ingredientid =" + ingredientid, function (j) {var option = "& lt; option value = '> & gt; please select a serving size & lt; / option & gt;"; ( Var i = 0; I & lt; j.length; i ++) option + = ...

dictionary - Python shelve OutOfMemory error -

I have some data stored in the DB that I want to process. DB access pain is slow, so I decided to load all the data in a dictionary before any processing. However, due to the huge size of the stored data, I get out of memory error (I use more than 2 gigas). So I decided to use the disk data structure and found out that using stell is an option. Def load data (if: #dict on disk): d = (name) returns d and: d = (name, write = tru) # write data db and data # d [key] = Value # for unstable values ​​or # old current = D [key] #newwalk = F (oldw) #d [key] = newwale d. I have a few questions, 1) Do I really need to write? (Score: 4, = That's true? What does this do? 2) I still get an outflow-memory exception, as long as the data is being written on disk, I have no control Does How do I do that? I tried to do a sync () every few iterations, but he did not help either. Thank you! writeback = true any item is ever received on the shelf , And forcing th...