I'm just starting COBOL, and went with JCL ... How do I get my original COBOL program I compile the PDS, I know that this could just be // SYSIN DD * code code code / * I tried to do something like this // SYSIN DD DSN = The.pds.location (file), DISP = SHR but all shots were trash back and I think return code of 12. If someone can help, then be thankful. Depending on the information you posted, your JCL should work. Maybe you are missing something else, following JCL provides complete job phase to compile COBOL: ... your job card goes here ... // COB EXEC PGM = IGYCRCTL // STEPLIB DD DISP = SHR, DSN = SYSP.IGY.V3R4M1.SIGYCOMP // SYSUT1 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (Siwayel, (1,1)) // SYSUT2 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (Siwayel, (1,1)) // SYSUT3 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (Siwayel, (1,1)) // SYSUT4 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (Siwayel, (1,1)) // SYSUT5 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (CYL, (1,1)) // SYSUT6 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (cv, (1,1)) // SYSUT7 DD unit = SYSDA, SPACE = (...