
Showing posts from March, 2014

c# - Why calling some functions of the Object class, on a primitive type instance, need boxing? -

I've found that if I run the following lines of code. int i = 7; I.GetHashCode (); // where getHashCode () is the // function received from the system. Object No sparring has been done, but if I i Call GetType () (Function derived from the System.Object from the other GetHashCode () , , a boxing to Calling GetType () will not be possible, why it is not possible without boxing it is possible to call GetHashCode () , while without boxing, on the initial type of example The key here is to GetType () call The key here is that GetType () is not virtual and overrides Since a stat is effectively sealed , the structure can not be overridden at any more , hence runtime and compiler structure methods Which is overridden as a static call. If you type a straight (rare) you should all methods like ToString ( ) , equal) , GetHashCode () for this reason if you do not do this box Should Ona. However, GetType () can not be override, thus boxing is require...

Permissions error when connecting to EC2 via SSH on Mac OSx -

I am new to EC2. I have created my security credentials from this site: This works very well, I rebooted and now when I try to connect then I get a login / password prompt (which I have never installed). After several attempts, this error Receives: Permission denied (publishing, GSAPI-cum-Mike) What am I doing wrong? Two possibilities that I can think of, though both of them mentioned in the link you mentioned You are not specifying the correct SSH keypair file or user name in the SSH command you are using to log on to the server: Ssh -i [full path keypair file] root @ [ec2 example hostname or ip address] You have the right app on the keypair file Is not the opinion; Using chmod 600 [keypair file] to make sure that only you can read or write the file. [Update]: OK, so this is what you debug1: authentication that can continue: publickey, gssapi -with-mic debug1: Next authentication method: publickey debug1: Trying private key: ec2-keypair debug1: comp...

sql - How to configure a Firebird Database to run in memory -

I am running a software named Fishbol inventory and it is currently running on a firebird database (Windows Server 2003) FishWalk The software is running very slow when a user reaches the software. I am thinking that I may be able to speed up the database firmly in the database to run "in memory". However, I can not find this documentation how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance Robert Firebirds do not have memory tables - in future versions (> 3) but certainly not in the upcoming 2.5 Your software may be slow for many other reasons; However, Firebird itself has very good concurrency, so make sure you get the actual obstacles first.

mysql - Please help on a complicated sql query -

MySQL 5.0.45 तालिका A में निम्नलिखित फ़ील्ड (कॉलम) हैं: 1. transcation_id 2. ग्राहक_नाम 3. item_id 4. ..... अब मुझे पता है कि प्रत्येक ग्राहक ने # लेनदेन के द्वारा कितने लेनदेन किए हैं। इसका परिणाम होना चाहिए: टॉम 7 लेनदेन जैक 5 लेनदेन माइक 2 लेनदेन अगर कोई ग्राहक का कोई लेन-देन उसका नाम नहीं होना चाहिए कैसे के बारे में: चुनें client_name, count (*) को टेबलए ग्रुप से लेनदेन के रूप में client_name द्वारा गिनती (*) डीईएससी द्वारा क्रमबद्ध करें लेनदेन के बिना क्लाइंट मान लें कि तालिका में (क्योंकि तालिका में लेनदेन_आईडी कॉलम है) वे परिणाम में नहीं होंगे।

qt - QDialog doesn't accept text input if modal -

A strange bug with a Q dialog (Qt4.6 / windows) if starting with a dialog The main window (from a toolbar / or menu action) and this model is any boxes of text will not accept any edits. Other controls (drop down, buttons, etc.) All work If I make the dialog (non-modal) with exec () instead of showing (), then it works perfectly! Anyone comes in anything like this? > Example Code: # Include "ui_testDlg.h" class TestDlg: public QDialog, public Ui :: TestDlg {Q_OBJECT; Public: TestDL (QWidget * parent = 0) {setupUi (this); } ~ TestDlg (zero) {} Private: Ui :: TestDlg UI; }; TestDlg.ui is the simplest dialog box + LineAdit control created in QDesigner Zero Main Window :: Only () {TestDlg * test = New TestDlg (this); Test & gt; Show (); // works // or test- & gt; Exec (); // dlg opens but can not type in! } Edit: If I just use a QInputWidget - this is the same problem - and this is only a problem in the main window, so do I have some hints for block...

language agnostic - Looking for introduction to game development on PC book with sample code. (not console) -

I know that was the same thread and someone posted a link to gamedev but after a quick glance, I could not find the game development book that introduces the development of the game but is not programming. I found a book on Amazon which was teaching game development to someone who does not know about the program and all the example console games It is not what I'm watching. I think the question is how does someone learn how to write games? Everything I see is a book with some simple simple examples, so that I can hack them and learn from it. EDIT: There is no language, but I prefer C ++ or C #. EDIT2: These were all excellent answers, thanks guys! Although I could only choose one to accept, it is a desire to choose "rating" for each check instead of just the check mark. If you are looking for an easy place to start with Game Programming in C # XNA is probably possible that what you want is the best way to stay with the latest developments and the latest ver...

php - Looking for an example of fb:tabs and AJAX -

I want to dynamically load / change tabs using AJAX. Is any example online or will anyone be enough to post an example here? Thank you! You can create your own tab simple HTML & js

Javascript Validation not working on .Net Content Pages -

I'm wondering if anyone else has experience the following problem. .aspx page on a single link (on a master page), I am performing general JS assumptions: Verify the function Maxtrans (Sender, Args ) {// requires at least one digit; numeric only characters var error = true; Var regexp = New RegExp ("^ [0- 9] {1,40} (\ [0- 9] {1,2})" $ "); var txtAmount = document.getElementById ('TxtMaxTransAmount'); if ( TxtAmount.value.match (regexp) & amp; parseInt (txtAmount.value)> = 30) {document.getElementById ('maxTransValMsg'). InnerHTML = "" args.IsValid = true;} and {document. GetElementById ('maxTransValMsg'). InnerHTML = "*"; Args.IsValid = Incorrect;}} Then as soon as I take it to the content page of a master page, let me txtAmount Get zero. Any other way to access the DOM when trying to perform client-side JS verification with master / content pages Look at the source of your rendered page in the master p...

visual studio - How do I escape keywords in XML comments like "note"? -

How can I avoid "Notes" in Visual Studio in XML Comments? For example /// Create a method associated with this type of note see notes. I do not want the text after the word "note" to turn blue. Note that this may be a string feature. You can stop this behavior by editing your resourcer options. ReSharper -> gt; Options - & gt; Tools - & gt; To change the items in the Visual Studio, then change the settings for the 'Note' entry in the Pattern box. There are some things you can do: Remove the note pattern - it will prevent any other event from being highlighted, but will also stop any notes from appearing in the TODO Explorer window Edit the note pattern and uncheck the checkbox - This will turn off notes from being highlighted in comments Edit the pattern and highlight colors in the same color for comments Change it - it will stop Highlighting, but will still show notes in the TODO Explorer window I doubt you are n...

How do I resize an original image in an HTML table? -

I have created a table with 4 rows and 16 columns in HTML and I put one image in one cell and the other Until then I did not have all my rows and columns, see my code below. My problem is with the image: The size of the image is very large. I do not know how it should go about the thumbnail size. Apart from this, the image is not even sitting next to the image Note: The image is on the left and the text is on the right side of the image. Any help would be greatly appreciated. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Cameron Cookies & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Table cells = "0" cell padding = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Img src = "j0175514.jpg" alt = "chocolate cookies" & gt; & Lt; / Img & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Chocolate & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; I...

flash - Scale proportionally below movieclip size -

I am trying to make the movieclop scale proportionate, if the size of the item is smaller than the current. Obviously I can use the ScaleX / Y value like this: If (cont.scaleX I need to restrict / reset the proportionately large proportion in the special case that the width / height of the platform is less than the movie clip. Thank you P> Just above my mind, but you have a chance to find some prospect: Edit: The maximum scale of 1 should be added in response to your first comment. . var sw: number = forum. Location Width, Sh: Number = Step. If (sw / sh & lt; c.width / c.height) // (or vice versa based on scaling method) {c.width = Math.min (origW, sw); C.scaleY = c.scaleX = Math.Man (1, C. SCALX); } And {c.height = Math.min (origH, sh); C.scaleX = c.scaleY = (1, c.)

component-based php framework? -

Can someone give an example of the meaning of this word? I have read that Prado is a component-based framework and I wonder if there are also kppp and codi gigers A component based structure basically means that you can choose elemnts of the system and choose to redo those individual elements. The Zend Framework is a good example. Generally there is a very couple structure similar to opposite Cape PHP or ROR. In these cases it is very difficult for the router or controller such as divorce and personal component and use it outside the framework of that structure. In general, you want to reduce tight coupling so that you can make more profit from reuse and the most flexibility in terms of replacing or replacing components is that I often think about the component structure The thing that I do not like in this is that as individual components are often well-groomed and there is a default way of working with each other, sometimes a time of development Automation of using RAN...

java - JFrame not working after first instantiation? -

As part of a larger application, I am writing a settings class, which collects user-defined settings and This class is a singleton, and the application is installed during startup. To accept user input, configure two different GUI frames. From a public static method, select Settings () from within Java. Both are sub-classes of JFrame. Here is the code for the immediate file selection dialog: Select Private Zero file () {SelectFileGUI fileSelector = New SelectFileGUI (); FileSelector.setVisible (true); Synchronize (this) {try (wait); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} FileSelector.dispose (); } This works when the application is initially run. However, at a point later, users can change their selected settings, including choosing a new source file. This is done by calling the Selection settings () again. The problem I have is that any subsequent attempt to instantiate and display these GUI components shows a new jefram, but with a gray background, No buttons or...

Scraping html with Python or -

I give my arguments to students (microbiology and genetics) that "data" is a mess / and Python can help in that (Of course, in other languages ​​too), it is a practical kind of web-based data-gathering exercise. I have noticed that there are some people who respond to questions related to Python between users with the supreme representative. Of naturally occurring questions: I want to retrieve the representative growth rate for pythonostas on the current overweight and steak overflow, so that it can be guessed from time to time or Will you go ahead or? about what ? Is it trivial because the increase for these people has reached all limits? More commonly, in the absence of the API for the query (which I do not think) there is no option to pattern the URL of the pages, to load those pages with Python and then HTML scraping? I know that there is probably no general view, but I am interested in how people will face this problem. Edit: @fiszardaldStile: Generally, ther...

swap - convert big endian to little endian in C [without using provided func] -

I need to directly write a function to convert the big endian into a little endian. I can not use any library function Assume that you need a simple byte swap, Unsigned 16 bit conversion: swap = (num 8) | (Num & lt; & lt; 8); Unsigned 32-bit conversion: swap = ((num> gt; 24) & 0xff). // move byte 3 to byte 0 ((num & lt; & lt; 8) & 0xff0000). // move byte 1 to byte 2 (number (gt; & gt; 8) & 0xff00). // step byte 2 to byte 1 ((num & lt; 24) & 0xff000000); // byte 0 to byte 3 This changes the byte order from 1234 to 4321. If your input was 0xdeadbeef , the 32-bit endangered swap may be 0xefbeadde output. The above code should be cleaned with macros or at least constants instead of magic numbers, but hopefully it helps edit : as In another reply, the platforms, OS, and instructions set specific options that can be much faster than the above. There are macros in the Linux kernel (for example cpu_to_be32) which handle En...

How to print structures in PLT Scheme so as to display their fields? -

I want a code like this: (define-struct thing (abc)) (To print something like this (object object 1 2 3)) Define : (Messe-cheese 1 2 3 ) When I type "th" then either Dr. In the scheme or MSSKM rip I set "creative" with the output style of Dr. I am using the "very big" language in the schema. (make-cheese ...) (I really get three points) in MzScheme: # & lt; Object & gt; There are several ways to do this, to use the most obvious one: (Defined Structure Object (ABC)): What makes the structure accessible to low-level inspection that printouts is another option Using your own printer: (define-struct thing (abc) #: Support of property: custom-writing (lambda (write thing port?) (Fprintf port (if write Have (Cheese-one thing) (cheese-cheese) (cheese-cheese))) "{~ s, ~ s, ~ s}" "{~ a, ~ a, ~ a}" ) But note that the "constructor" output style tries to write some things differently, a...

c - Is it OK to free 'void*'? -

struct foo {int a; Int b; }; शून्य * p = (शून्य *) malloc (sizeof (struct foo)); ((एफू *) पी) - & gt; ए; // कुछ करना नि: शुल्क (पी); // क्या यह सुरक्षित है? हां। malloc रिटर्न void * और निशुल्क शून्य * लेता है, इसलिए आपके कुछ डाट अर्थ रहित होते हैं, और आप हमेशा शून्य * को मुक्त कर रहे हैं भले ही आप किसी अन्य प्रकार से शुरू कर रहे हों सूचक का।

tortoisesvn - How to revert back in SVN force commit -

Is there any way to be forced into SVN? Say that I want to return to Amendment 3 and now I am working on the current version 5. I want to merge some changes made in revision 4 to 3 and amendment 3. To use the subclass, you should first update the local files and commit then : svn update svn commit

How could I use ASP.NET MVC framework in conjunction with my CMS software? -

I am studying on MVC and I have created some DB-driven pet projects with it and I am very happy with the change, the webform. However, I have some limitations that keep me back with the webform and I was wondering if you can help me with it. I am a web CMS company as an advisor, so all the websites (public sites, intranets, extranets, you name it) are based on CMS software from my company (which will be unaware) . One of the features in which sales people have their "friendly" url to pitch about our software is geographically stored and structured like a file system in all the data CMS. Then when you point your browser into CMS, then the content will be returned from the stored items in the root with the name "About". Each item also has an (interchangeable) template registration which is the physical location that is going to display its content (an .aspx page). Like "View" on MVC To handle a friendly URL, I have to add an HTTP handler as fol...

url - django routes help -

O people, I am creating a simple car sales website. I have a very good URL template which works as expected. / car / 1 / goes to a car with that ID, simple? However, for SEO reasons I want to add additional data to the URL, but I want to ignore it. As an example, how do I modify my peder to keep the extra parts into account in mind? Do you? 2 patterns will go to one place and load the same scene. Any thoughts? This will not help your SEO - in reality it will actually harm it. If / car / 1 / , / car / 1 / Ford / , / car / 1 / ford / focus / all go the same URL, you have actually reduced your search equity for that page. This is a very bad idea. If you really want to do this, then it is very easy: r '^ / car (? Pindt; car_id & gt; \ d +) / . * / $ ' But I do not really do this. To use the make and model to get a car, skipping the ID and making better use is: r '^ car / (? P> make & gt; \ w +) / (? P & lt; Model & gt...

maven dependencies in profiles during release build -

I have Maven modules, which contain several dependencies that are included in the profile. When preparing a release build using the Reliance Plugin (i.e. mvn release: prepare ), the versions of those dependencies are not replaced, instead they create SNAPSHOT dependencies, though the profile is active (We run MVN Release: Ready -Psprofile ). I have tried to add -Darguments = "- Psomeprofile" for the MVN call, but this has not helped either. How can I also release versions of the release plugin in the dependencies that are contained in the profile? It looks like, "profiles not defined in profile are updated" . & lt; Version & gt; $ {Project.version} & lt; / Version & gt; If solution to use For dependencies defined in profiles.

css selectors - What does "body > *" mean in CSS? -

I am trying to understand the encoding effects that apply to jqtouch. There are some CSS definitions in which syntax "body> *" body & gt; * {-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -WebKit-box-size: border-box; display none; Status: Completed; Left: 0; Width: 100%; -Widkkit-Conversion: Rotate Translation 3D (0,0,0) (0) Scale (1); Minimum height: 420px! Important; } Body.fullscreen & gt; * {Minimum height: 460px! Important; } & gt; * {Minimum height: 480px! Important; } Body.landscape & gt; * {Min-height: 320px; } Body & gt; . Current {Display: Block! Important; } I have searched for some time, but no signal can be found, can anyone explain this to me? Does this mean animation? body & gt; * means "any direct child of body tags", e.g. Consider the following scenario & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; It will be affected by the body & gt; * & Lt; / H1> & Lt; Di...

iphone - Why are my animation values ignored? -

itemprop = "text"> I try to do a CAKeyFrameAnimation for rotating a layer: CALayer * theLayer = MyView .layer; CAKeyframeAnimation * Animation; Animation = [CAKeyframeAnimationwith animation: @ "transform.rotation.z"]; Animation.duration = 1.0; Animation cubicle = num; Animation. RepeatCount = 1; Animation. RemovedOnCompletion = No; Animation.philmedia = kCFilModford; Animation.values ​​= [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.0 * M_PI], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.5 * M_PI], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.3 * M_PI], // animation stops here ... [NSNumber NumberWithFloat: 0.8 * M_PI], // Defy! [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.7 * M_PI], zero]; // Ignored! Animation.keyTimes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.0], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.2], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 2.0], // ignored! [Float with NSNumber Number: 1.5], // Ignore! [NSNumber Number blast: 2], zero]; // Ignored! animation.timingFunctions = [NSArray arrayW...

python - How to get the most represented object from an array -

I have an array with some objects, and many objects are the same eg: fruit = [apple, orange, apple, Banana, banana, orange, apple, apple] What is the most effective way to get the most represented object from this array? In this case it will be "apple", but how will you go out and calculate in an efficient way? Do not recapture the wheel In Python 2.7+ you can use: import collection fruit = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'banana', 'banana', 'orange', 'apples' ('apple', 4)] If you are using an older version of Python, you can download the counter . Although it is good to know how to implement yourself in this way, it is also a good idea to use the counter to use it because it is part of the standard library (or Happening).

Determining which song the user is listening at the moment with JavaScript and Firefox -

I am creating a Firefox extension that will use the API. Now I want to be able to determine the detail that the user is currently listening to songs in WMP or iTunes. Does anyone know how I can do this? Useful editing: I only need the name of the song, album name and artist thanks I wanted to suggest you find the source of foxine, but it is now owned. To do this, there is no built-in API in Firefox, you must write your own integration code, this is the first thing you should understand that to get information about your information, what's in C ++ Have to do. Then to integrate it into your extension, your main option is to wrap your C ++ code into the XPCOM component, which allows you to call JS from the extension. Recent Firefox versions also have CTIP support, which gives you a way to call directly from JS to binary libraries. - Generate URL inside a Controller in ASP.NET MVC -

Is there a way to generate URLs inside a controller? I want to do the following in a controller instead of a scene. & lt;% = Url.Action ("Validate", "Home", New with {ValidID = ID})% & Gt; Just remove "b-sting". Something like this: url = Url.Action ("Validate", "Home", {.ValidID = ID} with New}

Creating areas within TFS through command line -

When we are creating a new TFS project, we will be able to capture and copy the area from one or more existing projects Looking for the new project we want to sync the areas of the project (so if a user adds an area in component projects, which promotes overnight release projects). I do not want to go through the TFS UI, because it's like a snooze. Is there an easy way to do this? I know I can play with the TFS API and ICommonStructureService object to do this, but I was expecting a batch file from the line of either "TF" or "TFPT" orders Thanks in advance. No Answer I decided to go through the bullet and go through the TFS API.

iphone - Reusing NSXMLParser -

Writing in a class, I have to use NSXLL parsers twice to parse two different XML , I am thinking that which approach should be used? - Release the parser after terminating the parsing URL and resume the need to parse another URL? - Use different classes as a representative to parse another URL? - or something else? Thanks peter In my own personal experience, I usually have several different XML reactions had to be parsed and for each of them I am the successor of a base class and I create a square for each request / response / parse. Although IMHO does not have the clean code, I honestly find it impossible to write clear the code while dealing with a SAX-style parser. If you do not want a group of others in your code, then my advice will be a separate call and maybe there will be separate classes. Now if XML is very similar, then this could be a different story ...

c# - Fluent NHibernate Many-to-many mapping with auto-generated pk instead of composite key -

I am working on .NET in a RoleProvider, using Fluent NIBnet to map tables to Oracle 9.2 database I am doing The problem is that users and roles connecting multiple-to-many tables use a primary key that is generated from a sequence, which is in contrast to the overall key. I can not really convert it, because I'm writing to implement it in a larger current system. Here's my usermap: public usermap () {this.Table ("USR"); HasMany (x = & gt; x.Memberships) .Cascade.All () ("Member"). Inverted (). LazyLoad (); HasManyToMany (x = & gt; x.Roles). ("USR_ROLE") .Cascade.SaveUpdate () .ParentKeyColumn ("USR_ID") ChildKeyColumn ("ROLE_ID") .Not.LazyLoad (); } and my RoleMap: Public RoleMap () {this.Table ("ROLE"); Map (x = & gt; x.Description). Columns ("ROLE_NAME"); Map (x = & gt; x. Comment). Columns ("ROLA_COMMENT"); HasManyToMany (x = & gt; x.Users). Table ("USR_O...

java - Glassfish caching LDAP passwords -

I have some Java code that allows users to reset stored passwords on their LDAP server. This code runs as part of a web application running on glassfish. I see that after changing the password password operation, the user can later use the password to access the application. I have a unit test that runs directly against the LDAP server and I can verify that the password is actually changing and the user can not access access using the old password. The problem is not on the LDAP server. What I have noticed is that if I restart Glassfish after the password change operation, then only the new password is valid (expected). I think the glassfish is cashing anywhere credentials. / Li> Thank you in advance .... UPDATE Still facing this problem I also thought that the browser Can store information, but it does not seem like that. I exit my browser session and both passwords still work in the new session - even with different types of browsers. BTW - I ...

webkit - In Android Browser link does not always execute onClick causing focus instead -

I'm trying a very standard JS behavior program for a link using an HREF onClick handler, and I Focus / touch mode on Android is facing a strange problem because of what I believe for behavior. Occasionally when I click on the link instead of executing the task, it only gets selected / focused with a focus rectangle even with a full focus rectangle Also (just opposed to focus?). Now the pseudo code is I have tried to do something like this: But I still get the same problem problem some time. Try enabling javascript on the webview In such activity, the webview Keeps it, try it ... WebView wv = (WebView) findViewById (; Wv.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). I had that same problem, but it is detected because I have not enabled javascript.

WPF: Button mnemonic does not work if placing the button in a toolbar -

अगर मैं बटन को एक ToolBar में WPF में डालता हूं: & lt; टूलबरा फोकस मैनेजर। आईएसएफ फोकसस्स्कोप = "ग़लत" ग्रिड। पंक्ति = "1" नाम = "उपकरण" डेटाकॉन्टेक्स्ट = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = वीक नेविगेटर}" & gt; & Lt; बटन सामग्री = "_" कमांड = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = कमांड नेविगेटउनेक्जुकुक}" / & gt; & Lt; / उपकरण पट्टी & gt; बटन का पाठ सिर्फ ">" के बजाय "_>" दिखाता है और मेमनिक काम नहीं करता है अगर मैं बटन को ToolBar से बाहर निकालता है तो यह अपेक्षा के अनुरूप काम करता है। मैं बटन को उसी तरीके से कैसे व्यवहार कर सकता हूं एक के बाहर के रूप में एक उपकरण पट्टी (मन्नोनिक्स के संबंध में)? यह कोशिश करें: & lt; टूलबार & gt; & LT; बटन & gt; & LT; AccessText & gt; _ & gt; & lt; / AccessText & gt; & Lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; / उपकरण पट्टी & gt;

.net - cms in ASP.NET/MVC literature -

I got my subject for "graduation work" (I do not know that this is the correct word but I think you will understand :)) which is: ASP. Developing CMS in Net / MVC Everything I need is a good literature and if someone suggests to me then I appreciate it! There is Gujarat

iPhone. CATransition fades but I want sliding -

कैटसंसशन * एनीमेशन = [कैटरेंस एनीमेशन]; [एनीमेशन सेट अवधि: 0.5]; [एनीमेशन सेट प्रकार: केसीएआरआरसीशनपश]; [एनीमेशन सेटस्यूबटाइप: केकेएआरसंसंवादफ्रेमबॉटम]; [एनीमेशन सेटटिमिंगफंक्शनः [कैमेडियाटिमिंग फंक्शन फंक्शनविड्थनाम: केसीएएमडीआईटीमिंगफंक्शनएसेइनईसऑटआइट]]; [एनीमेशन सेटडियलेट: स्व]; [[स्वयं लेयर] ऐड एनीमेशन: एनीमेशन फॉरके: @ "पॉपअपएनी"]; उपरोक्त कोड (UIView वर्ग के एक ऑब्जेक्ट के भीतर समाहित) दृश्य को फ़ेड करता है। मैं चाहता हूं कि वह स्लाइड करे, फीका नहीं हो। चाहे जो भी मैं कोशिश करता हो : [एनीमेशन सेट टाइप: केसीएआरसंशनमेव इन]; [एनीमेशन सेटस्यूबटाइप: केकेएआरसंस्थनफ़ॉर्मटेप]; परिणाम एक ही रहता है क्या मैं कुछ गलत कर रहा हूं? संपादित करें: माफ़ कीजिए, मुझे पीछे की ओर , मेरा मतलब है कि कर्लूप एनीमेशन को सिम्युलेटर पर फीका एनीमेशन के रूप में दिखाया गया है ... मुझे यकीन है कि स्लाइड एनीमेशन सुनिश्चित है, जैसे आपने इसे लिखा है, सिम्युलेटर पर काम करता है और निश्चित रूप से डिवाइस। मेरी परियोजना में कोड व्यावहारिक रूप से आपके लिए शब्दशः है। आप जो addAnimatio...

c++ - X-Macros Redefinition -

When I include "xmacro.h" in the header file which is used by multiple header files, then I Error: Error LNK2005: "char const * * iD_Strings" (? ID_Strings @@ 3PAPBDA) is already defined in header_file.obj 1 .// "Xmacro.h" 2. 3. (1) defined macro generated code 4. 5. #ifndef XMACRO_H 6. # Defined XMACRO_H 7. 8. #DIFINE GENERATE_IDS \ 9.X (_Name, "/ name") \ 10x (_ID, "/ ID ") 11. 12. 12. (2) Define X-Macro to generate members of ENUM 14. 14. 14. Define the X (ID, IDString) ID, 15 NIUI ID 16. ID_LOWERBOUND = -1, 18. GENERATE_IDS 19. NUM_IDS 20.}; 21. #undef x 22. 23. // (3) Define X-Macro to generate string names. 25. #x (id, idstrings) idstrings, 26 Const four * iD_Strings [] = 27. {28 GENERATE_IDS 29. NULL 30.}; 31. #undef x 32. 33. #endif This creates an error while defining an X-macro to generate string names on line 23. I will use a macro without defining it Definition the iD_Strings . When you include it from ...

Running integration tests with Cobertura Maven plugin -

I have a problem getting the Cobertura plugin to run an integration test in Maven, the nearest answer to the question I received However, the problem is an open bug. I tried Steve's suggested configuration on 03 / April / 09, that does not work. My POM & lt; Reporting & gt; & Lt; Plugins & gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.codehaus.mojo & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Cobertura-Maven-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.3-snapshot and lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; ReportSets & gt; & Lt; ReportSet & gt; & Lt; Reports & gt; & Lt; Report & gt; Cobertura integration & lt; / Report & gt; & Lt; / Reports & gt; & Lt; / ReportSet> & Lt; / ReportSets & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt; & Lt; / Plugins & gt; & Lt; / Reporting & gt; Which is what is similar to the configuration piece provided by Steve. Fro...

iphone - How to add an animation to the UIView in viewDidAppear? -

I tried to add an animation to see the diodes and viewfinder, but this does not work: - (zero) viewDeadapp: (BOOL) animated {[UIView startAnimations: @ "transition" reference: NULL]; [UIView Set Animation Transition: 110 forView: self.view Cache: Yes]; [UIView commitAnimations]; } Why? I had one problem and I think I found a solution on this. When you see that DDAP calls you, you do not see anything on the screen (despite the name), but almost then you can use an activate: with delay or an NSTM You can launch your animation. The delay can be just 0.1 and your animation will only appear when the screen is shown. - (zero) viewDidAppear: (BOOL) animated ([super viewDidAppear: animated]; NSLog (@ "view appeared!"); [Self display selector: @synlector (with encoded) Object: After zero: 0.1F];} - (zero) animation code {// you animation code}

c++ - What is useful about a reference-to-array parameter? -

I recently found some code like this: typedef int tenints [10 ]; Zero fu (ten inches and ar); What you can do in the body of foo () which is useful, if you can not declare: zero foo (int * arr); // or, zero foo (int arr []); // or, zero foo (ant ar [10]); //? I got a question that asks, I think I'm asking why . Besides, only "when indicator is useful?" Function parameters are discussed, so I do not think this is a duplicate question. The reference-array parameter does not allow orange type to decay with pointer type, that is, the exact array type The function is preserved inside. (For example, you can use the size size / size move on the parameter and get element count). The compiler will also check the type to ensure that the array logic type is exactly the same as the array parameter type, ie if the parameter is declared as an array of 10 ints, then an array of logic 10 is ints and some more No. In fact, when the size of the array is fixed a...

iphone - How to see UITableViewDelegate in Interface Builder? -

I have a UIViewController that I've added to UITableViewDelegate. A controller with this controller has added two to IB, however, the owner of the Nib file does not show the view representative or dataset. I have such a controller and essay where the representative in the table looks OK in the IB. I do not see any difference between the two. Am I not missing the tableview representative and the data source to show in the IB? - Edit: Answer -> This project is tab bar based, for the second tab bar, I added a strategic axiom and added the above mentioned UIUIUI controller. The nib is always loaded but the tableview representative does nothing. The reason for this is that I have to remove the view connection for the controller created through the main-window nibb, which is done automatically when the project is ready. When a new tab bar project is created, each view is connected. Due to my custom view connection with auto-view connection, there were problems with the tablevi...

Passenger+nginx: Hosting a Rails application in a subdirectory -

I try to apply an application in the www under a subdirectory / a , follow the steps given in the passenger docks here: It starts working, but the rail route is now all the additional subdirectory / a , As if trying to reach root gives me a routing error I tried setting relative_url_root is, But nothing changes from this. Do I have to add the prefix / a to each route in my root file? hmmm ... all worked well for me just trying to do it Are you sure that you followed the Nginx instructions instead of the Apache instructions? Make sure you do soft links and change the 'root' application ... the instructions say that it makes the full path minus 'public' part: Http {... server {listen 80; Server_name g.local; Root / house / burney / development / testing; & Lt; - I forgot to change it for the first time on passenger_enabled; Passenger_base_uri / Rail; } ... } Here is an image of the end result ... no...

sql - Searching for keywords in two MySQL columns -

मेरे पास first_name और last_name कॉलम के साथ एक उपयोगकर्ता तालिका है चयन करें * उपरोक्त का उपयोग करके, अगर मैं " जॉन "या" डो "के लिए मुझे हिट मिलेगा लेकिन अगर मैं "जॉन डो" की खोज करता हूं तो मुझे 0 परिणाम मिलेंगे। मैं एक तरह से MySQL को कैसे खोज सकता हूँ जो सिर्फ एक या दूसरे के बजाय "प्रथम_नाम अंतिम_नाम" से मेल खाएगा? एक समाधान आपके आवेदन में कीवर्ड को विभाजित करना है, और फिर क्वेरी को निम्नानुसार बनाएं: - स्प्लिट "जॉन डो" - & gt; "जॉन", "डो" का चयन करें * उपयोगकर्ता से (जहां 'first_name' '% keyword_1%' या 'last_name' '% keyword_1%' जैसे 'first_name') और ('% keyword_2%' जैसे पहले 'नाम' या '% keyword_2%' जैसे last_name)) " / कोड> उपरोक्त भी "जो जो" से मेल खाता होगा, न कि "जो डो" यदि आप अधिक कॉलमों में खोज रहे हैं, तो आपको बड़ा हो जाएगा, क्योंकि आपको प्रत्येक कीवर्ड के लिए "और ब्लॉक" जोड़ना ह...

naming conventions - Why do I see JavaScript variables prefixed with $? -

This is like a meta-question I have seen here that many snippets of JavaScript are dollar sign prefixes (for example , The name shown in question is named $ id on the second line of the snippet. I am not referring to jQuery or other libraries I know well that it is valid, but it seems awkward to do so when it is not necessary. Why do people give their names like this? Is it familiar with server-side language like PHP is taking in your Javascript code? I thought it was to recognize a variety as a jQuery object, for example when you later chose a variable to eliminate duplicate selection, but I did not have any relevant conferences have seen. Syntaxally, dollar signature does not mean anything - for interpreter, it's just another character, such as > _ or q . But many people use jQuery and other similar frameworks, they can use variables, which include jQuery objects so that they can be easily identified, and thus not mixed with things like integer or string Ho. By pre...

cocoa - Core Data Crashing during NSManagedObjectContext processPendingChanges -

I get crash with core data (what I think as a strange) when I save core data And afterwards removes the managed object cactanded save method, then I can assemble it. I am in a disadvantage and I am really hoping that someone can help me or guide me in the right direction. Crash report is as follows: Exception type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception code: 0x0000000b KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE Crashed Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashes: 0 libobjc.A. dylib 0x000026f4 objc_msgSend + 16 1 Foundation 0x000437a4 NSClassFromObject + 8 2 Foundation 0x0000ba54 _NSIMPForObjectAndSelector 4 3 Foundation 0x00095eae - [NSSortDescriptor compareObject: toObject:] + 110 4 CoreData 0x000b0a6e + [NSFetchedResultsController (PrivateMethods) _insertIndexForObject: inArray: lowIdx: highIdx: sortDescriptors:] 174 5 CoreData 0x000b1496 - [NSFetchedResultsController (Private Methods) _Postprocess Insertor dObjects:] + 342 6 CoreData 0x000b32d6 - [NSFetchedResultsController (PrivateMethods) _postprocessUpdatedObj...

Java program terminates unexpectedly without any error message -

I have written a Java program that needs to process thousands of text files (all memory needs to be loaded on ). It works fine with 123 input files, but when I run it to process around 5000 files, it ends unexpectedly in the middle of the road, without any error message / exception Can be wrong, give clues about this? I am using jdk1.6 on Mac OS leopard with 2 GB RAM. Given that this is your program, I recommend that you do the following: First, change the main method so that everything is done in a try / grip block which reports all the incomplete exceptions; Something like this: public static zero main (string [] arghhhhh) {try {...} hold (throwable ex) {System.err.println ("Uncoded exception" Pre .getMessage ()); Ex.printStackTrace (System.err); Second, look anywhere that you can catch them and "squash" the unexpected exception and can not report them. Thirdly, you can call anywhere system.exit () It can be quietly in libraries too ... if yo...

jpeg2000 - JPEG 200 (aka J2K) handling in Silverlight app - any suggestions? -

I have to handle pictures in my Silverlight app (aka J2) files either in db or file system server Is any suggestions on how to handle them on the client? The only working converter I had written was in Java. There are some ports of Jammu #, but they are unlikely to work on the client. The requirement is that there should be a conversion on the client to preserve bandwidth and speed up the streaming of huge images. This is not supported by Silverlight and does not support it at the moment. So you have to write your own, port (Java) version or ask image tool developers that they can help you. - Adding a datatable and a session containing datatable -

I have a session that contains a figure and also a function that returns the dataset. I have to add these two, how can I do this? The code below can be replaced with the correct code. session ("table") = session ("table") + obj GetCustomer () ... where obj is an object of business layer . '+' can not be used to connect these two, so how do I do this? I will try to do something like this: Dim MyDataSet1's New DataSet (as Dim MyDataSet2) New DataSet () Dim dt1 New DataTable () = Dat2 New DataTable () = obj.GetCustomer () MyDataSet1 as New DataTable () = CTEP (session ("Table"), Datatelle) Add as Tables (DT1) MyDataset 2.Tables.Add (dt2) MyDataSet1.Merge (MyDataSet2) session ("table") = MyDataSet1.Tables (0) Chris

c++ - What does C4250 VC++ warning mean? -

What is Visual C + Warning in practical terms? I have read the linked MSDN page, but I still do not have the problem. The compiler has warned me and if I ignore the warning then what problems can arise? The warning states that if any weak depends on class operations VBC Virtual action that is implemented in effective , then those operations can change behavior due to the fact that they are bundled in diamond inheritance. straight base {virtual int numbers (return) {return 0; }}; Stroke weak: public virtual base {zero print ()} {/ / depends only on the basis, but effective std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Number () & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; }}; Structure head: Public virtual base {int number () {return 5; }}; Structured derivative: public weak, public key {} int main () {weak w; W.print (); // 0 derived D; D.print (); // 5} This is the behavior that specifies the standard, but it can be amazing for programmers of time, weak :: print operation behavior In th...

javascript - efficient method to replace multiple words in text -

To use Javascript, I need to effectively remove ~ 10000 keywords from ~ 100000 word documents, of which ~ 1000 keywords will you suggest, which approach? Will a regular massive expression be practical? Or should I just be able to find documents that are searching for keywords (boring) through letters? EDIT: Good point - not just whole words, parts. And some keywords include spaces. I am trying to do all the client side to reduce the pressure on the backend. Using regular expressions can be a good option: > Var word = ['bone', 'nuts']; 'Jo Bon Joe Mad' (New 'RegExp (' ('+ words.join (' | ') +') ',' g '),' '); // 'joe joe' regex 1 is not very complicated with things like back-to-back, and regexp engine is written in C / C ++ , Then you can expect it to be very fast. Yet - benchmark and see if the performance meets your needs. I do not think it will be faster to implement your own parser, ...

c# - How can I generate a GUID for a string? -

There is a problem generating the GUID for the string - for example: Guid G = New Good ("Mehr"); How do I calculate the GUID for "Mehr" ? I'm getting an exception. This thread is quite old but in this way we solve this problem: Since GUID is the arbitrary 16bytes or 128bits from the .NET framework, you can calculate the grid from the concrete string by making a hash function a 16-byte hash and after passing the result grid the manufacturer. We have decided to use the MD5 hash function and an example code can look like this: string input = "asdfasdf"; (Byte [] hash = MD5 using MD5 md5 = MD5.Create ()). Compute hash (encoding.; Guid Results = New Guid (hash); } Please note that this grid generation has some flaws such as it depends on the quality of the hash function! If your hash function generates the same hash for the many strings you use, it is going to affect the behavior of your software. Here is a list of th...

javascript - How can I return a built-in function as a object property? -

यह कोड कुछ मामलों में काम करता है। यदि यह console.log देता है तो कॉल को p.out फ़ंक्शन ठीक है। फ़ंक्शन नोटिस (मोड) {this.debug = mode; This.out = (function () {if (mode) {if (window.console) {return console.log;} else {return alert;}} else {return notice.doNothing;}}} (मोड); } Var p = नया नोटिस ('1'); P.out ('कूल सहायता, ओह, हाँ!'); हालांकि, जब यह चेतावनी (या window.alert) देता है, मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है: त्रुटि: अपवाद अपवाद: [अपवाद ... "अवैध WrappedNative प्रोटोटाइप ऑब्जेक्ट पर ऑपरेशन "nsresult:" 0x8057000c (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO) "स्थान:" जेएस फ़्रेम :: http: // .. :: :: & lt; TOP_LEVEL & gt;: रेखा 22 "डेटा: नहीं] और एक साधारण परीक्षण के रूप में, यह काम करता है: बाहर = (फ़ंक्शन () {वापसी चेतावनी;}) (); बाहर ('नमस्ते डोली'); मैं obj.out को सही तरीके से काम करने के लिए कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं जब इसकी सूचना सतर्क हो? वापसी कार्य (msg) {चेतावनी (जैसे कि "" पाठ "> स...

Are there any drawbacks of "asynchronous tracking" with Google Analytics? -

I have recently learned that Google Analytics offers so-called offers, in addition to the traditional tracking code. From documentation, it seems that asynchronous tracking is preferred on the basis of traditional tracking: Unlike conventional installation, asynchronous optimizes tracking how browsers load the ga.js so that Its effect on the user experience can be reduced. This allows you to delay your analytics snippet on content coming from higher rendering. There is no flaw in using the asynchronous tracking in the document, so I know why it is not the default tracking method is there any loss around any asynchronous tracking that anyone knows Should, or should I move on and switch to all installations? Async tracking was released only 2 months ago. They are beta testing all over the web before they are spewing, they only hear in trouble that people have something that Google calls on their installation page: We It is determined that on most pages, the optimum loca...

Share and persist knowledge while using Eclipse -

To achieve the application using Eclipse to work on application maintenance and development, new development For example, some test data / scenarios that are related to Java files or have some very powerful information about the program. This knowledge can be done in some way, but the key here is that any developer wants to share information related to solving problems or creating new files. You can try and add the wiki editor within the developer's eclipse. View Or you can get a special brand You can add the wiki, like one (see it). This will capture the software and what it does.

android - Route network requests only over mobile data connection -

Is all my network requests bound to be created on my APN (i.e., on a mobile network data connection) And without disabling wifi, not via wifi? I should know that it is possible to use a special network access point for my Android app. I am already able to set and use the default network apn, but for this, I have to first disable Wifi. Also think about the fact that users may expect phones to use WiFi data only when This is the same thing that I do. The 3G icon (with its up / down traffic indicators) disappears even when the Wi-Fi icon appears, so there will be some thought in it, which is basically 3G Does not use to boil when WiFi is available.

rabbitmq - How to use listen on basic.return in python client of AMQP -

I have to make sure that my message was given in a row to do this Adding basic_publish to the mandatory Ultimate. If my message has not been delivered successfully, then what do I need to do to get the basic.return message? I listen to channel.wait () basic.return because when my message is successfully delivered wait () function is hanging forever (no timeout) On the other hand when I do not call channel.wait () , then channel.returned_messages will be empty , Even if the message is not delivered. Use I py-amqplib version 0.6. Any solutions are welcome. This is currently impossible because the basic.return is sent asynchronous When a message is dropped in the broker. When the message was successfully sent, no data has been reported from the server. Therefore PAMAMPP can not hear for such messages. I have read some threads about this problem. The possible solutions were: Use the txAMQP, twisted version of amqp which handles the basic. Use PAMAMPP ...

html - Change an element's text without affecting sibling tags (jQuery) -

I am trying to modify the HTML of this bit with jQuery to remove duplicate arrows: & lt; Div class = "breadcrumb" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ spa /" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; »» & Lt; A href = "/ spa / image / tid" & gt; Image galleries & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I do not have much luck, however, to change the location and also to strip the HTML tag to the string to use the () function, such as: & lt; Div class = "breadcrumb" & gt; Home »Image galleries & lt; / Div & gt; My existing code is: $ ('breadcrumb'). Each (function () {var mytext = $ (this); var Mytext2 = mytext.text (); mytext.text (mytext2.replace ('»»', '»'))}}; It seems that you are modifying the code using innerText or using jQuery's .text () . Time, HTML is stripped and only text is returned .WinnerHTML or .html () use instead. Using your "dodgy"...

c# - How to communicate with .net processes when there are multiple instances of them -

I have the same Windows FORKS running on the same machine. There are many instances of the NAT 3.5SP1C # application. Now I want to be able to communicate with them with an example, at one time .net. What is the easiest way to do this? I read something about WCF, but I have got examples of working with only one server and one client but in my case all running examples would be a server and only one of them Need to discuss with I think something like this: [procs = Process.GetProcessesByName ("ProcessName"); Foreach (Proc Process in procs) {// Communication with process here} Do not loop through the kind of subscription / callback mechanism that will be required, but subscribe to each application instead of wcf service method. Example:

Is it possible to "inject" a .NET dll into another .NET application, by way of app.config perhaps? -

I have created a .NET class library in C #, which initializes some logging, is sent to the external device. The library is completely separate from any application, but to get it started, I need to call it at least one method. Do I have to put something in app.config that automatically loads that dll, and says something in it? Whatever content I can change to suit, I do not have to support any class name or method name or whatnot. Note, I need this to be done without any changes in any application, save to replace App.config file. Is this possible? If so, what should I look like? This was a surprise to me for a while, how to do it. I originally thought that it could be achieved by creating a custom WebProxy that will configure logging, and using the configuration element it will load it in the main application. Although it is suffering from the same problem in other configuration suggestions, when required code (only when an HTTP request is used) - thus requiring a cha...

.net - clientscript.registerclientscriptblock or include not adding to the page head? -

I'm using clientscript.registerclientscriptblock (with typeof (page), this, that) tied in my scripts. Meaning Jquery and Valid etc .. And I have some hands-on scripts (where the script should be .. OK?) Bits and Bobs .. But it seems That the scripts in the head are not kept in the form of a register client (goodness knows why) that I have put the script in my hand! Certainly there is a kind of structure in .NET head ..?! No?!? Or I'm going to either dump all my hand coded stuff down all my pages (just all seems wrong) or .. Is there any other answer? thanks I can not really understand why register / block / why do not include things at the top of the page ... why why - Okay I'm sure that's a fair answer, but that too? If you are using master pages, then the work is as simple ... & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ scripts / common1.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; ASP: Content Placeholder ID...

javascript - Get offsetTop & IE -

I'm trying to get offsetTop in IE but it just does not work as I want. var miniMap = $ ('# mapMap'), parnts = miniMap.parents (), l = parnts.length, i, setVpos, setHPos = $ ('# showMap'). Event (). Left; (I = 0; i & lt; l; i + = 1) {if (purnits [i] .className === 'small box') {if (isIE) {setVpos = parnts [i] .offsetTop; // incorrect value} other {setVpos = parnts [i] .offsetTop; // should work like}}} As I can see that I am using jQuery, I could definitely use jQuery offset / status (). Top & amp; Amp; .each: parnts.each (function () (if ($ (this) .hasClass ('small box')) {setVpos = $ (this) .position (). Top; } .... .. But, I have heard that "little" is too slow to use for loop. Besides, I'm really curious and would like to know that What you guys used to do before JQuery: -) My problem is that when I am doing one for loop, I can not use jQuery's obj => status (). I have googled and Find the following...

msbuild - MSB3422 Failed to retrieve VC project information through the VC project engine object model. MSB3425 -

When I try to solve, MSBuild receives the following errors: : \ Dev \ MySln.sln: Warning MSB3422: Failed to retrieve information about VC project via VC Project Engine object model. Unable to determine default device for specified file configuration C: \ dev \ MySln.sln: Warning MSB3425: The VC project reference "C: \ dev \ MyProj.vcproj" could not be resolved. Do you know what the reason is and how can it be resolved? I have seen similar postings, but different errors such as when MSB 3422 is a different message of error and shows "illegal characters on the way", but I have not seen any useful information about how I I'm sorted out where it says "Unable to determine the default device for the specified file configuration." Thank you. I found this, but it does not really help: By re-registering the VC Project Engine DLL, a colleague fixed the problem: C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ VC \ vcpackages \ VCProjectEn...

iphone - Change background color of TTTabItem when using Three20 library -

I am using TTTabStrip in my iPhone app, the screenshot is below I want to change the background color of the selected TTTabItem with blue and green - and want to change the color of the font with white color. How can I do this? The way TTTabItem is styled styled TTStyleSheet takes advantage of the system. I had to do this for my own project across the three 20 libraries, and the easiest way I found was that TTDefaultStyleSheet was a subclass and tab items and tabs Special methods related to bars style were overridden. The original idea is TTDefaultStyleSheet subclass and override the methods that you want to change, I do not remember what those methods are, but they are tab baritime and tabBarTintColor are on the lines of etc. You can see the source of TTDefaultStyleSheet to see which methods you need, and how their default implementation looks. Once you have done this, you have to set your stylesheet as a global stylesheet, such as Then you should all...

git - Your branch is ahead of 'origin/cherryPick' by 1 commit. Why? -

I'm having a problem with the git bridge. I have commented on my changes in the local repo when I get a GIT status, I get a message, "Your branch is ahead" / Cheripik '1 by commit'. When I try to pull from the remote repository, I get a message saying "already updated". I think Iam is missing some fundamental point. I have pasted the logs below all 3 commands Y-test $ GIT branch- An optional * Cherrypic master squash branch Testbrunch rits / Original / Head - & gt; Original / Master Remote / Original / Cherrypic Remote / Original / Master Remote / Original / Testbroken GIT Status # Branch Click Cherry # Your Branch is ahead of 'Basic / Cherry' by Commit. #GIT Bridges Click with Original Cherry SP: // * Branch Cherry Pick - & gt; FETCH_HEAD is up-to-date Any help would be appreciated I can say that the fundamental issue you are missing is that if you are ahead of a remote repo, then it is ...

python - catching SQLAlchemy exceptions -

What is the upper-level exception that I can hold & gt SQLAlechmy exception Are you? & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; SQLAlchemy import exc & gt; Dir (Akss) [ 'Argumenterror' Srkyulrdependensarror 'Kpilirror' Kkrrentmodifikeshnerror 'Dbapiarror' Daterror 'Dtbsirror' Disknekshnrror 'Falusherror' Identifiererror 'Integratyerror' Interfaces error, 'Interrupt error', 'Invalid vacuumer', 'NORIFIEREAR', 'Northernized error error', 'NonfersterTableError', 'No Schnekelment error', 'NotchTableArror', 'NotSpotated error', 'Operational error', 'Programming error ',' Sapiaarsisiasn Warning ',' Sapiading Depreshn Warning ',' Swarning 'Scllki Arer' Suk , '___________', '__Name__', '__Package__'] & gt; ",", "Unlocked Clauses Error", "Unmapped Clauses Errors", "__b...

model view controller - MVC, DI and Mock Objects -

How much more can I apply MVC as an abbreviate useful to wrap my head In the process for the automated unit testing purposes, I came up against an interesting puzzle: how and how can I declare a fake object for my database? What I have here Contact View is a form that implements IContactView IContactModel so that she can update the model object in response to event notifications. Contacts is a class that IContactModel . It captures the code in business rules to manipulate the object, as well as to update / update the data in the Data Access Layer. ContactController is a class that has both knowledge of IContactController and IContactModel and IContactView . Database is a class that has IDBS and methods to select, insert, update, and delete data in the database. This is a difficult part for me. Model object needs to know how to interact with IDBS so that it can work on the actual database or the counterfeit object. Do not know the admi...

performance - Python underlying analysis books/articles? -

Does anyone discuss good books with built-in architecture, Deep Analysis of CPIthon implementation Python Reference In the OOP discussion Sorry if it sounds like a silly question: ( You should read every word of your Poetrier career at some point, of course, while not CPython-specific, these articles Python deep It is necessary to understand from e.

How to get length in Javascript of an array of Form text fields -

मेरे पास यह HTML कोड है: & lt; form id = "form1" name = "फॉर्म 1" विधि = "पोस्ट" एक्शन = "" & gt; एक & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "पाठ" नाम = "आइटम []" मान = "1" / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; बी एंड एलटी; इनपुट टाइप = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "आइटम []" मान = "1" / & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; सी & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "आइटम []" मान = "1" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; मुझे पाठ फ़ील्ड सरणी के बाहर की लंबाई को व्याकरण के रूप में खींचने के लिए प्रतीत नहीं हो रहा है, क्या ऐसा करने के लिए कुछ स्पष्ट सादा जावास्क्रिप्ट रास्ता है (कोई जेक्जरी नहीं है)? मैंने कोशिश की & lt; script language = "javascript" & gt; // इन संयोजन सतर्क (document.form1.item.length) की कोशिश की; चेतावनी (document.form1.item [] लंबाई।); चेतावनी (document.form1.elements [ 'आइटम'] लंबाई।); चेतावनी (document.form1.elemen...