
Showing posts from May, 2014

Leading the jump from Classic ASP to ASP.NET, any advice? -

So I have just started in a new company, which is 99% of its code written in classic ASP (from Mostly poorly written) and they were part of the reasons I hired on because I had worked with both ASP and ASP.Net in the past. The ASP.NET experience was VB.NET, but I have worked in college in C #, but I like it because I have done a lot of work in PHP in the past and when I am not focusing, I started to type and on many occasions in ASP I tried to get out of my habit in a semi-colon, and to go back and remove it. But I want to retreat, basically I do not have the need of knowledge, making the best decisions on things get notes of some important procedures on which I would like advice: Version Control - The truth should be said that I have never actually used it. On my own, I never had the power to push me to use the moment and the shops I worked in, always take care of the air. Local Dev surroundings - Something is probably that I'm Google quickly but I want to setup loc...

Assertions in C89? -

itemprop = "text"> I am writing C89 on MS89 Visual Studio 2010 Beta, similar to the keyword emphasis of Java, How can I make an argument? I think I need to define a macro, but I'm not sure how. (It seems that something that was done before, so I want to use it instead of trying to roll myself.) Here's an estimate: int (int true_value) {// program crash with a suitable error message} C89 & lt; Assert.h & gt; , which includes the macro Include # lt; Assert.h & gt; (Expression) claims; From the document: emphasis () The macro test given expression and if it Incorrect, the calling process has ended. A diagnostic message is written on stderr and the abort (3) function is said to terminate the program effectively. If expression is correct, then emphasize () macro does nothing.

string - Adding backslashes without escaping [Python] -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 जवाब मुझे एक & amp; (एपरसैंड) वर्ण। समस्या यह है कि जब भी मैं string = string.replace ('& amp;', '\ & amp;') परिणाम '\\ & amp;' है मूल बैकस्लैश से बचने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त बैकस्लैश जोड़ा गया है। मैं इस अतिरिक्त बैकस्लाश को कैसे निकालूं? परिणाम '\\ & amp;' केवल प्रदर्शित किया जाता है - वास्तव में स्ट्रिंग है : & gt; & gt; & gt; Str = '& amp;' & Gt; & gt; & gt; New_str = str.replace ('& amp;', '\ & amp;') & gt; & gt; & gt; New_str '\\ & amp; & Gt; & gt; & gt; प्रिंट new_str \ & amp; इसे एक शेल में आज़माएं।

sql server - What is the best way to track when table(s) are updated in SQL? -

In the past I've just added one field to each table and updated it with GETDATE () when every update / insert . The problem is that I have to keep track of removal now. I was just thinking of getting a table which I change when something changes and adds a trigger to all the other tables ??? Thanks! If you have a history table (table with the same column as the original table, plus an automatic pay Increase ID column), you can track everything about the change in the original table. You can inserts, deletes, and tracks every change Use the trigger to insert, update and delete to insert a line in the history table. If you do not need all these options, then use those you need. If you choose to use an IsDeleted flag in the original table, it makes every query intriguing, and leaves your active table a lot of unnecessary rows but it depends on your needs could work.

python - Misleading(?) TypeError when passing keyword arguments to function defined with positional arguments -

cPython 2.4 में: def f (a, b, c, d): पास & gt; & gt; & gt; टाइप करें: एफ () बिल्कुल 4 गैर-कीवर्ड तर्क (0 दिए गए) लेता है लेकिन: & gt; & gt; & gt; टाइप करें: एफ () बिल्कुल 4 गैर-कीवर्ड तर्क (3 दिए गए) लेता है स्पष्ट रूप से, मैं वाकई वास्तव में पायथन के फ़ंक्शन-तर्क प्रसंस्करण तंत्र को समझें। किसी को इस पर कुछ प्रकाश साझा करने के लिए देखभाल? मैं देख रहा हूं कि क्या हो रहा है (तर्क स्लॉट्स को भरने, फिर दे रहे हैं), लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह एक नौसिखिया को बेईमानी देगा। (यह भी, अगर लोगों को बेहतर प्रश्न कीवर्ड हैं - "हिम्मत" की तरह कुछ - - कृपया रिटाग करें) जब आप कहते हैं def f (a , बी, सी, डी): आप अजगर कह रहे हैं कि f 4 स्थितिबद्ध तर्क लेता है हर बार जब आप f को कॉल करते हैं, तो उसे बिल्कुल 4 तर्क दिए जाने चाहिए, और पहला मान a को सौंपा जाएगा, दूसरा b , आदि f (1,2,3,4) या आपको f जैसे कुछ के साथ कॉल करने की अनुमति है एफ (ए = 1, बी = 2, सी = 3, डी = 4) , या यहां तक ​​कि f (c = 3, b = 2, a = 1, d = 4) लेकिन स...

Returning a specific XML child with PHP -

I have something to do with some XML: I may not have to retrieve a specific administrator, however, the following: $ admin = "user1"; Foreign ($ $ subxml $ child) {if ($ child- & gt; admin- & gt; name == $ administrator) {var_dump ($ child); }} Returns an array, including both user and user. How can I go about outputing only the selected user's XML (in this case user 1) then my desired output is: & lt; Admin & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; User1 & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Authentication_source & gt; Local & lt; / Authentication_source & gt; & Lt; / Admin & gt; Thanks! Using XPATH might be a good idea $ query = $ Simple_xml_resource- & gt; Xpath ('/ admin_list / admin [name =' '. $ Name]' "] '); if (count ($ query) == 0) {// no user found} and {$ user = $ query [0 ]; Resonate $ user-> asXML (); // output XML}}

c# - why does the controllers action have HttpRequestBase, and the viewpage has HttpRequest? -

HttpRequestBase takes my methods as arguments, and I find it strange that why the controllers work to HttpRequestBase There is access, but the page is retrieved by the HTTPEEEE. Is there any reason for this not through which thought? View pages in MVC via HTTPPT ViewContacts. Access to HTPCitxt , which is the HTTPTTBasebase . It appears that double access is just the way works when you see the request. HTTPPTENTEX , this is the injection of the ASP.NET pipeline of the original code httpcontact . It can be accessed in any HTTPHandler, whether it is an MVC controller or view, or webform page or ashx.

android - Nexus One GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES Extension... Not actually there? -

I am porting an iPhone app to Android, and I need to use Open Framebuffers. I call a Nexus One, and GlGet (GL_EXTENSIONS) to indicate that the Nexus One supports the same framebuffer extension as the iPhone. However, I can not see openGL extension-related tasks to call in my GLSurfusWhite. When I call a simple framebuffer function, I get an UnsupportedOperationException. I can not solve this problem, and I should continue the development of the framebuffers. Do I need to pass some options when the OpenGL reference is created to get the fully capable OpenGL reference object? Here's the block of code I'm trying to run which defines the capabilities of the hardware, it claims to support the extension (and my GL object is an example of GL11ExtensionPack, but glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES calls to an UnsupportedOperationException Fails. Public Zero runEnvironmentTests () {string extension = gl.glGetString GL11 .GL_EXTENSIONS}; Log D. ("Layers Graphics...

algorithm - Link Tree nodes at each level -

Given a binary tree, how would you include nodes at each level, say left to right, at Level 3 5 nodes, link all of them from left to right. I do not need anyone to write code for this .. But just a skilled algorithm Create a vector of linked lists. Keep track of keeping your DFS one level, and add whatever you find for each node, to the level linked list. It will run in O (N) which is optimal. Do you want to do this?

javascript - Is automatically assigning focus bad for accessibility? -

If I have a page that is the main part of the contents of a page, then on the first form field via javascript Will Focus Have a Negative Impact on Access to Page Loads? The short answer is not that it does not insufficient things but it can confuse it long The answer is as follows. Do your users know that going to a form with a page is going, and should you read any descriptive text before filling out the form? I am a screen reader user and can be disturbed if I focus in random areas. It is clear why your focus is in the Google search box, which does not bother me if my attention was automatically placed in the reply editing field, every time I saw any question on the stackworflow, I would be annoyed because I The screen reader must be forced to navigate to the form field and the top of the page.

opacity - android.View transparency -

I need to set initial transparency for a textView but I do not know how to do this. On iPhone this alpha can be easily done with the property. I tried to set alpha using alpha alimient but did not do any good work. It just comes back to 100% alpha when it ends. alpha animation animation = new alpha animation (1, 0.2f); Anim.setDuration (5000); TextView.startAnimation; Any ideas people? You can set alpha channels directly into a color value that you assign to TextView. See.

java - Can a freemarker viewpage be 'user' editable and secured? -

If I allow someone to modify the freemarker view page, can I free it anyway? I know I read somewhere that I can disable articles, but this was for jsp pages, so it is not certain that it will work with freemarker. I basically want in a way where I can set the attributes that go to the page, and go to the web designer page and edit them as they want (all while saving it ). That is, I do not want people to reach any object in the request pipeline, or to output my connection string for pages etc. Request and other objects by the free marker view of Spring for the freemmer template When the freemakers are used as Spring MVC view technology, they are made aware. Full control over the data in contact with the templates, you can use Freemarker directly, as explained in. However, you can still use Spring Support for the FreeMarker configuration ( FreeMarkerConfigurationFactoryBean ).

design patterns - Purpose of factory objects/benefit over using same instance to return type -

Unlike using an example of the same object to return that object, what is the benefit of a stable factory class? For example, for example, with N 2 CMS, take a look at this code: News Page News = Factory. (Item IDID); // Variables can set news related to news news. Factory. Save (news); The factory is stable and I know what are the objects of the factory, but I do not thanks a constant See the benefits of the factory Instead of using a manufacturer, there is some advantage of a stable factory: A manufacturer new is usually called every time. When creating a new object is necessary. However, there is not a stable factory, so you can reuse the invariant items and can cache the frequently used values, which can lead to better performance. The names of stable factories are; Constructors, mostly OOP languages, should generally have the same name as the class and can only be different in their type and number of arguments. But stable factories can also have differ...

iteration - jquery each function for dynamically elements -

I dynamically use Jquery's .attr ('class', 'show') in my code Adding a square . But when I use it like the .each () function: $ ('show A'). Each (function () {warning (0);}); This does not work I manually add 'Show' class. How can I do this dynamic? Instead of trying to set the class through "

php - question about component-based frameworks -

I read about it with component-based structures, such as yii, you reuse each component for the next project can do. Can anyone give examples of real life examples (I listen to this word all the time, but I do not know exactly what it says) and I reuse them for their next project How can i Are KodiGuiter and KOHAN component based frameworks? KO, Y, and CodeInigner are OWorkworks that allow you to easily expand with your functionality Are there. If you were creating a website about books, for example, you can create book objects that explain the tasks and qualities you have been told. Later, when you do another website in which books are included, you can reuse the book object that was created for the first site.

charts - Setting a fixed width domain for a TimeSeries plot in JFreeChart -

I have a dynamic timer chart in which some values ​​are added every 20 seconds, I plot the plot width like 30 minutes I want to say that the "30 minute canvas / plot" starts from the left hand side of my chart, until this whole plot is filled up. After every 30 minutes, I want to clear out the old data and show only the latest 30 minute data which means that at any point in time, my chart will only show the latest 30 minute data. I have already made the chart and have done great work, except that the initial domain boundary is fixed at the point where it started even after two hours. get upper position after 30 minutes, then upper left lower downstairs and old upbound + 30 minutes Set new upbound?

jquery - How to create a floating scrollbar like the one on the iPhone? -

I am creating a finger-friendly web app and I'm having problems with scrollbars. Trying to rebuild the implementation of the iPhone where the scrollbar is visible only when the user scrolls and disappears when scrolling is off. Anyone get any indication? First of all, I will start with a few options. Azoff is one of them. Above it, remove it from the plug-in: . Css ({"Cursor": "url" (replace with "+ o.icons: .css ({" cursor ",". "," Overflow-y ":" auto "}) :" Url ("+ +"), default "}) Example of using the plugin page In form: $ (function () {$ ("# overscroll"). Overscroll (); $ ("# overscroll"). Hover (function () {$ (this). Css ({'overflow-y': 'scroll'});}, function () {$ (this) .css ({'overflow-y': 'hidden'});});}); This shows the scroll on the hover. You can scrap $ ("# overscroll"). Scroll ()...

ubercart file download setting problem -

Hi I am using drupal 6.x and ubercart 2.x. I am trying to create a product, but when it comes to adding the file download feature, I am having some problem. I put a folder that is downloaded to the drawer folder and placed a folder inside the download folder. So I gave it as "drupal / downloads" but it is saying that the download / valid file or directory " I also forced the following file paths 2.drupal / Downloads / faq.ods 3.drupal / faq.ods (after placing faq.ods in the drupal folder. But still Receiving the same message. Some body helps me This is a path instead of URL You should probably find out from your hosting company that your web site is (like can actually be in the form of /users/ on the disk) And after / drupal / downloads

html - Horizontal scroll bar in IE7 -

If you look in IE7 (devil) then you will see a horizontal scroll bar beneath your browser. I have a lot of code for every & lt; Div & gt; I have tried to hide the overflow of and I have drawn each element together in the layout to see what this problem might be. I just can not wrap my brain around it. Firebug is not helping either Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks in advance. problem status: absolute at #summer Due to this.

osx - SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic) -

When trying to connect to EC2 on SSH, I get the following error: joshua-Scotts-macbook-pro: .ec2 joshuascott $ ssh -v I OFMoodle root @ ec2-xxx-xxx OpenSSH_5.2p1 OpenSSL 0.9.8l November 5, 2009 debug1: Reading configuration data from / etc / ssh_config debug1: Connecting [] Port 22. debug1: The connection established. Debug1: Identity file OFMoodle Type-1 debug1: Remote Protocol Version 2.0, Remote Software Version OpenSSH_4.7 debug1: Match: OpenSSH_4.7 Pat OpenSSH_4 * debug1: Enabling Compatibility Mode for Protbug 2.0 Debug1: Local Version String SSH -2.0-OpenSSH_5. 2Dbug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT Transmitted Debug 1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT Received Debug 1: KX: Server-> Client AES 128-CTR HMAC-MD5 No Debug 1: KX: Client-> Server AES 128-CTR HMCAC-MD5 no debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST (1024 8192) sent debug1: Expected SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP debug1: Expected SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY debug1: S...

antlr3 - How to generate LLVM IR with ANTLR and C target -

IM is currently trying to generate LLVM IR with ANLL 3. But the problem is that I need a C target (C ++ would be better, but is not working yet, is it or is it?) But from C I can not call the LLVM C ++ API to build the IR. Tutorial uses Java and StringTamplate Lib from Terrence Parr but as I know that StringTemplate is not available for lib ist c. Does anyone have some good ideas about how this can be done? :) Thx There is a very good entry in LLVF, what do you do This discussion indicates: It indicates LLVM-C, which is C bond for LVM, allows to generate direct IR from C, and is integrated for LCL since Liege-2-llvm-2.6 The approach takes example with the Terence Enterprise-Java and the string templates to make the Lavell assembly as text (And the creation of text is actually about string templates).

configuration - How can I configure the HTTP proxy for a Web Service client running in JBoss 4? -

Using NetBeans 6.8, I managed to write a JADS-Web service customer for the Internet running service. Communication works well via HTTP firewall, within NetBens. Now I tried to run the client in a service in Jebus 4.2.3.Ga, here the request message fails: HTTP transport error: java. Net.UnknownHostException: So I think the VM proxy running the Servlet does not know I will try to set proxy system properties in the servlet code, but maybe There is also a way to enter the standard JBoss configuration file. I remember the https in service URL (error message not only protocol portion, but server name only) Done Required changes are simple, two https (http no!) Proxy properties in the PropertiesService configuration file on default / deploy / properties-service.xml Set & lt; Attribute name = "attribute" & gt; ... https.proxyHost = ... https.proxyPort = ... & lt; / Attribute & gt;

google play - how to Delete published application from my android market account? -

I have published an APK file with a bug on the Android Market site. But I want to remove that application from the Android market. How to remove a published application from my Android Market account? The scenario was tried to delete the application below: * Click Upgrade from the application page> click the delete button on the page below. * After displaying the error message shown below, click on delete it "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later" There can be any solution to this problem Regards, Jeyavel N Your application in the marketplace delete What can you do unpublished an application (which I have just done). The OP has described the Delete function for only one update just removed or unpublished not your app. It only deletes the upload file of your upgrade. To make it smaller: No published app can be removed, only unpublished.

networking - Viewing my IIS hosted site on other machines on my network -

I have a simple network setup with 2 machines at home. I have a site on a machine, instead of the standard localhost / index.htm hosted with IIS7, I indicate this code to local IP ( Has added an entry to the HOSTS file - www . I can not get any problem with the site from . What I have to do is enable this site to be able to view on the network from my other machine. In the beginning, I assumed that it can be done with a URL like machine-name / , but the connection is always out time. But I can ping machine-name without any problem. For testing purposes, I have disabled the windows firewall on both machines but there is no happiness. Typical web developer, my hardware / network skills are very poor. Can anyone see where I am going? As other people have said that the firewall is on TCP port 80 There is a need to configure accept incoming calls . Inbound rule -> Take action World Wide Web ...

c# - Date Time Picker Functionality with user input interface changed. WINFORM -

I want to use a date time picker for my window application. I am using the minimum date maximum date property in my code. But the user interface for inputting is very complex for the purpose of accounting, where we are typing fast There is no need to use less or less of speed and mouse. I want to modify a user interface for the date time picker, so that the user needs to type 24012010 for 24/01/2010. What do I have to do for this. Or is it any of their DLL or some other device that can provide all the functionality of the date picker with this functionality Use a good example on the page that will ensure that the user has just entered numbers for his date. Then you need to make sure that the number is not valid date (i.e. 99/99/9999) with your validity code.

math - Neural Network 0 vs -1 -

I use -1 for 0 input data How is this better when working with the neural network and it implements any math to implement it? Edit: Using Feedword and Backprop Edit2: I let go of it but stop learning the network So, I think mathematics has to change somewhere? Edit 3: Finally got the answer. Mathematics for binary is different from bilateral. Recently found that sigmoid and sigmoid-derived derivatives while using bipolar at biogas Need to change the formula. Bipolar seamless function: f (x) = -1 + 2 / (1 + e ^ -x) Bipolar sigmoid derivative: F '(x) = 0.5 * (1 + f (x)) * (1 - f (x))

I need to two bookmarkets for delicious -

I am researching something and I need to make, say two bookmarks if I read this article later If I need to, I want to click on that bookmark and tag it with the existing open page with the read_it_later tag. The second bookmarket should do the same as it is for watch_video_later. I do not want any sign or anything I was looking around but not got a delicious bookmarklet of any kind. You can assume that my userid on tasty is dorelal. Thanks I should use tasty because there are other people who support it. If you are using Firefox, then read it later on the add-on. It does all this and 100 other cool things.

c++ - use of char * vs std::string in different environments -

I am using std :: string in my code. I was going to create a std :: string and pass it by reference. However, some std :: string is not reliable about the code suggested to use four *. is it true? I have avoided using four * because I have to manage some of the memory for this instead I find it very easy to use std :: string to use. Actually I have a 10 digit output that I am storing in this string. Atm, I'm not sure which one would be better to use. In C ++, almost every string should be Std :: string unless another library Cstring is not required, in this case you are still std :: string and string.c_str () passing, unless you are using the function that works with buffers. However, if you are writing a library and exporting the function, it is better to use port charity instead of the const char * parameter instead of the std :: string parameter.

How do I represent this using JPA? -

मुझे निम्नलिखित कॉलम के साथ एक 'रोल प्लेटेड' इकाई चाहिए उपयोगकर्ता भूमिका विभाग / प्रोजेक्ट / समूह उपरोक्त सभी तीन स्तंभ एक समग्र प्राथमिक कुंजी का निर्माण करते हैं मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि क्या कोई विभाग / परियोजना / समूह संभवतः एक होना चाहिए? यदि हां, तो कैसे? या क्या मुझे इकाई को विभाग की भूमिकाओं, समूहरेल्स और प्रोजेक्टरोल में तोड़ने की आवश्यकता है। धन्यवाद। आप ऐसा करने के लिए एक सार बेस क्लास के साथ बहुरूपता का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। @ एंटीटी सार्वजनिक वर्ग भूमिका प्लेले {@ManyToOne निजी प्रयोक्ता उपयोगकर्ता; @ManyToOne निजी भूमिका भूमिका; @ManyToOne निजी शरीर निकाय; ...} @ एंटिटी @ इनहेरिटन्स (रणनीति = इनहेरिटन्स टाइप। जोंइडेड) पब्लिक सार क्लास बॉडी {...} @ एंटीटी पब्लिक क्लास डिपार्टमेंट बॉडी {...} @ एंटीटी पब्लिक क्लास प्रोजेक्ट बॉडी {...} @ एंटीटी की विस्तारित करती है सार्वजनिक वर्ग समूह शारीरिक विस्तारित करता है {...} एक अच्छी अवलोकन के लिए देखें। वैकल्पिक रूप से, आप रोलप्लेड इकाई कोड, डिपार्टमेंट रोल , GroupRole और ProjectRole लागूकरण के स...

c++ - What is the best embedded system board/chip combination for video pass through with a HTML overlay -

I am trying to make a proof of concept for a consumer electronic product that will have a video input & amp; Output, but there will be output with an HTML overlay on the part of the screen Does anyone know the best board / chip combination that would be good for this app? Since it can become an actual product, the lower the price! Thank you for all your help! You want to see the SOC

mod rewrite - .htacces RewriteRule problem -

यह काम कर रहा है: पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ ([az] {2} /) { 0,1} showcategory / ([0- 9] *) / ([0-9] *) (/ {0,1}) $ /main.php?id=$2&il[lang]=$1&; पेज = $ 3 [एल] इस यूआरएल के साथ: http: // localhost / showcategory / 590/10 अब मैं इसके साथ भी काम करना चाहता हूं: http: // localhost / showcategory / 590 / transport / 10 नियम मैंने कोशिश की : रिवेराइटियम ^ ([az] {2} /) {0,1} शोकेबेट / ([0- 9] *) / ([az \ -_ 0-9 \ +] * ) / ([0- 9] *) (/ {0,1}) $ / main.php?id=$2&il[lang]=$1&page=$3 [एल] RewriteRule ? यह कैसे काम करता है ? /? ([0- 9] +) /? $ /main.php?id=$2&il[lang]=$1&page=$3 [एल] I साथ ही {0,1} को सरल बनाया? कुंजी (?: / [A-Za-z0- 9 _-] +) में है? , स्पष्टीकरण: (?: गैर-कैप्चरिंग समूह, तो यहां जो कुछ है वह किसी भी $ n / मैच स्लैश [A-Za-z0-9 _-] + अक्षरों / संख्याओं / डैश / अंडरस्कोर के साथ किसी भी शब्द से मेल नहीं किया जाएगा) ? गैर कैप्चरिंग समूह बंद करें, और? इसका मतलब यह वैकल्पिक है

xml - Multi table programmatic merge to ODF document file -

I drafted a custom XML with Microsoft Word 2007, which was using the DOCX format, And include them in a Word DocX I then opened the file, searched / replaced the entire document, closed it and opened it, completely merged, with the patent suite loss in the word, creating new user documents of our softwareWill not be able to because the custom XML schema has been discontinued. I am thinking of doing the same in the same and / or open office, but I have been saved from finding some online close examples, so far I need to know how I "tag "I can leave in a document that I can find / change from within the Open Office Writer or can access the schema. Note that a reference to regular mail merge, which considers a flat merge file, will not work in my case because I have multiple tables / multiple connections, etc. Any link or idea will be Come up with possible solutions. 1) Use the dataset / field merge. It involves involving many data sources, for each table, then usin...

Parent App access vs Events in Flex Modules -

By inspiration, this phenomenon is seen as a better practice to transmit back to the original app, as Opposing to calling any method, from within a module, the example of the original app? It seems to me that the module should not know which methods are available on parents, because there is tight coupling from such an approach. Thoughts? I think I got my answer.

.net - Creating objects from an interface in C# -

Is it possible, only to give an interface, to create an object from this? Something like this: var obj = new IWidget (); (I know this code is not correct - VS lives can not create an example of IWidget) I am in a context where The reference to my project is the interface, and I want to make concrete objects and return them with a method - but I can not understand how to create objects from the interface. You can not create an object from an interface. You can create an object from a class using that interface. For example: IList & lt; String & gt; X = new iILIT & lt; String & gt; (); will not work. IList & lt; String & gt; X = new list & lt; String & gt; (); . The interface can not be created, only the objects that use the interface can be made.

assign a class of current to the current page in the navigation when all headers are included via <?php include()?> -

I have all the header and top navigation that includes a page with PHP I want to assign I & lt; Li class = "on" & gt; There is a square for , so I have & lt; Li & gt; and there is a current list, the page should be a square of "current" and the body should be a square of the current page for = body & lt; Body class "home" & Gt; and similarly thanks you can use something Like: You can compare $ _SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"] with links to each navigation item. Note that $ _SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"] can be deceived by the customer , so make sure you make anything awkward before using it or displaying it back on the page. - JQuery UI Dialog without ID twice -

By placing multiple interactions on one page - they should be able to come in more than once. I am using ASP.NET so that the content ID is inverted to go into the dialogue. To bring the dialog several times all instances start working with the Content ID to get the initial dialogue for the second time. I get some possible solutions, but they look like hacks: 1.) When I first bring the dialogue, and use around the second time, then pure in any other field Store the mangled id. 2. Use the dialog to revert the content of the dialog back to its original location in the dial when the dialog stops. & lt; Ol & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div id = "dotnetmangledjunk_Meaningful" & gt; To go to the content dialog, click & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Div id = "dotnetmangledjunk_Meaningful" & gt; To go to the content dialog, click & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt...

mysql - Help with database design -

I would like some advice on designing my database tables for a small project, on which I am working. In this system, assume that I have article , sub-article , and comments . Each article can have sub-articles, both articles and sub-articles can have comments. I am considered to be an AutoIncreiting Inti Primary Key for each table (such as article ID, sub-article, and comment id). Sub-articles will contain an article which is in the form of a foreign key in the article table etc. But for some reason I have the perception of the unique ID of the world. What would be the best way to implement this? Should each table have a uuid primary key and the first mentioned id column should be used as a regular column (since I still would like a logical number associated with each object)? Or should I create the main object mapping table with the uuid ? Any suggestions on the good way to implement it will be appreciated! I have tables now articles and comments , and the...

Do functional languages cope well with complexity? -

I'm curious to compare "traditional" languages ​​such as functional languages ​​like C # and Java for large programs (normally ) Do the flow of the program become more difficult to follow faster than the use of a non-functional language? Thanks Is the flow of the program fast Is there any non-functional language used? "Program flow" is probably a misconception, to control a large functional program, control flow can become baro because high-order functions occur, but these are generally easier to understand Because there is rarely a shared state of worry, so you can think of logic and result. Of course, my experience is that I find it easier to follow aggressively functional programs than an aggressive object-oriented program where parts of the execution of several classes are disturbed. And I find it easier to follow the program written with high-order tasks than dynamic transmissions. I also see that my students, who are the representatives of t...

javascript - jquery ui dialog - button click event handlers -

I'm JS Nobody I'm using the jquery FullCalendar plugin, which is an EventClick (Calistent, Js Event, View) event Displays what you click on an event on the calendar. In my event handler, I want to pop up a dialogue whether the user wants to edit a recurring event or an incident of the whole event. The problem is that for the dialog click on the button handler needs to use the calEvent variable, but I have to instantify the dialog within $ (the document). My code is here: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# calendar'). FullCalendar ({events: getEvents, header : {Left: 'title', center: 'prev, next', right: 'Today's Month Agenda Calendar'}, Subject: True, eventClick: function (calEvent, jsEvent, view) {if (calEvent.readOnly == true } {Return;} if (calEvent.recurring) {if (calEvent.persisted) {editOccurrence (calEvent);} and {$ ("# edit_type_dialog") dialog ("open");}} else {editEvent (calEvent) ($) "$" ...

html - Why don't diametrically opposed margins overlap with a table being involved? -

I wonder if the opposing margins (margin-down) after the two block elements (such as Divis) A margin-top is merged, while adding those margins between a block element and a table. Example: & lt; Style & gt; . A {margin-down: 18px; }. B {margin-top: 6px; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div class = "a" & gt; Foo & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "b" & gt; Bar & lt; / Div & gt; ... & lt; Table class = "a" & gt; ... & lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Div class = "b" & gt; Bar & lt; / Div & gt; Please note: If I change the property of the table to "block" then it behaves like any other block elements and their margins are merged. This box model is named Crashing Margins and W3 states that

debugging - Is there a way to detect if a debugger is attached to a process from C#? -

I have a program that is the second program in Process.Start (), and it closes it after N seconds I Sometimes I choose to attach debugger to the launch program. In those cases, I do not want to stop this process after N seconds. I want to know if the host program is attached or not, it can not choose to turn it off: I do not want to know that a debugger my process I want to know that a debugger is connected to this process which I am creating. You will need the following to handle the target process, which you can process Can get from the hoodle.

Is it possible to "unset" an environment variable in a Makefile? -

I am using GNU Make, and that project also includes a third party library that has a build system, Code> CFLAS is defined in the environment when it is called I have defined CFLAS in my environment for other reasons, the library is being constructed with another makefile, So I say: Third party: $ (make) -f makefile. 3rd party But I'm sure that CFLAG can not be unset when I want to call the third party makefile The closest thing I can get: CFLAG: = But it still sets CFLAG in the environment, it's just a blank string to say Apart from doing something disgusting as well: Third party: bash -c "unset CFLAGS; $ (make) -f MacFile 3rd party" In Scope is an easy way to CFLAGS variable "unset" within the primary Mesefail, so it does not exist on the environment when you applied the Library of third parties? Does not the following work for you? unexport CFLAGS 3rdparty: $ (Make) - Makefile.3rdparty

html - Embedding flex app in ASP.NET page (aspx) -

I am making a Flex app to embed in my ASP.NET portfolio. . What is the best way to embed SWF file in the HTML of the SSPX page? Thanks I do not know what's the best way, for me the most The easiest way to "classic" is to: & lt; Object class = "clayed: D27 CDB 6E-AE 6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" codebase = " # Version = 6,0,0,0 "WIDTH =" 320 "HEIGHT =" 240 "id =" Your Filename "ALIGN =" "& gt; & Lt; PARAM name = movie VALUE = "yourfilename.swf" & gt; & Lt; PARAM name = quality VALUE = high & gt; & Lt; EMBED src = "Yourfilename.swf" Quality = High WIDTH = "320" HEIGHT = "240" NAME = "yourfilename" ALIGN = "" TYPE = "App / X-Shockwave-Flash" PLUGINSPAGE = "http: // www."></EMBED> & Lt; / ...

delphi - Why does line count change so much from D2007 to D2010? -

Our app at work is a huge project with more than 3,000 units, which is about 3.5 million lines in the code. ... or at least this was when we were compiling it under D2007. We recently updated to D 2010, and now if we run a full build, the line's count eventually closes at approximately 4.9 million. The same DPR, the same code base, everything is the same, but the compiler runs some 40% more line code in the construction cycle and nobody here knows it. Just to make things more confusing, after the construction, we can go to Project -> Information in the IDE and it reports 3.8 M lines. In 2007, the Compiler Dialogue and Project -> Information Communication reported the same number. Anyone has come to know what is happening here? Does not the D 2010 support the generic? I think some of the labs have been replaced by generics, which can be an account for additional lines that are visible when parsed, if it is using "virtual" lines.

syntax - Why can't I retrieve "contents" of a note item in Yojimbo, but I can retrieve the "content"? -

Yojimbo के एपल्सस्क्रिप्ट शब्दकोश में एक नोट वस्तु परिभाषित है: नोट आइटम n [inh । डेटाबेस आइटम]: एक नोट आइटम एप्लिकेशन द्वारा निहित तत्व एन्क्रिप्टेड गुण (बूलियन, आर / ओ): क्या नोट एन्क्रिप्ट किया गया है? सामग्री (पाठ): नोट की सामग्री। सिंक सामग्री यदि यह नोट एन्क्रिप्ट किया गया है, तो सामग्री की संपत्ति केवल पढ़ने योग्य है अगर वर्तमान सुरक्षा नीतियों द्वारा अनुमत है संलग्न करने का जवाब देते हैं, प्रीपेड करें मेरे डेटा को निर्यात करने की कोशिश में, मैं एप्पल स्क्रिप्ट के साथ आसपास पोकिंग कर रहा हूं, भाषा सीख रहा हूं, आदि, और वर्तमान में यह है: बताएं "Yojimbo" दोहराना (पुस्तकालय में नोट आइटम) प्रदर्शन संवाद (प्रत्येक नोट की सामग्री) के रूप में दोहराएँ स्ट्रिंग अंत दोहराने के अंत के रूप में बताओ मुझे भ्रामक बात यह है कि, हालांकि वर्ग संपत्ति को परिभाषित करता है "सामग्री", मुझे सामग्री को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए "सामग्री" का उपयोग करना होगा। इस त्रुटि में "सामग्री" परिणाम का उपयोग करना: टाइप स्ट्रिंग में "Yojimbo" के ...

javascript - Catching in page links with jQuery -

Hello, I want to turn on a function when the user clicks on the page link, for example Html # variable1 I want #Virible1 to capture and execute the function. If you want to get the string after the hash: $ ("A [href * = '#']"). Click (function () {var hash = this.href.replace (/.*#(.*)$/, '$ 1'); // return something incorrect}};

database - Normalizing Human Skin Colors for User Interaction -

Some time ago I came to know that I am unclear (at least for me) (or this gender ? - Thanks @ Paul). I am working for a pet project, I need my database schema to store a person's skin color, and I am thinking that there is a common standard present. All my life I have had " white ", " Caucasian ", " black ", " golden ", " Afro ", " Albino " and so on, but after some research in Wikipedia, I ' : : It defines that everyone is wrong because these words can have different meanings: : Again, skin or Hair color : Again, skin or hair color : "hairdo" ?! : Li> Australian Seriously, Mongoloid ?! I do not know the meaning of the English language in my native language (Portuguese) is the synonyms of the person who is suffering from ... There are some interesting additional information too : John Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840), one of the founders of some call scientific raci...

css - In a 2-column layout, how do I make one column expand to total width if I remove the other column? -

एक मार्कअप के साथ बेहतर समझाया गया: HTML: & lt ; Div & gt; & lt;! - दोनों साइडबार और सामग्री साझा की चौड़ाई - & gt; & Lt; div id = "content" & gt; & lt;! - शायद 30% - & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "साइडबार" & gt; & lt;! - शायद 70% - & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस: # साइडबार {फ्लोट: बायां;} / * पता नहीं क्या चौड़ाई * / # सामग्री {फ्लोट: सही;} / * नहीं विचार क्या चौड़ाई * / मुझे क्या करना है, यह है कि अगर साइडबार मार्कअप में मौजूद नहीं है, तो साइडबार की जगह ले जाने के लिए सामग्री डिवेल का विस्तार होता है: & lt पूर्व; div & gt; & Lt; div id = "content" & gt; & lt;! - चौड़ाई अब 100% - & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; आप इसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं यदि आप अपने डिवाओं की तरह चारों ओर फ्लिप करते हैं: & lt;! DOCTYPE html सार्वजनिक "- // W3C // DTD एक्सएचटीएमएल 1.0 ट्रांसक्रिप्शन // एन...

map vs. hash_map in C++ -

I have a question in hash_map and map c ++ I understand that the map is in STL, but hash_map is not standard, what is the difference between the two? These are implemented in a very different way. hash_map (use unordered_map in TR1 and Boost; instead, use them) Use a hash table where the key is in a slot in the table The value is pushed and the value is stored in the list Map is applied as a balanced binary search tree (usually a red / black tree). An unordered_map should give slightly better performance to access the known elements of the archive, but there will be additional useful features in a map (as it is sorted Is stored in order, which allows traversal ending from the beginning) will be faster on insert and delete from unordered_map a map . mvc - Sharing partial views between MVC projects - Do Areas Help? -

We have some partial considerations that need to be used in many MVC projects. Has anyone done this successfully? Can any use of MVC 2 be used? Can a sub-sector project use partial footage from the original project or in other ways? Thank you! The air force sector is to separate a project for different segments.

Use SOLR on Mysql relational database. Use SOLR for only product table -

I'm a bit confused where the SOLR usage ends and where it starts. I use php for a shopping site with a relational MESCL DB where all the tables are related to the product table, such as those added to the tables, there is no need to say very slow ! For example Category table - CATIED, CATLAN, CATTADEK Brand Table - Brand, Brand Name, Brand DSC Product Table - Productive, Product Name, ProductDesk, Cathed, Branded (I also use Price Limits etc.) I'm thinking I should use the SOLR to index the whole relational schema or just to index the product table. And should work to present my application. If I switch to the product table to use only SOLR, then is there a signal to it? Eg Mysql I can do a full text search while joining the brand table. This will also enable the brand to be searched. Is it possible to get the same thing by switching the product table to SOLR? Do I have any other warnings for which I am looking for. I also want to create a new table fo...

.net - Parsing Documents with a DSL -

I am trying to make a way to go through about one million documents which are formal documents (for arguments , They are thesis documents). They are not all standardized, but are quite close. They are titles, sections, paragraphs etc. There are such subtle differences which can be harvested in English, we call a title "title", but "titrates" in French. In this way, the best way to do this in my mind is to create an ENB with all the possible combinations of the title: = Title. For example, the title I am not very worried about coming with EBNF. My main concern is how to achieve parsing. I have seen ANTLR, OSLO, Ironically and many others, but they do not have the expertise in deciding that they will be perfect for my work. Then, you Which DSL tool would you recommend to parse the documents on this scale? Which is the most accurate DSL tool in parsing, we have to define the rules of uppercase and lowercase, what about Roman numerals and the foreign lang...

delphi - Is there an easy way to clone a string array? -

I have been declared as an array: const A: array [0 ..3] short string = ('customer', 'supplementary', 'stock', 'gl'); Var B: Array of Shortstring; I would like to clone the string array. Use B.B in another array or copy function is not working. Is there a fast and easy way to clone the array without using the loop? Your problem is to encounter your constant A and your variables B are actually different types, it shows you that you can declare one cost and one type of fire equal to what you show in your question: Type TSA = array [0] .3] short string; Const A: TSA = ('Customer', 'Supplier', 'Stock', 'GL'); Var B: TSA; With these announcements you can simply write: b: = a; But when A is a one-dimensional array and B is a dynamic array, this is not possible and your only choice is SetLength (B) as required and copy one-by-one element. However, the type const and var appear as if they...

iphone - Core Data Saves and UI Performance -

Text after " If there is a saving of core data with large collection (not fetch) while doing any to improve UI responsiveness Best Practices I'm Thinking of Managed Items The app that I'm working on, until it is complete, requires a large amount of data to be downloaded from the web service at a given interval. At each interval, download the batch of data Done, formatted in managed object, and saved in core data. Because this process sometimes completes for 5 minutes completely, until it is completely complete, till the time of adding the loading screen, everything does not end, it is not really an option, It takes a very long time. Instead of writing a bigger note to my memory footprint at the end, I'm often interested in writing core data. Ideally, I like the user generally using the rest of the application, while downloading together and Want to be able to keep writing these large data sets to core data. Unfortunately, what is happening is that when I put in...

animation - Tough CSS problem - getting values from other properties? -

I need to get the value of other properties in CSS. Say I am in a CSS file: . Some {width: 256px; } Then in some 2 I want to use the value: .something2 {width:. Something.width; } How can I get this without javascript? I need this because I am using CSS 3 animation: @ - WebKit-keyframe nothing {0% {background-position: -48px 0px; } 100% {background-position: .someething.width 0px; }} And the x-value of the animation-end background should be the width of "something". Is it possible to do this in CSS (3)? Even if it supports a draft question or just a browser, I still want to hear about it. Thanks in advance. It is not possible with CSS. But you can get along or with this. Quote from Saas: SAS CSS, plus nested rules, variables , mixes, and more, in a concise, readable syntax. Actually this is another language similar to CSS. These files are then compiled to css files. So you have an extra step to create CSS files, but the language you create...

c++ - Problem passing vector of templated states to constructor -

Those people who are following the saga, I still have finite state machines, states & amp; Events that occur in "proper" C ++ mode with templates What's wrong with this code? template & lt; Typename StateTypeEnum, typename EventTypeEnum & gt; Class Fsm {public: Fsm (E_subSystems subsystem, example uint8_t, constants four * constant fsmName, constant std :: vector & lt; StateTypeEnum, EventTypeEnum & gt; & gt; & states of the state} / Code> where template & lt; Typename StateTypeEnum, typename EventTypeEnum & gt; Class state (public: state (input E_subSystems subsystem, StateTypeEnum stateId, constant four * constant stateName, constant std :: map & lt; event; event event; eventTypeEnum & gt ;, eventhandlerfunction & events; & amp; events) Code> Only is an error message A similar function for the call fsm.h line 98 C / C ++ problem It seems that the error message is for a non-existent state...

Module development tutorial in Drupal -

I want to learn how to create modules in drop-modules which the user can interact with the database, the idea. Is there a good video tutorial or a simple sample module, which includes these things? Thank you. I'll have to take a copy of my suggestion and start working on my own way. I think the best one stop option is to provide easy to follow the book, even then Drupal is starting to grow in depth to learn development. If you really want to get one without buying a book, then I will suggest checking out all those free stuff which is available to them. After the initial background, pages should be helpful for you, to find detailed information on the drupal functions, type in the search to hit the search box in the upper left hand corner. This would be a great resource to get some more background on Googletorp listed tasks. I agree with googletorp that this is a good list of tasks that can be started.

python - Jquery and Django multiple checkbox -

I'm making a start in jquery, please bear with me I have a jquery function that allows me to select multiple checkboxes and create a string as follows: function getSelectedVals () {var tmp = []; $ ("Input [name = 'check']). (Function () {if ($ (this) .attr ('checked')) {check = ($ (this) .val ()); tmp push Check);}}); Var filter = tmp.join (','); Alert (filter) return filter;} I then call a djgenja view function and string I pass the following way: selected = getSelectedVals (); var myurl = "/ bill / delete /? I have a display view function on the server; Id = "+ selected; $ .exax ({Type:" GET ", URL: Myrale, Data: selected, cache: incorrect}); Which is iterative on checkbox value and creates a list. delete def (request): in the listidx for global Mayer idx listidx = idx.split (','): Value = myarray [int (l)] myarray.remove (value) return HttpResponse ("/ billed / jqtut /") The problem is that ...

hi to all i am using paypal as payment gateway in my project but it give the error -

I am using paypal as a payment gateway in my project, but it returns an error such as host Could not be resolved: api-; This computer indicates a network error, try switching the nameservers ( solves from your computer.) You can add the nameserver to Google Public DNS Try to change and at

ssh - How to run automated rsync using ssh2 -

I am trying to setup rsync between two machines on the ssh2 protocol. Previously, we used ssh1 for automatic rsync without any passphrase, but recently we indicate rsync running passphrase with ssh2 and ss2. I have generated a new SSH2-RSA key and without a passphrase, but it still asks me for a passphrase. Here is the command I will run for ssh / usr / bin / ssh -2 -i / usr / local / www-rsync-key fsuser @ xyz to work with a ssh2 with a null password To get the key? I'm guessing that there are some settings in / etc / ssh / sshd_config that you have to set up, but I do not know! It appeared on the supersier, discussing the topic of ssh without a password.

active directory - Tree View WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint like Confluence? -

I keep my process documents on SVN and I want to create a wiki page that contains information about these files We use SharePoint in the company for sharing original documents and team sites. As mentioned in SharePoint wiki there is lack of applicability. It's easy to use the Wiki tool, which is capable of displaying content like Wikipedia content and if I can also SharePoint Tree View and Active Directory certification, it would be great. I googled it and found the confluence of Atlasian and it seems that it is capable of product requirements. We use cumin seeds for tracking on the issue, so we can use reporting in dashboards. I need and there is a wiki section in it that displays the wiki pages in the tree view. It should be Has anyone used Confluence or has any ideas for other products that require my needs Have you considered our confluence sharepoint connector? It seems that after you, this will allow you to use SharePoint for all other features, but use confluence...

mysql where condition -

I'm interested in that situation; If I type: choose from table_name where insert_date> Text like '2010-01-03' and '% friend%'; is different from: Select from table_name * where the text '% friend%' and insert_date & gt; '2010-01-03'; I mean that the table is very large, there are many rows and if mysql maintains a consistent record of the condition "where insert_date> '2010-01-03'" find it first and then For the word "friend" this record may be faster than the "friends" rows and compared to the date fields. Is it important to write where smart ways, or mysql's analysis condition and rehabilitation where again writes in the best way? Thanks No, two sections should be equivalent. The order of the columns in an index however the case is. If you think the adapter is using the wrong index, you can give it one though not often, though, it is a good reason to use the index sel...

odbc - Sage 50 Accounts Database Schema -

I am accessing SEZ 50 data through my ODBC driver, but if the tables have a unique / primary key, So it can not seem to be The ODBC.NET Driver does not return any information related to indexed or important area information. Tim with actual actual data that ends in Tables "M" Master tables appear ... I do not know if it helps at all.

javascript - How can I use a Mapnik-Backgroundlayer with lat-lon layers in one map with OpenLayers? -

I have an application with a map-client that I can use as my background data layer I want, as the class has been provided with Open Learner. Layer.OSM.Mapnik For this I need to switch to Projection EPSG: 9 0013 But I want to display some layers, that I can only request in the EPSG: 4326 Do I have a map with open layers in different estimates Can I add both layers together and how can I do this? If your layers are vector (WFS, KML, GORSS etc.) then with the open layer in the browser Can re-launch them. If your layers are raster (images / WMS services, etc.) then they can be reversed: Want to do this via WMS service (via MapServer / ArcGIS / GeoServer)

.net - NHibernate Mapping (Attributes) : KeyProperty not persisted -

In my current project, there are comments in the workflow. Please take a look at the following code. [KeyManyToOne (1, column = "workflow_id", name) [Composite ID] [Kippprooty (1, column = "data", name = "date", type type = typefile) = "Workflow", classtype = typef (workflow)) public virtual IWorkflow workflow {get; Set; } [Property (column = "comment")] Public Virtual String Comment Text {Received; Set; } Public Virtual DateTime Date {get; Set; } Below this line of relationship workflow (1) & lt; ---- & gt; (N) The comment describes (a per-date). While saving this type of unit, the database indicates violation of an obstacle that the column "data" can not be zero - which is not (its value for the object). I thought, defining a key method was enough to sustain this area, but obviously NHibernate sees it another way ... Does anyone in this mapping Mistake? I do not know if it goes back to such an inacc...

android - Enable or disable the PatternLock screen from code -

I have tried temporarily to find a way to disable PatternLock screens I do not completely disable lock I want to, but the user should not need to re-enter his pattern all the time. My idea is to write a service that disables the pattern after some user activity and enables it again after a few times. (And even more) There are apps on the market that do something (i.e. autolog or toggle pattern), so there should be a solution. I know that I can stop using a lock completely: getWindow (). AddFlags (WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON) or KeyguardLock.disableKeyguard () but it is not That's what I am after. I use which is used by the settings activity in Android sources, but this class (at least as far as I know) is a Not accessible by "normal" application. Do you have any suggestions? Did you try to see the code And what does this do? Som...

c# - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime " format dd/MM/yyyy" -

मैं अपने स्ट्रिंग फ़ॉर्मेटेड वैल्यू को प्रारूप प्रकार dd / MM / yyyy के साथ बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं । this.Text = "22/11/2009"; दिनांक समय की तारीख = दिनांक समय। पर्स (यह। पाठ); समस्या क्या है? इसकी दूसरी ओवरराइड है जो IFormatProvider के लिए पूछता है। यह क्या है? क्या मुझे यह भी पारित करने की आवश्यकता है? यदि हां, इस मामले के लिए इसका उपयोग कैसे करें संपादित करें पार्स और ParseExact के बीच अंतर क्या है स्लप्स और सैम के दोनों जवाब मेरे लिए काम कर रहे हैं, वर्तमान में उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट दे रहा है, लेकिन यह आश्वासन दिया जाएगा 2 संपादित करें मेरे द्वारा यह है कि वे मुखौटा टेक्स्टबॉक्स का उपयोग करके मान्य हैं। कौन से उत्तर सभी प्रकार के पहलुओं पर विचार कर रहा है जैसे कि प्रकार की सुरक्षितता, प्रदर्शन या ऐसा कुछ जिसे आप महसूस करते हैं उपयोग करें दिनांक समय.पर्स ईकैक्ट । this.Text =" 22/11/2009 "; दिनांकटाइम तिथि = दिनांक समय.पर्स ईकैक्ट (यह। पाठ, "डीडी / एमएम / याय", रिक्त);

java - QDox to obtain enum value names -

Does QDox provide a way to obtain the names of enum values ​​defined by an enum? (I know this reflection can be used, but I want to be able to get Javadak too.) You are right, it supports Enormity but it does not read the constants inside. It may be possible that by adding java-codebuilder and making some more changes it can be added.

unix - Process.daemon vs. running a Ruby script with nohup + & -

I have a Ruby 1.9 script that I want to run as a long-running background process. It seems that there is an option for me to call Process.daemon inside the script to lip, or I can run the script only in the background using shell appresand I can keep it and I'm running after prefixing the command with nohup and logging out of the server. How is it better? process. Dull looks in a more clean and simple way, especially if it is something that you can turn into a complete daemon introduced during boot.

iphone - Animating multiple UIVIew cause problems -

In my current iPhone game project, I am using UIView which are some game game elements (they are tiles). Animate one after the other is working fine or in a small series (5 UIView is animating at the same time). But once I decided to bring those same UIView more widely together, I got some strange rendering issue (the entire iPod touch screen, shines back to see the game on black, On completion of animation or almost complete, in the second case the screen shines between the black and real game scenes while trying to animate it). I have done many examinations and till now it appears that over 18 uIViv is getting animated. I have no problem, but once I get 30 UIView, then I will get this rendering problems Seeing. And the animation transition I'm using is flip right. Is the animation thread a maxium which can be run at once? I'm saying a method on my sub-class UIView that start standard animation animation animation. And I'm setting the cache in yes. Any idea w...