
Showing posts from July, 2014

flash - Mod_rewriting a query string onto a swf file -

I am trying to use the mod_rewrite to clean the url in a flash video player. First of all, here's the original URL that I'm trying to rewrite: library / player.swf? The path above = path-to-file.flv The URL above works perfectly when I use it directly. I have coded the SWF to automatically capture the path parameter and play the video. There is no problem now my attempt is to rewrite the rule: regrets rule ^ player /(.+)97 library / player.swf? Path = $ 1 [QSA, L] By visiting the URL player / path-to-file .flv, I get the SDF but no video is loaded I have a popup window in the flash Set which allows me to find the name of the path for debugging purposes, and it seems that the path is not being passed at all. On the other hand if I use the same rule, but it points to test.php instead of the player swf, then the test.php file is capable of unifying the parameter. So the question comes down, am I doing something wrong or is it impossible to send query string to...

html - IE8 table disappearing border-top -

Hello, I have a table with border-top set 2px. It works in every browser, except IE8. CSS: & style style = "text / css" & gt; . Mytable {collapse: collapse; Border: 0; Border-top: 2px solid # 43848c; Width: 300px; Margin: 0 2 AM 1 AM; Border bottom: 1px solid # 72afb6; }. Mytable tr {border-color: # 72afb6; Border-width: 1px 0; Border-style: solid; } .metable td {margin: 0; Padding: 8px 10px 7px 10px; Border: 0 solid transparent; Border bottom: 1px solid # 72afb6; Vertical-row: middle; Width: Auto; }. Mytable .the {background-color: # f0f7f5; Color: # 42828b; font-weight: bold; Font-type: normal; Font-size: 14px; Vertical-align: top; } & Lt; / Style & gt; HTML: & lt; Table class = "mytable" & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td square = "and" & gt; Title 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td square = "and" & gt; Title 2 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR ... - Handle exceptions in web services with Elmah -

Is there a way to handle exceptions globally in the ASP.NET Web Service (ASMX) as we Do the .net web site in ASP? ASP.NET Web Services Never fire Application_Error Event and exceptions to ELMAH Can not be globally controlled such as ASP.NET apps but we can log exceptions to using "manually" ELMAH: public int WebServiceMethod () {Try} {{}} (Exception preceding) {Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault (HttpContext.Current) logs (new Elma error (formerly, HTTP Context.)); }}

osx - What’s a good way to deal with a german keyboard when using Emacs on Mac OS X? -

Maybe it's a bit weird because this question is in English because my problem is a non-English I'm a Mac OS X user I'm on my way to learning MACS I have decided to use the Emacs 23.1 Cocoa Build, which by default uses the alt / option key of the Mac keyboard as a meta key but because I'm German and I German I am using keyboard, of course, it is very difficult to enter the required parameters for large scale programming: { } [ ] To bring these keyboards to the German keyboard layout, press the following key: Alt-5 for '[' alt] -8 '{' Translate according to the status described above M-5M-8 I know that you have real keys Can change the person who should be used as a meta key (for example, I could change the meta key into a command key). But I think every option will come at a cost and there will be some obvious loss because it can override some predefined OS behavior, which may be necessary when editing with a foreign langua...

swing - Java application does not work properly outside IDE's directory -

When I run it with NetBeans it's all right when I copy and go to the dist directory directory, So some things get smaller. Most importantly, jettison editing becomes confused, some fields only when you hit ESC (if you had hit the first entry, the changes are accepted, otherwise they are not, but you require ESC in both cases) and the same The kind of weird stuff also gets focused. I thought I was not clear ... P.S. Files are automatically saved (NetBeans feature) if it matters. EDIT: When I go to Deer Deer and run, it also works. Edit 2 (Answer): This problem is in my computer (Ubuntu 9.04), my windows Getting XP inside the virtual box and in the second (real) computer with Windows XP. When I run it with the console with java /path/to/main.jar, it throws the main class, is not found, and the exception does not start at all when I call it java -jar / path / to / main. Run with jar, it works in a way, but when it is said that throws java.lang.NumberFormatException in...

sql server - Help us fix this sql statement -

का चयन करें DISTINCT u.UserID, UserLastName, UserFirstName, उपयोगकर्ता नाम, अधिसूचित, मैक्स (CycleNumber) CycleNumber के रूप में, (CycleCurrentStep ) CycleCurrentStep, मैक्स (CycleDateReported) CycleDateReported, अधिकतम (cycleid) से [उपयोगकर्ता] यू (u.UserID = c.UserID) पर साइकिल ग में शामिल होने के शामिल होने UserDivSection हम पर छोड़ दिया के रूप में के रूप में (u.UserID = us.UserID और us.DivSectionID = 26) u.UserID, UserLastName, UserFirstName, उपयोगकर्ता नाम, अधिसूचित, c.CycleCurrentStep द्वारा समूह UserID UserLastName UserFirstName उपयोगकर्ता नाम अधिसूचित CycleNumber CycleCurrentStep CycleDateReported 290 विलियम्स क्रेग 1 7 0 208 290 विलियम्स क्रेग 1 9 3 210 290 विलियम्स क्रेग 1 7 5 1/29/2010 3:06:23 PM पर 204 290 विलियम्स क्रेग 1 8 6 2/1/2010 9:26:40 पूर्वाह्न 20 9 हम अद्वितीय गैर-पंक्तियों के साथ पंक्तियों को वापस करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं उस यूजरआइड के लिए अधिकतम साइक्लेनंबर से मिलान करने वाला पी...

memorization - Memorizing important algorithms such as binary search -

Do you remember binary search / quick sort / algorithm if that is the case? Have any ideas for? The way to understand this is always better than to remember them instead of the underlying principle of such algorithms - Uses quick sort paradigm (this is a design technique to solve a certain technique problem). Wiki is a very good starting point to dissect a new topic. You can dig deeper by watching video lectures (here this good post has been found on the SO) and other special content such as related research papers. Working with examples will also improve the algorithm. I hope this will be helpful. Cheers

flowdocument - Bookmarking WPF's FlowDocumentReader -

I am trying to save and restore the status of the document within the Flow Documentstrack to create the bookmark feature. There is no demand or search feature creation available to be publicly accessible, I am left with the following options: Instead of using the flow document page weaver Every time the window is saved, the shape is resized and it is reloaded as the app is reloaded. FlowDocumentReader's document loop through all the elements of the property, an on-screen hit test, then using the reflection to use the internal text features, after that text Is used to get back in time. Serial the entire control. Write your document viewer control. No 1 is disturbing because I have to confiscate the options of viewing two pages and scrolls of the Flow Document Reader. This also means that the user should search the saved page before getting the chance to resize the window. It is weak and probably will break if the user says, the resolution switched between the se...

A C# regex question: retrieve Google search results -

I want to store Google search results (both title and link) in database. HTML code has similar search results: THETITLE and each page has 10 results, can someone show me how to recover TheURL and THETITLE ? Thanks a lot! You should give a try The correct way to read HTML parser is. But , if you want to try for your own risk: & lt; H3 square = r> & Lt; A. *? Href = "(? & Lt; url & gt; [^"] *) ". *? & Gt; (title?; & Gt; *?) & Lt; / a & gt; & lt; / You have problems with the following: Small HTML changes So, good luck!

sql - MySQL query involving cross join, uniqueness, etc -

Thankfully, I have not had to work specifically before complex SQL queries. This is my goal. I have a table ham , which I would like to join with table egg - that is, all ham-Egg combinations ... to an extent . Egg has a specialty how_cooked in the table, which is ENUM ('over-the-easy', 'bottom', 'cache') . I have to list with a sample egg in combination with all kinds of combination with us and egg-cooking method as a result. (I do not particularly care about which eggs.) So if the cooking method of 1, 2, and 3, and 3 eggs of id Hmmm with code> should result in something like this: + --------- + ---------------- - + --------- + | | Eggs.how_cooked | | + --------- + ----------------- + --------- + | 1 | Easier | 1 | | 1 | Fried 4 | | 1 | Frantically 7 | | 2 | Easier | 1 | | 2 | Fried 4 | | 2 | Frantically 7 | | 3 | Easier | 1 | | 3 | Fried 4 | | 3 | Frantically 7 | + --------- + ----------------- + --------- + I...

Integrating Clojure into an existing Java project? -

How can I take a large current Java project and start adding the Closer module? For example, in the code below, I would like to provide the following functions in Java: state?, Zip, state-list, zipcode list ? Two predicates will return a boolean, but the "getters" arrays will return. (def * states * (list "nj" "ny" "ca")) (def * zipcodes * (list 12345 54343 98765) (defn member [x class] (if (seq class) ( If (= x (first class)) square (repetition x (rest square)))) (defan state? [AState] (not (= (member aState * states *) zero)) Defan zip? [aZip] (no (= (member aZip * zipcodes *) zero)) (defn state list [] * states *) (defan zipcode -List [] * Zipcode *); --------------- (State? "AA") (State? "CA") (Zip 11111) (Zip 12345 ) I use it n I will compile the add java file as a build depository to the jar file here is a very good leiningen using Leiningen then you will say it directly from java Leiningen is a ube...

php - How do you perform Cron job if your hosting does not provide a cron job control panel? -

I am using PHP for my application. I have a demo site and need to clean the database regularly I thought it could be done with a chronobose. Although my hosting does not provide a cron job cotroll panel What is the best way to do a cron job? If your hosting does not provide a Chrono control panel, how do you do it? Thanks in advance. If you do not have shell access and you do not have access to the cronat or any other cron job utility , You can always use a third-party service to schedule a cron job, which is called a script on your site and which you need to participate. There are some services that can fit the bill well What are you doing?

oracle9i - How to delete large data from Oracle 9i DB? -

I have a desk that is 5 GB, now I was trying to delete as below: Remove from to taglename where to_char (spatetime 'yyyy-mm-dd') & lt; '2009-06-01'. But it has been running for a long time and there is no response. Meanwhile I tried to check whether someone is blocking it below: select l1.sid, 'IS blocking', l2.sid v $ lock l1, v $ lock L2 where l1.block = 1 and l2.request & gt; 0 and l1.id1 = l2.id1 and l1.id2 = l2.id2 but I could not find any interruptions. How do I delete it? Big data without problems? 5GB is not a useful measure of the table size. The total number of rows of cases is that of the rows of rows that you have removed as the ratio of total cases. Number. The average length of the line matters. If the ratio of rows is small to be removed then it may be of your value while creating an index on screetetime which you can leave later It is important that your entire operation takes more time, but the important thing is th...

php - APC progress bar show sticky percentage -

I have a problem using the API progress bar, I follow this example I modified the code and this works the problem is that I will display the final percentage after refreshing the page. Assume that a file is uploaded to just 100%, after I refresh the page, it will display 100%. If I cancel the halfway after uploading the file then say at 15%, 15% will paste onto the progress bar until I upload another file. Here is the remedy for my code: if (isset ($ _gET ['progress_key'])) {$ upload = apc_fetch ('upload_1234'. $ _ POST ['APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS']); If ($ Upload) {if ($ Upload ['done']) {Resonance $ Percent = 100; } And if ($ upload ['total'] == 0) {echo $ percent = 0; } Else {echo $ percent = $ upload ['current'] / $ upload ['total'] * 100; }} Dead; } Thanks in advance. Just got a reply, I delete the unique ID and replace it with upload_1234 so that app uploads Can not separate the process.

user interface - How to create dynamic UI? -

Recently, I found an application to create various mobile phones. Actually after thinking about a Windows Mobile 6.x phone application, I got trapped in one place. How is a portable application that can work with different resolution and different screen size phones, so the UI is displaying properly on all UIs Is there any device or library in the market? Or how do you do this? Thank you. Assume that you are doing .NET WinForms, keep in mind some ideas: 1) Create your UI so that all controls can use some kind of docking, in this way they will spread to fill any orientation / proposals. Then make sure you test with different emulators and see how UI looks at different offers, as necessary, please tweak. 2) Dot # 1, but also add some manual sizing code to the form. Active and Form Resized event

opengl es - How much market shares OpenGL2.0 in iPhone os hardwares(iPhone/iPod Touch) -

I'm planning to create games for the appstore, so I'm studying GLES. However, GLES 1.1 and 2.0 APIs are different about handling some features. (And borders) I do not have enough time to consider both of them, I have to choose one. 2.0 is clearly better in the developer's view, but I worry about its stock market. I want most users to move on to the new SGX-based hardware, but in reality, I do not know. Does anyone know about the location of those hardware ratios data in iPhone OS supported hardwares? (IPhone / iPod touch, per GPU) Please tell me. IPhone 3GS, 3G General iPod Touch, and iPad all support OpenGL ES 2.0. The iPhone OS GS has generated 3% of traffic and 3% generated 12%, so about 51% of the iPhone OS device is supported by OpenGL ES 2.0. These figures are not included in the iPad and are based on usage rather than the number of users or devices.

html - Selenium: how to find div with specific content? -

Click me some content and & lt; Div & gt; Code> from selenium, such as: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ClickAndWait & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> // div with [@ class = 'gwt-label' *** content = 'logout' ***] & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 5000 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; Is there any way to do this? I do not want to use an absolute xpath. Try it: Try it: // div [@ class = 'Gwt-Label' and in it (., 'Logout')]

tortoisesvn - Change SVN commit message retroactively? -

I would like to re-write a large number of SVN committed messages in a different composition, e.g. From the prefix of a range: "foo" now accepts the "bar" format for the connection string. I need core - database - "foo" now accepts the "bar" format for the connection string. An easy way to do this is to use the entire repository dumping to not svndumpfilter ? I am working with TortoiseSVN at customer end, and VisualSVN in server over. (There is a cover around VisualSVN Classic svn , which I can also speak through the command line.) Yes, committed messages can change, they are implemented as properties on modifications similar to regular file-properties. In the TortoiseSVN log window, you can right-click on a commit and select "Edit Log Message".

php - Refeshing a page to a new state -

I have a written php and mysql use, which has a login feature. When you are logged out and hit back, no member's features should be shown because you are no longer logged in. How do I correct it when a user is no longer logged in and press the back button, then the last page should be before entering the state? It is difficult to understand which authentication mechanism you are using, but assume that this is a Pure caching issue, which all you display while logged in. The following statements can be added at the beginning of php pages. header ("cache-control: no-cache, sure-"); Header ("expiration: Mon, 1 January 1970 05:00:00 GMT"); It should take care of caching issues. And make sure you use unset () entry variable that you used to keep track of the weather or the user is not logged in ( $ _ session / or similar)

workflow - Guidance Needed for WF and Parallelism in ASP.Net -

The more I search for certain topics in relation to, the more I think how and where the ASP TNN.T.T. To implement certain things correctly in realm (both webforms and mvc) Workflow Foundation I like to use WF; However, what I have read is that it is not recommended for ASP.NET app due to 1 workflow hosting environment, according to the App Domain restriction. Now I have not seen where this restriction has changed but after the old DNS 3.0 (.netfx) days I still can not find any information about this restriction. I'm looking for advice to create workflow in services which looks good; However, there are not such exact same limitations, where the service is often hit repeatedly, will it result in some performance issues? Is there a place for WF in and if so, where? Parallel processing The same thing for the sake of the same thing because of the method of setting up a thread pool in the application pool of IIS, I always have multi-threaded ASP Net applic... - print div content from user control without opening a new window -

I have a & lt; Div & gt; is a user control with a button and a button I & lt; Div & gt; I want to print the content of when the button is clicked. Only the content of div and nothing, no matter where control is used. Without opening a new window I can not find any solutions working with every browser! Thank you! You may be able to generate a CSS file which is & lt; Div & gt; can not include everything except: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "print" href = "print.css" /> And do something like this in print.css: * {display: none; } #specialdiv {display: block; }

dependencies - dependency generation for non-gnu compiler -

I am using non-GNU compiler which does not support dependency generation options (MM in GCC) . In this software, they are not using makefiles, they are using some ancient windows batch files in the compiler and link the code. These batch files do not have incremental buildings. I have searched the batch files and I think that in the end it executes these commands: compiler.exe -option1 -option2 * .c linker.exe -foo -bar * .obj The compilation takes a little bit of time, because you have to compile all the files again, even if you do not have any modified files! I am searching for a standalone tool that produces dependency from files. But I could not find any. EDIT: It seems that I was not enough. I can not convert batch files to makefiles, it's something big I just want a minor change to support incremental buildings. EDIT: The essential tool is a standalone tool that generates dependencies from C files. You have two dependencies in your project C files OB...

RSA: How to generate private key in java and use it in C#? -

I saved as a 64-base encoded string in a file you want to generate a private key in Java, and then Encrypt some phrases using this saved file, in C # I know how to generate keys in Java and encode it with 64 base. My question is how do I use this key in C #? To save personal file text file Java code prototype: KeyPair generator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance ( "RSA"); RSakeyGenParameterSpec spec = New RSakeyGenParameterSpec (1024, RSakeyGenParameterSpec.F4); KeyGen.initialize (idea); Keypair keypair = keyGen.generateKeyPair (); Private Private Key = keyPair.getPrivate (); WriteToFile ("Personal", base 64. encode (keyPair.getPrivate). GetEncoded ())); I C # would like to introduce the following function, but the private key can not find a way to make RSAParameters or RSACryptoServiceProvider public static string DecryptData (string privateKey64Base, string data64Base) [making {using // using privateKey64Base // // byte RSAParameters up RSACryptoSe...

How to declare local "variables" as final in Objective-C? -

In Java, I can finally declare a local "variable" like Code> myMethod () {last string foo = "Hello World!"; Foo = "Bye ..."; // compilation error !! Return; } When I try to change its value, the compiler gets an error. What is the purpose of this? Like const keyword. For more information, this article looks right on your alley:

Android Custom Component Properties -

I have created a component for Android, which uses two drawables. Using static values ​​for the sphere in the code, the component works, but now I want to declare values ​​in properties (XML), does anyone have to do this? * Edit; Is there a way to do this without using attrs.xml? You will need to set up a property to declare properties like res / values / Attrs.xml file, then go through some code to get those values ​​inside the manufacturer of your view . I have a technique that shows.

javascript - Retrieve child img src (jQuery) -

मेरे पास कई div हैं जो इस तरह दिखते हैं: & lt; div & gt; & lt; a href = "our_work.html clientid = 39?" & gt; & Lt; img src = "filestore / data_logos / 39.gif" alt = "ग्राहक लोगो" / & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; अगर आप डिवेल लेयर पर क्लिक करते हैं तो मैं छवि स्रोत प्राप्त करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: $ ('# carousel div')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन ( घटना) {चेतावनी ($ (यह)। बच्चे ('आईएमजी')। एट्र ('src'));}); चेतावनी हमेशा अशक्त, किसी भी विचार के रूप में वापस आती है? इसका प्रयोग करें: $ ('# carousel div')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {अलर्ट ($ (यह) .फंड ('img')। Attr ('src') );}); छवियाँ div के बच्चे नहीं हैं ... वे & lt; a & gt; के बच्चे हैं, जो कि div का बच्चा है एक और स्तर नीचे जाएं।

fortran - CMake tutorial -

Can anyone provide a link to a good cement tutorial except a very expensive and hard work? For Fortran projects, it is particularly interesting to use the SIMKE, but would be grateful for any good tutorials. Update That which I have found before is absolutely useless = (Also, when I am answering it sounds good.) Next, take a quick look and feel, quick and easy and even a little tasty, so it will help you to read the CMK scripts. Now, you can immediately get on hand which is available in Kimke CVS. This is not a matter, but the code is the tutorial material used in the MAHIRING CIMATE book. Of course, you will need to refer to information about various macros. When you understand the foundation of the limit, you can begin digging in more advanced techniques as well as read existing CMakeLists.txt files how others command seamkey scripts. For proper observation with the actual comments, check out two parts of the tutorial for Bruno Abnerder: I found i...

.net - Considerations for implementing LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework now, intending to use NHibernate later -

I have a preliminary release deadline for a client-server application in which there will be a lot of repeated releases. NHM is the ORM of choice, to a great extent, and my desire to gain experience with it. The problem is that I still have not got the opportunity to get the NHibernate spike, and I'm afraid that by doing this I'm going to throw me out of the track to get on the deadline. Therefore, I am thinking that I can use the SQL or unit framework from the LINQ now because I have some experience with those , and then when I enable I swap to NHibernate. Considering this scenario, what should I do to eliminate or design a data layer to prevent major headaches when going to NHibernate? Edit: As per the post given below, L2S is going to limit me to table-per-square, which can be manageable in the first run But I do not want to go down that path down Let's assume the future migration of the NH from EF. The following post Hope this helps

Export LDAP entries from 389 Directory Server? -

Can someone tell me the best way to export entries to 389 directory servers (user information, their groups and roles Etc.) Can it be the best imported into a different LDAP server? Do these files follow some standard format? Is there a general best practice to do this? Thank you! This turns out to be very easy from the 389-console (UI for 38 9 directory servers) is. From the 'Tasks' tab on the UI for the Directory Server, click the 'Export Database' link This will export the LDAP schema and LDIF (LDAP data interchange format) file, Which is a standard format for LDAP information.

JQuery Accordion: Opened div cuts in to meet content (reference image given) -

I will give it the right to do it. Here's what I'm talking about the title: Note that how to increase the size of the div in the right part to complete the content of the content I have chosen, I block the contents of the divisions in the paint for privacy reasons. But you get this idea. This is when I have already opened another item, and try to open another one. If all items are closed, and I click to open an item, then it looks fine (in fact, if you look closely, then it gets cut in then properly adjusted properly is). Only when an item is already open, and I have a different click on this mess. I use the code below to set up Aacion: $ ('# demo_accordion'). Adrian ({Header: "H3", active: wrong, autohite: false, openable: true}); Note that the open truth is set to true, so I only allow one object to open at a time. Now, here I am using html (abbreviated): & lt; Div id = "demo_accordion" & gt; & Lt;% Forex (Entries in Entrie...

facebook connect api "Cannot use string offset as an array in" error -

Please help! I have been suffering from this error for several days and I can not understand it for my life. I am using a "contact_email" attribute using the Facebook Connect and "API method users_getInfo". The problem is that when I execute this PHP file, I get this error: "String offset can not be used as an array ...". This error typically refers to this line of code: $ firstName = $ user_details [0] ['contact_email']; I'm thinking because the user_getInfo method is not returning any results ... However, the most ridiculous part about this is that I can execute the code several times in the row successfully above Without error, but without changing any code, I will suddenly face this error, in which case I will get dozens of errors at times, and then any code change Without the rest, start executing successfully again. This strange behavior happens when I forget that attribute .. (contact_email, first_name, last_name, etc.). I'...

c# - How do I create an executable application for a Excel macro procedure? -

I have two spreadsheets ("old" and "new") and a VB script macro. The macro runs in one ("new"), compares the contents of the second ("old"), and then brings the results back to the "new" spreadsheet. I want to make an executable, where I input two file names and click on a run button to simplify the process. Opening both the files in the current process, then cutting and pasting the script into the "new" VB editor requires it and running it there. I'm looking for advice as to what programming language or tool I can use to create this application in Windows XP to run against a spreadsheet that can be created in Excel 2007. Can I use C # to write a simple application that can do this? You could talk to me about resources for writing C # applications to interact with Excel that would be greatly appreciated. This is my first such application which is an attempt to write the exchange of information. Maybe this is no...

python - Which is killer app? -

A killer app is an app that makes a library or framework popular I think is quite famous, But I do not know any large, widely used app written in the webpage. Can you tell anyone? I've headline that the first version of was coded using, but I want you to mention an open source so that I can see its code. Here the list of "real web apps" is written in from the website. : A blogging and podcasting system : A Flickr powered photo gallery (v5): Play with colors A site for todo: A simple webpage example where you can create, delete and edit-in-place : A simple web app for music sharing (MP3 files). : An iGoogle gadget directory written in MVC style. : A very simple mass mailer. : A system for rating, commenting, and accepting candidates for the conference and choice. : Create randomly generated queries generated using Wikipedia.

perl - Prevent vim :make from changing the current working directory? -

summary: When the make command of the video is called, then this current working directory ( CWD) is the directory of the current file. It runs megprog since then. I want to stop the make command from changing the CWD, and instead call MajorPrim to the directory of the parent wind instances Example: I have the following standard Pearl project hierarchy is set to my PERL5LIB PERL5LIB = ': Lib' In my .vimrc I have compiler perl set makeprg = perl \ -c \% I use VIM from my module to the original project level By editing: to / project $ vim lib / My / Module / in VM: PWD works Expected as: : pwd "/ path / to / project" Finds my project lib, and displays results in the shell window Land: :! Perl-c% OUTPUT: perl -c lib / My / Module / lib / My / Module / syntax is OK However: Return an Arrow R : create "perl script lib / My / Module / can not open: there is no such file or directory" Pwd...

.net - SQL NOT IN Clause -

I have a query that is not working as expected Q1: SELECT id, name is not a WHERE id from name Vw_x (select PID from table_x) by ID group, maximizing name (c_date) & gt; GETDATE () Q2: SELECT id, name vw_x GROUP ID, name being maximized (c_date) & gt; However, I know that those IDs are not in table_x Q2 properly without running Q1 is not returning to me What could be wrong with my query? Your table has a zero value try it SELECT id, by name name vw_x is not a WHERE id (select pid from table_x where pid is not zero), maximum number of id by group (c_date) & gt; GETDATE () or SELECT id, by name name vw_x is not present (select Table 1x where pid = ID, maximizing name by group (c_date) & gt; See also

regex - Possible to retrieve an arbitrary unordered set of named groups in one swoop with Python's re module? -

कुछ समस्याओं के लिए यह अति आसान है: > gt; & gt; ('(पी & lt; b & gt; बी।)। * (? पी & lt; i & gt;। I।)', 'Abcdefghijk') .समूहदिखा () {'i': 'हिज', 'बी': 'एबीसी'} लेकिन अगर मुझे नहीं पता कि समय से आगे क्या उम्मीद है? उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास एक इनपुट वैरिएबल है जिसमें वर्णों के कुछ अज्ञात ऑर्डर हैं और यह बस ऐसा होता है कि 'बी' 'आई' के बाद आता है। मैं अभी भी 'बी' के लिए समूहों को संदर्भित करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं। और मै।' इनपुट क्रम में अपने आदेश के अनुसार मेरे regex का आदेश देने के बिना तो, मुझे लगता है कि मैं ऐसा कुछ कर सकता हूं लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि यह संभव है: > gt; & gt; ('(p; l & gt; बी।) | (? पी & lt; i & gt;। I।)', Unknown_order_alphabet_str) .groupdict () {'i': 'hij', 'b': 'abc' } [end update] मैंने अपने मस्तिष्क को एक झुंड के आसपास खोजा और रैक किया है, लेकिन कोई अच्छी सुराग नहीं पैदा...

using files other perl files in another perl file -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास एक पर्ल फ़ाइल है जो मान ली जाती है और मैं एक फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके perl फ़ाइल करना चाहता हूं। मैं इसे कैसे करूँ बी.पीएल को एक मॉड्यूल में चालू करें MyBModule ( बी को कोर द्वारा आरक्षित किया गया है) जैसे कुछ वर्णनात्मक कॉल करें। फ़ाइल को .pm में बदलें > जैसे । शीर्ष पर एक पैकेज जोड़ें, जैसे पैकेज MyBModule; एक सही रिटर्न कोड सेट करें आखिरी पंक्ति 1; बनाकर पैकेज पर यदि आप उप-कॉल करते समय अपने पैकेज नाम का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं तो आपको कुछ और करना नहीं है MyBModule का उपयोग करें; सख्त उपयोग; चेतावनियों का उपयोग करें; MyBModule :: sub1 (); यदि आप इसे पैकेज नाम से अर्हता प्राप्त नहीं करना चाहते हैं, तो पढ़ें ... एक्सपोर्टर पीएम का प्रयोग करें अब कॉन्फ़िगर करें निर्यातक। अपने मॉड्यूल के शीर्ष पर उपयोग निर्यातक कथन जोड़ें। एक पंक्ति हमारी @EXPORT_OK = qw जोड़ें (सब 1 सब 2); आपके कार्य के बाद आपका मॉड्यूल कुछ इस तरह दिखना चाहिए पैकेज MyBModule; सख्त उपयोग; चेतावनियों का उपयोग करें;...

.NET and Messaging -

I keep listening to MSMQ and Biztalk for message processing, but I'm not sure what that means . When these techniques are given space, then what are the problems that are giving messages and addressing these technologies? Message queues and processing are very well studied in computer science in any of the "101" textbooks You should give good explanation about. MSMQ has been around something since 1996, and the bizteck has been around for almost a decade. Here's how: In a typical scenario, BJTOC enables companies to integrate and manage business processes by exchanging business documents such as purchase orders and invoices, Among different applications or in organizational boundaries.

apache - What's wrong with this mod_rewrite statement? -

I need to repeat the functionality of mod_alias , which I can not use directly because I On shared hosting, and nickname statements Do not work in Htaccess. What I want to achieve is essentially surname / manual / www / customer / some_other_dir / manual i try Am mod_rewrite: RewriteRule ^ / manual /(.*) / www / customer / some_other_dir / manual /% 1?% {QUERY_STRING}} [L] This will not match any call at . Why not? What am i doing Try: RewriteRule ^ / manual (/ (. *))? $ / Www / customer / some_other_dir / $ 2 [L] ? means to ensure optional / / manual , / manual / and / manual / A. In addition to cloning cloning on / code> Character / B / c Although I collect a slash, generally an Apache pre-rewrite is added by the engine. A quick test on my box shows that this rule also passes the query string: / manual / a / b? C = d - & gt; / Www / customer / some_other_dir / manual / $ 2

oracle11g - .net Oracle Data Provider transaction rollback not working -

So this is the problem. I need to put it in table A. and get its new line ID. After that, let me put that ID into table B. I should do this after joining the table A. so that when I try to include in Table B, I will not get any foreign key exceptions. Now, my understanding was that if an exception has been raised in the function which is included in Table B. When the attempt-catch block catches the exception, the original entry rollback will be in the table. It is not doing this. I am making a mistake somewhere, but I do not know, is there any way to complete this that I need here? Try {tableAinsert.ExecuteNonQuery (); Transaction.Commit (); Id = Int32.Parse (tableAinsert.Parameters ["id"]. Value.ToString ()); If (vs type == "i") {tablebint (vs type, event id, id); }} Hold (exception mistake) {transaction.Rollback (); Throw (mistake); There, one of my colleagues told the problem there, It seems that the same connection should be used and the sam...

ruby - Troubleshooting: Rails can't save to database in production? -

I can do a bit of help in ending this problem. While using the app to create a new record, some databases are not being saved. There are no visible errors. By leaving the command line, and using the console with the same production environment, I can create a new object and save it (I have to bypass verification). If I look in the mysql database, I can see the record created from the console. The app works fine at the local level. Any thoughts on what the problem might be? Rail 2.0.2 seems like a verification error. Try to save your controller! (With the bang) to see if a meaningful error is inserted. I'm not sure that you have any code in the controller, but this can help to show the problem if log.debug 'object is correct Saved from 'and log in. Debugug my_object.errors.full_messages end Good luck, if it does not help try posting relevant controller and model code.

file format - How do I search for "\n" without a preceding "\r" in vim? -

If incompatible row appears in the end, then the vim file format will not be changed Zero-width look-back claim "Without preceding" \ r "in Vim, for" \ n " How do I search? " / \ r \ @ "\ r \ n"? :% s / \ r \ @ If you want to accept every match without any confirmation, the last "C" Get rid of. EDIT: However, if you want an answer, how can you remember without it? View the answer of Jackson Miller, using the back / back of a billion views. Sometimes it's better to make your problem easier and use those tools, which are not required to be read manually;)

Java type for date/time when using Oracle Date with Hibernate -

We have an oracle date column. We were using java.sql.Date in our Java / Hibernate class first. It works but when the database is saved no information is stored at any time in the database, then I changed the Java data type to a timestamp. Now we get this error: springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error class path processing [ Defined in margins -service-domain -config.xml]: The start of Bean failed; Nested exception org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreatio nException: Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in class path resource [m-service-doma in-config.xml]: invocation of init method failed; Nested exception org.hibernate.HibernateException: Wrong column type: CREATE_TS, expected: timestamp Any ideas about maintaining a Oracle date map part time ? Update: If I use the Oracle timestamp data type, I can get it to do this work, but I can accurately model that level Not just the original Oracle date . Do not want a d...

Project name inserted automatically in url when using django template url tag -

I am implementing all the links 'url' template tags in my existing Django project. I have names like my URL ... url (r '^ login / $', 'login', name = 'site_login'), This allows me to log in at the root of my site. I have defined my template tag as ... It works fine, except that Django automatically resolves the URL as / myprojectname / login , / login . Why are both URLs accessible? Is there an option to remove the name of the project? This is for all the URL tags, not just this itemprop = "text"> Obviously, this was a problem with my apache2 configuration. I originally copied the instructions from the Dinggo website with a small revision of the instructions: I changed my Django project to my site's root directory. I had to remove the '/ mysite' from the DNS option. Without any value after Django.root, my final output looks like this: & lt; Place "/" & gt; SetHandler Python-p...

c++ - How can I get the username of the person executing my program? -

How can I get the user name of the process owner (users who is executing my program) in C ++ ? Example: windows Code> Four UserName [UNLEN + 1]; DWORD user_name_size = sizeof (user_name); If (GetUserName (user_name, and user_name_size)) cout & lt; & Lt; "Your username is:" & lt; & Lt; User_name & lt; & Lt; Endl; The getpwuid () function will search the user database for an entry with the UID. . Use getuid to get the user ID.

python - What are the advantages, if any, to using mako's or pylon's form handlers instead of coding the form manually? -

Is trying to decide whether I should use moko to handle the form in my application . Thank you for the input. This will save you a lot of time (even if you use them during development) using Pylons Form handling for the form. Later if you want to take them out and hard code is a complete form for each page, you can do it but I'll use the built in one and optimize it before it's fully manual Find ways

c# - Updating External system from excel -

It is obvious from a demo that I had seen before but did not get enough details I'm creating a function call such as = MyRTDReverse ("keyvalue", "fieldName", [AC51]) or = MyRTDReverse ("keyvalue", [AB51], [AC51]) // where AB51 is the name of the field and AC51 field value etc. While updating the value in cell AC51 triggers a change How will this work but any samples / patterns? Update - Using .NET 3.5+ VSTO Update 2 - Do not want to use VSTO and instead of routing calls like a UDF / RTT worksheet tag event: Handle the private sub-worksheet tag (by-target as range), here's a goal, a range, your "triggers" cells, and if so, then agree to a cut To define functions: functions do my stuff (arguments 1, argument 2) with your arguments, and set myFunction equally Return value end function In a cell, you can then use the function such as = MyFunction ("value", 3)

Drawing a tournament bracket (PHP & GD) -

I am currently working on pulling tournament brackets for one of my projects. It seems that working on drawing a small bracket, but once I get 16, then it starts working. Follow through the link, and see how it goes out of place after 8. After that, I exit Ram errors, which is not really an issue since the legitimate use of RAM, and I can justify to take the maximum amount of time for this script (of course, Every page load will not run in the final script, the image will be cached.) Anyway, as you can see if you progress through the images, A start. The code is here: Is this posting or inline like this? I was not sure) I have been completely lost how to fix it, so input input ideas / inputs I do not need a code solution, guide me on math / status is required. Thanks, matte The parentheses have been "correct" based on the algorithm . Have you stepped through code for issues especially for $ y? i do not believe how ELGO works (actually do...

Save sequence images to iphone -

I'm making a screen shot with the IIMA camera Using the UIGetScreenImage () method, I want to make this picture the sequence of the video I am limited to memory, I think writing the image data to documents is probably a good option for me, so when using the image to capture UIGetSreenImage (), start a new thread to write the image data to the document, But this will delay the threshold Micro image is used to capture. I do not know whether this issue, will you give me some advice? Any answer would be appreciated. First of all, I would like to stay away from UIGetScreenImage () if you have at least one app store in the App Store. Are planning to release their app. UIGetScreenImage () is not a public API, and it is one of the most likely "prohibited" APIs that will refuse your app to use the apple. If you want a screen shot (i.e., the user who sees the user on the screen of the device), I think the way you have put it works well, but you have a graphic of UIView Repr...

multithreading - .Net Critical regions in threading not working as desired -

I am trying to run a sample code (a very basic one) that involves threading and key areas. This is my code: Edit the public static zero zero (object o) {SomeClass example = o some class; Thread.BeginCriticalRegion (); Instance.IsValid = True; Thread.Sleep (2); Instance.IsComplete = true; Thread.EndCriticalRegion (); Instance.print (); } and I'm calling it as follows: Private static zero critical hit () {SomeClass instance = new SomeClass (); ParameterizedThreadStart Operation = New ParameteratedThreadStart (Critical Reggon.Ductorialwork); Thread t = new thread (operation); Console.light line ("start thread"); T.Start (example); Thread.Sleep (1); Console "Line thread"; T.Abort (); Console "Light" ("in the main"); Instance.print (); } However, the output I get is: ** Start thread Thread start main IsValid: True IsComplete : False ** Since the important area is defined, IsComplete must be true and should not be mistak...

linux - How to prevent writer starvation in a read write lock in pthreads -

I have some questions about reading POSIX pthreads on a * nix system-write locks, for example, says Linux is. I want to know what is the default bias for the lock to read, likes to write it or vice versa? Does it provide some APIs to replace this default behavior? Does the posix pthread provide some APIs so that we can replace pthread_rwlock_t to stop the author's hunger? What I have read (if I am wrong, correct me), the default implementation is biased towards reader threads and therefore the author threads can face starvation. I have read sample implementations of RW Lock from this book, programming with Pozzys Threads by David Boothhoff. I want to know how to handle the ground water of author Thread? Are some APIs used that can be used to set the properties of the lock locks which prevent them from writing starvation (I have never heard of it)? Or does the user handle this problem? If you think the answer is implementation-defining, please give me an example of ho...

Rails: checking modified fields -

First of all, I have created a scuffold called 'item' I want to check who From the field item has been modified and I have tried two possible endeavors, they are not working either. The first attempt! def edits @item = Item.find (params [: id]) @item_before_update = @ item.dup enddef update @ item = item.fid (param [: id]) # @ Item_before_update and @item compare here, but @item_before_update NIL !!! End The second attempt! I see the way I can not move data to the controller and I could not. edit.html.erb & lt;% @item_before_update = @ item.dup% & gt; # I thought @item_before_update can be read in the item control's updated method. But not & Lt;% params [: item_before_update] = @ item.dup% & gt; # And I also thought that the parameter [: item_before_update] can be read in the update mothod of the item controller. But not again & lt;% form_for (@item) do. F | | & Gt%; #excluded & lt;% end% & gt; Please tell me how to solv... - How do I feed the language culture thread into the helper class -

With mvc 2, I'm trying to work on Matt Havley's Localization Assistant in my web application, but I'm eating an empty feed in the language string variable. I can not understand why I am doing this. Namespace MVC Localization {Public abstract class localized control box: Controller {public string language code {get; Private set; } Safe override zero initialization (System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext) {LanguageCode = requestContext.RouteData.Values ​​["languageCode"]. ToString (); If (! AppConfig.SupportedLanguages.Contains (LanguageCode)) LanguageCode = AppConfig.DefaultLanguageCode; System.blobalization.cqueryinfo culture = system Globalization. CulturInfo.CreateSpaceTec (language code); Thread Present. Culture = culture agriculture = culture; Thread Existing content Current uk agriculture = culture; Base.Execute (requestContext); }} } What was I doing wrong? thanks Paul HTML>

javascript - Auto Submitting the Form -

I am facing a problem with the following code, when I enter the keyword text field, the form is submitted Used to be. No such event is entered in the JavaScript but this problem is still increasing but when I & lt; Form & gt; fixes the tag, Please help. If there is a mistake & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD ALIGN = "left" WIDTH = "20%" square = "bold text" & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; Search for & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD WIDTH = "25%" & gt; INPUT TYPE = "radio" NAME = "VALUE" = "1" for "search" "checked" & gt; product & amp; nbsp; & lt; INPUT type = "radio" NAME = "search" VALUE = "2" & gt; Company & lt; / TD & gt; & lt; TD ALIGN = "left" WIDTH = "20%" square = "bold text" & gt; & amp; nbsp; business type & lt; / TD> TD WIDTH = "30%...

sql server - Database Table Normalisation -

We are accumulating the content's metadata in database tables. In which there is a column named Keyword containing keywords related to the content, should we normalize the table based on the keyword column because the keyword column will have multiple values. I do not think the answer to this question is absolutely complex. This is a textbook generalization problem and the answer is yes , you should definitely make it normal. Storing multiple values ​​in one column first - Normal form (most designers try to get the third - normal) - the only reason for this is Demonstrate performance as a means of optimization, that is, if the database is very large and you are able to use some special sequencing strategy on denormalized columns to close some specific optimization (i.e. physical route). This is not the case here. Not being normal can be difficult to write the questions and it can be quite impossible in the index. And if you're accumulating the keyword, then I ...

java - Why doesn't my JavaBean icon display? -

I am using Netbeans 6.7.1 on Windows Vista, I have a JavaBin component that works and Has an associated BININFO class where I have set the icon 32x32 color property in the 32x32 gif file located in the class. I have set 16x16 color property in the same way. I've added bean to the palette but the display icon is the default? Icon Do I have to set some more? [updates] I have put some system output for IDID log in the getIcon () method of the Bininfo class and this is correct when I see the palette The appropriate icon is returning. I have tried Netbeans 6.8 and the problem remains. ... I now created a new project, closed a folder c: \ and I used Netbeans 6.8 wizards, to go with it, a java-barine and a bininfo To create a class, then set up 32x32 icon using BeanInfo Editor. I have created different GIF files in MS Paint and Adobe Illustrator. So I have not actually written any code myself, whatever I have done is used to generate the code and points in the GIF file...

python - how to correct the misencoded string? -

I used to read MP3 metadata because the ID3 tag is read as Unicode but in fact it is GBK Is encoded. How to correct this dragon? Audio = Ijiaidi 3 (name) title = Audio [ "title"] [0] print titles print repr (title) μ ± Äã¹Âμ yen A.A. »ÁÏëÆðË u '\ xb5 \ xb1 \ xc4 \ XE3 \ XB9 \ xC2 \ xb5 \ xa5 \ xc4 \ XE3 \ xbb \ xe1 \ XCF \ xeb \ xc6 \ xf0 \ XCB \ xad' But in fact this (sugar) should be in GBK. 当 你 孤单 你 会 想起 谁 it seems that the string has been decoded in Unicode using the wrong encoding (Latin-1)) is. You need to convert it to a byte string and then use the right encoding to decode it back to Unicode. title = u '\ xb5 \ xb1 \ xc4 \ XE3 \ XB9 \ xC2 \ xb5 \ xa5 \ xc4 \ XE3 \ xbb \ xe1 \ XCF \ xeb \ xc6 \ xf0 \ XCB \ xad 'Print title.encode (' Latin-1 '). Decode ( 'GBK') 当 你 孤单 你 会 想起 谁

Return large data from WCF Service to ASP.NET Web Service -

So we have a console-based WCF service and ASP.NET Web service (on IIS). After some difficult operation, the WCF service will have to return some (large) data to the ASP.NET Web Service for the next processing. I tested on small results and everything is fine. But after testing the actual data, 4.5 MB has a serialized result object, an error occurs on the ASP.NET web service, which is the client's WCF-Client-Server communication. This is an error I found: Socket connection was aborted. This can be caused by an error in processing your message or may be received by a remote host, or a timeout that receives more than an underlying network resource problem. Local socket timeout was '04: 00: 00 'internal exception: socket expansion: "The current connection was forcibly closed by remote host" ErrorCode = 10054 Message size next binding (server) And on the client): Net TCP binding netTcpBinding = New NetTcpBinding (); NetTcpBinding.TransactionFlow = True;...

Java string encoding conversion within a webpage -

I have a webpage that is encoded as WIN-1255 (its By header). A Java program creates a text string that is embedded on the page automatically. The problem is that the original string has been encoded in UTF-8, thus creating a gobbish text field in the page. Unfortunately, I can not change page encoding - this is required by the client justification system. Any ideas? Update: The page I am creating is an RSS feed that is won-1255, one feed from encoded in UTF-8 Showing information taken. Second update: Thanks to all the responses I have been able to change the string, and so far, Gibberish. The problem was that XML encoding headers should be set apart in addition to encoding. For the point, you need to set the encoding of the feedback author only one feedback header You are basically just pointing to the client application, which is encoding for the page to be used to interpret / display. It is not supposed to work if the feedback itself is written with a diffe...

c++ - incompatible types in assignment of char? -

I am getting an error with this code 'Incomparable type [4] for all four for assignment [13]' I It can not figure out how to start these arrays and do it. Basically, this program uses the ISBN code (4 sets of integers and creates a string with '-' between each number with each straight) and confirms that they are correct. This program uses class ISBN and a main function that loads the actual IBN code and tries to use Class ISBN to check them. What do I have here Class ISBN {Private: Four groups [6]; Four publishers [8]; Four books [8]; Four checks; Four ISBNs [13]; Char compute_check (); Public: ISBN (); ISBN (four NIBNBC []); ISBN (four groups [], four publishers [], four books [], four checks); Bull valid (); Char * (); Zero print (Ostream and O); }; ISBN: ISBN (four NIBBN []): ISBN (NISBN) {} The program loads these ISBN numbers and then prints and using the following ISBNs as follows: Tested by .. Streaky (ISBN [index ++], "1-57676-074-X"); IS...

php - assign mysql values into multidimensional array -

I am trying to display a multidimensional array in html table using php nd mysql. Array structure array ([0] => array ([work] => DSDSS [time] => 2:47 --- 2:55 [total] = & gt; ; 8)) [A] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; Array ([work] => SDSDSDSD [time] => 1:47 --- 2:47 [total] => 60)) [mu] = & Gt; Array ([0] => Array ([work] => SDSDD [time] => 1:30 --- 2:48 [total] = & gt; 78)) [Raj] = & Gt; Array ([0] = & gt; array ([work] = & gt; Dsdwew [time] => 3:34 --- 3:40 [total] => 6) [1] = & gt; ; Array ([work] => cdsfdfdfd [time] => 3:25 --- 3:35 [total] => 10))) this The column will go through first and then it will come in such lines. user1 user2 user3 aa bb cc Plz tips .. U should read about foreach. And I think winning these values ​​in the table is not a problem.

iphone - multi viewcontroller : call variable of root controller from a sub view controller -

// रूट नियंत्रक वर्ग उपविराम नियंत्रक; @rootviewcontroller: UIViewController {NSInteger a; } एक उप-नियंत्रक super.a = 1 को कॉल करें; सिस्टम की रिपोर्ट की गई: त्रुटि: सदस्य 'a' इंटरडेव = "Text"> आप इसे एक संपत्ति बनाने और इसे संश्लेषित करने के लिए नियुक्त करते हैं। जैसे: शीर्ष लेख फ़ाइल में @property (nonatomic, असाइन करें) NSInteger a; और कार्यान्वयन फ़ाइल में: @ संश्लेषण करें a; उम्मीद है कि यह मदद करता है धन्यवाद मधुप

android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS doesn't work with HTC hero -

My application has a button that sends the locale setting to the user. I do this with this code: startActivity (new intent (android.provider.Settings.ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS)); It works fine with some devices, but with HTC Hero, I get: 02-03 13: 59: 27.501: info / Activity Manager (69): Intent {action = android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS Flags = 0x10000000} 02-03 13 :: 59: 27.531: Debug / AndroidRuntime (1916): 59 :: 27.531: VM 02-03 13 Shut down Getting Started Activity Warning / dalvikvm (1916): threadid = 3: Exit with thread unexplained exception (group = 0x40013140) 02-03 13: 59: 27.531: error / AndroidRuntime (1916): uncaught handler: did not come The main throttle due to the exit happened 02-03 13:59 D: 27.611: Error / AndroidRuntime (1916): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No activity meant to handle {action = android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS Flags = 0x10000000} 02-03-13: 59: 27.611: Error / AndroidRuntime ( 1916):

Python: Creating a streaming gzip'd file-like? -

I try to figure out the best way to insert a stream with Python's zlib I am here. I have file-like input stream ( input , below) and output function which accepts file-like ( output_function , below) Is: and I with gzip-compress input and open as input ("file") : Before sending: output_function (gzip_stream (input)) with input ("file") as input ( ) > It seems that the module assumes that either input or output is a gzip'd file- Not-be disc ... So am I module I want. However, it does not provide a simple way to basically create a stream file like ... and it supports stream-compression manually in the way of adding data to a compression buffer Now it is flushing that buffer. Of course, I could write a cover around zlib.Compress.compress and zlib.Compress.flush ( narrow it zlib.compressobj () ), but I must be worried about having a buffer size incorrect, or something similar. So, what's the easiest way to create stre...