c - OS X: Generate core dump without bringing down the process? -
I know how a core dump is generated on OS X when a process crashes, but I Actually what a process to do, produces a core dump, then start the process again (without killing it). A long time ago (maybe a year and a half years ago) I had a code that would have to do this ... it is used to connect OS X kernel libraries to a process, its All thread reads states and memory, and writes in a MchOo file on disk. It did great work (and what I actually see), but now I can not get that code for my life. I remember that this code was somewhat related to the OS X System Internal Book, but it Just remember a vague one. Does anyone know the code about which I am talking about and can talk to me on that? If someone does not know any good way to do this with some example code? EDIT: Here is the answer. Information: Program that I believe That you are looking for : Specifically: / P> / * Unix third edition, beginning in approximately 1973 / / * Ken / Sig. C / core () {int s, *...