
Showing posts from September, 2011

free - Best way to replace mass emails sent from Entourage with a proper mailing list solution? -

I am helping to transfer the Los Angeles choreographer from sending his announcements through Entourage. Status: He has several contract groups, and sends classes and performance announcements several times a month to different groups. Manually manages that contact group The size of the group is between 1500 and 2500 people. The version recently blocked its outgoing port 25, possibly interested in its contact content for spam activity again. He knows about mail, continuous contacts, but he wants to be able to send email through his email software and there is no need to create a newsletter for each single post. Besides, it's too low at $ $. So, what would be the best way to set up a system so that he could send announcements from Entourage, with images attached to it, Entourage could be sent without a single email? I'm thinking of setting up a set of mailing lists, each one is consistent with one of its groups. I have never installed a mailing list and wondered ...

string formatting - GWT NumberFormat problems with high precision decimals -

I am using GWT 2.0 and when I try to use NumberFormat to double format the result Not expected: number format = number format.get format ("########"); Double D = new double ("0.256281093911"); Format.format (d); Formatted string: 0.02147484 As you can see that the formatted value is wrong (this can be seen in GVT showcase). Is it related to some custom format I am using (#. ########)? Or is it a bug in the GWT formatter? If this is a bug, then has anyone got an alternative solution? Thank you. You can try NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat. Also, there can be anything in between your browser locale and / or decimal decimals.

caching - How to disable oracle cache for performance tests -

I am trying to test the usefulness of a new summary table for my data. So I have prepared two processes to bring data of a fixed interval, each using a different table source, so on my C # console application, I only call one or the other phone problem Starts when I want to repeat it several times to make a good pattern of reaction time. I found something like this: 1199,84,81,81,81,81,82,80,80, 81,81,80,81,91,80,80,81,80 Perhaps my Oracle 10G is making an improper caching. How can I solve it? Edit: See what describes and why not to do this. If you are in a testing environment, you can keep your tablespace offline and online again: ALTER TABLESPACE & lt; Tablespace_name & gt; Offline; ALTER TABLESPACE & lt; Tablespace_name & gt; Online; Or you can try ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH BUFFER_CACHE; But then on the test environment itself. When you test on your "real" system, after the first call (using cached data) you may be as intere...

java - How to calculate elapsed time from now with Joda-Time? -

I need to compute the duration of a specific date so far and it's the same Display the form as StackOverflow queries, that is: 15 seconds ago 2 minutes ago 2 hours ago 2 days ago 25 December 08 Know how to get it with Java library ? Is there a helpful method, which already applies to it, or should I write algorithms? To calculate the time elapsed with judetime, use. To format the time elapsed in the desired human representation, use it that you can create. Here is a kickoff example: date time myBirthDate = new date time (1978, 3, 26, 12, 35, 0, 0); Date time = new date time (); Period duration = new period (microddate, now); Adendesfix ("min before \ n") .appendHours () .andandfix ("hours ago \ n"). Apfixfix ("seconds ago \ n"). Endandsfix ("seconds ago \ n"). Ependuffix ("Day before \ n"). Append Weeks ("Week before \ n"). Endendphx (). Endendix ("month ago \ n") .appdirectories () .AndxSe...

iphone - 'Tried to pop to a view controller that doesn't exist.' -

I get this error when I dismiss my method. Here is the method stub: - Dismiss (IBAction) See {RootView Controller * Root Controller = [[RootviewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "RootViewController" bundle: zero]; [Self. Navigation Controller Popout Control Controller: Root Controller Animated: Yes]; } This should work, and I have checked, the root controller has been initialized and allocated. any idea? I had this problem recently and resolved with something like this ... [self. Navigation Controller PopUpview Controller: [auto. Navigation Controller View Controller ItemAntx: 1] Animated: Yes];

Using enter key to check CheckBoxes in C#.NET -

I want to use the enter instead of space to check the check box. Private Zero form2_keydown (Object Sender, KeyVenture EG) {checkbox C1 = this. Active Controls as checkboxes; If (E. Kedata == Key.Inter & amp; it. ActiveControl.qualz (C1)) c1. Check = true; } I can do this if I write this code in KyeUp in the checkbox, but the thing is that I have many checkboxes in the form and I can write it under each of my keyboards So, I have to use the key below to use it. Why do I need to change ?? Set the form's property to correct. Alternatively, you can loop through the checkbox (using the Controls property, perhaps again rotating) and add the same handler to each checkbox. / P>

Python: use mysqldb to import a MySQL table as a dictionary? -

Anyone know how I can use mysqldb to turn on mysql table, with multiple rows In a list of dictionary objects in Python? I mean that with a set of MySQL rows, columns 'A', 'B', and 'C', in a python object that looks like this: data = [['A': 'A', 'B': (2, 4), 'C': 3.0}, {'A': 'Q', 'B': (1, 4) , 'C': 5.0}, {'A': 'T', 'B': (2, 8), 'C': 6.1}] thanks :) For this there is a separate cursor class of MySQLdb, DictCursor you can pass the cursor class, which you can call MySQLdb Want to use .connect (): MySQLdb.cursors MySQLdb.connect (host = '...', cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.Di CtCursor)

dependency injection - How to Resolve type based on end-user configuration value? -

Text after " I have an interface (this is called IAcmeService) which is more than one implementation. FileSystemAcmeService DatabaseAcmeService has to be able to select the network termination The end user will use which implementation will be used and also save that selection. Currently I have to register all known implemenatation with my IoC container (Unity) one name. ("DatabaseAcmeService") container ("NetworkAcmeService") (IAcmeService, NetworkAcmeService) of container.RegisterType (IAcmeService, FileSystemAcmeService) ("FileSystemAcmeService") container.RegisterType (IAcmeService, DatabaseAcmeService) .RegisterType In order to protect users' selection, I store the app.config configuration section using the chosen service name. To allow To resolve the selected implementation, I am revising a manual in the initial method of the class that uses the service. IAcmeService Public Sub Initialize () _service = container.Resolve (...

mysql - PHP/Session/IE: Constant are saved, variable not -

I have a very strange problem. Status: Session Handling on MySQL, PHP 5.2.4, Wildcard Cookies, FF / Opera / Safari / Chrome Works, IE 7/8 No When I save a variable in the session, the value is lost. DB shows "N" only after the writing operation instead of "123456". Example: $ bar = 123456; $ _SESSION ['AF'] = $ bar; But when I save continuously in the session, then it works. $ _ session ['foo'] = 123456; This is not really a client problem, but only in IE does this work. Any thoughts? Edit : This is a session writing function: to write the function _write ($ id, $ data) {$ "Set session time." time (). "', Data =' '.mysql_real_escape_string ($ data)."' WHERE id = '".mysql_real_escape_string ($ id)."' "$ Result = @msql_query (write $); if (mysql_affected_rows ()) $ result Return; Else {$ write = "Enter session (id, time, data) value ('" .mysql_real_escape...

java - Wrapping an asynchronous computation into a synchronous (blocking) computation -

समान प्रश्न: मेरे पास एक ऐसी विधि है जिसमें मैं पुस्तकालय ग्राहकों (विशेष रूप से स्क्रिप्टिंग क्लाइंट) को कुछ जैसा दिखाना चाहूंगा: इंटरफ़ेस MyNiceInterface {public Baz doSomethingAndBlock (Foo fooArg, Bar barArg); सार्वजनिक भविष्य & lt; Baz & gt; DoSomething (फु फूआर्ग, बार बारआर्ग); // doSomethingAndBlock सरल तरीका है; // do कुछ भी अधिक नियंत्रण है, लेकिन // एक भविष्य के साथ सौदों और वह // स्क्रिप्टिंग क्लाइंट के लिए बहुत परेशानी हो सकती है) लेकिन मेरे पास उपलब्ध "आदिम" सामग्री का एक सेट है इवेंट-संचालित क्लासेस: इंटरफ़ेस बेस कॉम्पुटेशन सिंक {बज़ रेज़ल्ट पर सार्वजनिक शून्य (बाज़ परिणाम); } क्लास को लागू करना {सार्वजनिक शून्य doSomethingAsync (Foo fooArg, बार बारआर्ग, Bazcomputation सिंक सिंक); } जहां implementingThing इनपुट लेता है, कुछ कड़ी चीजें जो एक कार्य कतार में चीजों को एन्क्यूएंग करती है, और तब बाद में जब कोई परिणाम होता है, sink.onBazResult () हो जाता है एक थ्रेड पर बुलाया जाता है जिसे एक ही थ्रेड को लागू किया जा सकता है या जैसा कि ...

php - Symfony - Is it possible to disable output escaping per module (or per template)? -

I am trying to output some HTML to an XML template and messing up Symphony's escaping method. So I tried to make a copy of settings.yml in the module's config folder, but it is being completely ignored. Is escaping_strategy and / or escaping_method settings an easy way to change per module or even per template? While avoiding the output is on, you still have $ sf_data Has access to raw values ​​through. For example, if you are trying to output to HTML then your action was stored in a variable named html: $ this-> gt; Html = '& lt; B & gt; My html & lt; / B & gt; '; You can get irreversible value with: I do not believe that there is a way to disable this functionality based on each module.

android - WebView displays black screen -

I'm a little embarrassed to post it but I do not know where I am wrong. I have seen every example and every tutorial, and everything looks right for me. What I am doing here. I have a list view that when you click on an item, it will take you to a webview which lists Displays some static formatted text associated with the entry. I was working with all this with a TextView but I wanted to be able to use HTML formatting for text and felt that WebView was the way to go. Right now it is considered to display a normal link for testing purposes only, but when the visual communication starts, it only goes to a black screen. I can go back and get another entry and it also shows only black screen. . I'm not sure what code you want to see, here is a visual view class file and view section.XML layout. import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.webkit.WebView; Expands the expansion of public squared activity (/ ** calls are made when ac...

uikit - How do you create a multi button confirmation on the iPhone? -

On iPhone, when you press a confirmation slide from the "Delete Event" button in the calendar app, do anyone Is any example code address, or is it a short scene presented with a custom view? If this is done using a custom view, do you know where I can get a background graph similar to the one used in the calendar app? Thanks in advance! NB: I'm not talking about a UIAlertView dialog box, but confirming the slide-in with multiple buttons. UIACSheet is what you are looking for. Here are some code examples to get you started with: UiXSATET * Actionsite = [[UIACASET ALL] Init Vitalit: @ "Save Photo?" Representative: cancel yourselfTuttonite: @ "no" destructive button title: @ "yes" other button titles: zero]; [Action sheet show invoice: self.view]; [Actionsite release]; This will slide down to an action sheet. There are 2 buttons in yes and no. When the user selects any button, then actionSheet: didDismissWithButtonIndex...

ASP.NET - IHttpModule.BeginRequest firing 2X, Application_BeginRequest firing 1X -

I am running VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 SP1. I want to implement hit tracking. One HTTP module in my ASP.NET app is very simple, though I thought, the event of launching my HTTP module is firing twice for every page hit. The site is just too easy ... no security, just a bit of database work Hit one page should be logged one line why this event is firing twice? In addition, IHttpModule.BeginRequest actually fires a different number to hit the first time when first running (from the closed web browser) for the first time ... 3 times I dynamic for the page To deliver the data, I am killing DB and only for 1 of those pages where DB is not being hit. It is interesting to note that application_BeginRequest is always firing only once (in Global.SX). Here is the code: Using the system; Using System.Data; Using System.Data.Common; Using System.Net; Using System.Web; Using BluHeron.BusinessLayer; Using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql; Name Location BluHeron.HttpModules {P...

SVN post commit hook: record number of pages in LaTeX document? -

I want to record how the number of pages in my latex document increases over time. I store the foo.tex file in my SVN repository, so I am thinking that I use a post-commit script for it I can do that, which automatically runs latex (whenever a change is made to foo.tex ), extract the number of pages and writes it into the log file Is this the right approach? How to apply any tips / suggestions best? For example, how can I set it so that the script can be called only when the change has been made to foo.tex ? repo hook \ grep.exe ("% svnlook%" changed -t% 2% 1 | "% grep%" "^ U. * / Foo.tex ") & amp; Amp; (Open out to modify) I'm not sure which command you'll actually use to modify ... I'm still researching ... I think that during the transaction, the message is read only if you need to update, you may have to execute late svn Propset --revprop -r ## svn: log "message" .

Overwriting Default values in C# structs -

For assignment, I must type a tribulous class in a # by using a straight string. There are only three probable triples, right, wrong and unknown, and I have declared them to be read only for free. Like this: Tribal right, wrong, unknown to read public; I need my default constructor to provide false Tribool, but I'm not sure how to know about this. I have tried Tribool () {this = False; } and Tribool () {False; } But I keep an error in "Structats can not have a clear parameter constructor" error. Assignment specifies that the default constructor for tribbol should provide wrong tribal. Otherwise, a user should not be able to create any other tribunal I really do not know what to do at this point Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The error is telling you, as you can not be an example constraint for a straight-end instance constructor . See §11.3.8 of the C # 3.0 Language Specifications: Unlike any class, a straight is not allowed to...

php - SELECT limiting to only results based on a CSV list from a separate table -

So I have a list of CSV in a table (Example: 1,3,19 ) I want to find all the user names from the other table where the ID matches anybody. I think I should be able to: But I can not get it to work. What am i doing You can also use (which will be faster) $ playerquery = "Select where the id is from players with id, (select player_ids from cast_list where game = ''. $ Gameid." 'ORDER BY Username "; If the BTW game is an integer field, you get the quotation marks ( ' ' ).

visual studio 2008 - Best practice to manage SVN with a solution with multiple projects involved -

Before I start, get the TorrentiaSVN 1.6.x and ASP.NET Web Based on examples of projects with Visual Studio 2008. > / Trunk / Solution 1 / Project A / ProjectB / Project C / Tag / Solution 1 / Version_1.0 - RC / Version_1.1 / Branches / Users / Travis / Solution 1 / Zone / Solution 1 Solution 1 is a visual studio solution that includes more than 1 visual studio project. Users are working on their own solution branch, in a short while the trunk merged back once. No one is working directly on the trunk. Whenever there is a public release, tags are created from the trunk. However, in the real world, the project structure is not easy It is easy that many Visual Studio projects are shared among various studio solutions that look like a repository: / trunk / candyland / candy Web. Page / Candy Web. Services / Candy Tests / Lollipop App / Lolli. App Winform / Lily App Services / Lollies Tests / Fundamentals / Fundamental BusinessObjects / Fundamental.Data...

kml - Google maps and Google earth application -

I want to develop an application to find the value of the property based on some constants (such as the distance of the edge, the property The width of the road in the fond of the neighborhood, the neighborhood which is located) -Compons that I have to include that app (I think it can be guessed with some equipment which can be guessed with points, lines, fields and geographic information along with km Make files Awareness) and variables that I would get through a variety of user. To successfully calculate a value, I need to create a local query (such as the distance of a point from that polygon?) whether it is possible to develop such an app with Google Maps or Google Earth or Developed with the use of GIS (ESRI, MANIFOLD, etc.). In addition, there is a difference between the map of the app and the Earth as a result? Thanks Bill Chadwick is for Google Maps, which calculates a poly See the distance of a point from es below

c# - Should I use XML or Binary to send data from server to client? -

I have two separate apps - one client (in C #), one server (C ++) They want to exchange data as "structs" and a minute of ~ 1 MB data is sent from the server to the client. What's better - XML ​​or my own binary format? With XML: Translation will be slow to XML using XML using parsets, I believe? Compact data size No need for meta information like tags; But the strokes can not be easily changed to include new strokes / new members in the strokes in the future; No conversions are necessary for binary (straight) from the text (XML), so to get and "gather" is faster in a single stream) Any hint? Am I not considering binary? Have a bit confused about what the approach is taking. 1 MB of data is very low per minute if you have a proper network connection. There are other options between binary and XML - other human-readable text serialization formats, such as JSON. When it comes to binary, is - for the problems of the var...

C#: Detecting which application has focus -

I am looking to create a C # application that changes according to the content that is currently focused on So if the user is using Firefox then my app will know that for chrome, visual studio, techchich etc. Is it possible, and if so - how do I get it? I think I'm very - but this is worth a try. Many thanks in advance. Take a look, and search for WM_ACTIVATEAPP messages, which will tell you when the app is active, i.e. Focus will be received.

This is an invalid webresource request. javascript datetimepicker -

Hello, I have a text box is a Dataimapikkr to one of the control & lt ; Script src = "../client-script / date-picker.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; "& Lt; td class =" datafieldTBL "align =" left "& gt; & lt; asp: textbox id =" txtenddate "runat =" server "text = '& lt;% # bind (" enddate ")% & Gt; ' & Gt; & Lt; / asp: textbox & gt; onclick = "javascript: displayDatePicker ( '& lt;% = formViewUser.FindControl (" txtenddate "). Claintaidi% & gt;';) return false;" & lt ; / A & gt; & lt; / td & gt; " The problem is now moving from one page to another, where the above code Is used before it actually displays the second page, P> "This is an invalid web processing request" "This is an invalid web resource request. "} System.Web.HttpException: {" This is A Invalid web r...

.net - Know of any C# spatial data libraries? -

I used without using SQL2008 The first requirement is to be able to create a (BTRI style) special index and be able to ask it. Although SQL 2008 ships with NAT libraries, you have special indexes. Has anyone used any .NET library for spatial data (OS or commercial)? I'm looking at NetTopologySuite but it looks silent and I do not want a dead library. SharpMap is a (well-known and used) open source. Collection of local libraries for NAT. Commercial libraries will be used most by ESRI. Can I ask why you do not want to use SQL to create special indexes? If you do not want to index indexes, P> I have not used NTS or JTS, but there is also a C ++ implementation of JTS is an active user community, and I have used on some projects Gaga makes GOOS in Python . If you are doing everything in "Cloud" then it may be worth reading this article - re-index - I have an SQL server + resizing with the same data in the local index + if you want to display da...

c# - Search in DBF file using .idx file -

I have a DBF file and an index file. I want to read the index file and the search record completes some condition ( For example: the search record that starts with its student name "Student". Using DBF and StudentName.idx) How do I program this? It would be easy to ask through the OLEDB connection System Using Data.OleDb; Using System.Data; OleDbConnection oConn = New OleDbConnection ("Provider = VFPOLEDB.1; Data Source = C: \\ PathToYourDataDirectory"); Ondebee Command OCMD = New Ondebee Command (); OCmd.Connection = oConn; OCmd.Connection.Open (); OCmd.CommandText = "Choose * from someTable * where LEFT (student name, 1) = 'A'"; // Create data based on pre-built SQL commands and parameters; // Create OleadApapter; OLDBData adapter ODA = new OLDBEditAditor (OSMD); Datalite Your Results Oda Fill (your result); OConn.Close (); // If you can string through the records to get the string each field; Foreign currency (DataRow oRec in Your...

pdf - LaTeX porting *.eps images with eps2pdf and german umlauts (mutated vowel) -

I appeal to experiment diagram with MagicDraw and save it as an EPS file. Now I want to integrate it into my text file using eps2 pdf. It works so far, but German in the picture, Amum like um, ö or ü and they include "?" (Question Mark). What can I do to solve this problem? Greetings, Loni Important Package: \ Usepackage [ngerman] {babel} \ usepackage [T1] {fontenc} \ usepackage [latin9 ] {Inputenc} \ usepackage {lmodern} \ usepackage {epstopdf} \ usepackage [pdftex] {graphicx} Perhaps try to embed all the fonts in the PDF file? As far as I remember, this code should do this: ps2pdf14 your_image.eps and BTW, you Check if your PDF embeds all the fonts using pdffonts

linker - Link error in Borland 6.0 -

लिंक त्रुटि (घातक: एक्सेस उल्लंघन। लिंक Borland 6.0) में समाप्त हो गया। मैं कैसे करूँ पता है कि इसका कारण क्या है? क्या कोई आउटपुट फाइल है जिसे मैं और अधिक जानकारीपूर्ण संदेश खोल सकता / सकती हूं? आपको कड़ी रेखा का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए जो कि लिंकर को दिया जाता है यह निर्धारित करने के लिए कि कौन सा। इसके बाद आप त्रुटि को देखने के लिए फाइलों को शामिल / बहिष्कृत कर सकते हैं। बीसीबी 6 के बाद से कई लिंकर समस्याओं को तय किया गया है, आप एक नया संस्करण के डेमो से लिंकर को यह देखना चाह सकते हैं कि क्या आपकी समस्या का हल करता है।

c# - Calling ToString() gotchas -

I have read that ToString () uses reflection (although it should place quotation marks around the object, So it is called I where I do not know where / why can use this reflection) Is there any proof of this? And there is no performance penalty for calling. Toastring () (Maybe I should convert. Toastring (?)? If you overwrite () do not override the method, you terminate the calling object.ostring () , whose implementation looks something like this: public virtual string ToString () {return.GetType (). ToString (); } [MethodImpl (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall), Security Symptom] Public Extent Type Type (GETTYPE); The method "Quotation marks around the object are not kept" To complete that result, it should get runtime type information and call it to ToString () , which in turn looks like this: Public override string toasting () {return ("Type:" + this.Name); } At any time you have a performance penalty for something through reflection, but in...

cocoa - Delegate not being called -

I have a ContactsViewController - whenever a line is selected - Message Viewer Controller (using push ViewController) is opened. To get both the Contacts Week Controller and Messengers Controller 'Register' GetStore Delicate Message. The strange thing is that all this works fine when my work loads, but once I navigate the message viewcroller, then the representative methods do not call on my contact viewer any more. These two controllers should handle the [messageAdded: (Message *) message] method, but only the messageviewer controller continues to receive messages once it is opened. Is there any idea about how to do this work? In Cocoa, only one representative (at any time) in every object with a representative. This representative is the only object that receives delegate messages to receive delegation messages "Both objects There is no real concept to be registered. " My suspicion here is that when you push the messview controller, it sets itself as a re...

version control - Organizing a project that uses multiple languages? -

I am currently working on a project that is perl, .net, C / C ++, and Java Is the component. These components are related to the difference, but not connected to the same release schedule. Due to the very different build / test environment requirements, it is a little burden on all those same / bin / src / lib / etc / hierarchy. What are some good organizational hierarchies to use in it? What is the source control on dealing with this nature's project? I am currently leaning towards each language which is its branch: repo / project 1 / pearl / main /... repo / project 1 / .NET / main / ... repo / project 1 / java / main /... If you have an adherent hierarchy changing then do they have a binding release schedule Are you I think what you have placed on the line is if you project completely with all the components If you are releasing each component separately to release it, then I can use svn: externals for different repositories or completely different repositor...

Initilisation of application in Linux -

I'm looking for a more or less detailed description of how an application is loaded into memory and then in Linux Is executed. In fact, I would like to know which information is read from which flf file, which is executed on system call, such as exec () unless this information is stored in the process descriptor. Does anyone know good information. Dr. Google was not so helpful thanks The ladder will assist you with the system call , And here's what you get to run on yourself: [root @ sting httpd] # strace strace execve ("/ usr / bin / strace", ["strace"], [/ * 27 vars * /]) = 0 Free: (0) = 0x9aa3000 mmap2 (zero, 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb7873000 access ( "/ etc / ", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) (" / etc / ", O_RDONLY) = 3 fstat64 (3, {st_mode = S_IFREG | 0644, st_size = 90632, ... }) = 0 mmap2 (zero, 90,632, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0)...

java - Are there any good Clojure benchmarks? -

संपादन: क्लोज़र मानक पर हैं। > मैंने यह प्रश्न समुदाय विकी बना दिया है और दूसरों को इसे अद्यतन रखने के लिए आमंत्रित किया है। क्या किसी को क्लोज़र के प्रदर्शन के बारे में पता है? मैंने अपना कुछ किया है (हालांकि कुछ भी औपचारिक नहीं) और अन्य कार्यात्मक भाषाओं (हास्केल और ओकैमल की कोशिश की) के मुकाबले यह बहुत अच्छा नहीं था। लेकिन यह जावा या किसी अन्य भाषा की तुलना में जेवीएम (जैसे स्कला) पर कैसे दिखता है? और यह अन्य लिप्स की तुलना कैसे करता है? वहां पर क्लोज़र जोड़ने के बारे में मंच पर कुछ था, लेकिन अभी तक कुछ भी नहीं किया गया है। संपादित करें: मैं इसे जोड़ना जारी रखूंगा क्योंकि मुझे और भी मिल रहा है: @igouy ने बताया कि जैफ़िंगरहूत द्वारा क्लोज़र के लिए बेंचमार्क स्क्रिप्ट Ul> और अलग-अलग, इन ब्लॉग पोस्ट: और और और अंत में, स्टैक ओवरफ्लो पर एक संबंधित प्रश्न: इन चर्चाओं में से अधिकांश मुझे यह सोचने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं कि क्लोज़र का प्रदर्शन जेवीएम पर चलने वाली अन्य भाषाओं की तुलना में बहुत अनुकूल है, हालांकि इसमें कोई स...

End-user documentation in MS Access -

How do you implement user documents in login? I have never bothered with a formal user document; I rely on good interface design to guide users (or I tell myself). But I would really like to know what people are doing against me ... Here I think I will consider important (in order): Simplicity : It should be quite simple that this code can be easily updated as a change, otherwise the documentation will end with sync screen shot : There are thousands of words in a picture; Unity : The screen shot should be easily integrated into the document: Users can obtain relevant sections of the document with as little effort as possible; That is, pressing F1 on any form brings support for that form. Searchable : full-text search capabilities P> Other ideas: Online vs Local : Local will be more / more User Editable : How much allow you, but online online is always search engine indexable (Google Site Use) and To make changes to user documents: full access (i.e.,...

security - Using PHP/Apache to restrict access to static files (html, css, img, etc) -

Indicates that you have a lot of HTML, CSS, JS, IMG and etc. files are in a directory on your server. However, in the internet-land a user can fully access the files by typing as URL: Now, what if you want to be able to load those files only to authorized users ? For this example, say that your users first log in from the URL: How will you allow the user to view the index.html file (or "static-file" "), But restricts the rest of the file? I have come away with two possible solutions in this way: Solution 1 Adhere to the .htaccess file under "static-file": option + follow on follow link rewrite engine Graphite ^ (. *) $ ../authorize.php?file=$1 [NC] and then in authorize.php ... If (isLoggedInUser ()) readfile ('static-files /'. $ _ Request ['file']); Second echo 'reject'; This authorize.php file is completely simplified Deny order, allow denial of all from Allow and then add my ...

c++ - Why is this code slower even if the function is inlined? -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक विधि है: bool MyFunction (int & i) {स्विच (एम_स्टेप) {मामला 1: यदि (एसीएमप्लेक्स कंडिशन) {i = m_i; वापस सच; } मामला 2: // कुछ कोड के मामले 3: // कुछ कोड}} चूंकि बहुत सारे मामले बयान हैं (3 से अधिक) और फ़ंक्शन बड़ा हो रहा है, मैंने कोशिश की 1 के मामले में कोड निकालें और इसे एक इनलाइन फ़ंक्शन में डालें: इनलाइन बूल फ़ंक्शन (इंट एंड आई) {यदि (एसीम्पलेक्स कंडिशन) {i = m_i; वापस सच; } विवरण झूठा है; } Bool MyFunction (int & i) {स्विच (एम_स्टेप) {मामला 1: यदि (फ़ंक्शन (आई)) {वापसी सत्य; } मामला 2: // कुछ कोड के मामले 3: // कुछ कोड}} ऐसा लगता है कि यह कोड मूल से काफी धीमी है। मैं -इनलाइन के साथ जांच की और फ़ंक्शन को रेखांकित किया गया है। यह कोड धीमा क्यों है? मैंने सोचा था कि यह समतुल्य होगा मैं देखता हूं कि अंतर केवल दूसरे संस्करण में एक और सशर्त जांच है, लेकिन मैंने सोचा कि कंपाइलर इसे दूर करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। सही? संपादित करें: कुछ लोगों ने सुझाव दिया कि मतभेदों को देखने के लिए मुझे दोनों संस्करणों में प्रत्येक विधानसभा निर्देशों को र...

c# - Converting WPF / ADO.NET Data Services application to the MVVM pattern - Examples -

I have a WPF application that was written in C #. This app has not been written in the brain with a particular design pattern, but as I have learned. Net I have realized that the MVVM model would be appropriate. In this way, I want to start converting the code. This will be the first time I have used MVVM, and when I am ready to trap in, I find it difficult to find solid MVVM example online where there is an ADO.NET data service model and see XAML . Can someone recommend a small (but not trivial) to make sure that I want to see some examples before setting my own app on the process of converting! For example, which uses WPF, ADOnate Data Services and MVVM models, applications with code? With any example which uses MVVM with WPF, and many are the fact That in a clean implementation of MVVM it will not have any true data access code - data access must be controlled by the second, compact layer (see). Works on designing a view model that requires all the data and interactio...

javascript - Make div stick to the bottom of container div -

To set me a div (# menu) below the edge of the bottom of my container (# left) . Normally it is easy with full position, but I want to have # to spread to the size of the # menu, so if it sticks up or down, why are you surprised? I use the jQuery slideshow effect, which is an animation # in this example, I want to see the # menus on the bottom of the container instead of moving it upward, as if it is blanket Like being dragged. However, the bottom is cut off by default overflow. This is for menus. If you do not get what I mean so far, then see them. I have done some work, though it is an ugly hack. The # menu remains a normally deployed element on the ready document I use javascript to fully deploy it. To prevent # from falling, with the height of #menu, I add it to an empty div. This can be seen on the page I added. This should work. #cont {width: 200px; Border: 2px solid blue; Status: Relative; Clip: Auto; Hidden flurry; } # Menus {width: 200px; Background: orang...

.net - Why asp:HyperLink.NagigateUrl in user control, placed in sub-folder, contains this sub-folder? -

~ / फ़ोल्डर1 / UserControl1.ascx: & lt ;% @ कंट्रोल भाषा = "सी #" कोडबाइंड = "वेबयूसर कंट्रोल 1.सकैक्स। सी" इनहेरिट्स = "वेब ऍप्लिकेशेशन 1। वेब यूसर कंट्रोल 1"% & gt; & Lt; asp: हाइपरलिंक रनैट = "सर्वर" नेविगेट यूआरएल = "? एफयू = बार" & gt; हाइपरलिंक 1 & lt; / asp: हाइपरलिंक & gt; ~ / UserControl2.ascx: & lt;% @ Control language = "C #" CodeBehind = "WebUserControl2.ascx .cs "Inherits =" WebApplication1.WebUserControl2 "% & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: हाइपरलिंक रनैट = "सर्वर" नेविगेट यूआरएल = "? एफयू = बार" & gt; हाइपरलिंक 2 & lt; / asp: हाइपरलिंक & gt; परिणाम: http: // localhost / folder1 /? Foo = bar http: // localhost /? Foo = bar ऐसा क्यों होता है? आपकी कोई / या नहीं है पथ की शुरुआत, इसे वर्तमान स्थिति के सापेक्ष माना जाता है। उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण से, वर्तमान स्थिति नियंत्रण की स्थिति है।

c# - Combining LINQ statements for efficiency -

Regarding linq for objects, if I use one. Where (x => x ....) and then use it directly later. A .pipoil (x => x ...) Does it impose a performance penalty because I am going to the collection twice? Should I put everything where or in the Closing Clause? Use one where and leave while the result is "not going to the collection twice." The LINQ object works on a pull model. When you calculate the combined query, SkipWhile will start asking for your source for elements. Where is its source, hence the reason for starting its source instead of the elements. So SkipWhile will see all the elements that pass the clause, but it is getting them as it goes. The result of this is that LINQ does an advanced task on the original collection, only returns to those elements where and to leave, while the two filter - and there is only one pass on the archive in it. There may be a trivial loss due to efficiency, it involves two doublings, but it is unlikely to be important, yo...

iphone facebook user's friends status updates -

I want to retrieve published status data published by the user's friends. I have written the following code, but only get the user's own status update Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code? Thanks! Select NSString * fql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "uid, Message from status where uid (Select UID2 from buddy where UID1 =% lld) based on time Order ", uid]; NSDictionary * params = [object with NSDictionary dictionary: Fakil Farke: @ "query"]; [[Delegate with FBRAccount request: Self] Call: @ "facebook.Status.get" parameter: Parameters]; You must change the call to use "facebook.fql.query" , Because you are doing a direct query. Here's my code to get the last 20 friend updates: NSString * fql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "SELECT uid, pic_square, name, status from user Where (friend choose UID 2 UID 1 =% LLDE) and status.time time from date; DESC limit 20 ", fbSession.uid]; NSDictionary * params = ...

rails best way to receive xml data from flex application -

Can someone give me an indication on that? I am able to display XML content on my swf file, but how can I send the converted xml file back to my rail server? Thanks in advance thanks! Marcus The best way to do this by rail :). To walk, this takes 5 minutes. You can generate an app based on models (such as page / post / comment / category ...) that will look like this: You basically execute 3 commands And you have a full CMS and, by default, everything is done via XML, but it changes (serialized and deserialized) from XML, so that you can use class objects in action script. If you need it, then you can easily convert it to AMF / JSON, which is very powerful. Then you can customize everything from there: Create a class (mavidio), add attributes (title, url, description, comments), manipulate them in action script, then just create / update / delete / save / show And it handles all the / XML requests for the railway. They have solved hard stuff such as authentication an...

c++ - A method of creating simple game GUI -

I am able to get a lot of information on the real logic development for the game. I would really like to create a card game, but how can I not just understand the position of the mouse, an object can be selected (or at least in the right way) before I thought of Boxing Boxing , But all my bitmaps are not rectangular. I then thought that f hides a hidden buffer with a different color of each object, but it seems that it has to do this way. I am wondering how this is actually done. For example, how do Adobe Flash know the object under the mouse? Thank you Your question is how to tell that the mouse is non- Above the rectangular bitmap. I'm assuming that all your bitmaps are really rectangular, but they have transparent areas. Depending on the scheme you use, you should first be able to tell the transparent part of your (rectangular) bitmap in any way (for example if you consider color to be transparent or if you use a little mask ) You will also know the bitmap's z-ord...

java - md5 and salt -

1.1 ahead of Grails 1.1 is available on strings 'encodeAsMD5' - is there any way to provide salt for the function? specific use: $ {myString.encodeAsMD5 ()} Another option is to use the Apache Digestuals Class. I am not using it to do password hashing - instead, I am using it for verification purposes when a request was made and when the response was received . To get started, I encrypt the date / time when a request was initially created and it was passed to the customer. Later, when the customer returns some data, then the original hash value is included in it to determine how much time has passed. Do you want a salt because you are trying to havehing password? If so, consider a safe, easy-to-use password, the password hashing library. You can probably hook it up as a groovy string metamethod easily. : - P And if you are not washing the password, I am not sure where one salt will come; Please feel free to expand in that case. : -) How to use HMAC to us... - Trying to save changes to a SQL database, results in "Cannot open user default database. Login failed." -

I am making an MVC application as my language as C # which was hosted on Widows 7 IIS A call to add a new member to work on the database, but when I try to save the changes, I get the following error: The user can not open the default database failed log in. Login User has failed for 'IIS APPPOOL \ myApplication' SQL Table Bas VS Was added by adding in. User 'IIS APPPOOL \ myApplication' is not accessed to the database that is defined by that user Default database for The big question is, what is your intention to a security access model? Pool Identity, Per User Connection, Impersonation?

What is a good (fastest, least broken, etc) way to implement JSON in Python? -

It takes a handful of JSON libraries for Python, although Python has an underlying library. There is a claim made to make a single claim (which I think was created due to 'Hmmm'), is the construction of Python in the library, not fully imagined? So I ask myself here Any differences? I use it for the Django-based web ajax API (I know it's a DJongo app for it, I want to get the root of this before catching.) Most of the time in the built library is ok Sometimes, though, you can get problems with the character encoding. If you have performance problems to work then CJSon is. Personally, I For any particular reason only - I use simple json.

Safe casting in Objective C -

What's the purpose-something like C ++ safe briefs? I know that those objectives are in C ++, but I am not sure about possible side effects. The objective C ++ can slow down collection time - is there any other reason to use it? Objective-c ++ is inserted securely, alternatively, we can use runtime reflections : id myOb = [someObject getObject]; NSAssert ([myOb isKindOfClass: [MyClass class]], @ @ MyClass is not like the return value type. "); MyClass * newOb = (MyClass *) myOb; Reference: :

What am I doing wrong? (Simple Assembly Loop) -

यह मुझे तस्वीर पोस्ट करने नहीं देगा। बीटीडब्ल्यू, रेडडिट से किसी ने। प्रोग्रामिंग ने मुझे यहाँ पर भेजा इसलिए धन्यवाद! TITLE MASM खाका; विवरण ; ; संशोधन तिथि: आईआरवीएन .डेटा मायाअरे बाइट 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100। कॉड मुख्य प्रोसी कॉल क्ल्रससीआर मेम एसएसआई, ऑफसेट मैराएरे मूव एक्सएक्स, लेन्गथफ मायअरे मूव एएक्स, 0 एल 1: ईएक्स जोड़ें, [एसएसआई] एपीआई एसीआई लूप एल 1 कॉल, लिखेंइंड निकास मुख्य ईएनडीपी अंत मुख्य में परिणाम: -334881242 आपको 32 बिट पॉइंटर के बजाय एक बाइट पॉइंटर के लिए मान डालना होगा। बदलें / div>

In Scala, how to use Ordering[T] with List.min or List.max and keep code readable -

In Scala 2.8, I needed to call list.min and provide my own comparison task of a Tupal 2 The second element I had to type in this type of code: val list = ("a", 5) :: ("b", 3) :: ("c", 2) :: Zero List.min (New Ordering [Tupal 2 [String, Int]] {Compare Df (X: Tupal 2 [String, It], Y: Tupale 2 [String, INT]): Int = X._2 Do y._2}) Is this a more readable Is there a way to create an order from an anonymous function or such as you list.sortBy (_._ 2) ? Come on, guys, you've found the poor questioner "on your own" pretty awesome performance you like this You can shave a bit more to write: short order [int]. On [(_, int]] (_._ 2) which is far too loud, but that's where we are at this time.

C++ Change image based on a click (Visual Studio C++) -

In Visual Studio, when I click on a C ++ windows application form, Then when I double click on the picture and it brings the click action script, then what script would I use ..... int temp = system :: int 32 :: parse (label 1-> text); Temporary ++; Label 1- & gt; Text = temp.ToString (); Which label also increases an integer PicutreBox1.OnClick + = PictureBox1_Click (PictureBox1, -------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------- Private Zero PictureBox1_Click (object ^ Sender) , Event ^ E) {PictureBox1-> Image = image.framefile (@ "YourFolderPath / image.jpg")}

javascript - HTML table: modify order using mysql -

मेरे पास एक MySQL तालिका है: टैबलेट `प्रश्न 'बनाएं (` प्रश्न_आईडी` INT अनसिनित प्राथमिक कुंजी AUTO_INCREMENT, `प्रश्न' VARCHAR (1024),` आदेश 'INT); एक HTML तालिका में डेटा प्रदर्शित करते समय, डेटा का क्रम 'ऑर्डर' कॉलम द्वारा सॉर्ट किया जाता है प्रत्येक तालिका पंक्ति में किसी प्रकार के अप / डाउन बटनों का उपयोग करके एक को बढ़ते / घटते क्रम कॉल कैसे कार्यान्वित करेगा? ... & lt; tr & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt;? Php गूंज $ सवाल ['question_id']? & Gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt;? Php गूंज $ सवाल ['आदेश']? & Gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; बटन id = "up_ & lt;? Php $ सवाल ['प्रश्न_आईडी']? & Gt;" & gt; और & # x25b2; & lt; / button & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; बटन आईडी = "डाउन_ & lt;? Php $ सवाल ['प्रश्न_id']? & Gt;" & gt; और amp; # x25BC; & lt; / button...

WebRat+Selenium WebDriver: wait for ajax to be completed -

We are running Webrat with Selenium 2.0 aka WebDriver in our application. The WebDriver manages to reload the page is fine and if the next page is reloading the browser will not start the next steps. The problem is that this mechanism does not work with Ajax requests. The WebDriver does not do any inactivity, after a few clicks () or changes (). Can anyone suggest how to disable webdriver by the end of all AJAX requests on the page? We wrapped the call in an optional loop and finished writing a layer on the Selenium handling this scenario . So when you do: @ Browser.Click "#my_button_id" This will do something like automatic-recommended above (Locator, timeout => PAGE_EVENT_TIMEOUT) @ (locator) for waiting for end def_Allement (locator, option) timeout = option: class browserdef (locator) wait_file_Element (locator, : Timeout] || PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT selenium_locator = locator.clone expression = & lt; & Lt; EOF var element; Try {el...

qt4 - How to use a Qt 4 plugin or self developed plugin in qt application? -

I am trying to create a simple application for the calendar and it does not link properly. Platform: WinXP, QT: 4.5.3 in which application with Minzid is trying to use a predefined QT plugin "worldtimeclockplugin" with C: \ Qt \ 4.5.3 \ plugins \ designer. I pulled it on a widget and left this widget in QT Designer and then tried to create an app. I tried all the possible methods described in the QMake document and forum, but Linker is not getting the library and fails to link the application. Can someone provide me with the right clue? If I correctly understand what you are doing, design the plugin you specify To know about Qt Designer Widgets so that It has not been designed to communicate with the actual program developed. In those circumstances, you will need to either create a separate plugin for the use of those applications, or compile the source code directly into your application.

Prototypal inheritance in PHP (like in JavaScript) -

Is it possible to employ prototype succession in PHP of any type such as JavaScript ? This question came to my mind only with curiosity, not that I have to implement such a thing and go against the classical heritage, it feels like an interesting area to explore. Are the retrospective tasks for adding classical succession model to the prototype inheritance in PR, combining the anonymous operations? Let me assume that I have a simple class for the user modal class UserModel applied prototype inheritance {// satres, gates, arguments ... static public function prototype ) {}} $ User = new UserModel (); UserModel :: Prototype () - & gt; GetNameSlug = function () {return slugify ($ this-> getUserName ()); } Echo $ user- & gt; GetNameSlug (); You can use something to achieve something like this, but the real Prototical heritage is not found in javascript like afaik If you are looking for something like mixins / symptoms, you can use it. Although there...

java - How to get screen position of a Swing element? -

How do I get the actual screen state of an element, say a button? If I use getBounds then I get position relative to the parent container, not the screen ... Have you tried?

How to Limit the Search Scope in VI/VIM? -

Detect and change scope can be limited to: : 16,256 S / search_term / copy / gc I do not want to change my search term with any other text, I want to find them. I tried the following but did not help: : 16,256 / search_trum # notice that there is no one here thanks time! From the insurance document: You search order "\" R \ t \ n \ For example, line 199 and above line 300:> / \%> 199l \% means: find line below 199 and below line 300 and border .

unicode - Python conversion to ISO-8859-5 -

I am having problems while trying to insert UTF-8 file (insert Russian characters) in ISO-8859-5 File: The 'charmap' codec can not encapsulate the character. In the 'Uffe' situation, is it possible for anyone to know what 0 (0) is wrong (?): def converter (): try: import codec data = ('in.txt', 'r', 'utf-8'). Except Exceptions (E: Print e sys.exit (1) F = Open (try 'out', 'W'): f.write (data.encode ('iso- 885 9-5')) Except exception, e: print e finally: f.close () "in.txt": ё! -№% «» (Ideiofoceph; нцхз FIFA is a character. Before encoding in -8859-5, it must be deleted from its data variable.

Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity -

I'm new to Android, and I'm struggling to decide which devices are available to me I am developing Android 2.0.1 for now, just because my device runs. Specifically, I am writing an app that I would like to upload images to an album. I'm pretty sure that it is supported; For example, the (Google?) Photo viewer created in it has a 'share' button with the Picasa option, and there is also a small sample code with snippet [credit code! If it is against these rules, then apologize.] temp.setComponent (new element name ("", "com. Apps.uploader.picasa.PicasaUploadActivity ")); StartActivityForResult (temp, PICASA_INTENT) Which is exactly what I want. But I can not find any documents anywhere. I am not really clear to use such resources. From the eclipse, do I need to include another project, ? If so, how do I get it? How do I include it? Have any work samp...

ios - How to open call out MKAnnotationView programmatically? (iPhone, MapKit) -

I want to open the callout for a MKPinNnotationView program, for example I can add 10 pins on the map I'm dropping, and I want to open the closest one. How can I go about doing this? Apple has specified the 'selected' parameter for MKAnnotationView's , but frustrated it by setting it straight (it does not work, it has tried to do it) . For the rest, only one set in MKAnnotationView is highlighted ( same story ), and ShowCallout method. Any indication if this is all possible? Make a visual method in your map viewer: - ( Zero) Open annotation: (ID) annotation {// mv is map view [MV select: animated annotation: yes]; } You can then determine the closest annotation based on the current location and can run the available annotations in the array. [mv annotations]; After calculating the closest annotation, call: [Auto open annotation: closest annotation]; Map view should be automatically scrolled to move its annotation to the center of...

iphone - I am not able to give an MKAnnotation an image! -

O People! Instead of seeing a pin, I have a problem seeing an image rather than seeing an MK annotation. In other words, I'm having trouble displaying the target image instead of the normal pin view. Here I have my code --- // .h file #import / / Here it asks to import MapKit and UIKit. Code Blokcot that I do not show // "Import you @ interface address annotation: Ansobij {CLLocationCoordinate2D coordination; NSString * mTitle; NSString * mSubTitle;} @ end @ Intfetr decided Sthansthan: UIViewController {IBOutlet MKMapView * mapView; Adding address add address * ;} - (CLLocationCoordinate2D) address space; //. M file @ Implementation address annotation @ Synthesize coordination; - (NSString *) subtitles {NSUserDefaults * prefs = [NSUserDefaults standard user default]; NSString * stitle = [prefs objectForKey: @ " AddressKey "]; Return @"% @ ", Style;} - Title (NSString *) Title { @ @ TARGET};} - (id) initWithCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) c {coor...

c++ - Why does GetLastError() return different codes during debug vs "normal" execution? -

प्रयास करें {pConnect = sess-> GetFtpConnection (, ftpArgs.userName, ftpArgs.password, port , असत्य ); } पकड़ (सी इंटरटेनिक्शन * पीईएक्स) {loginErrCode = GetLastError (); Printf ("लॉगिनईर्र कोड:% d \ n", लॉगिन एरोकोड); अगर (loginErrCode == 12013) {printf ("गलत उपयोगकर्ता नाम! \ N"); बाहर निकलने के (0); } Else if (loginErrCode == 12014) {printf ("गलत पासवर्ड! \ N"); बाहर निकलने के (0); } और अगर (loginErrCode == 12007) {printf ("गलत सर्वर नाम! \ N"); बाहर निकलने के (0); } अन्य // सभी अन्य त्रुटियों को प्रदर्शित करें {टीसीएचएआर एसज़ [1024]; पीएक्स- & gt; GetErrorMessage (एसजे, 1024); प्रिंटफ़ ("त्रुटि!% S \ n, sz); pEx- & gt; हटाएं (); बाहर निकलें (0);} जब यह कोड दृश्य स्टूडियो से एक जानबूझकर गलत उपयोगकर्ता से चलता है नाम, GetLastError () 12014 (अपेक्षित) देता है। हालांकि, जब कमांड लाइन से समान कोड चलाते हैं (उसी सटीक गलत उपयोगकर्ता नाम के साथ) GetLastError () 2 देता है? ( GetErrorMessage ( ) गलत पासवर्ड लौटात...

iphone - Saving application data state on exit -

I have an NSMutableArray with 24 strings. I need to save this data if a user makes a call or leaves the application. I see in many instances, but for some reason the best way to save data can not be determined. The 24 strings correspond to 24 buttons and their state. When a button is clicked, it displays related array information for that button tag (0 - 23). What do I need to maintain, if 10 buttons and their data are clicked, what would be the best way to keep this data, so that it can be reloaded when the app starts? I think I will need to store: button tag, array value corresponding to buttons, button (whether clicked and showing value or No) I will store the application when I exit this data and then when the app is restarted, I will decide whether this stored data exists, if so, the array To determine the key and test the states of the button Whether it has been shown already and if so, then set it accordingly. Then when this file was loaded, I will destroy the s...

How do I hide font sample characters entered in the flash sifr.fla? -

How do I hide the font sample characters recorded in Flash sifr.fla to create my own .ff file? I entered "I" and now the "I" is visible behind the text which I am changing in the background. Is this sample making the background similar to background like using a background or another way of doing so, so that I do not have to make a new font every time to use a different background. Colour? Thanks for your thoughts! Before the films are shown, those letters should be changed immediately. This is another error sign, are you certain that the Action Script etc was exported properly?

python - referencing static methods from class variable -

I know that there is such a case, but in some way I have: Class Foo #static method @staticmethod def test (): pass # class variable c = {'name': & lt; I want to refer to the test method here. & Gt;} What is the way? For the record: I believe that it should be considered as the worst behavior of Ajithan. Using static methods is not really ... class Foo: # static method @staticmethod def test (): pass # class variable c = {'name': test}

Can't install Ruby on Rails on Wamp -

मैंने इस ट्यूटोरियल का पालन किया: जोड़ने के बाद डी: \ Wamp \ ruby ​​\ bin (मेरी वैम्प फ़ोल्डर डी में है) मेरे रास्ते में और कमांड लाइन में मणि स्थापित रेल लिखें मुझे 2 त्रुटि मिलती है जो कहती है कि निम्नलिखित फाइलें ' पाया जा सकता है: SSLEAY32.dll zlib.dll यहां स्क्रीनशॉट है: कुछ दिलों को डाउनलोड करके यह निश्चित नहीं है