
Showing posts from March, 2012

ide - Visual Studio 2010: Why aren't key combinations available? -

I write VS 2010 am trying to use Often, I try to use a hotkey combination, and I get an error message of the form: The key combination (key, key) is bound to command (command) Not currently available. Why is this? In the examples CTRL + R , rename and CTRL + K , CTRL + D for R Code> Format Document I'm trying these cursors with my cursor in the code editing window. I think it works in 2008 C # but 2010 C / C ++ The C ++ text editor does not apply to those two commands if they work in 2008, So just because you have an extension installed that adds support for those features. Edit: Opi currently says "To write C", the question simply changes to "C # to write" later. If OP is actually the meaning of C #, then the error arises because you are editing the document that is not currently part of the open project / solution, or the build action in the file Not even set.

hashmap - I would like to see a hash_map example in C++ -

I do not know how to use the hash function in C ++, but I know that we have the Hash_map . G ++, which only includes #include & lt; Hash_map & gt; included? hashmap ? Using a current C ++ standard What is a simple example? There are hash maps, but the C ++ 0x standard approaches, and they are already supported by G ++ in the shape of "unordered maps": #include & lt; Unordered_map> # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {unordered_map & lt; String, int & gt; Meter; I ["foo"] = 42; Cout & lt; & Lt; I ["Foo"] To achieve this compilation, you must tell G ++ that you are using C ++ 0x: G ++ -STD = C ++ 0x main.cpp These maps work a lot as a studs :: map, except that a custom operator & lt ; () For your own type, you need to provide a custom hash function - appropriate functions are provided for the type of integer and string.

asl - C++ Adobe source libraries impressions? -

I just stumbled on Adobe source libraries, this is similar to promoting templates and tasks under the MIT license. Some of the facilities used in the library have been very useful to me and I am now considering using it. Although the library is very simple. Have you used the ASL yourself? If so, what were your impressions? do you recommend it? Does it work well with many types of compilers and platforms? IBM C ++, ICC, G ++? Did you face quark / unexpected things? Thanks ASL promotes heavy usage That is why it is not like Boost, as (in some cases) a relatively thin wrapper around Boost. "Big" pieces of ASL Adam and Eve. Most of the rest appear (and if memory works, actually is ) is slightly more than the support of those people. The ASL has not been updated in a while, and if what I provide in the rapper around Boost has not been done wrong, it is now included in Boost Libraries (the most Boost writers Has been briefly exposed to ASL because they we...

internet explorer - jQuery:IE only, input:checked returns 0 even when items selected -

I'm seeing an error, I can not repeat users with a small subset of the code here: var selected = $ ('# mytable input: check'); If (selected.length == 0) {$ ('body'). Triggers ('notice', 'please select some items first'); Return; } Even when the user checks several checkboxes, then "notice" triggers seems to have been selected. This should not be length when the length is zero. The [UPDATE] selector works when it is updated: var selected = $ ('input [class = "selection"]: ' check '); It seems that the ID in the selector breaks only on IE. This code is working for the vast majority of users and we repeat the problem, but the problem that is seen for users is consistent and every time it happens. This IE is being isolated (though I can not believe it). We are using jQuery 1.3.2 (from Google CDN). Any thoughts? It would be a good idea to paste the surrounding code / event handler (paste) For th...

postgresql - Bit masking in Postgres -

मेरे पास यह क्वेरी है SELECT * FROM "functions" WHERE (models_mask & amp; 1 & Gt; 0) और मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: PGError: त्रुटि: ऑपरेटर मौजूद नहीं है: चरित्र अलग और amp; पूर्णांक संकेत: कोई ऑपरेटर दिए गए नाम और तर्क प्रकार (मेलों) से मेल नहीं खाता। आपको स्पष्ट प्रकार डाले जाने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। मॉडल_मास्क डेटाबेस में एक पूर्णांक है मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं। धन्यवाद! पीजी के लिए बाहर की जाँच करें । मूलतः & amp; केवल दो तरह के प्रकार (आमतौर पर बिट या इंट) पर काम करता है, इसलिए model_mask होना चाहिए CAST Varchar से एड बिट या इंट जैसे उचित करने के लिए: models_mask :: int & amp; 1 - या - models_mask :: int :: bit & amp; \ doS में psql > pg_catalog | & Amp; | बड़ी आईटी | बड़ी आईटी | बड़ी आईटी | Bitwise और pg_catalog | & Amp; | बिट | बिट | बिट | Bitwise और pg_catalog | & Amp; | Inet | | Inet | | Inet | | Bitwise और pg_catalog | & Amp; | पूर्णांक | पूर्णांक | पूर्णांक | Bitwise और pg_...

ruby on rails - Can I access the id of the parent object inside a named_scope when fetching associated objects with the 'others' method? -

Assume that you have two models: articles and comments . class articles & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: comments end You know that you can bring related comments to an article like this: article = article. First article Com # = & gt; Say "Select" to "Comment" ("Comments" .article_id = 123) What is the use of explicitly using article_id (123) within the named_scope Any way? I need a complex named_scope which adds to another table. Actually, to understand name_scope with the related original object, it will depend on ( article.comments.my_name_scope and not comments.my_named_scope ). I do not want to give ID as a parameter for name_scope, instead of going to the designated area with article_id with ... Lambda {| Article | ...} and "... # {} ..." to access the ID, I can not use it in any way to article_id , which I get from the has_many association. What do you think is really after...

How can I find the first point along a heading that is a specified distance away from a line segment? -

Look for the first point with this title, looking at a starting point, a headline, a distance, and a line segment The first case: moving away from the line. The distance specified from this line segment is far. I have covered two cases, but I have not been able to cover the last one. Ignore it, even if the starting point is within the specified distance. The second case: This intersects the line I solved it using the triangle and triangle and did not initially consider the next matter. The third case: It is moving towards the line, but it does not interfere with each other. I think this will also fix the second case if it has been done correctly. Three subsystems: Ignore the minimum distance that is longer than the specified distance. The minimum line distance is equal to the specified distance. Already got points. The minimum line distance is less than the specified distance. This means that there is a perpendicular line from the title to the end point of the...

dom - Not knowing how to position the output of Javascript in an HTML page -

I'm starting a JavaScript I'm working on a wordpress search game which is a clue for a word (a dice ) Now I need to show the empty space of the word and a clue below it. I do not know how hot it is to display the content on that page ??? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Form1 = document.forms [0]; Function Display () {words = New Array ("Elephant", "Tiger", "Panther", "Giraffe", "Zebra", "Anaconda"); Phrases = New Array ("The largest country mammal", "Streep animals are moving towards extinction", "Amazon got in the forest", "Found in Africa", "It helps us in the cross", "Very dangerous Reptiles "); Count = word [i]. Length; While (calculation> 0) {document.write ("__") // Display the word with spaces document. Write (""); // space = between characters...

mod rewrite - mod_rewrite numeral ranges -

I am installing a directory structure based on date: 2010/02/01 now , My rewrite rules look something like this: ([0-9] {4}) / ([0- 9] {2}) / ([0- 9] {2}) I tried to limit the boundaries - months, for example: ([01-12] {2}) - but this does not seem to work. Is there a way to do this, or am I making it very complicated and I should not worry about it? I do not want anything like this: (01 | 02 | 03 ... 10 | 11 | 12) Regular expressions can not see numbers, numbers. It sees each person's number as a character. So, [01-12] will actually be equal to [012] or [0-2]. (Somebody can correct me if I am wrong on that.) I am not a master at RexX, so anyone can have a better solution, but here I use it: / P> (2 \ d {3}) / (1 [0-2] | 0 [1-9]) / (3 [0-1] | [1-2] \ d | 0 [1- 9]) unchecked, but this should limit your year to the 2000s, your months to 01-12 and your day 01-31. - Insert multiple records in one query -

I'm trying to add approximately 100,000 to my SQL Server database. When I prepare 100,000 different queries, it is really slow, so I tried to put all of these records in one query, it used to work for some thousands of records before, but then threw me a timeout error Gone. What is the fastest way to include multiple records in the database? Also ... this web request if you increase the command timeout (separate from connection timeout) You can find it around, but these large scale heavy loads are to be taken out of the process job which actually loads.

iphone - Random image display using rand() -

I'm just SDK and trying to learn Objesi 2, hatred around with little apps. Im trying to display an image randomly and I find different ways to display a picture. I have uploaded the image to the SDK resource folder. Anyway, this is my code, can someone run me in the right direction. #import "randomViewController.h" @implementation randomViewController // is not sure that it really is the right way to do this is NSArray * comImage = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "rock .png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" paper.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" scissors.png "], zero]; - (IBAction) Randton {int text = rand ()% 3; Switch (text) {case 0: textView.text = @ "rock"; break; Case 1: textView.text = @ "Paper"; break; Case 2: textView.text = @ "" Scissor "; break; default: brake;}} I it would like: NSArray * myImageNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "rock.png", @ "paper...

c# - Why the cpu performance counter kept reporting 0% cpu usage? -

यहाँ मेरा कोड स्निपेट है: PerformanceCounter cpuload = नया PerformanceCounter (); Cpuload.CategoryName = "प्रोसेसर"; Cpuload.CounterName = "% प्रोसेसर समय"; Cpuload.InstanceName = "_Total"; कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा (cpuload.NextValue () + "%"); लेकिन आउटपुट हमेशा 0% है, जबकि cpuload.RawValue 736861484375 जैसा है या ऐसा है, क्या NextValue () हुआ है? मेरा सीपीयू स्पष्ट रूप से 0% उपयोग में है। धन्यवाद दोस्तों ~ 8 ^) उस काउंटर की पहली यात्रा हमेशा 0 होगी, क्योंकि उसके पास अंतिम मान से तुलना करने के लिए कुछ नहीं है इसे आज़माएं: var cpuload = नया प्रदर्शनकॉन्टर ("प्रोसेसर", "% प्रोसेसर समय", "_Total"); कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा (cpuload.NextValue () + "%"); कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा (cpuload.NextValue () + "%"); कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा (cpuload.NextValue () + "%"); कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा (cpuload.NextValue () + "%"); कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा (cpuload.NextValue () + "%"); तब आपको कुछ डेटा बाह...

fault tolerance - catastrophic disasters due to software system failures -

I know that this is not a programming problem, but this problem is related to the computer system, I am posting this question I am Due to software system failures, can you tell me a good place to get information related to catastrophic disasters? For example, like incidents. This is a good place, but for every case this information is not enough for my requirement. Thanks is a Robert Glass book ". The Second PG Newman's book based on the risk collection, which is a little bit longer (1994; wow, time flies!). Glass also has a book which is appropriate. You can also consider '' and '' (Horden) as well.

How do you make sure the speed of OpenGL animation is consistent on different machines? -

How do you control animation speed? My objects animate quickly on another machine. zero inactive (zero) {if (WantPause) {circleSpin = circleSpin + 2.0; // Spin Circle if (Circlepin> 360.0) {circleSpin = CircleSpin - 360.0; } Diamond Spin = Diamond Spin - 4.0; // spin diamonds if (diamondpin> 360.0) {diamond spin = diamond spin + 360.0; } Elps Scale = Alpes Scale + 0.1; // Scale oval if (Alpsiscell> 30) {Oval SCL = 15; } GlutPostRedisplay (); }} Zero Draw Sessine () {... glColor3f (1,0,0); GlPushMatrix (); GlRotatef (circleSpin, 0,0,1); DrawOuterCircles (); GlPopMatrix (); } Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {glutInit (and argc, argv); GlutInitWindowSize (400,400); GlutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); Glutrack Windo ("Lesson 6"); in this(); GlutDisplayFunc (drawScene); GlutKeyboardFunc (keyboard); GlutReshapeFunc (handleResize); GlutIdleFunc (inactive); GlutMainLoop (); Return 0; } This is the solution of the poor man: FPS = 60.0;...

Debugging vtable Linker Errors in GCC -

Now when I'm using GCC I get secret errors like this: 'vtable Undefined reference classname for ' When this is not caused by a missing library, this very descriptive error message will always let me find the missing implementation for the virtual function line from the line of code files Due to digging through the medium. Does anybody linking tell me which is missing the virtual function, perhaps a flag or something else? Or is it perhaps telling me, but I do not know what it is saying? from: When creating C ++ , The linker essentially defines my constructor, destructors, or virtual tables, but I have defined them The ISO C ++ standard does not have all virtual pure virtual The methods of a class should be defined, but any rule required for violation of this rule [class.virtual] / 8 On the basis of this assumption, the GCC only leaves the underlying defined constructor, assignment operator, district and virtual table in a translation unit, which define...

c++ - using catch(...) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis -

Any other query otherwise hold unconnected to hold (...) main () try {} with hold (...) {} block It seems like an interesting idea that can save a lot of time in debugging the program and gives at least one indication of what happened. The essence of the question is what information can be retrieved and how to recover it (to access and identify whatever Was caught) In addition to this, which warning is attached to it. Specifically: Will it play well with threads that will rise later? Will not break the handling of segfaults (taken as a sign elsewhere) This does not affect other efforts ... assuming the expected exceptions Essentially catch nested blocks? Yes, that's a good idea. If you give the main part to avoid the exception, then this implementation is defined, the stack is uninterrupted before the weather closes. So in my opinion it is important that you catch all the exceptions in the main. The question is, what to do with them. See some OS (...

java - Traversing through the AST node -

I want to find the line number where a call is referenced in a package using the AST API. How can I do this? You have a compilation in which to find a CompilationUnit method: for (ICompilationUnit unit: mypackage.getCompilationUnits ()) {IType [] type = unit.getTypes (); (Int i = 0; i & lt; types.length; i ++) {ITIP type = type [i]; IMTP [] methods = type.getmolls (); If the method is one, then you can use the ASTNode.getStartPosition () function. If the compilation unit that is an IMember one, you can use it in CompilationUnit.getLineNumber (status) You can.

authentication - Pros and cons of using LDAP for external users -

I work with a number of public-facing websites for a company. Some of these sites are built using third party products (walkable types, microbes, tracks, and others) We also have some bestselling sites on the Microsoft stack. Currently, we do not have any integrated authentication / authorization solution; Each site has its own user store applied. I'm eager to implement integrated user authentication on all sites I do not expect to receive a single sign-on (it will not be frightening if users are prompted for credentials when switching sites) , But let me give each user a username and amp; password. It seems that the most likely solution will be to implement an LDAP server LDAP is supported by some third-party products used by us, and I want to use LDPAP to use our BSPO Can I modify sites? However, I have never used LDAP store to manage external users (I always made my own user store). What are the professional and cons of using LDAP? Have I ignored other options? ...

What are the point of header files in C? -

संभावित डुप्लिकेट: क्या एकमात्र कारण हेडर फाइलें सी में मौजूद हैं, इसलिए डेवलपर जल्दी से देख सकते हैं कि कौन-से कार्य उपलब्ध हैं, और वे किस तर्क ले सकते हैं? या यह कंपाइलर के साथ कुछ करना है? क्यों कोई अन्य भाषा इस पद्धति का इस्तेमाल नहीं करती है? क्या यह सिर्फ मुझे है, या क्या ऐसा लगता है कि फ़ंक्शन परिभाषाओं के 2 सेट होने से त्रुटियों के लिए अधिक रखरखाव और अधिक जगह मिल जाएगी? या हेडर फाइलों के बारे में जानना चाहिए कि हर सी डेवलपर को कुछ जानना चाहिए? हैडर फ़ाइलों को घोषित करें फ़ंक्शन और चर जो उपलब्ध हैं हो सकता है कि आपके पास परिभाषाओं (= .c फ़ाइलों) तक पहुंच न हो। सभी पर ; सी पुस्तकालयों में कोड के द्विआधारी केवल वितरण का समर्थन करता है।

osx - What is the '245' in the IOKit USB libraries? -

I am starting with IOK on OS X, and I have been tagged on '245' data types, the IOKit USB Library , Such as IOUSBInterfaceInterface245 . What does 245 mean? I'm just curious that at last this number should be pointing out the number attacked. It seems like a version number of something. Is there a normal version that I can use instead of using a particular version? I believe the number identifies the IOUSBFamily version that is compatible with the structure. For more information, take a look at IOKit / usb / IOUSBLib.h

vb6 - What is the Reference that we have to add to use the Format function in Visual Basic 6.0? -

I am using VB 6.0 and it gives me: " compilation Error: In all this: Private sub-MDITimer_Timer () Dim text STR string text SRT = format (now, "DD-Mm-yyyy hh: mm: ss") StatusBar I liked it and the error was still in the format function (hence there is no statusbar problem). ) Can you tell that What reference do we have in reference to using the frame function or if the context is not required, then what do we have to do to do this work? Tks in advance! You probably have the overloaded format () with a load. Do you have VBA.Format () You should use the format $ () so that it is not possible to work with the variant The results Avoid overhead format () returns.

c# - Nullref Exc. on label detected by intellisense? -

OK, I'm fairly new to the ASP.NET and MasterPage concept and there is an error that I can not know. This is a part of my default.aspx: & lt; Asp: Content ID = "ContentLoginContent" ContentPlaceHolderID = "LoginContentPlaceHolder" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentloginDiv" & gt; You have & lt; Asp: Label ID = "MemberCreditLabel" runat = "server" text = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Asp: Label & gt; Credit & Lt; / Div & gt; This is the relevant part of my default.aspx.cs: Public Partial Class _Default: System.Web. UI.Page {Secure Zero Page_init (Object Sender, EventArgse E) {} Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventErgus E) {if (UserIsinol ("Authentic")) {Member CreditLabel. Text = "hello"; }}} I get a null exception on member credit labels. It has been detected with intelliSense. I think the problem may be that content placehold...

php - mySQL Table Structure for a User-based website -

I am developing a website that has user profiles, account, account settings, inbox, etc. such as Facebook or LinkedIn And I 'm wondering how to set up mySQL tables for this Can I create a table for each user for each function (profile, inbox, etc.)? In the case of relationships (as outlined by other posters), all the things you have in a database Need to think about For example, if you have a user with a multiple from one relationship with things like mail, there will be a one by one relationship with their user profile, And they will have a a lot of relationships with some people like 'places', where many users live in a city. As you are preparing your database, always ask yourself which type of connection you want when you do not need it, you try to duplicate the data in several tables at any time. Should not. When you set something like a user table, make sure every line is equal to the user (unlike every user is a desk) and every line has a unique a...

Changing SharePoint form library auto increment manually -

Is it possible to manually increase the autotype of the ID column to the second number in the SharePoint form library? I need to do it once thx in advance. Create an item then delete it. EDIT: If you need more than one growth, then use the data sheet view and do so in bulk.

.net - Does type projection have an opposite, or is it still projection (or just mapping)? -

यह मेरी धारणा पर आधारित है कि एक वस्तु प्रकार ले: सार्वजनिक वर्ग फल : आईबीसाइक्रफ्रेट, आईफ़्रूट विवरण {// आईबीसिकफ्रेट का कार्यान्वयन सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग रंग {get; सेट; } // IFruitDetails कार्यान्वयन सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग scientific_name {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक बूल अक्सर_मिस्टेक_फोर_वेटेबल {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक फ्लोट औसत_ग्राम {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक एट सदी_मस्टेरेटेड {get; सेट; }} ... और इसके प्रकार के एक वस्तु का निर्माण: सार्वजनिक वर्ग BasicFruit: IBasicFruit {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग रंग {get; सेट; }} ... को "प्रोजेक्शन", या "प्रकार प्रोजेक्शन" के रूप में जाना जाता है (यह प्रक्षेपण न केवल अनाम प्रकारों पर लागू होता है)। अब, हम कहते हैं मैं एक सर्वर से मेरे मुवक्किल आवेदन, जहां कुछ अत्यधिक परिष्कृत खेत तर्क उन दो तार पर किया जाता है के लिए एक धारावाहिक BasicFruit भेजने के लिए, और फिर इसे सर्वर, जहां ORM के बारे में पता नहीं है करने के लिए वापस भेज दिया जाता...

Django Iphone sync -

I'm rejecting a DJ ango app and an iPhone app, I need to keep them in sync. Users can delete, update and create new objects in the web app, and in the iPhone app. When they come online with the iPhone then both apps should be in sync. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks, Joaquin In general: someone Not an easy way but I will draw an approach. If you do not care about overwriting changes: Keep a timestamp of the most recent changes in each record, and place a timestamp of each sync. Upon syncing, you get a list of all updates on the iPhone and all the updates on the server since the last sync. If you write from iPhone to server, then there is a new one from the iPhone timestamp server for that record, and vice versa. But you probably care to say that you have edited a note called "Where to meet on Friday". It started empty now, on the phone, you have written, "My house." After ten minutes, your friend edits the same note on the server and wri...

vba - How To Make Selected Columns the Same Width in a PowerPoint Table? -

Is there any way to programmatically create a few columns of the same width in a PowerPoint table? It should be divided by the width of their arm, the number of columns, but I can not understand a way to do this. I have answered this before, this reference can not be found. This code is essential to you, just make sure that you have selected the columns, which you want to distribute evenly Distribute the sub-selected columns (such as) as Dim Cell Selection Set = active window Select the dim fColumn as integer fColumn = 0 Dim lColumn integer as the dim column in the form of the width with the cell width, then type = then select PP selection. Typing the wordpress = MSOAB then set the table as dim TBB = TBL = .ShapeRange.Table Dim tblColumnCount as integer table tblColumnCount = tbl.Column.Count Colnum = 1 for tblColumnCount if tbl.Cell (1, colNum). Then select Column Width = columnsWidth + tbl.Cell (1, colNum). Parent.Columns (colnum) .Width if fColumn = 0 then fColumn = colN...

How can I focus on a given table's row using javascript/jquery? -

If there is a large HTML table with several rows that do not fit on the screen, do you know which row on which focus To avoid the need to scroll with javascript / jquery? See "ScrollIntoView" function. This is supported by most elements (I think) on all browsers What do I do, when I want to do a table (or something like a table), behave this way, I'm sure the target table line has a special class or maybe "id" value, then I can get the line with javascript and call "scrollIntoView ()". You only need to see one thing that IE sometimes gets confused and screws the layout around the table, but if you are careful how to set scrollable elements, then it will generally work. Can be made for.

how to track if a given process throws exception, using windows service in C# -

Sometimes an exception is triggered after my process is started, such as dllnotfound I have a monitor service that creates a constant state of the process Is responsible for keeping. How can I keep track of the status of my process by using the window service There is an open source implementation of windows that maintain the status of the process in windows / Tracks. It is not possible, exceptions are locally local for a thread, if it is unrestricted The process is local for secondary. An unrestricted exception will end the process. There is a process exhaust code that can lift you with such a dead process. Which should be set to 0xe0434f4e, exception not available for exception exceptions, no other relevant information is available, unless there is an uncontrolled exception handler in the process that logs the state. This state is very unbelievable, this process is facing a major heart attack. Extraordinary difficulties to put together many procedures at one time and d...

rubygems - RMagick freezes ruby processes when required on OS X Snow Leopard -

I have a weird problem I have installed ImageMagick through a homebase. I have a problem Not installed with rmagick-2.12.2 and rmagick-2.11.2. I did not find any errors in either installation. ImageMagick seems to be installed and in my way: $ code - version version: Image Magic 6.5.6-5 2010-01-30 Q16 OpenMP Http:// Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2009 ImageMagic Studio LLC However, as soon as the RAM is loading or a Rail app, the IRB, Ruby Script Etc., Ruby process is hanging in competition and can only kill through kill-9 . I'm not sure what the problem is to debug from here because there is no error message or stacktrace. Do anyone have any suggestions? RMagick and Ruby 1.8.6 are no longer compatible due to Snow Leopard Has not been backed up. To use RMagick and Ruby on Snow Leopard, make sure you are using Ruby 1.8.7 or above.

Passing form data to mvc controller action using JQuery -

Actually, I have an HTML form and the data is passed through the data as the asp net MVC controller Client: $ (function () {$} ('#btnSubmit') Click (function ($ .post ('/ home / create' , $ ('Form'). Serialize (), function (data) {$ ('# entryForm'). $ ('Form'); // $ ('# entryForm form') .html (data); alert Data (); $ (data). Game ('person'). Each (function () {warning ($ (this) .attr ('lastname'). Val ());});}, "xml"); Returned;});}); Here's the action of my controller The code is: Create a public functioning (person p) {// person p = new person (); //p.Listname = lastname; //p.firstname = firstname; // P.middlename = middlename; // This XML data returns new XMLRsult (P);} When I run and debug, I get a message that says "etter (..) is zero or no. Please help me identify that what I am doing wrong any suggestions will be appreciated happily, because I am still Using Mr. Aspiknet MVC'...

Is there any way to load all UI controls before displaying? C# winform -

I have a complex win form with a lot of control and heavy patents, according to user screen size change and positioning control, This is due to the form showing at some rendering and renaming Is there any way to prepare the UI before loading and displaying ?? My full meaning is to show the final UI after the whole re-rendering incidents. Before loading the main form using the splash screen, how should I do this ?? Thanks Probably use and will work. From MSDN: When you adjust the many attributes of the control, suspension and again for example to suspend several layout events, Call the method, then set the size of the control, location, anchor, or dock property, and then call the ResumeLayout method to enable changes to take effect.

sql server 2005 - Stored Procedure in SQLServer user login -

I write the process for logging where users can send usernames or e-mails for login and password. My process is like this: Process users_login (@ Username varchar (50), @ password varchar (50), @ melith varchar (50), @ ret int output) password, e- Mail, where user name = isnull (@username, blank) or emailid = isnull (@mailid, null) and [password] = @password (@@ rowcount> 0) set @rate = 1 end set and otherwise Start Set @ rate = 0 End End Is it OK or Amendment There is a problem in the query itself, you have to bracket The statement must be placed around the or statement otherwise the statement will always return a line when the user name will have a match in the table: / pre> Others should not save passwords in clear text Please read something like this For the style, I personally They would not like this. As others have pointed out that isnull () in this case, it is similar to not using it. You can also reduce the use of @@ puncto ount by setting @ret to the s...

Looking for a C or C++ library providing a functionality similar to Google Go's channels -

... for use in a multithreaded network server. Threads I want to pass data between multiple threads. Currently I am using sockets, with the master thread working on selection () and block the worker on recw (), although I think that perhaps more to manage this task in C ++ There are advanced or prepaid methods. I will be a worker waiting in the thread pool. Then waiting for the master to select (reads and writes both). As the data arrives, the master thread adds a job to the pool. As each job is added a thread awakens the job and returns to the pool. This way you do not stop recv () and threads on specific ports, and a fixed set of child threads can handle all incoming traffic. Currentl Libs that support this functionality include: ACE: Poco:

how do I use a excel function inside the vba editor -

I want to type an excel function like this. Dec2BinEx = dec2bin (x) + 10 termination function Public function Dec2BinEx (as long as X) This is an extension of the Dec2Bin function. An error is occurring while attempting to use. How do I call the excel function inside the Visual Basic Editor? In general, you can assign Excel functions to Application.WorksheetFunction.SomeFunctionName . However, Dec2Bin is special, because it is an add-in function, and does not have a pure Excel function. Therefore, the application. The worksheet function does not work here . Instead, you have to make the add-in work available for your code. To do this, follow these steps In Excel, menu tools / add-ins, make sure the add-in analysis toolpack - VBA Is imported. Then, set a reference to this add-in in your code: In the VBA editor, menu tool / reference, atpvbaen.xls . Then, your original code, as it has been posted in your XCiston, should work fine.

printing - Virtual Printer Driver for Windows -

Can you please help me with the following questions ... if Do I have to implement a virtual printer that will convert a postScript stream into a different format, do I have to implement a virtual printer with scratch or implement a presentation plug-in? The rendering plug-in only supports certain customizations, in addition the data always goes to the spooler, which is not necessary in this case. If I apply a virtual printer driver, does it completely replace the Microsoft PostScript driver or Microsoft Universal Driver? Since my driver is virtual, does it matter if I write a postScript compliant or universal driver as an executor? In addition to implementing the virtual printer driver in addition to converting the printed document into a custom document format to any other method? Can I stop at a port monitor or some things? I can understand what I can understand. What do you need port monitors if you were found in WDK using a Microsoft PostScript driver You can cre...

no default browser set -

I have to repeat a problem and for this I do not have to set a browser, if it is installed, what default browser Is not it possible to set up a browser? If so, how should I do this? Another question is, if I have some browsers, then IE and Firefox are called and I set Firefox as the default browser. Again, if I uninstall Firefox, will IE become the default browser automatically? Or is there a situation where IE is the only established browser and is not the default browser? (I can not open the browser unless I can open the browser and it prompts me to set the default browser because I am using the browser) I think this question is more relevant to and programming, for suer you will find your answer there. But by any means, yes, it is possible to have no default browser, and as far as I know, Firefox does not restore the default browser.

add in - How can I write XML from PowerPoint VBA? -

I have another question, I need to develop a PowerPoint add-in (2003 and 2007 versions) that Some users will be installed on computers It needs to track things when they give presentations and then send me results. These will be on the computers of people who are not subject to admin control (e.g., vendors and other outsiders). The only thing that I know about their computers is that they have PowerPoint, I think XML should be the easiest, MSX I bevel, but this is a reference DLL. Anyway, to know what version of PowerPoint ships with, so that I can always ensure that someone has it on their computer? was checking something, it seems that this version is 5 in both PowerPoint 2003 and PowerPoint 2007 is. You can find it here:

flex - Waiting for flash player to connect to debugger -

Text after " Using Flex Builder 3:. I have been having this problem in every debug launch for the past few hours. I used to get it even before, but in some time, not every debug is launched with the launch. I came to know that Flex debugger uses a fixed 7935 port, but I can not understand how it can change it? I remember remembering this problem many times. It is possible to take anything from Flex Profiler (I have to accidentally click that every now and then attempt to launch the debugger). Start the profile and quickly stop it, it will add something to do something in your home directory that it should not. Look for /path/to/home/mm.cfg on your operating system (on Mac, you can open it in Textmate buddy ~ / mm.cfg ). Code> Error reporting enabled = 1 TraceOutputFileEnable = 1 If there is an additional line (can not remember it, then PreloadSwf = / users / [ User name] / documents / workspace / metadata /.plugin /

SQL Server 2005 transaction log is always too big -

I have read other posts and have done many hours of research but are still not intelligent I have a database which is in the data file 65 gig, and currently there is 230 gig in the log file, I am trying to redesign the database, so it is more efficient, but while making schema changes, the log file becomes very large and it crashes windows That he is out of disk space I have the file tries to shrink and it is the lowest ~ 220 Gig. Using DBCC Opinion, I can see that there is no active transaction. Using SeS.dm_tran_database_transactions, I can see that there is nothing interesting in it. The interpretation of what I have read is that the log file should be only grown if there is an active transaction and all the transactions are committed once, the file should be theoretically capable of doing something very small. ? I have done the backup log truncate_only with dbcc shrinkfile (dbname, 2) What can I do to make this file more manageable? Have you read the article of Kim...

Play iPhone audio in ear speker -

How can we play audio from the app using the ear speaker The audio sounds like something one is talking on the other end of the phone. Thanks It looks like what you are looking for is: ( Override audio session category route Specifies whether the default audio path should be overridden for the PlayAndRecord category. enum {kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_None = 0, kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker = 'spkr'}; constants kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_None specifies, kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord Category, that output audio should go on the receiver This is the default output audio path for this category. Discussion kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord category, output audio kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord class simultaneously supports input and output. You can use this category, for example, to add an effect to the audio coming in the iPhone's microphone, the output goes ...

JQuery Validation Plugin: Use Custom Ajax Method -

Receiving some help if possible. I am validating the email field of my form, by staging an AJAX call on my database, which checks that the text in the email field is currently in the database. Check email validity on Blogger $ ('# sEmail') Blur (function () (// Forms from the form # Welcome = $ ('# sEmail'). Serialize data for ARAP email iddata = {sEmail: itemValue} // What is Ajax call $ .getJSON ('http: // Localhost: 8501 / ems / trunk / www / cfcs / admin_user_service.cfc? Method = getAdminUserEmail and back format = JSON and queryformat = column ', email data, function (data) {if (data! = False) {Var ErrorMessage = 'This email address is already registered';} else {var errorMessage = 'Good'}})}); What I would like to do is call this JQuery validation Adding to the rules of the plugin ... as well Validate ({rule: {sEmail: {expected: function () {// call my Ajax email on my pulse}}, Message: { SEmail: {Required: "This email alread...

r - Library/package development - message when loading -

Is there a way to display a message when a user loads library (myCustomLibrary) ? Upon loading, I want to display a message that tells the user to run all test tasks. Yes. You can use .onLoad , .onAttach , or . The first.lib function lets you do anything you want to load in the package. I suggest looking at the help for those tasks that you will use .onLoad and with a namespace. First.lib without One conference is that people will keep these commands often separately zzz.R , which is used only for code related to the package.

Is it possible to add a button in the IPhone Calendar Event creation/edit view? -

I want to customize the iPhone Calendar Event View by adding a new button. Its purpose is to allow the user to click on this button and then browse to select a friend's name list. The name should then be written in the "note" field of the calendar event. Is it possible to modify such standard view? Thank you Charles No, this is not possible. The iPhone SDK does not provide any official way to use calendar or calendar apps from 3rd party applications.

java - Best way to add annotations to inherited methods -

I have a number of composite superclasses, of which my concrete class is deprived of various methods. Some of these methods require a JPA or JACAB annotation in the concrete section. Currently, I do this through: @milokal annotation @override method inherited to public method (yard) {super.inheritedMethodHere (yadda yadda); } Is there any way to do this without overriding this method? It seems that to override a method to supply local comments to such a waste. Unfortunately, better than what you're doing now, with the annotation of JPA you have JPA Annotations. You will need to override the method, considering the specific information that will be required. With JPA annotations, you actually have two options - you can annotate the methods, or you can annotate the properties on our project we have standardized on annotating properties instead of the methods. , But this will not help you because the property is potentially part of the concrete square. (If they are shared ...

parsing - Antlr3 parser path command shell -

मुझे कमांड शेल को पार्स करने की आवश्यकता है जैसे: cp / home / test / घर / test2 मेरी समस्या सही पथ पार्सिंग में है। मैंने एक नियम परिभाषित किया है (मैं पथ के रूप में टोकन का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता, लेकिन मुझे इसे परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता है पार्सर): पथ: ('/' आईडी) +; के साथ आईडी: (ए .. Z | एक .. z) +; WS: ('') {$ channel = HIDDEN;}; मुझे टोकन डब्ल्यूएस छिपाए रखने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन इससे मुझे समस्या आती है कि इस उदाहरण में 2 पथ को एकल पथ के रूप में माना जाता है। मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं इस समस्या को हल करें? धन्यवाद एएनटीएलआरवर्क्स में चारों ओर एक छोटे से खेल के साथ मैं था इसे काम करने में सक्षम: कमांड: कमांड + ईओएफ; कमांड: (सीएमडी पहले = पथ दूसरा = पथ '\ n') {System.out.println ("कमांड मिला, पहला पथ:" $ first.text + ", और दूसरा रास्ता:" + $ second.text + " \ n ");}; पथ: फ़ाइल {System.out.println ("फ़ाइल है:" + $ FILE.text);}; खंड आईडी: ('ए' .. 'जेड' | 'ए' .. 'जेड...

.net - Quickest way to find the complement of two collections in C# -

मेरे पास दो संग्रह प्रकार हैं ICollection ; सी 1 और सी 2 मैं सी 2 में मौजूद वस्तुओं के समूह को ढूंढना चाहूंगा जो कि सी 1 में नहीं हैं, जहां समानता के लिए अनुमानी आईडी संपत्ति है MyType। इसे सी # में करने का सबसे तेज़ तरीका है। संपादन: सी # संस्करण = 3.0 का उपयोग करें और विशेष रूप से IEqualityComparer & lt; MyType & gt; : var complement = c2.Except (c1, नया मायटाइप ईक्वैलिटी कम्पररर ()); ध्यान दें कि यह सेट फ़र्क का उत्पादन करता है और इस प्रकार c2 में डुप्लिकेट केवल परिणामी IEnumerable & lt; MyType & gt; में दिखाई देगा यहां आपको IEqualityComparer & lt; MyType & gt; जैसे कुछ के जैसा वर्ग को लागू करने की आवश्यकता है MyTypeEqualityComparer: IEqualityComparer & lt; MyType & gt; {सार्वजनिक बाउल इक्ल्स (मायटाइप एक्स, मायटाइप वाई) {वापसी x.Id.Equals (y.Id); } सार्वजनिक इंट होशकोड (माइइपे ऑब्ज़) {वापसी obj.Id.GetHashCode (); }}

c# - sharepoint error when creating a page -

When I want to create a page in SharePoint Central Administration, I found this error message: The base type 'xxxx' is not allowed for this page type is not registered as secure .aspx page references a codebehind class. I checked the namespace, I got it in the web. Tag added, everything is fine, but it still does not work! Can anyone tell me why I got this error message? Direct Web. Regarding registering controls as safe through config is a method that will work, however, when you have a field then things get complicated. . If you have a form, then you have to do it for every WFE server on every webface server. This is the preferred way through the solution package, which is what we do in our environment, see what helps us.

.net - C++/CLI use of Action<...,...> and Func<...> unsupported? -

It does not appear that C ++ / CLI has support for Action and Funk representatives in the system namespace. Not for at least one of the more common arguments: System :: Action & lt; Int, int & gt; ^ ^ Action = nullptr; System :: Fun & lt; Int, int & gt; ^ Func = nullptr; Results in both errors: Error C2977: 'System :: Action': Very common logic error C2955: 'System :: Action' Common logic list is required for the use of general category Single logic function only: System :: Action & lt; Int & gt; ^ ^ Action = nullptr; Anyone knows, why or what is missing to do this work. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and the target framework is 3.5 in this project. Action based on the framework version you are using and Func types are different. In 3.5 framework, there are all definitions in Func (not normal or normal) System.Core.dll. It is also true for versions of verb with 2 or more common parameters action and action Alth...

internet explorer 8 - IE8 javascript debugger is now broken -

I'm on Windows 7 using IE8 and Visual Studio 2005. I am enjoying the JavaScript debugger built in IE8 for many Java. months. About 2 weeks ago, I installed some security updates for IE 8 (probably KB978207) and all of the JavaScript debuggers were suddenly broken. If I received a warning from IE 8 that an error has occurred and is asking whether I want to debug debugger using the built-in debug, if I hit Yes, then I'm gray in the top left corner Popup gets "Javascript debugger. Breaking on JScript Runtime - Object does not support this property or method" is saying "Never seen before". Then nothing happens IE gets free and then I get a windows popup that IE 8 is no longer responding and asking if I want to end this process. If I try to finish the process, then nothing happens and I'm still in the gray popup. I would normally have to kill the debugging process from VS 2005, but the frozen IE8 still exists. It is not until the OS finally clears the p...

design patterns - ASP.NET MVC Paging for a search form -

I have read many different positions on paging / MVC but do not describe any such scenario where I have Something like a search form and then after collecting the user clicks, you want to display the results of the search criteria (with paging) below the form. My problem is that, I am using paging solutions & lt; A href = "..." & gt; Links which will pass the desired page as well: And when this is all right and the banks are not the result of the query sent to DB in memory or something, so I have to ask DB again. If the post / controller's action is taken for the result / search and the first page of the data is presented as such, then the same result (user specified by the user when I clicked it) How to get the form criteria? To go to page 2? Some javascript magic? Levitation session state? I GET controller action of the search criteria (but required by alternative) is a variable, when asked GET verb, try to be a FormCollection instance immediately, to ...

dependency injection - I am looking for a simple yet practical and robust IOC/DI framework for .net -

I'm going to use it in a project with less experienced developers so that a complex structure like Spring.NET is not one the option. StructureMap which was present for learning a medium: Curve without losing flexibility? And the second question - Where is the right place to keep the configuration? After the kernel / configuration on the 3-level ASP.NET application (MVC is not! All examples are using MVC)) The great thing about proper use of D is that you can postpone the decision about which the di container can not be used by the last responsible moment is. In the application architecture terms, it corresponds with a so-called composition route , which is where you meet all the devandens together. In addition to the composition root, the whole application can be written without reference to any special di container. You only need D.I. It comes to taking containers, I know about .net from these containers: Personally, I am happy with Castle Win...

javascript - date string formatting -

एक स्ट्रिंग लेने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है जो ... ... YYYY- एमएम-डीडी और ऐसा दिखता है ... एमएम / डीडी / वाई वाई वाई वाई कारण यह एक जावास्क्रिप्ट तिथि ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं है क्योंकि मैं बड़े पैमाने पर डेटा के साथ काम कर रहा हूं और इन तिथियों को डेटाबेस से खींच लिया जा रहा है। मुझे इसे डेट ऑब्जेक्ट में बदलने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। कैसे के बारे में: s.sstrstr (5,2) + '/' + S.substr (8) + '/' + s.substr (0,4)

dojo - What does dijit.registry.remove() do? -

Digit Registry What does the reverse do? How does it handle invalid parameters? dijit.registry reference is one dijit.WidgetSet example, which is a collection of widgets. Remove () function accepts an input id and removes the corresponding widget, if found, the ID from the collection. In Dojo 1.4, define WidgetSet defined by dijit / _base / manager.js P> ID is used internally as the key is seen in an associative array. It is used: this._hash [id], so passing it will not be found or removed as a result of garbage.

c# - How does F# deal with the thousands of standard mutable types in the BCL? -

Like price types, point, size, etc. I too Really irrevocable, do the F # use alternative or irreversible versions of these? If this standard uses unstable BCL types, will not it compromise with the complete irreversible belief that F # provides both compilation and runtime? EDIT: What did you mean to ask, if you have alternative irreversible versions of these BCL types, then I do not have to write all these different BCL types with scratches. Or is this the desired behavior that these types (such as point, size, etc.) are still ineligible when using WinForms or whatnot? You can use types from not BCL (base class library) just fine with F # . Many of these types are volatile, and thus come with the benefits of all associated costs and volatile data. However, each of these changes can choose to redesign and apply temporary versions of eligible sections, which often work too much. The irreversibility can be a spectrum, not just all or anything, so you can often make the o...

c++ - Should I cache the hash code of an STL string used as a hash key? -

I have done some performance analysis on the developed software, and I have found that the url's global dictionary is "loaded" The stage takes approximately 10% of the time, the dictionary has been implemented in the form of C + + STL Stud :: map, in which the O (LG N) lookup is. I'm going to transfer it to a hash_map, which has detected the approximate time. Stale string class does not have the property of a hash code, and it certainly does not cache a hash code. This means that every lookup is required to make the hash code again. I suspect that the hash code is worth the caching effort. This would mean that changing the many lines of code to use a new string class with the cached hash code property. Considering that the current implementation compares the log (n) string to each search, I think that per lookup is a big win to reduce it by basically using a string translucent (hash function). Does anyone have experience caching string with hash code? Has this...

cocoa - How do I use an NSProgressIndicator as the view of an NSToolbarItem and have it show in the customisation sheet? -

I have a NSToolbar in my code that was created in IB toolbar item Uses a spinner-style NSProgressIndicator , the rest of the pictures are there. When the toolbar is showing an optimization sheet, the spinner is not shown in the sheet. I initially thought that this was because the spinner was set to -displayedWhenStopped on NO . This is not the case: If I set it to Yes, then the spinner shows up in the toolbar, when it is activated, but not shown in the toolbar when it is closed or closed.

osx - LaunchDaemons and Environment Variables -

For a while, I'm not seeing that when I start up, starting my Apache 2 instance installed by my MacPort not happening (). LaunchDaemon is loaded. Today I hit a log file in something which could point to the answer, but I can not get any confirmation. I use environment variables in my httpd.conf file Specifically, $ {HOME} variable is it possible (or possible , Etc.) that the environmental variables are fully loaded when LaunchDiamond is executed? I can add them to the plist file, but I hope someone can check a decent, high level in OS X's boot process and confirm what I think. Thank you. I found on MacOSX, which contains some information, actually, laund start It has been done and is run as a root. Every demo is then started by file laund on the basis of the file. At the beginning of the atmosphere during the Damon, I can not find any bit of clear information, but after reading the man, I received an order which is laund , Then move the move to the ro...

iphone - What is the maximum number of touch events per second I can receive? -

When I pull a finger on the screen, it seems that how quickly it touches, it seems that the range is about 50 / Is the second hand controlling this limit, and is it possible to change it? I feel that it is controlled at very low levels and I get stuck with it, but probably not. I want to be able to have these touch events according to the time of high resolution. Yes, I think the iPhone is touching approximately 60 times per second. When you spend time in hidden , in relation to that number you decrease in how much time you are using for touch processing.

jquery ui - How to get TabIndex for the current selected tab? -

All, I have done the JQuery UI tab I have a reload tab functionality for the nested tabs I want to apply Currently the following code has static pieces for the nested tabs, but eventually they will have URLs, so tabs can behave as Ajax tabs. How can I get reloadab functionality? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link type = "text / css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "" / & Gt; & Lt; Script src = "" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ('# tabContainer'). Tab ({...

c++ - How do I place my app window in a certain position in the desktop window hierarchy on Windows using win32 api? -

I want my app to be in a fixed position in the window window hierarchy. That is, there are 3 windows on my desktop. At the very least I have the word, the window explorer at the top of the word, and the active foreground window is iTunes. I want to put my application window at the top of the word, but below the explorer How can I get it? You may be able to use - see the hWndInsertAfter parameter. I'm not sure this process will work on the borders, but it's worth a shot, do it after your window is created but before you make it visible.

Android SDK and AVD Manager, Stalls and/or never finishes -

Recorded for future generations. I saw only a few posts around the net and all of them recommend using HTTP instead of HTTPS and there were several ways to do this. None of these Windows was discussed, though Linux was not working for me and I could not find any way to download it in my vista Vista 64 machine. So after doing a lot of work manually downloaded them manually and got them to work. I did this by putting it on a machine that was working and reading the repository.exm file and downloading them. > Then I removed them and the top directory Android -1.6 (this minimum platforms directory then rebooted my machine and it seems. Hope this helps someone Julian You have to disable auto tuning on your network adapter. Run it in the administrator command prompt (click on the command prompt from the Start menu, run as Administrator) NETS Interface TCP Set Global Autotuning = Disabled Resume AVD Manager